, r t . THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by.carrler, yearly period, paid in advat.ee Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avnue H. P PULLEN ... Managing-Editor py mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and j United States, yearly period, paid In advance .By mail to all other countries, per year . ' ADVERTISING RATES ' Classified Advertising, per word, per Insertion . JJ : "' j local readers, per line, per Insertion , . News Department Telephone w . w gfi Advertising and Cnculatlon Telephone ... . M Member of Audit Bureau at Circulation! i DAILY FDITTON J02 .25 Tuesday, March 1, 1938. MORE THAN MERE NOISE Last week an address was delivered to the Kiuanis Club of Vancouver by a clertrvman who is rpnnvrprl tn . . - VV4 LU Many ot us do not like the methods adopted by II Duce and we do not in particular like the manner in which he treats British interests in PnW? .Aunt : ... v.. . w Muv, VUU11LI jXet, in spite ot tin?, we cannot sweep away Italy's ruler by calling him a loud-mouthed neasant. The' that Italy's- dictator is nothing but noise which is wholly wrong. Rulers are not made of such stuff. No matter what we may think of Mussolini's policies, we are bound to admit that ho is antan of ability. In addition to being an able administrate, he is an excellent public speaker and, as such, has caught the imagination of the Italian people. We shall know later whether he has been building permanently on a secure foundation. i A CANADIAN FLAG Evidently, we are about to have a Canadian flair. For nearly twenty years we have advocated that Parliament should designate a national flag for this country. As a matter of course such a flag would have the Union Jack as its basic feature but. otherwise, it would be nuite. dif ferent from any other flair at present in use. We hone that, when it is chosen, it will be a very simple design that ( everyone can understand. Both Prime Minister King and former Prime Min v ister Kennett found the need of such a flag when they were at the Coronation and we are glad to know they are m agreement on the proposal now. ; COMMENDABLE RESTRAINT - Captain Anthonv Eden seems to have shown com rrjehdable restraint when he refused to be a party to continued agitation against the government of which he was until recently a member. The intimation implied is that he is still a supporter of the present British government on its general policy although not on its present foreign policy to which he is strongly opposed. He will not, how- . ever, do anything to hamper the work which has started. . . The difficulty with a great many people is that they .over-estimate their own importance and, placed in a position such as that of the late foreign secretary, they are apt J,o try to start a new group or support an opposition group .. with which they have little sympathy. RANGERS MOVEUP Patrick Men Win Two Week-End Hookey Games Maroons Break Long Losing Streak TORONTO, March t: (CP) Patricks speedy New York put up a dazsllng display of The standing to date: Toronto 19 8 13 115 105 Canadiens 16 10 14 103 104 Americans .14 9 15 83 81 Maroons 11 7 25 86 .138 American Division Boston 26 5 9 110 73 Rangers 24 5 12 130 77 Chicago 11 9 22 80 122 Detroit 9 11 20 75 102 SCHEDULE CHANGED Basketball Team Leaves Thursday i Local Hoopsters to Meet Premier in Series Thursday and Friday ICveuings Aboard the local fishing vessel Balsac, Capt. John Orvlk, a local basketball, team, under the manage- vision. The Bruins were idle over; 28 and the second 43 to 22. The the week-end. j Premier team consists of Watson The Rangers made their first .Lindsay, Santerbane, Stewart, Phil-counter in the first period Saturday . lips, Kelsey, Tippett, Gladding nlgHt, Lynn Patrick putting the Kirby and Arney of whom five puck Into -the net on a pass from Lindsay, Santerbane, Kelsey, Glad-Clint Smith. Art Coulter scored ding and Arney may be called twice In rapid succession In the sec- Prince Rupert boys. ond from Shibicky. SylAppsmade' the first Maple Leaf counter. In Cln,. the final period, Colville made the j6n6lcll UlOl C fourth ror tne Hangers on anioicK-yS pass while Bill Thomas scored the second and last for the Maple , Leafs. Art Coulter, Rangers; George ; There Is to be a slight change in Postponed ,-?ames White Strears the schedule of the Recreation vsparks 'and Z.Phy vs- "'eh Centre commencing Wednesday, hool. The Wednesday fencing class will have spoken of Premier Mussolini as "the lmidpsr mniirlwUhe from 7:oo p.m. until 8:oo, p.m. peasant of Italy." The address was rlpspvih n iand the men's boxln wrestling and , t v -ww-fc.. vv- tri 1 4 1 ill 1 1 1 welghtliftlng class will be from 8:00 p.m. on. Leading League I Carson. Maple Leafs, and Kerr,! A (IpOSt. Fllc 'Rangers' goalie, were adjudged theil vCCall 1 alio , stars of the game. j , In winning 4 to 2 over the New OCEAN FALLS, March 1: York Americans at New York Sun- Generai store team is away day night, the. Montreal Maroons on t,op in the Senior The out Basketball 'registered their first victory in el- League at Ocean Falls with Shopj even starts. They came from be-in second place, Finishing Room hind to score thrice In the third third and PaDer Makers fourth. 15.00 nerlod. On Saturday nleht lhe m ihp indies' Leaeue Snarks J2 1 Maroons had been beaten at home ' and ZeDhvrs are deadlocked foi 50 'by by the the Amerks. Amerks. the leadershiD with Hieh School in third place and White Streaks 3.00 1W'"6UC league navine go far falled to wln 8.00 1 International International Division Division ! single game. 46) The -standings to date: 42 1 Senior League 37 Shops 6 6 1 12 29 Finishing Room .. 5 -7 1 10 Papermakers 3 9 10 I Postponed game? Papermakers 57 vs. Finishing Room and. Shops, vs. 53 Store. 31 Ladies' League 29 Sparks , 09 3 2 18 Zephyrs 9 3 2 .High School 5 6 3 .White Streaks ... 0 11 1 HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Portland, 1; Vancouver, 0. !j&m JKTA M. Dtpwtmtnt of Fiih.rl.1. 5 mts&mSM Ottawa. Plfa.it teai me youf fr il pmt Booklet, '"AxiT Par a Fh Day ', containing 100 ililiuhtful ana economical fun Recipn. Nim !Railwaymen Move 'Ahead 18 10 0 Now in Second Place in Commercial Howling ttyru Club UUuks C.N.K.A. N. 2 Canadian National Recreation Association No. 1, by scoring a two hockey before a sell-out crowd of ment of Bud Barrle, wlU be leaving j name to one victory over the lead 15,000 fans in Mapb Leaf Gardens on fhurjiday nip.ht of this week for Ing Prlnter$ In the Commercial Saturday night to defeat the Tor- l premier where a series of two Bowling Leasuc last ulght, went ln,-onto Maple Leafs 4 to 2 and went!games Wjn be played Friday and to runner-up. position ahead of on to Chicago Sunday night to take a 4 to 1 victory over the Black Hawks, all of which puts the Rangers, heaviest scoring team of the .entire circuit this winter, but four i points behind the Boston Bruins for first place in the American Di Saturday nights. The team is due the Idle Rupert Motors and Electrl-cn Sunday and later there will be cal Workers. Gyro Club blanked li return sertes in Prince Rupert. The Premier team has Just com-, pleted a series for the Portland Canal Cup with Big Missouri, Pro-mler winning the first game 53 to the cellar dwelling Canadian National Recreation Association No. 2 three games to nil and U now in fifth place. High average scorer lor the evening was Roy Franks of Printers with 175. . I Individual scoring last. nlut was as follows: V . . C.N.R.A. No, 2 1 2 Blake l-ir, ,161, Bond - --134 154 Glass :.......120. 120 Wanamaker 154 121 Low Score 130 132 Handicap ... 75 75 Totals ,. 754 769 Gyro 1 2 Bulger : 130 160 Brocklesby 141 149 J Morris 169 132 Large 134 150 Wendle 100 168 Handicap 22 22 Totals 756 781 CW.lt. A. No. 1 1 2 Irving 146 120 Rutter 139 J71 West 171 132 Franklyn 124 171 Paul 135 181 Handicap 34 34 Totals , -749 809 a j Printers I 2 it. r runtys jvj m Vance .134 107. O. Franks ..' 144 160 Houston .134 122 McCaUum 189 154 Handicap 5. 5 Totals - ...... 805 745 Printers 19 8 C;N R.A. Nal 15 12 Rupert Motors 14 , 10 Electrical Workers ...14 10 Gyro Club 11 22 . North Star 10 . 14 Biological Station 10 8 C.N.R.A. No. 2 9 18 3 123 145 117 143 128 75 731 Reach the most peopi uj citj and district with u overttsement ! In the Dally New ...,;...4..,..t- ., , oit J jyy DEPARTMENT WEST WAS rnnoNTO. March 1: (CP) - -1 PAQB TWO TBI DAH.T NEWS I I I I I I 1 Onyx Arch Grip Shoes THE MOD NEW ELS SPRING IN OnyxSkoes BY- BLACHFORO ONYX ! The very name suggests the brilliance and elegance of Onp Shoe styles for Spring! The dainty'tie (sketched above) is typical of the luxurious footwear we are snowing to harmonize with your new suit or afternoon ensemble. Hut, a word to the wise, come in early while size ranges are complete! If You Are Having Trouble With Your Feet Can Help You WV FWe AMILY SHOE STORE LTl). The Home of Good Shoes Tlw- Pruire Uuper Physical EdU; j cation Recreation Centre Is now on the way to fulfillment of Its ob-j iectlve of sending a gyruna,stle j team to represent Prince Rupert iat the annual mss uvnivnna-j itlon and Gymnastic Competition ,tu Us held in Vancouver at the end of March. T nst vfnr some COO VOUI1K ath- .1 letes took part in the mass display 1 !, appearing before an audience- of ; over 3000 people. Forty Warns of , six persons each competed fo: 143 team and individual honors in the: 141 gymnastic competition, represent-j 22 ing such cities as Victoria, Na- , 740 naimo. Duncan, Ladysmlth, Esqul j 152 146 land such places as New West-! minster. Mission. Abbotsford, Chll 105 liwack, Ladner and surrounding 15- dLstricts. Each year the event is. one o( Jtr Breater magnitude than the yeaj previous and as many of the out lying districts as possible are add- ,0J ed to the list of competitors. Thli year, the fourth since its lncep-8 tion, proraLses to be the largest l3 youth rally of its kind In the his I28 tory of Canada, j. The only obstacle that is In the The Commercial League standing! resented is its isolated georaphl to date Is as follows: cal position and the necessity of 'having to raise so much mona; 19 for the purpose of transportation 15 At the present time the centre! J4 has the sum of S$C.12 deposited hr 14 the bank in trust the box pro-! 11 ceeds from the informal boxing 10, tournament that was held at tht 10 j gym last week. Another boxing 9 .tournament Is being planned fot March 23 and the centre dance Is a coming event. If the local centre Is represented at Vancouver for this event it Is fish FOR FITNESS PHYSICAL FITNESS . . . that.rare old "up-and-at-'em" feel-ing . . . depends a lot on what you cat. So whisper to the lady of the house; "How about having Fish a couple of times a week?" If she is surprised, tell her about the wonderful health value of Fish. Tell her it contains proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and other elements tharpromote glowing health and a clear complexion. Surprise the little Jady by telling her .tlut there are over 60 kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish . . . that these can be served in more than 100 different recipes that her skilful touch will make into a new dinner-time thrill! Tell her ... if you want to . , ,:tbat fish costs less, because it contains more nourishment in every pennyworth than any other food. And you can hint . . . just hint, mind you . . . that she might send for the new FREE 52-page book of Fish Recipes prepared by the Diepartment of Fisheries . . . handle this part diplomatically. nut if she takes the hint, tbe whole family is in for new and delicious treats several tiroes a week. FISHERIES, OTTAWA; DAY A FISH DAY TO STJtF.Nr.TIlF.N PEAft, LONDON, March l (CP, CITDCDTHD ...Mi ourtiiviuiv Ucns tc maintain peace and rhi amrnt iu- a Jp.vr to obf:.in o.... o.i U'diictlnn or arms are -aByUftAL musn loiumoia. '--"- lhe National Libera? nartv J i .. .. : i n h .t v airline u m rlinr Thamnionships nit, s - a exchequer. urcarii rrnnnda swent the third tirin tt ,m 4. round of the Macdonald-Wier b()(jst r,)r the dty ,)f Prlnpe R Tankard, for me wnuuiai. all(, alS() a dcfullu, stm.j. 1 " ...... i I.,.. !!, Alhorlni ... thaiuiwonsnip. iemuis i".v ior pnysicar recreation in U14, defending champions irom ton. tied for- the lead with British Columbia and Manitoba, j Billy Flndlay's Vancouver rink, defeated Prince. Edward Island U ttt 7, Cliff Mananan s. rpn i" n-berta defeated Nova Scotia 12 to 8 Und Manitoba wrm over Ontario to 7. TRAVEL TO VANCOUVER i .i i Local Ceirtre to he Keprwmwa ... Provincial AtHlew- .ww . ITS! mm REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exrhani? Bloc) Back In Business Ke-enterinR the transffr km-iness eqidpped with a hfifj duty truck, stake body, hy draulic nump. Prompt andd- ficicnt service. Any Patronage Apprrrlit Also equipped to do any fun of excavation work or building wrrckin ini supply any a ran u at ( rem iirsi (lass jarucn tint- uo muiLfj WOOD and TOIL Casey Transfer Phone GREEN 521 THE SEAL ' QUALITY will, GOLD SEAL ' Fancy Red Sockfeye' PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon, Packed by the only 1 eannlng company wlta mw Ihn cf!ir rnnnri nivroll Prlnre Rupert i Hyde Transfer W00D TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE-