B MIXTURE DIFUS I $UTITUTt ELIO s Tri:l.l.l:MJ.!B.i'.M'.k!l:l.H:ll:4Mil:OM:UWI.l1 D. A. BURNETT ad H. C. RENSVOLD Have Taken Over The Royal Motors And Will lie Open for Business Tuesday, March 1 A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAKOKNA FRIDAY. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Tliurs. p.m. Due Vancouver. Sun. Midnight If convenient plea" purchase tickets at office -Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Hione 5G8 Union steamer Cardcna, Capt. James Flndlcy. returned to port at 8:15 this morning from Stewart, 'Anyox and other northern points jand sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypoints. 1 , ORGANIZED i AT KISPIOXi Native Sisterhood Brought Into Be ing There With Sirs. I'etcr Aneus as President KISPIOX, March 1: A Native j Sisterhood in connection with the j 'local branch of the Native Broth-1 'crhood'of British Columbia has justi come into being. Following the election of officers, there was a1 gathering for the installation which ' was conducted by the United Church missionary at Kisplox, Rev. " , John . Stinson. The officers are as follows: j Honorary President, Mrs, Andrew ' Crosby. I President, Mrs. Peter Angus. I First Vice-President, Mrs: Silas Johnson. i Second Vice-President, Miss Sel-ina Johnson. Treasurer, Mrs. Richard Morrl-' son. Recording Secretary, Miss Sarah Johnson, Financial Secretary, Mrs. Elsie Jeffrey. Executive Mrs. John Crosby, Mrs. Walter Latz, Mrs. Albert Johnson, Mrs. Jacob Morrison, Mrs. Louisa Alexander, Mrs. Jack Talt, Mrs. John O. Brown, Mrs. George Williams and Mrs. Joseph Starr. Social conveners Mrs. Chris Harris, Mrs. Walter Skulsh, Miss Fanny Crosby, Miss Cora Morrison, Mrs. John Latz, Mrs. Jeffrey Harris, Mrs. Simon Angus, Miss Harriet Oawa, Mrs. Peter Meldow and Miss Lottie Wesley. Speakers at the installation cere mony included William Jeffrey, who took an Important part in organiz ing the women; Mrs. Elsie Jeffrey. Mrs. Andrew Crosby, Mrs. Peter Angus, Robert Wilson, president of the Native Brotherhood; ' Silas Johnson, business agent of the Brotherhood. ;;.AU'thc, speakers referred to the lmportahce'adf organization of the natives and the aims that It was hoped to achieve through such organization. Reference was also made to the important part that the women, organized as sisterhoods, could play. Buys Used Furniture Outright For Cash No Bother! No Worries Over The Disposal Of Your Furniture See Us First Nothing Too Small. Nothing Too Big. THIRD AVENUE WEST Phone GREEN 916 ELIO PRINCE RUPERT t, f. paoi rotra TH2 DAILY HHWi Tuesday Mar-fc i i... 9HS OVIt t NIUKX MTtlCI SOLD' A S'MCU SIP TfUJ LS WNr wwr EfCKJLEY' WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8.1). Jubustuu Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .13. Big Missouri, ,44. Bralome, G.90. Aztec. .09. Cariboo Quartz, 2.13. Dentonla, .121;., Oolconda, .05. , Mlnto, .03 Falrvlew, .04 Vi. Noble Five, .03 . Pend Oreille, 2.00. Pioneer, 3.10. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 2.10. Reeves McDonald, .39 '2. Reno. .fit. Relief Arlington, .22. Reward, .05 . Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .05. Premier Border, .01'2. Silbak Premier, 2.10. Home Gold, .01 . Indian, .02'2. Quatsino Copper, .03 '2. Halda Gold, .0(3 !2. Oils A. P. Coll., .24. Calmont, .44. C. & E.,,2.75. Freehold', -.05. Hargal, .20 2. McDougal Segur, .20. Mercury, .15. Okalta, 1.91. Pacalta. .10V2. Home Oil, 1.20. Toronto Beattie, 1.37. Central Patricia, 2.65. Gods Lake, .50. Little Long Lac, 5.00. McKenzie Red Lake, .90. Pickle Crow, 4.55. Red Lake Oold Shore, .27 f2. San Antonio, 1.40. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.45. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.55. Oklend, .42. Mosher, .31. ' Madsen Red Lake, .39. Stadacona, .25. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur, .45. Moneta Porcupine, 251. Bouscadillac, .11. Thompson Caddllac, -2o. Bankfield, .93. East Malartlc, 1.65. Preston E. Dome, 1.18. Hutchison Lake, .11. Dawson White, .02. Aldermac, .57. Kerr Addison, 2.20. Uchl Gold, 1.67. Martin Bird, .49. Hardrock, 2.33. Inte.r'l Nickel, 50T. Noranda, 60.00. Con. Smelters, 61.00. Ladies Of Burns Lake Churches In Afternoon Party On! BURNS LAKE, March 1: Thursday afternoon last the mem- i bcrs of the St. Paul's United Church Women's Association en- ! tertainefl at the home nf thp nm.i. dent, Mrs. Ray Commons, in honoi of the members of the St. John's Anglican Woman's Auxiliary. About twenty ladies spent an enjoyable afternoon at progressive games After the guests had been served tea, Mrs. J. E. Whittles pouring, 1 the prizes were nrescnted to thoi winners by Mrs, F. Bushfield. Tho winners were: Mrs. C. Osterberg, nrst prize; Mrs. T. P. Smith, se NOTICE To ( KKIHTOItS In Hie IMalc or llarrj llrotk lloclicster, IlrcrasMl All persons having claims against th Estate of Harry Brock Rochester. Deceased, late or the City of Prince Bu- jv, uiivii wmimDia, wno died at Victoria, BrltUh Columba on the 28th day of July 1937, are required to send i?1?.8 wlth Particulars of security """J al verified by Satutonr ' ' Declaration, tn hk ,i..i . w.v u. 1 -o.-iitf! wl or before the 31st day of March, 1938, a'- ""v uuit- Uie imsem 01 iue Estate may be distributed among the part'es to the claims of which the under-slrned shall then have notice. iFS?K1at ,Prlnc Rupert. British Columbia, this 1st day of February, 1938 AGNES A nnmnrarrrm ' ' Administratrix, SOlld ClAliTIA in n . Harvey Prince nupert, British Colum- u...w4 4ur uiq Aanurustratrlx. iovi;itNMi;Nr i.kjlor act-.. . . (Mellon 38) Nolke of .tpiillcalluu Tor Coni-riit to ..Jlfrr u( lilvr l-leine NOTIC1. u hcrMjy given ,tliat 011 the ZStll lillV of XI. r,. I, "'u tor column to truusier of bttr licence No 1374, Issued In ro-oct of pvemlhes bclnj,' part of a building kmcwii us Spruce 'Creek Uotol, Rltu-ate 011 Spruce Creek, eight ntUeo from Atlln TowiuslUs. upon lands described w PJflctT Claim "Sally ,t Spruco Croci;, Urltlsli Coliunbla, Prince Itupert Loud ItPglstru.tlon District, in the Provliwi at Brttlnh Colunubla, Tmn Mllford Oor-Don Ooswell to Bpruco Orcok Hottl Limited, of Kurn, r., n.lH.l, r.rtI . . ' I. MW. VIVUI Ul . . w . . Untblu, tiic TraJisferce uatea this 18th day of t'ebruory, 1938. s SPHUCE CUEEK HOTEL LIMITED AP'laJit ll TnuMvr. FILM BILL Dry, Cold Spell FOR MARCH: At Ocean Falls Some Outstanding Pictures Hooked. Utile Rain and Rut Trace of Snow For Capitol Theatre This Month Outstanding in the list of picture bookings at the Capitol Theatre for Ihe month of March, as announced today by Manager D. O. Borland, are "Thin Ice,' with Sonja Henie, now showing and very popular; "The Good Earth," with Paul Muni and Lulse Ralner. coming the latter half of this week; "Firefly," with Jeanettc MacDonald and Allan Jones; "The Big City," with Lulse Raincr and Spencer Traccy; "Tov- arlch," with Charles Boycr and Claudette Colbert, and "All Babai Goes to Town," Eddie Canto's annual extravaganza. The complete list for the month Is as follows: March 1 and 2 Sonja Henie in "Thin Ice." March 3, 4. and 5 Paul Muni and Lulse Ralner In "The Good Earth." March 7, 8 and 9 Jeanette Mac-Donald and Allan Jones in "The Firefly." March 10 Will Rogers In "Handy Andy." March 11 and 12 Lulse Rainer and Spencer Tracy in "The Big City." March 14 and 15 Jack Benny. Richard Arlen and Ida Lupino In "Artists and Models." March 16 and 17 Not yet booked. March 18 and 19 Charles Boyer and Claudette Colbert In March 21 and 22 Joe E. Brown in "Fit for a King" and Barbara Stanwyck and Herbert Marshall in Breakfast for Two." March 23 and 24 Eddie Cantor in "All Baba Goes to Town." March 25 and 26 Jean Parker ond prize, and Mrs. Thomas Rad-ley, consolation. Bright sunshine and a spring-1 like day made the occasion a very, delightful one. ! CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE U00.000 all told, Spruce, Hemlock, Larch and Ycl low Cedar on 112 acres at Hart ley Bay. Apply H. B, T., IE?;; Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. ' (51) FOR SALE Bedroom Suite, almost new. Household goods. Apply Apt. 4, Angus Apts. Phone Black 977. (52) FOR RENT FOUR Room flat. Newly decora ted. Angus Apartments. (52 FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite n c wly decorated, downtown Phone Red 241. (51 1 FOUR-ROOM furnished house, Fourth Ave. W., March 15. M. M. Stephens. (50) WORK WANTED RELIABLE Woman wishes hour or day work. Phone 552. (52) MALE IIEL1 WANTED APPLICATIONS for the positions of Camp-men will be received until March 15. State experience and qualifications. Signed: Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Ass'n. (50) FOUND FOUND Mink muff. Owner mav obtain same by calling at Dally News and paying for tills advertisement. (5C) LOST LOST On February 18, grey mot tled Waterman pen between 5th Ave. E, and High School via Cotton Street. Reward, Return to Dally News. (50- " PERSONAL MENI To get vigor, vltallt.i. try raw oyster lnvlgorators ai'il other stimulants in New OSTR,EX Tonic Tablets. Tone up w0m, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, niaker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Sold by all good drfe stores. I Uf) at Paper Town Recently OCEAN FALLS, March 1: During the past several weeks there has been little rain and only a trace of snow. The minimum temperature was nineteen above zero. The wat- , .1 U- kohlnrl tYin VI eieVUWUIt Ol l"c lane vciiiuu tn. big dam has gone down five feet and LeoCarrillo in "The Barrier." March 23 and 29 Myrna Loy and William Powell in "Double Wedding." March 30 and 31 Joan Blondcll and Pat O'Brien in "Back in Circulation" and Gertrude Michael in "Sophie Lang Goes West " TONH5IIT ami WniNES)v Evening Shows at 7:00 & 900 Its A Hit ! SONJA HENIE "THIN ICE" With TYRONE POWER (At 7:41 anil 9:11) ADDED l ord Sterling in "MANY HAPPY RETURNS" NEWS and CARTOON COMING! Paul Muni, Louise Rainer In "THE GOOD EARTH" CLEARING the DECKS As KCA Victor representatives we are pleased to announce a NEW DEAL for Victor and Bluebird records to lirin you "The Music You Want When You Want It." The First Step A Gigantic Cle arance Of Accumulated Old Slock .'JOO Victor and Uluebird Records at the Aniazinjr. Low Price Of 15c Each 2 for 25c NOTi:-Tills is not a sale of old record but of rcorils Hi passed their peak In popularity by not less than 90 dav r. :: therefore removed from manufacturers stock and curr vertlslng lists. Duplicates cannot be procured nur can w c ;k any specific selection .from catalog. (let Your Pick While They Iist Sec Our Kcrord Talilf Wc have also a very limited number of Victor Red Scat r : i withdrawn i to clear at 35c and 50c. WATCH FOIl NEXT ANNOUNCEMENT MaM VS. Md MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Just Arrived SHIPMENT OF COFFEE TA1JLES Solid Walnut. mn A A Priced from 3i7.UU Large Assortment of Linoleum in Assorted Prices l'lionc 775 . TEU.MS CAN HE AKKAMiW Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized AlilU VALENTIN DAIRY I'lIONt 657 The Central Hotel KOO.Mb and CAFK Photic 31 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. T.. lll.ACK HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything try a classified ad.