T.hn D. I,oh, Webb, asland. !''"" - . i 4. 'V Whist Drive And Pance By Labor League Friday Tint OATLT rTO78 .T.- r, FAGiTHRZX r:r a whist WV ma danCe was bel J Communist Party Hall on , the Lay night under the auspices of th, women s w" - , , ... rrmcc uuucri vi'onrr Kee Anyox. 't Central Alfred Hadland, Oona River j Mi and Mrs. S. Schjesvold, Digby HI and. Announcements All tdvrtujcments ln thts col-amn be charged Xpj n full month at 25c a word. St. David's Tea March 1. fomen's Canadian Legion Bridge, March 2, C N. R A, Annual Dance, March Presbyterian !4irrh 3. vertwist e for 1 Shamrock Tea, RKreitional Centre Dancp , Math II Oddfellows' Hall. Ban.Pance. Moo.se Hall, March 11. St. Patricks tea and social evfc- nirc Catholic Hall, March 17. . C Y R ' March 18. Dance, Oddfellows Anglican Tea, Mrs, S. C. Thomson. March 24. Orange Spring Sale March 25. .March 25 and 20, CIRCUS, CnlUd Church, 'Presbyterian Easter .Kalev April. 0- Salvation Army Sale April 13 queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 REGAL SHOP Annual Sale .Mon., Tiios., Wed. Monarch, pove, utlerhy,.Sjl- $1.00 AH Makes 25c Wool QQ Down 29c Jumbo ,. 35c I'urple Ilralher 8 for $1.00 20 Off Fancywork Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is, pio4 The Uooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rales Are KeasenAble KNOX HOTEL I R. Braselj N. M. Hrejl mmm m I '"Ms 18 ana R4 i.i0, jox 575 p0U GOOD SKUVICR Try Ml TCC All T7C ECONOMY STORE dfwtrlM veretables - Fruity' Confeelln noun Ph(iniina 317-19 TUmn AVENUK WEST pposite Canadian Lrilon SAVE YOUR VISION WEEK tipM-lal Attention Drawn to XfU Of Propr Care of Eyes, Esnci-ally Anions Children Health. education mlbr organizations interestpri in .....u coo nnci.nnnea ironr new dudha wpnnro ore m.nnornnn -I. V;lrH1Pft In Ilia nr.i.ol K ..... , -r, Year'' EV" ,fi ' luiHum.wKiioiK? oave were: first prize- embroidered luii- Your VWon, Wet," February 23 T . . i ii-lnc-lrcinrl Nil ' 125: ti Marrh 5 Ihnuinhnul Tirltuv. " d cushion top, p. Peterson,. Columbia. The movement, started ft ; several years ago to focus public iHu;nwun upon eyesignt conserva - f cycsigut vuiiaviviiuuii is. now re- Uoyal cognized as a major social and Oalloway. Vaucouvcr economic problem, Studies have indicated mat nearly one quarter ,of -Canada's children reach their majority with defects of vision. More than one half of all adults have subp' rmal eyes upon reach Ing the age of 40. From then on eyesight declines ranldlv, 5 ner- cent of all adults at the age of 50 Alfx Fhmie left qi last vyUii;;n have ylsual defects train for Usk. a brio! bushiest trip to M. J. Julian. President of the Better VJslon Institute, one of the cooperating orRanlzatlons. say: "Through the adoption of better standards of eye hygiene during childhood, and the Improvement of the conditions of seeing, millions of eyes would be save"d from the rapid detorlatlon that now takes place during adolescence and early childhood. Improperly lighted homes and schools, bad reading habits and neglected simple faults of Vision are among the causes of falling sight in .VATiritK OF i:.l'i:iJI.MK.VT (Continued from Page One) under actual flight conditions and the Past Office Department will be enabled to nlan for maximum ef ficiency when regular air mall ser vice begins. Today's opening ls an Important steo ln Trans-Canada Airways his tory. It onens the seventh and last f,taee of what Is probably the. most v - - thorough going pilot training pro- cram ever instituted oy a major air transport system. lustructlnf Pilots Last summer the air line com menced training Its Initial pilot pfnnn which has expanded until it now consists of 20 men all of whom held commercial transport licenses tvfnr thev Joined the service. The first step was instruction in the mechanical functions of equipment nnrf accessories. This was fol lowed by primary flying instruction in the type of equipment usea, a third step the pilot was required ... . . i nnrl rn tO''Ily D niS IIIMI UiUCIllo . dlo alone without reference w uicj ground. Then came local raaio range flylos n which the planes followed path through the air marked by radio signals to and hase. The fifth step was around the home field, night flying j By 'mid-winter me pnut b'vuh at the sixth stage, flying by instruments across country between widely separated points while following this cams the radio range, or i "beam," as it Is sometimes called. in staire brought Trans- i t Canada Canada Air Air Lines umea flying nj'5 I operation v Vice" . rr..nc.Pnnnda Pilot pipes lor Vancou.r. phone 122 LOCAL NEWS NOTES, Dr. Hutrh M Morrison lnsnector Don't foreet C.NH.A. of schools, returned to the city on dance Oddfellow Hall, the Cardena this morning from a night. brief trip to Port Simpson on of-4 . i . . i . . jih nciai duties. tor Demg me uimaw oi u- ;; j orderly house, Jpan Wilson was Miss Ethel Allan, after visiting ' lined $50 by Magistrate McClymont at Snowshoe, east of Prlnc in city police court yesterday after-George, with her parents and also noon. . - ln Vancouver, left by the Cardena J The fire department had a call Sunday evening on her return tol Stewart ' la1, ocluc y-""" ... ' j a grass fire at MusgraVe Plact Church of the Annuncte- waitpr Tttu,m h Tn rhrU.near the tlon. No damage was done. - ,,T ,"""irrvil- tlan tlan returned returned to to the the city city on on the the h w u Uo" a11 iU has . .. . . , ' ln, phases e SUP- Cardena this morning from Port W(e I101CI mil ArriValS yai3 , W aduit i health aSTft and other ta.,ld fields. r?tJtjfi Pn where -n iivit. they bilj L have M v been v carrying carrylng Dut out work work in their thelr Uneft lines BLACKHEADS Blarkheadt go quirk t by a imfle nwthod thai jut diiftolv there. " Ol two ounces of 'froxIh Iodr Truin your trUi'(tlt, rub thU with a hot wet rlnth (tent I y over h UarktiaaijiF' and you will wonder war they bav sou. Mvt a )loUywoMl c6nuiltra. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be running on time. Johnny Garofinl sailed thU af ternoon on the Cardena for a va cation trip to Vancouver. Jack McLeod has arrived from Vancouver to relieve as operator at the Capitol Theatre during his ah sence. Bride-Elect Given Party Mrs. Neil MacDonalil Hostess On Monday Xlfiht In Honor Of . ,5ss Mary MacUonald iviau... ..- . i Rirs.'-ni-ii P before a large section of the public. at her home. 230 Fifth for the first tune as imuk ": Avenue wi.i - the Dralriesa.'..ioi ' nnrtv ln honor of M's.- and . MacDonald, daughter of, ! between Winnipeg Lethbrldgej Mar with a stop at BeBina ,a" "v i Mr. ana jwrs. "u"u""w tween Vancouver ana i-euiui iu6. iwnose marriage Two-way radio communication ' portly. The evening was enjoy stations have been established at ably spcnt In playing bridge at vanrouver Oliver, Cranbrook, Leth- wnicn the prize-winners were Mlm VJUru . j nnnnloa nnd )(, nalllmrpr nnrl Miss MarlP eirtop Reeina ana ri""H"- r uviwj o - - constantly ln touch with McFadden. Tasteful refreshments ?i nhnes amimd are over the entire route. were then served and a feature of! - L evening's proceedings was the' fin.lKten that made possible, the Th f?Hmfnl U to the hridc-elect of. , ma operation presentation SC 'ZftCiZ S handsome satin bound bed throv ; ! Transports thc Pr0VrUt L meteoreios meteo?olo8lcal section i , , colors of rose wre and gold. j : , cI a 24-hotir weather repv ormlston. Miss Ri- l;ta Stromdahl, Mrs. T. Harvey, Mrs. Rush, Miss Elsie Francs, miss Alice Strachan, Miss Dorothy Balllnger Miss Marie McFadden, Miss Gert rude Tyrgeon, Mrs Tommy Chris- toff. Miss Helen Hampton, Mis-Norah Rudderhamt Miss Margaret Fritz, Mrs. T. M. Spencer and Mrs Vlex MacDonald. 'fill TIJll6 AVKNUK 1 I. H- BULGER OptonielrUt annual Friday (54) Rev. A. L. Anderson, United Church pastor at Anil.. Stewart, aftei on the new school bunding. '" - " J Word hn, hePn .rPlvPH that the'Cardena Sunday night for Anyox ls Pndlng a couple of arrive!" euhe Kmcolith Concert Band will in town for the funeral of the late,uu'" utJulc v-" " Ms. Sarah Woods tomorrow after noon. There will also be a large representation of. NIshga natives. J. D. Galloway, managin? dir ector of the Reward Mining Co. sailed by the Cardena this after " noon on his return to Vancouvai 'after one of his periodical visits of Inspection to the Surf Point and iEdye Pass mine operations. He terdy afternoon. Pancake Social Was Enjoyable Anglican Youixs People's Assoia- tiou Members Have Happy Tarty Last nlaht in St. Anrvcw's Cath edral Hall members Of the Angli can Young People's Association made the most of their last festivi tv before Easter. In accordance Mrs. Peter DeJong and child, who ,wltn a time-honored English cus lave been visiting for some time In 'torn, a pancake social in obser Holland, will be leaving Antwerp. vance of Shrove Tuesday was the 'r.h 1Q nn h( Ktpamer Pennldnd nrdor nf th pvpnlni? Arranee- JhA , .V f ... .-r . y-r.- - w . u V v . . f, . 'or New York enrnute nome. Mr.iments were in charge or tne Misses JeJonir will be going to Vancouver U the end of this month to meetj hem. Dr. A. E. Jure, consulting engi neer for tne consolidated uuur. St Smelting Co.. after one of h's periodical visits to the Big Mis-rourl mine where the Consolidated Is about to put Its mill Into operation, , was a passenger aboard thp Cardena today returning io Vancouver enroute to Trail. Miss Isabel M. Downey, who has been visiting for the past lew months with her sister, Mrs. Sam uel Massey. Fourth Avenue west will leave by Friday evening's train for Saint John, New Brunswick, where she . wfll embark March 11 aboard the steamer Duchess of Bedford on her return to her home in Glasgow, Scotland Phyllis Taylor, Marybelle Bettv Ellison and Ruth Israel Is Vine lludah, Fig Tree J. D. Allen Speaks Uefoxe UfUKli Israel Society Last NinUt At the semi-monthly meeting pf the British-Israel Society last eyen ing ln Toe H rooms, J. P. Allen gave a very interesting address on the symbojism of the parables of the Vine and the Fig Tree. . The House of Isiael was distinct from the House of Judah, Mr. Allen j said. Within the House of Israel , was the tribe of Judah which had been especially selected as the royal j tribe from which the Messiah' should come.' A portion ol the trjbe ; of Judah, together with portions oi Levi and Benjamin, Was brought, back from captivity and resettled in the Holy Land. i After the division of the Kingdom in the time of Rehoboam the ten northern tribes retained the name Kingdom of Israel and the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi assumed the title of the Kingdom of Judah. Many instances were cited. both,' in. the Old and New Testaments, where the vine was applicable to Israel and the fig tree, was symbolic of ( Judah emphasizing the distinction '. of the two houses or kingdoms. i A general discussion followed,1 reference being made to the de-l bates going on in London on thei, sovereignty of Palestine. STANTON, England, March 1:1 (CP i A 600-year-old tithe barn" here was destroyed by fire so: quick-; y that farmworkers an.d firemsn' didn't have a chance. Cvorvnne InflnlirpH In t hp nllarlOUS I A j lit.iju.. , ,pa WJ Wie CUOtC . t , ..I.I.L Mtyn.aJ hit IhL lv 4h. ommint. lKp.tr inrtahtttlnesa games v.im.11 wcic wuumu "j "'-ik"j " "- ever-nopular folk-dancing. PHONE: 68 and S5R Stiles, As Wednesday o tms, week is Ash Wednesday, the "first day of Lent, the A. Y. P. A. will attend service in the Cathedral at 7:30 p.m. IX TIIK M I'ltDMI: ( Ol KT Ol' ltKITlll Oi l MIII A III The Matter or ( Hen ((urn. Otli'f-!. Known as Own (Jucn. Otherwise I Knimu us Vliuu IJiifil. Urasel. .Vul In the .Matter r the "AtlnilnMratioii Alt" Tlirt NfiTin! that I was. bv tl Order of His Honor Judge Fisher. IccrJ judge of the Supreme Court at British Col urn la, opixamiea 4flBiuusirar i.i.u the Will annexed ct the Estate of Xht late Chen Qun, otherwise known Chun'Ouen. Dcwistd. ol Prince Hv Nelson 1 1 B. C. on tle 24tii cUy oi Feb-1 28th day of February, 1938. RECIPE NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdniUi4&txa.tcr, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1 VEGETABLE SOUP Try llil fclmple combination fur a healthful, Mtif)j"K IuikIh-oii tlili. In l(mlle lwiler, ciunbine 1 tin Koyal City Vegetable Soup mIUi 1 tin Koyal ily Tomato Soupundl pintof milk. lleatnradiilly,lirrlja; otcaioiialy. Serte piping hot. Till la an: excellent way to Include more milk in your daily menus. 4 . , & ,.-4 COAL TO 1'I.KASE EVEKYlOD"i Satisfaction Quaraniteed Famous Kilson Alb?rla Coul Uulkley Valley Coal Vaneiuver Inland Coal Prince Rupert Feed I'oiupaut tn to j . , , :v . il i to me forthwith, aaid that all person i an.ln.t v.a tmA Vit at . LUlVlUg LWUJH nnuwM are requreel to rue vnem wixq., me ue-rore the 31st." day of March, 1938. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C. this NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll. Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Rate J1.00 ap 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 Don't let the cold, aus- Wtrf'fAessert tere, month of February TJ aiinuy yuu. vneoeszr Co Sum Htiy a ton of the coal (Vn g we're' selling and scndWuS. winter on his way. ,, 'vi-&iSl NANAIMO -nilLKLKY VALLEY FOOTHILLS PHILPOTT EViTT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 :4 IjYGiHNICWgT ' (it JUSTICB Judce:. AH the fvidenc prove conclusively that this unhappy yvoman has Lced tonaisttuly nc(Iectin( her health. In this Court preventable illness is treaty is a, crime. Ignorance of the remedy. cannot be accepted as ao. excuse. Kruschen. is sold by all drug stores. Kruschen.is . faisONia: ' ,(EjcUdly, undoing her handbag) : I' hay, a bottla 'with m now, sir! v. , :., . (SDiaUon In Cuurt.) JiTDCl: A bottle of vihat? Pass it up to me, please." haniUl It on to tba iury.) . Judm: .(contumujg) : This is an amazing development. We have here an unopened bottle of Kruschen. (Tun-ing to the Prisoner): When did you buy jt? Ill-Health Charge Withdrawn (Befort Mr. Jieiice Kruschtn) 4: Pxuonek : This morning, my lord. I intended to take it with my coffee, tomorrow and every day. I thought ft might put me right. Judge: Prisoner, your timely good sense has earned you your acquittal You will leave this Court, without a stain pn your character. (At this ' juncture there, .was an .'outburst of dap- -ping' which was; rapidly suppressed.) You have yourself, done precisely what I should" have ordered you to do; you have adopted a food remedy for your present affliction, a splendid precaution against a recurrence of it. I am very glad. I have one word of advice to add: do not, on any account,. miss the little daily dose of Kruschen and then, indeed, you will be the happy possessor' of good health for less than lc a day. Prisontk: Thank you, my lord. I shall never forget what you say. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Kruschen is a combination of abundant exercise and fresh several mineral salts which Qf f07 ir- You should have those your body "must gt, in some salts every day ; hence the im- Vay. ti keep -the blood pure,- Port" of the "Utile daily COFt RE OR TEA. dost-. Every drug counter sell th insicVi clean, and the sys- Jem tinerally tonid up,1 but which you Kruschen In 25c, 45c and 55c bottles, cap't; Jt :Niturt's own way without It'l tkt tilth daily dost that dots it. For the Woman who Knows Boudoir Rouge Lentheric A iThe French Ilouge of Distinction In Jj!Sfef::& " I Fancy Containers 75c HeitU'inlier Those Snapshots at Night With Selo Hypersensitive hromai The New Halo Permanent Our hair styles must change to(sult the 193a spring bonnets. jt J1 ' t oi rP!tp for vou a more, charmlnc v wi v--.. - tl ---- - - ' , . and stylish lffure. Only genuine oil solutions used on nil peroianent8. c Film Tho ' fastest . film on the , market. Sizes to fit all cameras, tstandaru prices. Ormes Ltd. TTiitt Dioneer Dru.qrists The 4teynU Store Phones: 81 & Open Dally From a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday From 12 noon till 2 .m,' 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Modern Beauty Shop S3! THUD AYENTI Phone 947 5,