hamberlain Throws Defence Question Into House Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I A.M.) High 1:29 a.m. 20.3 ft. 13:31 pjn. 21.0 ft. calm; bar-omelet, Prince RuperU -Clear, Low 7:36 a.m. 5.9 ft. 2934 falling ) ; temperature 19:21 p.m. 3.6 ft. jj; sea smoul' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRlTISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICE: 5 V.V.S1 YXVII. NO. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCHfrl938. , rnr inP rvXV i i i iu i. -c . I I I II I . Ill J -r 1 w "CUV- 1 . BPER1MEN1 r.V"H V : .M44a Airways Pilots Art turned DacK wnen u !UW-'-- .... ..rk low hanging ciouas in me ran von. Meanwhile the .Mihound plane seemcu uwimni . Mrh the roasi. tdm fnrrh 1: Trans- HUiitw - it t in nfflrpr stress, that iniiL.A . -M.tfiifr trui'iv will hp ,-vrrr.jntai and operated only jt.:'hf hmirv smcc Lno ... rf thp trant.Pnnftfla rpoiilnrlv flown at ..4. - : Kp UJ BUI MV " ' - ... thn pvnprlmrnt.il nice. JmahIa nAs nf 111 a rrfrit1i r SchtiJcs fsll for the 1168-mllc iCcntlnued on Page Three) INTER S i: j i Sti" TJ.r " LACHUTE, Quebec, March 1 : USCOl'UK, -..r7f"frrii March i 1. (CI (TIM - Georges Heon . . retained Argen- . rwr H)'nS ... ! mnn fnp th Pnnsprvntlvp. In 4.! ,.n-t nart oi wie irans - - mimui. "i ' i j. i fA.j..f t i .1 ..... i nnina . 1 . i . 1 1 . i i i . . . v . .... :.ti rn.t.... udt wikii uic iicdiicst liiajuiiLV r . nrritnrniui iimu niiiii. i - -i .1 swf uiirn t.aiiaiiA iuuji The easiDuunu The seat had become, vacant by the death of the veteran Conservative, Sir George Per- ley. Heon was opposed both by Liberal and Labor candidates. Early In the counting of bal- lots, victory was conceded to i - the Conservative. , PROTEST OF HOUSEWIVES Toronto Women llefuse To Pay More Than 30c For Butter-Is Now 37c to 41c h miilf In spven hours . ,t. . . At I -1 U ' , -joronio nouscwives, iau snuug, ui.- n...lkAIII. ? otll . ... id? t:.J Rcslna will be Inter- piacards in protest against the .ii . ..... IH WtVi i4tfAiHni1 ... .... . ... . ... nigil price oi uuiLtji . ni.ivci.iiie w.il be the Junction of sn0DS ls suggested. Tlie women ufc known as the moun- hav Diedced themselves not to 1fV nnnnH fr.i fori? iU be on a dally basis al- butter The retail price yesterday :scue to wcatner conauions irffnr.iinlnr nf nlrwnv fnrllltleS. vcx..;:nt wun ine operavions. ?ffpt nrapttafil tpnlnlnir In nrnvld- Two In Field For Ontario By-Election pnrnoi.rjv. March 1: (CP) - . ..m i a Un.t Him nnnrll incrc win uc in. iw , V kR V klNn daK ln the ficld for the provln Y Ll 1 r 111 Li clal by-election on March 22 to HI. i the scat In the Legislature caused J- ... .. .. . j.-ii. I .1,. nla Mlllrill nice KuptrtH Weather uecoru oy mc acawi ui n For February, With Much Sun- D. McVicar. Liberal. The Conserva- shine and Warmth and Little tlvc party has Just aecmca io tun-Rain, Enviable One ,tcst tlitf scat. Liberal Progressive- will nominate Friday night. With seventv-spvpii hours of leht XtinchlnA nnl,, 10 lnxVinc nf irftMl i T Y1T " ." mi in l mm m ni uaimy icmucraiure wintii IX I I 1 l fx 1 il l -"w ail oniciai men mars uii DtH.. . . . .... ..u.tc nuperi can ciaim iuv-. we coapanson with any place 1 " agreeable weather for the n of February. Tills winter, w nearly over, has been one of Five-Year Old Son of Murray Lev 5t most pleasant the city has Inc. Gotham Attorney, Snatched 11 In years. j By Abductors Notes Left sunshine of 77.1 hours this i NEW YORK tuary conmarps with S4 hours ... ... vri- i l ' NEW KUUlitLLCi, nc 7 ame momn a year ago ' ,. ,cp, An ,nVeStlgator K rX!ll .J " n: inlo the kidnapping of twelve year. iches in viz. .,",u "".old Peter Lcvlnc dlsclosea m .... vuiuaijf ioi w i tar ar r this mis . "ol notes had oeen ieu uy u. year there has been apParently, written on gegate of il0.4 hours ?hdtaeWriter of U "wine ? in . ,a,S.C.0mParcd "K.n wlth..119-!iL sort freauently frequently sold sola as as toys iojs n for ;ur5 the first two months of v tiie i n'nnir.nTinn i n i i- i . . - ..: uaic nas amounted to 10.4 "ia in ...... . . - vumiJiiusoij wan Il.U. Vka"lu weamer summary v .v , 'nls Febninrv nc a m monilnir hv ,wt at Dlgby island, was as HlrrU-.. . barnmnt barometer DP reading -nn n of "Chest h 011 Fcbruy is. el ,Sa,,romcter i oarometcr rcadl8 reading at at sen Mav,: 1 on February 5. C lemP"aturc. 60 'CST tmicraturc. 20 temperature, 30.8. JS.PWtatton, 1.8. On on --.me. 77,1 hours, J Funeral Notice 1 hk.nerfl of Mrs- Sa-ah Woods noon .V,pace nesday after- Bros- Cnaper'C'l0Ck frm 1Iaynor Ki0r!if ftncoliih r, been 'i-ceivea rcceived that uiai the the children. Peter, who has been missing lor five days, is the son of a New York attorney. IWAGE CUT 1 BULLETINS CUSTOMS REVENUE Customs and excise revenues at the port of Prince Hupert for February this year amounted to $11,739.50 as compared with $",-8C5.G9 in the same month last year, bringing the total for this year to date up to $22,767.24 as compared with $15,775.21 In the first two months of 1937. TRAIL WINS TRAIL Trail Smoke Eaters defeated Kimbcrlcy Dynamiters 6 to nothing here last night in the first of a, best three out of five game series for the Kootenay hockey championship. The winners will meet Vancouver Canadians in the Ilritish Columbia playdown of the Allan Cup series. WARM IN VICTORIA VICTORIA Victoria had its warmest February day in twelve years yesterday when 57 above was recorded. Vancouver had 60 above at the week-end. (Neither Vancouver or Victoria came any where near as warm as Prince Rupert which recorded C6 above on Sunday.) $30,000 FOR PUBLICITY VICTORIA The Vancouver Island Tourist Bureau will spend $50,000 on billboard, newspaper and magazine tourist advertising. of British Columbia .Municipal! tics and the provincial government. Cuts In aid to unemployment relief arc being protested by the municipalities. NAVAL EXPERTS MEET LONDON Naval experts of Great Britain, France and United States are about to meet to consider the refusal of Japan to answer whether she is violating the London Naval Treaty, of which Japan was not a signatory, by constructing warships in excess of 35,000 tonnage. Nanaimo City Buys Property Taxpayers Authorize Deal of TaU-inir Over Waterfront Property From Private Interests NANAIMO, March 1: (CP)-Thfi ratepayers of Nanaimo have ap nroved proved a a bylaw bylaw sponsoreu sponsoicu uy uy ma,- 'r future air transport operations. ANNOUNCED; Weather Forecast General Motors Slasnes a... By Ten Percent as iiumium Shrinks . DETROIT, Mar'ch I: CP)-Ow-Inrr to decreased business, as ex S,cd W A,.rcd P. Sloan. P' dent of the company, tors Corporation .announces a en ln percent salary cut. The, e ean than jiu.uuu . . more thousand per m.n.nr put. Forty 1 V sons are affected. Vancouver Wheat '"Cf,?,?"1 Bad wl arrive'. VANCOUVER 77 March .. 1. tCp) CP) 'or lhc trading at $ .37 -2 ; funeral alonir with Wheat was ' nai.i.n . . --Lot tm iv. -"vitviiuon of Nlshgas. Vancouver General Synopsis A depression Is centred off Vancouver Island and fine mild weather has been gener WINNIPEG 1 ...U v WINNIPEG WHEAT : ' jiCHINESE A 17 I recent reverses in the Tcruel sector, the Spanish government is straightening out its lines in preparation for another general offensive. r TO MEET GOVERNMENT virrrnniA A meeting has Air rorce Sabotage 1 Revealed I 1- ' 4 ' LONDON. March 1: (CP) The. Air Ministry officially dls- closed last night that two Brl- tlsh bombing planes, had been tampered with. The sabotage was revealed while Royal Air Force and civilian planes sought a new long distance bomber which disappeared on a training flight. ' WAR TIME MEASURES Drastic Rill Is Approved by Con gressional Military Committee At Washington WASHINGTON, D. C.. -March 1 (CP) The congressional mllitat: committee has approved a bill pro vidlng for wartime emcrgene; measures. It would provide a sys tern of taxation to eliminate profiteering, for the drafting of man power and presidential control over Industry In time .qf war. Thf bill is expected to meet with IHnn In thp HOUSC ol NEW GOVERNMENT OFFENSIVE Representatives. HENDAYE, France Following Confidence Voted But Rightists In France Restless hprn arranced for March 8 be- ,,u ,. RETREAI Resistance to Japanese Along Yellow River Crumbles Another Shanghai Incident SHANGHAI, March 1: (CD-British sentries guarding, the in ternational settlement and foreigners nearby were endangered as British officers were charged by a Japanese sentry who shot dead fleeing Chinese. It is indi cated a strong protest to the Japanese command is under con sideration. Chinese troops have begun a general retreat from1 positions north and east of the Yellow River, leaving the Japanese Arm) controller the situation in thelt i drive towards the strategic Lung hai Railway. Linchang, provisional capital of Shansi Province, was reporteC captured last night by the WOULD HAVE NAZISHALT France Desirous of Stopping Their Inroads in Austria Atmosphere Is Still Tense LONDON, March 1: CP) Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Is studying a French proposal to stop Nazi inroads In Austria but says that he cannot see- where anything can be done since, so far at least, no treaties have been broken. I Meantime the atmosphere in Austria continues tense as the Nazii army at Gratz Is reported ; still planning capture of that city 'and a march on Vienna. There (CP) With ...... was llttle violence . yesterday. . . . The ... . . . 1 hniri. nmiLi'- A. tween the executive of the Union rn.vin,r amon!: nartlcs two-day truce ends.tonigni !of the right at the policies of tli; ' Naii or U Chautemps government, a generall From Gratz. capital city of Styr-strlke still threatens France in la Province In Austria and strong- Ispite of the Chamber of Deputies hold of the Nazis, comes word that th .rnvprnmpnt a vote cf the disbanded Heimwehr Fascist . b .. .. ........ .. 1 nnlorf trt r.lllvP OtMll. confidence on its toreign poucy mmj u.iuw .v... while the Senate accorded a vote ization w meet wnai uiey iw of confidence on fiscal policy. Today's Weather I Government ",plirr.ph I Triple Island fart cloudy, calm; .ca smooth. Langara Island Part cloudy, easterly wind, ten miles per hour; barometer, 29.45; temperature, 45; pendence. Heimwehr leaders reached this decision as army and police stood by for instant action after balking plans of Nazi Brownshirts for a march on Vienna. l Austrian Fatherland Front circles meanwhile said that Premier Benito Mussolini had sent a special envoy to Chancellor Kurt von Schusch- nigg with the assurance that Italy SCDcTd upholds Austrian Independence, Tree Point-Clear! calm; barometer. 29.38; temperature, 30; ' 1 Dull Harbor Clear, southeast C.I.O. Leader wind, wind, five live miles mucs per per hour; nour, baromc- oaiumv- as Nazi menace to national Inde tcr. 29.24; temperature. 47; light jn VanCOUVCr chop. Alert Bay Clear, southeast wind; five miles per, hour; barometer, ,iiarry Pritchctt Fails to 29 30: temDcrature. 39: light chop. ; Extension of Deportation Obtain Order Estevan Clear, northerly wind; From uniica Maics , barometer, 29.40. I v.iuu vinwuiuni .......... or Victor B, Harrison whereby tl.f 18 miles per hour; barometer. 29.48. narry Pritchctt, president of the 1 .' ..' 1 1 ,Mi.nkoci O I lfnn.nniioi. PIMP Palm" hnmiTl- Tn)...,ntlnngl Wiwl UTIT ICPrs' AS-I city Is aumorizeu vj huiv""ov , luniuui.. niece of waterfront property. Th? eter, 29.48. soclation. affiliated with the Com- nroperty will be used by the clty Prince George Clear, northeast mittec on Industrial Organization .-j ii u ihrniaht. mav figure In wind, four miles per hour; barom- has arrived here from Seattle fol-, ....V, ----- - , eter. 29.68 Terrace Part cloudy, Iwlnd, temperature, 38. L.i Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 30. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm. 3 Anyox Part cloudy, .calm, 37. Hazelton Foggy, calm, 28. Smlthers Clear, calm, 29. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 20. al In all parts of British Columbia.' Prince Rupert and Queen Char- . Islands Fresh to strong IJ.ilp,. 1 VlSlt - lottc rthPMt .winds, mostly fair and IllUer 1 n U T 1511 mild with showers at night. w, l I C-t-.i- . I wt Coast of Vancouver Island- HaiV In ODnnP , ,.'.J ....iv.L.) ..ilnrlc nr mfvlpr- " I ate gale?, nlostiy rair ana muu ...hi, wpro'ind.iv and Wednesday. nr.nLlN. March 1: (CP) It ls seml-offlcially stated that Chan-n. Arinlf riltlpr nf Oermnnv will !.. hie fallnro In nhlnln pj. 1 lUWIll 11. 0 .M..U.V VII . northeast ; tension on a deportation order from the United States. Prltchett Is a 'British subject. Police Court Fines Are Showing Gain i Have Aggregated $373 so Far This Year In Comparison with $115 wu in 1937 City police court fines for the month of February this year totall ed $230 as compared with $110 In VV.UV ' .' .. ... 41. 1 ..... c. ... ' iw . t , nf Premlpr Rpnlto'ine same muiuu nisi, icui. ou ui itbuui : . . March ! (CP) .- Mussolini of Italy during the early this year fines have aggregated at futures were down part, of May. Der;ehrer In win ? m com wn m yesterday, ky closing at $U7.: spend eight days Italy I I W White Paper Telling Of Accomplishments In Rearming Coming United States Plans $30,000,000 Naval Experimental Fund Including Item for New Dirigible to Replace Los Angeles LONDON, March 1: (CP)-Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced today that he will throw the whole question of Great Britain's towering defense structure open to debate next Monday in the House of Commons. The Premier said that the debate will follow. publication tomorrow night of a white paper which is ex- pected to go into all phases of - - (Great Brjta;ns accomplishments at INE A NT ,the end of the nrst year of ti?e HlllLll 1 jvast rearmament scheme and of IS SHOT plans ior next year. Last night Parliament upheld the chamberlain government by a vote I of of 226 226 to to 99 99 on on a a division division pertaining penaining I ... . IN T rl P A I Vt0 the constitutionality of the ap-111 X lJLiilL pointment of Lord 'Halifax as For eign Secretary. Labor- had cnai-ear Fatal Accident with 22-Rifle ienged the propriety of the Foreign As Boys Were Shooting Crows i secretary being a member of the At Ocean Falls House of Lords and, therefore, un- ' able to sit In Commons to defend District headquarters of the pro- J nls department. vlnclal police here have been ad-' At Washington the House of Rep-vlsed from Ocean Falls of a near resentatlves naval committee rec-serlous accident there when twen- ommended a $30,000,000 expcrl- i,.nlh.rvM William Foole was fl trJ frp tho Tlnltpfl .RtAtCS. shot In the head with a twenty -two. of lnis $3,000,000 will be earmarked bullet from a. ritle-wltU which.three.. (or the construction of a new dlr-youths Gordon Peterson, Eldred lglbe replacing the Los Angeles, rtcinrror onrf Rnvmnnd Shorter I . . . v- were shooting crows near Salmon Creek. At the same moment as a crow was being shot at, the infant raised his head above a knoll where he, was playing. The bullet entered the right side of the head under the skin about two inches above the ear. The injury was superficial and It is expected the child, now In hospital receiving treatment at the hands of Dr. Gilchrist, will recover. The mother was nearby at the time of the accident. PAY PLANE IS MISSING Machine Sought In Phillipine Isl ands Had $30,111 on Board-Arizona Pilot MANILA, March 1: (CP) A payroll plane, piloted by Burton Hall of Tucson, Arizona, has been sought for In vain after being unreported since leaving Manila yesterday for Parade, 120 miles south cast of here. It carried $30,000. Grass Fire Keeps Department Busy No Less Than Sixteen Alarms Re- corded During Dry Month of February Largely due to grars fires owing to dry weather conditions, the fire department responded to no less than sixteen alarms during the month of February as compared with three calls In February 1937. So far there have been twenty alarms this year as against seven In the first two months of 1937. The only Instance in which loss was re corded during February was In a roof fire at a house on Borden Street owned by Mrs. G. W. Kerr when there was damage of $35. largely covered by Insurance. HAK SILVER G0ERING BOASTFUL German Air Force is Compelled To Take Action It Will Be "Terror of Enemies? BERLIN, March 1: (CP) Gen cral Herman Gocring, air ficld marshal of Germany, intimated today that the nation's gigantic new air force may find its first direct use in the protection of German minorities outside Reich borders. Speaking today at the third anniversary of the Air Fore founding, Gocring asserted that it had been created as a pcac? safeguard but, it forced to fight it will be "awful In action" and the "terror of enemies." ALBERTA TAXATION New Fields Explored Civil Service 1 Wage Cut Restored Pensions For Blind j EDMONTON, March 1: (CP)-The tax on farm land has about ! reached the limit so new taxation fields are being explored, Hon Solon Low, provincial treasurer announced in the Legislature In presenting his budget. Therefore taxation on mineral rights, wild lands, securities and corporation Income ls being extended. J. W. Huglll, former Social Credit attorney general, and E. L. Oray, liberal leader, severely criticized the budget while speaking In the Legislature yesterday. Suspension Of Private Debts Moratorium Legislation Introduced in Alberta Legislature EDMONTON. March 1: (CP) A 1 bill t suspend civil actions for NKW YORK: (t'D Har pH- private debts Incurred before July ver was unchanged at l'llic m 1. 1936, Is before the Alberta Lcgls- fln oiini-i' c.j the. New York mc lature with government sponsor- al market today. , ' ship.