1 war ront FREUD WTimXC AGAIN I BRITISH SWASTIKA LONDON. Dec. 31: (CP) At 82.' LONDON. Dec. 31: (CP) Photo-Dr. Slgmund Freid, the psycholo-i graph of a British plane with A gist, Is writing a new b0ok at his .swastika on the fuselage puzzled Kampstead home. It deals with the many until It wan explained the psychology of monotheism. His I aircraft was for the Latvian army, daughter, Anna, says there Is "no Finnish planes for years also have politics" in the new work. 1 used the swastika. To Our Many Friends May we thank you for your patronage during the year just past and the relationship which we value highly we will do oun utmost to maintain. To you and yours, we say, very simply and very sincerely, "Happy New Year," ,and may it be filled with Happiness and Prosperity Ormes Ltd. As another year draws to a close, we extend to our many friends and customers the sincere wish that the year 1939 may hold a full measure of Health, Happiness and Gordon s Hawarp McBRIDE STREET v.J- Phone -II bmoked Rupert Brand" I Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. show with the usual Hogmanay features. Something new and unusual In MivrtON r.OMi prici: LONDON, Dec. 31: (CP)-' Th Montreal price of bar old on the London metal market yerterday was up 2c, closing at $35.12 ptr fine ounce. THE DAILY KEJtk Waterfront Whiffs Activity in Boat Building is Year-End Feature Business of Waterfront Fair Kef lection of General Conditions The New Year's Eve feature of the Prince Rupert waterfront as 1938 draws to its close arid 1939 is about to aawn is the substantial activity in boat building. All the smaller yards have contracts for fishing vessels in hand ana, soon aner trie iirst of the year, the dry dock will get its whack when construction gets under way of the new THIS FILM DIFFERENT Alexander's Ragtime Band Distinctively Novel Irving Berlin Melodies t NEW YEAR'S FROLIC IS SEPARATE SHOW Other special features at the Capitol Theatre should not be confused with tonight's mid- night frolic for New Year's Eve when there will be a SDec- lally arranged stage and screen sicei car Darge lor oxanagan Lake service. Taken as a whole, this winter sees more activity In the way of foatbulldlng than for some time back. Not only Is this the case right In Prince Rupert but it Is also at points outside where boats are built. From the standpoint of general construction and Improvement work along the waterfront Itself there was not the expansion In 1938 that marked 1937 when so much was accomplished of a nennament na ture that could not be expected to De in any way .duplicated durins the year ust closing. As for general business of the waterfront during 1938, this fairly accurately reHected the general state of affairs with no very hoUceable trend in one way or another on the whole. ConUnued better conditions for the salmon trollers probably balanced off a falling off in earnings as far as the halibut flsh- the way of pictures featuring music' wcre concernl- Salmon comes to the Capitol Theatre here j me M a at the first of next week for thefe ,lt? a "ttle erl et t0 iNew Year holiday with a special i1 thf hev Year matinee at midnight Sunday. It Is iHL ?W nCW Uct" Alexander's Ragtime Band.' Swi U,?.rWng that are a UttIe dimcult t The storv u artantM from tb. appraise at the . of an obscure young musl- J"? THIRD AVENUE HAPPY NEW YEAR ELIOS Prince Rupert !.ii.irTiMrwran m tmTWTurwzurwrwrw m rare tm rm .4" i r - T vnaBKHHHa SEASON'S GREETINGS w greatest ,itClb:.Yfc composers VUUlAMCO J1 U1UU" jg love story Is enriched by strains of 2 . S2enU Were recelvpd 5 . a . .. . friends M In Prinre Rnnort tM. v. meioam irom me ouisianainz iav. . .. " -. orites of Irvine Berlin's music over ? tn.e muS on December 22 In a period of three decades. of MUs JcssIe Hlibeth Tyrone Power plays the part of lamr- Orvllle Frederick the inspired youth who lived and if. 2.' Fr 8eVcral years Mr loved his music. Alice Faye takes uenedl ' a valued and popular the part of the girl whom he loved ?r of the cknUc staff of and onu lost uw and nu won wuii again. again, uvn Don' f !nce . 0. Rurt .. r Fisheries v Expert- mjWi menial Ar, station from which h r friend. Ethel Merman, Jack Haley. 3 year or so ago to take up Jean Herscholt. Helen Westlev i . ai ICU' university In Mont -,, ... . I real. Teal. Hearty MMrtv nnrnt..1u- .. vany vemon ana jonn uarraaine also have Important parts. Old Country Soccer Enjiish League First Division Arsenal 1. Huddersfleld 0. Birmingham 0, Manchester 3. Blackpool 1, Wolverhampton 0. Bolton 5, Portsmouth I Brentford 2, Everton 0. Derby 2, Aston Villa 1. Grimsby 1, Sunderland 3. Leeds 2, Charlton Athletic 1. Leicester 3, Chelsea 2. Liverpool 4, Preston Northend I. Middlesbrough 5, Stoke 1. English League Second Division Blackburn 3, Chesterfield 0. Coventry 4, Tottenham 0. Fulham 1, Tranmere 0. Manchester 5, Bradford 1. Mil wall 1, Swansea 1. Newcastle 0, Sheffield 0. Norwich 2, Luton 1. Notts 2, Burnley 2. Sheffield 1. Westham 4. Southampton 0, Bury 0. West Bromwlch Albion 4, Plymouth 2. Scottbh League First Divisin Arbroath 3, Queens 1. Ayr 3, Rangers 4. Celtic 2, Hearts 2. Falkirk 8. Ralth 1. Hibernians 1, Clyde 1. Motherwell 2, Aberdeen 2. ParUck Thistle 1. Albion 3. St. Johnstone 1, Kilmarnock 3. St. Mlrren 2, Queen of South 0. Third Lanark 2, Hamilton 2. Scottish League Second Division Alrdrieonlans 4, Dunfermline 3. Brechin 4, Edinburgh 3. Cowdenbeath 2, Dundee 2. Dumbarton 1, Leith 1. Dundee 2, Morton 1. East Fife 4, Montrose 0. Forfar 1, Stenhousemulr 0. Kings Park 0. Alloa 4. 'St. Bernards 3, East Stirling 2. WINNIPEG. Dec. 31: fnPiwin. rrlnce Rupert Brl(hh .,.,. S nlpeg wheat futures were off lc congratulations will be extended from Prince Rupert to Mr. Denstrtit onrf hi. k.u. Kepneth Morrison, regularly purser of the Princess Maquinna on the West Coast of Vancouver Island run. came north this voyage as purser of the Princess ArlMaM. which was in port last evening. It $f was six years since. Mr. Morrison had last been here. Norman McLean, nurser nf th steamer Prince John, which was In port this week, Is at present ashore In Vancouver on annual vacation Arnold. Evans Is rellevlnz him ax purser on the Prince John. V Before arriving here lomorrow It. evening from Vancouver, the .2 iteamer Cardena Is to make a call 2? at Casslar cannery In the filcrena Htf Slough to unload a considerable, W . (uuiii ivi vauiiiu. To the good readers of thin Hi. r u,.,iivii, ui mc uauy news we ex- "v tend this New Year's Eve our hearty fS)? best wbhes for a bright and pros- perous New Year. That 1939 mayjW be replete with all the good and'Rtf reasonable things of life is our wish lor all. Cormorant Spends Winter In Canada At Least One Bird Persists in Remaining at Winnipeg Despite Cold Weather WINNIPEO, Dec. 31: (CPJ Despite the present extremely cold weather, at least one cormorant Is known to be spending the winter on the Red River here. Usually these birds go a far south' as the Gulf of Mexico for the winter. NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, being the official holiday for the observance of N.ew Year's Day, there, will be no issue of the Dally News. The next regular edition will appear Tuesday after- ' - Z Vif . -. If a? TODAY'S STOCKS (Court! 8. U. JohnMoo Oo.l Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .24 (ask). Big Missouri, .27. Bralome. 11.25. Axtec, .05. Cariboo Quartz, 2.32. Dentonla. .05. Mlnto. .02 Vi. Falrview. .03 . Noble Five. .03. Pend Orlelle. 1.80. Pioneer. 2.50. Porter Idaho. .02 H. Premier. 2.20. ' Reeves McDonald, .24. Reno. 22Vi. Relief Arlington. .12. Salmon Gold, .00 Vi. Taylor Bridge. .05. Hedley Amalg. .03 Vi. Premier Border, .01. Sllbak Premier 1.75. Home Gold, .00H. Orandview, .05. Indian, .Ollfc-Quatslno, .03 Vi. Oils A. P. Con.. .21Vi. Calmont. ,50. C. & E.. 2.50. Freehold. .04 Vi. Hargal. .25 (ask). McDougal Segur, .17. Mercury. .07 Vi. Okalta. 155. Pacalta. .09. Home Oil. 3.15. Toronto Beattie. 1.37. Central Pat. 2.45. Gods Lake. 2k. Utile Lon? Lac. 3.15. McKenzle Red Lake, 15 Pickle Crow. 5.10. San Antonio. 1.2(5. Sherritt Oordon. 1.43. Smelters Oold. .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.83. Oklend. 26. Mosher. .15. Madsen Red Lake. .53. Stadacona. .50. Francoeur. 22. Moneta. .1.29. Bouscadlllac. .09. -Thompson Cadillac, 23. ' Bankfield. 25. East Malartlc. 2.80. Preston E. Dome, 1.C0. Aldermac. .47 Kerr Addison. 1.80. Uchl Oold. 18. Int Nickel. 5650. Noranda. 79.00. Cons. Smelters, 6000. Athona. .05 14. Hardrock. 1.77. Barber Larder, .13. Ttn Dally ns u an paper. if. a. n. c I COLD SNAP NOW ENDED Temperature ItUrs Stiarnlr On Prairies As Result of Chinook Wind CALGARY. Doc. 31: (CP) A 'sudden chlnook wind brought an end to the cold snap In Alberta land weather was rapidly moder ating all over the prairies. In halt an hour the temperature rose from 2 below to 30 above at Lethbridge. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, southeast wind; thirty miles per hour-barometer. 20.38 falling rapidly); temperature, 37; sea smooth. Triple Island Cloudy, north northwest wind, twenty miles per haur; moderate swell. Larmara Island Raining, easter ly wind, eighteen mile per hour: I barometer. 29.41: temperature. 40; moderate swell. Dead Tree Point Raining, southeast wind, twenty miles pet hour: barometer. 29.36; tempera-lure. 40; moderate swell. Bull Harbor Overcast, southeast wind, thirty miles per hour: baro meter, 39.45; temperature. 42; sea! ' rough. Alert Bay Raining, southeast, wind, 38 miles per hour: baro- meter. 29.70; temperature. 40; sea reufh. Bstevan Raining, southeast wind, ten miles per hour; barometer. 39.74. I Victoria Qoudr. southeast wind I five mttat per hour: barometer. 20J90. Vancouver Cloudy, southeast wind, atx mllt per hour; barometer. 29.90. Prinee Gforge Cloudy, westerly wtnd. four miles per hour: barometer. 29-98. Terrace Cloudy, north wind temperature, 16. Atyansh doedy. calm. 10. A He Arm Cloudy, calm. 34. Attjrox Cloudy, calm. 15. Stewurt lAtht mow. ealm. 15. HaMlton Cloudy, ealm. 6a. fi mltbef Cloudy, calm. 10a Burm Lake Snowing, calm. 12a Weather Forecast rrinee Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands - rresh to strong southerly winds, cloudy with showers or part sleet $1.00 New Year Special Dinner ItKLISIIKS Queen and Ripe Olives. Heart of Lettuce Stuff CrUp of Celery COCKTAIL Fresh Eastern Oyster or Fruit with Whipped Cream SOUP Chicken a la Sontag or Consomme SWEKT KNTRKKS Banana Fritter with Almond Sauce ROAST Young Milk Fed Turkey with Dressing and Cranberry Sauce vi:(iirrAni.iLS Brun Sprouts or Asparagus Tips Baked or Mashed Potatoes DKSSKRTS Plum Pudding with Brandy Sauce or Hot Mince Pie or Pumpln Pie or Ice Cream FRUITS Apples, Oranges. Aswrted Nuts Fresh Grapes, Superior Fruit Cakes Tea or Coffee CHURCH NOTICES The Universal Week of Prayer (Organized Since 1816) uaryldutve" ChUfChC4 ' rf,nCC to ,an- The regular services will be conducted by the ni. r , churches on the Sundays of January 1 and 8 V"loujf During the week the following schedule has been arranged-January 3, Tuesday, at Preshvirriim rh,ir, January 3, Tuesday, at St. Peter's Church (Seal Cove) n?',!11 January 4, Wednesday, at Pentecostal Church ' JnCkSOn t.n... t m. .... ,imh,i n Rev. nrnnrt uijr u, uiurftuay, at uniiea cnurch n. J,Z . . January 6, Friday, at Army Citadel ... v! bson Auiiiiiirn mam i I i - To Show,, 7;M in4 y The Hurricane n i-ii and J ij T0N1TE ! New Year's Eve u l . . . te Frnlif BUrtlni A 11:30 p.m, A SPI CIAL STAGE and SCREEN SHOW Fun! Favors! Cash Drawing ! General AdmU.lon J Rmrttd Sfti 7J nouns oris H pjlL SUNDAY NITK AT 12:01 Midnight Preview -ALEXANDER'S KACiTIME HAM) UtnuUr rrkrt l'nKcscrvcd AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture Thordar. Jan. 5th, st Je Ktttt'i Tail Mand, 3rd Ave. Cmmfncls V rvw -v v . j3' leaving "lown. I will . ! IVI W. l l m A I 'i: ' ;(ciuirr lumunings ron.-i J'piece chesterfield chesterfield Uble E pet cleaner, complete mfl tZ Uble; radto-granv.;h .. t In cabinet; uphototerrd Z Itool; Singer drophead -c chine; musk stool, r -ft clock; 3 Windsor arm. ? u fireplace set; 2 smokrr s ii.i small Windsor chsir- 3 A. si x L 1 ; t'l itures. oval frames; reve: 1.? 4 if . room carpet. 9x10.6. as n 2 I carpets, kindergarten &i' W Q, bedroom suite: standard ,rrp j, Linoleum rugs; child'i it'fi . jibed; dresser; 2 elMn. frr' 'clothes dryer: "oil pump f' : :f ; curtains, blinds. poU a: pi' jduhes. etc.; 6-fl. ho. a nodt Can Be Seen Trior ( Sale Must Be Sold Terms Ctb Geo. Dawes Auctlontrr ZKKKKKKKKiZKKk Mlisic Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME 'AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold WaW Prince Rupert, B C phnnii 2Bi r.O. not iL ' 4 1