PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS 6turdar Qctc m Wait, Mother -Ask Your Doctor First A MOTI IER may save a few pennies giving her children unknown, unproved preparations. But the life of a child is precious beyond pennies. So Ask your doctor before you give any remedy you don't know ail about. When giving the common children's remedy. Milk of Magnesia, never ask for "Milk of Magnesia" alone but always ask for "PhiUipsV Because for three generations Phillips' has been favored by many physicians as a standard, reliable and proved preparation marvel-'ously gentle for youngsters. Dyer Apartments Home For Old Men dred days, and not being In need of active hospitalization, are no longer covered by provincial govern ment grant. I The Commissioner Is being urged to take early action In the matter of these patients who are not only a losing proposition to the hospital but for whom there Is no room. The possibility of using the King Edward Hotel building, also revert-' ed, was also mentioned. The DaDy News Is an A. B. C. paper. Bed, Spring, Matt rcss Size 3-0 3rd Avenue j Unknown "Bargain" Never Give , Your cniiaj. Youjp Doctor. Remedies ToTake-unless Thcir You May Unknowingly pcnnle$ jus 0 PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia Many children like Phillips' in the newer form tiny peppermint-flavored tablets that chew like canfly. Each tablet contains the equivalent of one teaspoonful of the liquid Phillips', and a big box costs but 25i at your drug store. A bottle of Phillips' liquid Milk of Magnesia costs but 25. So it is a fact that anyone can afford the genuine. Careful mothers ask for it by its full name "Phillips Milk of Magnesia. TODAY'S WEATHER Prjnce Rupert Part cloudy, north wind, two miles per hour; I barometer, 29.84 (falling); temper- Rotary Dental Clinic Starts Examination of Started In Children To Near Future Man in the Moon He Some time ago the Prince Ru pert Rotary Club decided to carry out some dental work among un derprivilcged children In the com- munlty. As a first step towards i this end, the committee in charge has now arranged for a dentr.l examination under auspices of the provincial Baard of Health of the school children in grade 1 In order .to determine the extent of denta! work required among the children In this grade. J The local dentists will conduct 'the examinations and it is hoped I that the parents will assist In this work to the extent of having the children attend for examination. The examinations are free and will start at Borden Street School October 31 and the following day at .King Edward School. ( : I With the price of gasoline re-Iduced to 26 cents it will cost the ! Provincial government and the city " just that much more for upkeep of ' the highway. Possibly that is why the public works engineer blocked the road, at Mile 6 this week-end. v City Commissioner is Considering at"rf' ,42;Tfa m)t , . ' . Fitting it Out, Hospital Board i r , T 7 7. " J Lu T 7 Z, . ik"" "u Hears j.therly wind, eight miles per hour; ; the tanks rumbled in. Once .they light chop. : smell the city they should be glad 4 It was stated at last night's! Lfnfara, - part a 25" es hour; meeting of the hospital board that' pef barometer, 29.85 (falling); temper- r.nmmiinnPr w j am., was considering the to get but again. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt lec- - a r J T J rr T- I I V a U V,. .1 I . 1 ...Ji ' s Ij rw., icau lire ruuu uvercaau ugui . juic ujruiiowicu iuc auuience ana .rtH th ..( fr t,r ram: barometer. 29.84; possible quarters for Indigent patients In the hospital who, having been there more than three hun- tempera- even the door keepers to such an ture, 45; light swell. , extent that thieves were able to j Bull Harbor Clear, southeast ' get away with the two thousand wind, 25 miles per hour; barometer dollars admission fees. It's a won- 23.88; swell temperature, 55; moderate der she did thieves. not hypnotize the Alert Bay Clear, northeast wind, . ' fifteen miles per hour; barometer, In the hope of getting her,mald 29.90 'falling); Ught chop. to do better work, Mrs. Brown de- Estevan Foggy, southeast wind, elded to praise her efforts. Entering four miles per hour; barometer, the kitchen, she said with a smile 29.93. "How nicely you Ironed these Victoria Clear, northerly wind,' things, Bridget." She carefully in- twelve miles per hour; barometer,, spected, all the garments. Sudden -30.02. y her face took on a Duzzled frown Vancouver Foggy, calm; barom- "Oh, I see; they are all your own etet 30.04. clothes," she added. Prince George Clear, westerly "Yes," replied the maid, "and I'd wind, four miles per hour; barom- do your8 Just like that if I had the eter, 30.26. time, ma'am." 'rMTirBFIfBTIllIHJBIBJBlUB.IlBlHiMiniHIBH.aia 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite ! $79.50 4-Piece Bedroom $59.50 Bed, Chiffonier, Vanity and Bench For your old heater on purchase of new Enterprise oil circulator heater You'll Always Do Rcttcr at ELIO'S Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. nsiE7mmi:iimi3i3itixi:raa:i.iE'H2iij:aiBjB;tVia: "lili lIMUIin.flXllt'BE Suite Allowance up to $5.00 yards Dominion Inlaid--2 square yards , l For your old mattress on purchase of any Spring Filled Mattress Allowance up to $10.00 Allowance up to $25.00 For your old Range on purchase of any new Enterprise Range Floor Covering Printed Linoleum 0 feet wide. 2 square o-t np 6 feet wide. sra 255 n Rarrymorc Seamless Wilton Run s,zeC'9x9 $55.00 I Phone Green 016 Waterfront '? Whiffs Only Few Halibut Boats Still Out Season Closing a Week From Today-Earnings This Year Arc Lower level for the few boats that mark-j sted their catches during the week. High bid for Canadian fish was 12.1c and 5c paid the Gulvlk for 19)00 pounds and low 9c and 5c received by the Signal for 6.000 pounds. For American fish the high price of the week was 11.8c and 6c paid the Harding for 20.- 000 pounds and the low 9.6o and 6c received by the Sherman for 9,000 pounds. A preliminary survey of the 1938 orice situation Indicates decreased earnings this year by the Prince Rupert halibut fleet. It is estimated that the price average was about Ic lower. With the season slightly shorter and the total Canadian catch a little smaller than In 1937. it can be seen that earnings from halibut fishing this season were definitely below last. Strange stories come home to roost in regard to Dr. Neal Carter,, director of the Prince Rupert Fish-' eries Experimental Station, and his adventures on a recent fraternal pilgrimage to Terrace. It seems that Neal and some of the boys had been on an afternoon drive to Lakeke and Neal got so cold that he started to crowd the heating stove in the hotel lobby and, the first thfng he knew, fire had broken out In his trousers. For the rest of the day and the train trip home, he had to wear his overcoat closely buttoned up. If that happened to Neal as a result of a few miles driving on a srrappy fall afternoon, we are wondering how much heat he could absorb after doing a hundred or so on a midwinter night. Having been delayed this trip north by making a call at Kitimaat, and by fog In the Skcent River, Union steamer Caniena, Capt. John Bodcn.lls due In port at 4:30 this afternoon from the south, sailing an hour later on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. Arthur Graves, 'popular purser of the steamer Princess Adelaide, is now taking his annual vacation, be- PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Ilrass Castings Llcctric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled hours of fighting. M ' A week prior to October 29, the ultimate to closing date for halibut fishing in Area No. 3, three Canadian halibut vessels Covenant, Capt. Hans Underdahl; Joan W. II., Capt. Al Woie, and Constance B., Capt. Ole Hol-berg are still out but are expected to be in within the next few days, the possibility being that the JoaVi W. II and Constance B. may run tnrougn to their home port of Vancouver without calling at Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert halibut boats still fishing for cod in Area No. 2 are Edward Lipsett, Capt Olof Skog; lng ashore at Vancouver. He Is being relieved by David Scott, well known purser of southern vessels. After an absence from the port of pleht davs with Malor D. M. MelvUle, Capt. John Ivarson; Kalenl Mackay Commlssloner of Indian Capt. Olof Stegavig: Nornen. Capt. AfIairs for British .Columbia, whoir Axel Olsen, and Viking, Capt. Har-jjhc took on a vlsit to varlous vU. oldErickson.Therearealsoanum-ila3es down the coast far as ber of the large American boats stUl ggua Coola( the Indlan Depart-out in Area No. 3 waters but the ment.s cruiser Naskeena, with -xpectatlon . is that the most of Dominion Constable A. J. Watkir.- a. i i. - ii l rM.MilA uiese win run inrousn iu ocanre in cnargei returetd to port without calling at Prince Rupert. last nlght Major Mackay Mt tne Hauout lanamgs at ranee ku- Naskeena at Bella Bella and pro- pert tor tne 1938 season up io ana ceeded to .Varxouvcr on the deluding yesterday stood at a to- steamer Cataia on Wednesday. 'al of 12,923,450 pounds as compar-' ed with 13,296,850 pounds at a cor-1 Only one halibut boat, the Mor-responding date last year. The ris H., was in this morning. Her Canadian total is 6,085.650 pounds catch of 8,000 pounds will go on is against 6.641,850 pounds last the board at the Fish Exchange year while the American landings on Monday, has reached an aggregate of 6 837,900 pounds in comparison with CLAIMS TITLE 6,655,000 pounds last year. During SYDNEY, N. S.. Oct. 22: (CPl-the past week landings amounted" Arthur 's- Burchell of Sydney to 185,500 pounds consisting of 71.- c,aIms the championship for sal-000 pounds from Canadian boats mon kWrg in Cape Breton this and 114 son nonnd from American, ason. Mr. Burchell landed a 24- Prices held at a very satisfactory! Pund "sh after n" than two Church Birthday Supper Enjoyable Crowd of 1C0 Persons at Function on Thursday Night Moving m Pictures Presented iZ The annual anniversary supper of First Church was held Thurs- J day night in the church social par-jj lors and proved a most enjoyable affair for some 160 persons who were in attendance. Tables, beau- if..ll.. 4iu.nriiH alth fall flOWPfS. 9 " ' biiuiijr were bountifully laden with good things to eat. The supper was stag- j ed by the ladles of the church with the assistance of the young people. ; Rev. J. C. Jackson, the pastor.' opened the proceedings and enter-. 5 talnment wa$ featured by the pres- entatlon of moving pictures of the- Brltisl! Isles. Switzerland, Oer- many. France and other places by J Dr. R. O. Large and Dr. N. M. Car-1 ter. Local Nurse Is Married j Miss Jane Potts Becomes Bride of! Len Layhew at Ceremony In Alert Bay Miss Jane Potts R.N., a graduate of the Prince Rupert General Hos- ( pltal training school for nurses, wasi married on Wednesday of this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Potts of this city, to Len Layhew of Port Alice. Following the ceremony, the couple left for a honeymoon trip to Montreal and New York after which they will take up residence at Port Alice where the groom is a member of the pulp mill stiff. The bride Is well known and popular In Prince Rupert and will have the hearty best wishes of many friends here. SUPER QUALITY New Stock of Fine English Writing Paper in Many Attractive Styles 'Minster' . . . A Super-Fine Azure Bond ENGLISH STATIONERY With Deckle KiIrc 5-(uire liox $1.00 - 100 Envelopes to Match . . 75c Party Invitations Children's Stationery Pads Iloxes Compendiums 'Jewel' . . A Pearl-Patterned Lustre Paper in Pads. Grey or Cream. Per Pad 35c Envelopes to Match. Pkjf. . . lrc Select Your Own and Gift Requirements Now TIME MARCHES ON You Take No (iambic When You Use CANADIAN INDUSTRY PAINTS CILUX ENAMELS ANTIMO WHITE NAVELITE VARNISH All Made From the Best Materials, Sojd by Silversides Bros. Wallpapers Muresco Glass . Showcard Writing- a Speciality ttimkstox Two Shows, 7tQta,Jt-A M0V'E a;iITlrJ In Gorttous Tethnij ret B. Km "VALLEY OF THE GIANTS" With Wayne Morris. fl,J Trevor fAt 7 tt and t ADDED Our Oane in Framint iMtt 1M Uet lew Muiical cmJ iiiJ NATIONAL SERVICE TIIIKl) AVENUE EAST I'hone RED 39: INTERNATIONAL TRICU I HELM AN CAM STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Smire I Bl New Shipment of i Moir's and Patterson's Box Chocolates And Chocolate liars Jusi Arrived quality and Fmhnra Guaranteed MUSSALLEM'S Confectionery Store NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarc Preprint "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" JUtes $1.00 op 50 Rooms Hct&C IWalfcl Prince; B.' I'hone 281 I'.O.BoiW A Hot Time Is What You Want Tbb Winter You can jet it by uslnr famous Kdson, Bulkier ViUfl toil or Nanalmo-Welllniton PRINCE UlTERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Hooh Coal SIRS. C. K. BLACK RAW FUR SEASON Commencing Must Unload Large Stock 25 Off for Cash n l COf OUT Easy Terms Arrange Goldbloom's 1 1 . Fresh Local Raw Ana Pasteurized MiIK VALENTIN DAIRY riioNt i