Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (R A.M.) trinre Ruperts-Raining, westerly High 3:52 a.m. 20.9 ft. wind two miles per hour; barometer 16:51 p.m. 17.7 ft. 20.76 (falling); temperature. Low 10:44 a.m. 3.5 ft. 40; sea smooth.' 22:44 p.m. 7.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER IXXVH No. V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1938. TRICE: 5 CENTS oiisn ISURGENTS IRIOTING MOVING ON L Progress in Drive Toward? Evacuation Of flfditerranean I Barcelona Under Way adrid Bombarded (eral Franco's Campaign Enters Da Another Decisive Phase Today lURGOS, Spain, April 4: (CD- week-end saw further im ant advances made by the inish insurgents in their drive rut government Spain In half teaching the Mediterranean be- icn Barcelona and Valencia In vicinity of Terragona. With a at battie raging within twenty Irs ot the Mediterranean,' tne brent's claimed to have ad of ieu! (our miles yesterday to hia eight miles of Tortosa. The kure of Lcnda was completed. icmmcnt troops are In full Bit is announced that France Is paring to evacuate her natlon- from Barcelona, the present lemment capital, which has suf- 1 severely from aerial bombing I whi:h may become the object It rebel siege unless the war tii lirst end with complex tl:r of the loyalists. 1 war- subjected to heavy lfL:tyc:terday with field guns. prfcj crews strove! today to wiTitzi destruction caused by artttterj bombardmet which titty lives. " : the vlclnltv of Terragona the lng ackenzle-Paplneau Battalion of tnada suffered heavy casualties. Decisive Phase he Spanish Insurgents offensive s derive phase today with nera) Frart'lsco Franco's army dawn the main highway to ircelona and the Ebro Valley to 1 sea after having taken two im Mediate objectives Lerida and ndea. The Insurgents drove In- a ,lta) stronghold of government Mua. hoping to capture Barcel- . tne provisional capital. of WISH AT EDMONTON JjU Commission Completes lis "caring In Alberta Edmonton, Anrii 4: cp The W roya) commission on inter- mmentai relations comnleted l.warln- in Edmonton on Sat- py without receivlnrr a brier m the Drovlnolnl !rnler William Aberhart havlne ped even to 'answer the com- pwn ; formal mioctioi. Mhounb the irnvKmrnrnt t. H the commission entirely. Albert hrtie View on vnrlnn mnMnrc'nf M'c Interest nnri tka .hni,.o,. MJ Justice N. W. Rowell K. C . hi,,.., "cms wen PlsI'cd that rn,,rn.,n..- i fla opinion had been obiainel. leather Forecast rurni!,hd thrn,,. ... "nTunrt t,K HcorloRtcl Dureou at l fnn, IOT upm. TMa 'nro- ""nipilMl from nhvnrtatlnn. l. "r mir!" !."dy ttnd covr' the 36! ' m!?1 ,SynPs's- Pressure is RitUh """-"J weaincr on me. L, ' "'umola coast and It Is: ie in 1., unsct"ed and cooler In He A'Pert and Queen Char-.. elands- .Mnrin. . , ... htlnds'.cloudy with a few, M'est r f ' cooler knight. -- "mu soum wmas, nnH i , ted sh '-'""ay witn scat' IN EAST. Police Break up Anti-Fascist Demonstrations in Montreal and Toronto MONTREAL, April 4: (CP) The police were called Sunday to restore order at a meeting which was described as anti-communistic. The arrival of the officers put a stop to fighting which had been going on in the hall. Nobody was injured. The police said the fighting started when some one yelled "Are Fascists in Canada going to be like those in Spain and murder innocent women and children?" In Toronto a noisy crowd of anti -Fascist demonstrators, marching from Queen's Park to the Italian consulate in defiance a city order against parades, was routed twice by the police on Saturday. PLANTS SEIZED, Electric and Gas Supply Continued' Despite Taking Over by C.I.O. of , Michigan Generators j JACKSON, Michigan, April 4: (CP Electric and gas service con-' tlnucs without Interruption despite the seizure of six strategic plants of the Consumers' Power Co: in south- em Michlean by employees belong-. to the Committee for Industrial Organization. No violence is re ported. Inquest Into i Murder Case Investigation of Killing of Sidney Colebourne at Victoria Continues . VICTORIA. April 4: (CP)-Chlcf Police John Syme of Oak Bay Municipality announces that an innucst will be held Tuesday morn- lng Into the death of Sidney Cole- honrne who was shot to death In his home on Friday mornlny. : Meanwhile Inspector Vance of the , Vancouver police Bureau of Scl . ence ana syme nave mauc u mi. ful survey of the Colebourne nome a thlrtv-cliht calibre revolver. . . " - OF " I . i iH tUn nKlm. .... was louna yesicrany m ney ot the living room of the dead shin's rlecer of the British Colum bia Coast Steamship Service, who was shot to dcatn as ne icm early last Friday morning. Inspector Vance Is endeavouring to de-t Hip revolver was the same one from which tne iaiai shot was nrea imo ywtuuu",v- The dead man's wallet was ais-o found hidden, in another part of the house. Mrs. Colbourne, who told ponce, that she wakened to see a man: fleeing from the room, Is being I i.-u . n motor nl Witness. one questioned two hours over the.erly wind, ten miles per hour, sea, was .i.wini, nt thp week-end would be laid shortly In connection slaying but he gave no In- with WltU the UK- oiJ"t " " , . dication as to who was suspectea ui firing the single revolver shot; which killed Colebourne. Sugar Workers In ' Trinidad Strike Volunteer Police Several Hundred Arc Pressed Into Service j . , . Anr)1l PORT OF SPAIN, Trln,df aV I 4:Scvcral hunarea Illlicu - i Ice have been f. thousand ' during a sinnc - - ; Trinidad sugar workers. Brutally Slain TO SUCCEED DE VALERA IN FREE STATE? The Count Edward Taeffe, pictured above with his bride at their recent wedding In Dublin, may he selected by Eamonn De Valera as titular "President" of the Irish Free State under the new Free State Constitution. KING ON DEFENSE! premier Denies That Canada Gave Advice Retarding Czecho-Slo- i vakia No Separationist Desire OTTAWA. April 4: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, speaktng in the House of Commons on the subject of defense esimates, denied that the Canadian government had given any advice to the British government in regard Czecho-Slovakla. It had not q . ? . ODmlon and had not exptessad one. , Jn resard to pr0paganda which! had been gpread abroad, Premier Klng tna,J there was no desire ; -' Canada to separate . irm the rest-ot the Emplre individual action fori the varl(;u3 Domlnlons would, he bellcvedi make even more close thg bonds 0i Empire. ClerffV Makes X J M r n, , Nq MatemClH VIENNA, April 4: (CP) Catho- lie clergy in Austria failed yestcr-j jn tne House of Commons today day to make expected mention ofwhCn Hon. Norman Rogers, minis (UA nlahlcMf n f hP held llPXl. . f 1n1.n. mnlrn. a ftnnnn Sunday m connection with the ap-1 nroval of the absorption or ria by Germany. Today's Weather (Government ""eleftrdptwi Triple Island Light rain, east- OliiUlu,.. parom . sea smooth. t-. TVno Pri ...... nt Plriiriv ca m- ucw -v barometer, 29.75; temperature, 42; sea sinwui. Bull Harbor Part cloudy,- calm; barometer, 29. 76; temperature, 40; sea smooth. Alert Bay Showery, calm; bar-ometcr, 29.84; temperature, 27; sea smooth. Estcvan Raining, easterly wind, four mllcs per hour; barometer, 29.92. victoria Fair, southwest wind, four mllcs per hour; barometer, 2d( ofl VancouvcrRainlng, calm; bar- ometer, ay.uu. OUTPUT OF MINERALS Canadian Copper and Silver Pro duction Starts This Year Stronger Than Last OTTAWA, April 4: (CP Ac i cording to figures Issued by th: Dominion Bureau of Statistics copper and sliver production in Canada has started strong this year. The January copper produc , tion for this year was 52,500,000 j pounas as. compared wim j,uuu. j 000 pounds In the same month; last year. The silver production ' thls January, at 1,500,000 ounces was 200,000 ounces more than a year ago. ..w..v.. I Wf I I SSI I 1 IM liUvfUUlVl 1 OF RELIEF This Will Occupy Spotlight at Ot-tawa Today Government Plans May Be Disclosed OTTAWA, April 4: (CP) Tht question of unemployment relief is expected to take the spotlight statement m regard to legislation is planned in reuard to the subject. The report of the National Employment Commission will be discussed by Mr. Rogers who may' reveal further information In re- nard to the government's inten tions with respect to unemploy ment insurance. Convict Taken - , j trict. The Indians evicted some Frank Shura, Who Made Getaway , twenty prospectors who were pan-From Stony Mountain Penitcn- ' nlng the river passing through the tiary, Surrenders Without I reserve. Bridge River, not being Struggle (classed as a navigable stream, the j Indians are held to be within their WINNIPEG, April 4: (CP) Frank rights. It would be different If it Shura, second of three convicts who, were a navigable stream such as escaped almost a month ago from the Fraser. Stoney Mountain Penitentiary, was apprehended Saturday night and surrendered to the police without a BULLETINS FIRST HALIBUT SALE The first halibut of the season was sold on the local exchange today. The American boats Harding and Visitor dis posed of 18,000 and 6,000 pounds respectively to Pacific Fisheries at 14.1c and 8c. The fish is being f shipped fresh to the eastern market on this evening's train. BLUM ENDORSED PARIS The French cabinet today approved Premier Blum's financial projects including cen tralization of all exchange op erations in the Bank of France i i a it financial expervs inienircuHR such centralization as virtual ex . change control. GOVT IS ASSAILED LONDON Interest in connection with international affairs will centre in the British I'arlia. ment again this week when , Prime Minister Neville Chamber-I lain will defend his administration against another Labor Op-' position attack in regard to government policy on the Spanish civil war. A vote of non-confidence is due to be proposed today with the demand that an immediate general election be ; held. Meantime negotiation of the much-discussed agreement be tween Great Britain and Italy is proceeding and Premier Cham-berlaln states that he expects it will, be concluded within two weeks. There was a scene in the House today when Emanuel Shin-well indignantly strode from an Opposition front bench, crossed the floor to the Conservative side and, with the flat of his hand, struck Commander Robert Bowef resounding smack on the left, cheek. The incident ended when both men involved apologized. WESTERNS WIN TITLE VANCOUVER Vancouver Westerns defeated Victoria Dominoes by a score of 52 to 50 Saturday night in the fifth and deciding game of the British Columbia 'senior men's basketball championship series. The series went me until, eacn learn naving won two eames which necessitated the fifth being played. STUDY FISH IN SUB MOSCOW The latest scien If ic exploit to be undertaken h) the Soviet government in Arctic regions will be a submarine expedition in Bering Sea to stud) the fisheries, it was announced yesterday. By use of moving niclurc cameras under the surface, it is expected to obtain valuable information. THROWN OUT BY INDIANS Prospecting on Reserves Becomes Disnute on Bridcc River Follow- ing New Gold Discovery ,, . ... . tee is determined to make the LILLOET, April 4 (CP) Con-i,r . . . . . ,. . . . , . . ... Housing Act apply to all major white' . . troversy has arisen between . to prospecting rights on Indian reservations following a gold strike on a reserve In the Bridge River dis- J. D. Galloway, managing director of the Reward Mining Co., arrived struggle. Arthur Wurch still re- In the city on the Catala last even-mains at large. Jack Holdermanl ing from Vancouver, being on his was captured soon after the jail way to Surf Point mine on one of ' break. his periodical visits of inspection In Desert Berkeley Socialite And Her Daughter Murderd In Texas Brush Country Atrocity Has Earmarks of Being Work of Maniac Were Clubbed to Death and Left Partially Stripped On Roadside VAN HOR, Texas, April 4: (CP) Peace officers scoured sun-baked West Texas brush country today for the killers who tortured a r f. r ? 1 1 iamornia, woman ana aaugnier, ciuouing mem to ueaui and leaving their partially stripped bodies side by side on the desert. Dr. W. W. Waite, who performed an autopsy rrrrmr-rr' -rrrrr on the bodies of Mrs. Weston Frome and daughter, Nancy, reported that nT AATMrnrn Kl IlllllerSI the girl's right hand had been JLiJLiVf JUlLiiJ 1 i burned bv a clear or ctearette. Mrs. FIGHT YET General Chiang Kal Shek Held Hi: Own in Fierce Battle Along Lunghai Railway SHANGHAI, April 4: (CP) One j of the bloodiest battles so far In! the course of the Sino-Japanese war continues along the Lunghai Railway line. General Chiang Kal Shek's Chinese forces are still holding the Japanese from further advance there. The political or zanlzation of China has been put on a full wartime basis with Ch ang Kal Shek in supreme com mand Today Japanese troops were claimed to have comoleted occu- patlon of Taierchwang in southern yesterday following an explosion Shantung Province after seventeen in the former. Intense heat was days of fierce fighting. 'developed by the spectacular con- , .flagration. Police had some diffl-. Protest to Moscow Culty in holding the crowds of MOSCOW, April 4: (CP) Japan spectators back, protested to Soviet Russia today against military assistance she alleged the Soviet government was lending China. Likely To Have . 1 1 1 1 J-OanS Available Central Committee at Vancouver Determined to Make Act Applicable to All Major Centres VANCOUVER, April 4:-It, is ,w-f ht npnro 1e hPin Z ZZm Z Permits for this March total-brought m to hPr bear on r thi. the loaning inn ' year- companies to Induce them to make loans not only In the big centres but in the more remote towns and cities of the province. Ths chairman of the committee her? is now touring the southern Interior in the interests of the scheme. As a result of the operation of j the plan, building In British Col umbia is un over last year while other provinces, with the excep- Hon of Manitoba, showed declines While so far the scheme has been applicable chiefly to lower main land centres, the housing commit- Would Make Age For Recruiting In Army Lower LONDON, April 4: (CP) Secretary of War Hore-Belisha advocates that the age for recruiting in the British Army be reduced from elgh- teen to seventeen years. This was his suggestion In reply to the corn- plaints that the practice of youths not yet eighteen claiming that they were In order to get In the army was general. socially prominent Berkeley, 1-i. .1..L1 1.1 i. .1 Frome's right forearm was lacerat- ed, perhaps by biting. At Alamogordo, New Mexico, state police are holding a man for questioning by Texas authorities in connection with the slaying of Mrs. Frome and her daughter. OIL PLANTS DESTROYED Imperial and Shell Companies Lose Property in Specatcular Nelson J -Blaze NELSON, April 4: (CP) Fuel plants of the Imperial and Shell Oil Co.'s her? went up in smoke BUILDING IN MARCH !No Major Projects Recorded But Healthy Increase Over Same Month Last Year Shown Building permits In Prince Rupert for the first three montns of 1938 have totalled $135505 in lue as compared with $475 In the correpsondlng period of last led $4070 In comparison with $1423 in March 1937. The permits for this March were as follows; Jack Yager, garage, Summit. At-"nue, $20. N. W. Appleyard, residence, Fourth Avenue East, $2700. J. A. Lindsay, foundation re " oairs. Park Avenue, $100. D. C. McRae, alterations, Third Avenue. $1250. Calgary Relief Workers Strike Ar Withdrawing From Civic Work This Week With Cutting Of Allowance j CALGARY, April 4: (CP) Relief 'workers In Calgary are planning to go on strike on Wednesday" when a reduction in the local re-I lief scale comes Into effect. Telephone Director)' CHANGES or new listings for next issue of the Telephone-Directory to be made In writing to Telephone Department, City Hall not later than April 11, 1938.