PADS FOUR NEW ERA FARMING IN WEST "Settlers came to the west and Already some success has been knee. achieved with listers, cultlvator-drilLs and seeding to rye to arrest the drifting sand. Also crested wheat grass has been established successfully in some of these sandy areas. "Fourteen district sub-experiment stations are co-operating I with the mother experimental sta tion at Swift Current in Prop-ess Made in Solvinj menting to find out even better and Problems, Expert Says; New safer methods of farming and at Methods Being Employed I tne me time help to make infor- ' matlon available to the farmf rs. By ROBERT K. TAYLOR SWIFT CURRENT, Sask., June 21: (CP) Because of "amazing "Farmers themselves are into 37 Agricultural Improvement Associations through which they can study their local aerlcul ,,",, ' tural problems as a group and seek , ,,,, , farming in western f Canada in fV, the , . , ;. station a,d from the "PerimenUl next next 10 10 vears years will will be be less less hazardous hazardous solution. Soil drifting than in the past 10 years in the , .8 .. , control by community effo Us an opinion of H. J. Kemp, assistant outstanding example of this work. superintendent of the Dominion Experimental Station here. followed the best farming practices Riiccion hlctlP taught taught them In communities where lVUOOlall 1 11IOUC they previously resided." Kemp said. "We know how some of these practices were unsuitable. These people will benefit by their mistakes. "Farmers generally are taking advantage of all the activities of the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration leading towards a Now Aids Farmer Found To Be Useful in Checking Soil Drifting 4 LETHBRIDGE, Alta., June the more permanent and stabilized ag- chief grlef 0f western farmers, has riculture. been tne seCond most valuable "They realize too they must store piant in the West In many district feed and seed to carry them over because of its success in checking drought periods we know are com- sou drifting, declared A. Ei Palmerh ing just as we Know gooa times assistant superintendent of the with big crops are coming again, Dominion Experimental Station They are going to be better farm- here. ers than ever before because of ''Soil drifting damage would have their experiences and this coun- been 100 times as great in manj try will produce as richly as It ever districts had it not been for the, did. Russian thistle," said Palmer. "Only "Fertility of the soil has not gen- wheat could rate as more valuable erally been seriously depleted be- m many of these districts." cause of growing wheat bqt some Recent experiments on soil con-fertility may be lost In some places trol damage, Palmer said, showed due to soil drifting. The west will the drifting of one inch of top soil come back, perhaps this year. took as much fertility from the Experimental Activities land as raising 485 bushels of "The P.F.R.A. activities of the wheat. In one season in the Regina Swift Current station include pre- district 1.25 inches of soil drifte' paring 5,000 acres of land for crop on test farms, production under irrigation at Val , Marie and 2,000 acres at Eastend. This Immense area has now been scrubbed, cultivated, levelled, ditched, sown and Irrigated. The land is Terrace Delegates TERRACE, June 21; Delegates now covered with a vigorous green from the Terrace Liberal Assocla-growth of oats. An Immense crop of tion to the annual meeting of the feed is assured for the Val Marie district' association which was he!d district this year. The immense at Smlthers left on Friday's train amount of work ln preparing this for the interior town. The delegates. land in a remarkably short time has were Messrs. Sparkes, Agar. Riley been done by the Swift Current Ex- and the member. E. T. Kenney. perlmeital Station staff and equip- j ment under the leadership. of L. B.J Thompson, superintendent of the Swift Current Experimental LUCK BAD AT 17TII MONTE VISTA, Colo.. June 215 (CP) Any golfer would sympa t.hlrp with Nnpl Thnmnsnn nf A1a; activities of this "Other P.F.R.A. mosa Thompson advanced to the station include reclamation pro- mh tee ln a recent i8.hole mter. .Jects at Cadillac, Meyronne and ciUD tournament. comfortably Aioruacn. nere experiments are ahead of the field. JIls tee shot Deing carried out to learn tne Dest was a beauty, but as Thompson methods by which anitea sanay finished out his follow-through land can be reclaimed for some he suddenly fell to the ground more suitable kind of agriculture. Doctors found he had dislocated a USED FURNITURE Kitchen'Range With Oil Burner Ranges for Burning Wood -Coal Vacuum Cleaner, Hoover, with all attachments; Cash Register English Pram, Wicker Buggy NEW FURNITURE Chesterfield Suite,Bedroom Suite Dining Room Suite, Floor Covering We Accept Your Old Furniture in Part Payment on the New rilONE GREEN 916 ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE THIRD' AVENUE Prince Rupert Where a spruce-board catwalk hangs today between the massive pillars on either shore, the Lion's Gate Bridge will carry three lanes of traffic across a main SDan 1,550 feet long and two side spans of 614 feet each. Ten thousand cars an hour will be able to cross between the green woods.of Stanley Park on the south side and the blue hills of West Vancouver on the north, where the same British capital that Invested $8,000,000 in the bridge has laid out, other millions to develop a 4,500-acre residential area Beside the 29-foot roadway sidewalks ' will provide pedestrians with a view of the seaway 200 feet belqw, where shipping shuttle, steadily in Canada's Pacific import and , export trade. ' (If drivers of 10-ton trucks chose the bridge to park their vehicles, they could pack It irom end to ?nd arid ft would bear the load, in the opinion of S. R. Banks, resident i engineer for the Lion's Gate Bridge! Company, That would be pressure equivalent to 615 pounds persquar-foot. Banks estimates also that specially-tested wire used in the strands of the two giant cables supporting the ipans would extend 3,600 miles, or from the Pacific to the Atlantic with 200 miles to spare at either end. Unwinding Cables when the 122 cables were unwound Vrom wooden spools and slung Into place between the two 364-foot The work was done recently ln .he cool spring dawn when neither wind no sun could upset the bridge- builders' calculations by swinging put of place or expanding the thick itrands which were bound into two groups of 61. Each of these huge composite cables measures 13 Yz in-! :hes in diameter. will be longer in summer due to expansion In heat and shorter In winter because of contraction. It can swing eight feet either way ln a gale. were raised from barges beneath the framework. When the bridge Is completed, possibly this autumn, the residential area of West Vancouver will be brought within five minutes' motoring distance of the heart of the city. At present 40 minutes is required by way of the Second Narrows Bridge which spans the bottle-neck at the eastern end of Burrard Inlet. More than a mile of the netf Journey will be on the bridge and its approaches. At a plebiscite the citizens of Vancouver voted overwhelmingly in favor of granting the bridge company access to build a road through Stanley Park, the city's seagirt forest playground. The northern approach will measure 3,200 feet. Gorgeous View From their swaying catwalk the bridge workmen can see the North Shore's road system creeping into' hills that overlook the entire southern mainland and across the Gulf of Georgia to Vancouver Island. New houses are going up on the hills beside the boulevards and graded avenues laid out by the British Pacific Properties Limited. I Fifty miles beyond is the mountain park of Oarlbaldl, s0 far inacce- j slble by road. j Westward, a scenic highway run? 10 miles along the rugged, sea-, scarred coast through a dozen holi- j day resorts. The public first heard of a defi-1 nite plan to build the bridge ln 1031 but five years elapsed before workmen began clearing brush for the first anchorage excavations. Blasting operations for the tall towers started In June, 1937, and the following autumn steel-workers were called to the Job. For 50 years the bridge company will operate the structure under a THE DAILY NEWS BIG SPAN Hhis Summer IN SOUTH Slacks Season Long Suspension Bridge To Carry' Smart Fabrics in Fashion as Women Tremendous Load Across First Narrows By Stuart Underhill VANCOUVER, June 21: (CP) Three hundred and sixty feet above the tide-ripped waters of Vancou ver's harbor entrance, cool-headed, Go Trousers For All Hours NEW YORK, June 21: (CP) Wo- rics man last year. Thousands of yards of cotton and workmen are spinning a steel web linen hopsacklng, sleek rayon suit- that Is to be the longest suspension bridge in the British Empire. lng and light-weight flannel have made new versions of them for beach, boat, garden and stream. They have even LOCKWOOD, Sask., June Employing the newspaperman's "hunt and peck" typing style, he writes stories of his life ln the news business. "Yes sir, I'm still Interested ln From the giant, saddle-bound newspapers and whenever I get cables suspender ropes hang ln,near one 1 flnd that 1 have to So pairs at 36-foot Intervals. Theyland sce that tne 'boys' are Putting reach down like stronz flneers tolout the paper right," he concluded hold the road, sections of which l"1 suppose there's printers' Ink in my veins." franchise as a private toll undertaking. After that the city of Vancouver may take it over at struc tural value; If it does not the offer will be repeated at five-yeai intervals. The bridge is designed to meet the needs of a community of 2, 000,000, almost six times Greater Vancouver's present population Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PnONR 657 THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only itlmon canning company with an all the year round payroll ln Prince Rupert WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt James Findlay, is due in port at ?-i s this nftpmoon from Stewart. men are going to wear the trousers (Anyox and Qther nortncrn pts this summer. Slacks are shown in.d wm saU half an.hour iater for greater numbers and smarter fab-v ancouver and wayPolnts. The ves- Wales Island, Port Simpson and Big Bay. Lighthouse tender Albernl. Capt. trout Harry Ormiston, was outfitting at crashed the C. N. R. wharf yesterday after the gates" of a few Informal coun- having been at the local dry dock old hlgh-walsted peg-top is gone. In its place have come straight, fairly wide trousers (designed for slacks topped by a dusty pink pinstriped shirt, for instance. Shorts are in the summer fashion 7c and 6c; Eleanora, 15,000, Sebas tlan, 7c and 6c; Merit, 12,500, New England, 73,4c and 6c; Wireless, 18,-000. Whiz. 7&ic and fie Fnr juiMp sun, too. They appear in various f Ish and 4c per pound WM combinations linking a orie-plece paid ln SeatUe yesterday and for playsult and detachable skirt or jm cod 3c shorts, shirt ana sKirt. First Paper West Of Winnipeg 1882 Recalls Setting Type With Hand; Writing Copy Own Halibut vessels arriving in reported an Increased propor tion of small fish in their catches, particularly from the Goose Island area. This is believed to indicate nn tnrrpflQA in fish cnanmlnir The Alaska freighter Chatham,."' Capt. Olof Hansen, arrived ln port at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan and. after dls- 21 1 rhnrplntr fnnr parlnnHe nf 'fUV, tnr O CT -" " .wmA4 w u, I (CP) W. J. White, lively 87-year transshlnmenr. Kast nvpr Canadian old pioneer, recalled here that he ' Nationai Railways, sailed last night established ln Brahdon. Manitoba. Jn conUnuation of her v a t(J the first daily newspaper west of geame ' Winnipeg 56 years ago. Lockwoodl is 75 miles east of Saskatoon. -n,u ,.. ctrinr. Capt. Henry White of Massett ar- Most residents of Vancouver and,n rived ln port this morning from the the dt of tenU that was Bran prosperous West Vancouver muni- Charlotte Islands with his don ,n i882 He freighted the press lf clpality were stUl in their beds' nH tvn pns n fn AinihnlnP Uelneboat Halda Girl. Alfred Adams. River from Winnipeg. 150 miles tmCm u. uie ixauve urotner east and started to work. White set type by hand, ran the press with a steam engine and wrote his own copy. During the Rlel rebellion years and ln the el ections of those early days, the newspaper flourished. i In 1897 he sold the paper and joined the publicity staff 6f the federal immigration department at Ottawa, organizing editorial par ties in the United States and brlnc- Now they are ln place wind or j ing them to the Canadian west, weather can'do their worst. Travell-. White retired 10 years ago and ers may not notice it but the bridge j settled on his farm at Lockwood hood of British Columbia, was among those coming ln with him. They will return to the Islands on! Friday. Reach the most people iu city and district with au Mmrtlument (n the Dallv Nw (Theatre Bookings Here Are Altered Disruption of Steamship Schedule Makes Some Changes Necessary At Capitol Owing to the disruption of Canadian National steamship schedJ ules this week, It has b'een neccs- Isel made calls this morning at sary to alter the starting days of picture programs at the Capitol Theatre. "Bad Man of Brimstone, which opened last night, wlirshow; tonight and Wednesday. Thursday, and Friday, "Man Proof," with Myrna Loy, together with "Espion age" win be snown, saiuraay ana try cocktail hours. for the past few weeks for annual J Monday, "The Buccaneer," starring- This new 1938 edition shows the overhaul. IFrederlc March, will be featured result of work and thought. The. .., .with "Live, "' Love and Learn" and Eight vessels sold catches total- ,7'"' L .i7L,k ve- TPPed Jn the A.,ps doub,e' ling 185.000 185,000 nounds pounds at at Seattle Seattle yes terday. They were: Paragon, 39,500, San Juan, 7ic and 7Vic; Estep, T to,w0H hir7 29'000. San Juan. 7c and 7V'2c; smooth jacket o tailored shirt which hangs outside A number o oceanic. 17.500, Washington, costumes In color women develop and w contrast dusty blue pin-striped billed on Tuesday only, Shower Is Held At. Pt. Edward Affair Held at Neighboring Com-' munity on Saturday Night A delightful shower was held at the home of Mrs. Yule at Port Edward on Saturday night In honor a S. Hale and Mrs. Bond. Games were enjoyed, the first prize belni; a chicken halibut which was wort OLD ... and proud of it ( WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY 261,11 oz. $3.25 40 oz. WSTTLUD AND lOTTLIO IM KOTLANO Socially Accepted . . . In the Modern Manner Men and Women of discernment everywhere are iislnr Portable Typewriters for all correspondence. ..It is the modern way to write. A Good portable Is a necessity in business and social activity! Write Correctly Use a Remington Portable Remington JUNIOR A sturdy machine' for the novice who wants a real typewriter at a low price. Only Remington PORTABLE Model 5 Does everything a heavier machine will do, typist whose typewriter U Indispensable. Price Remington Portable NOISELESS The portable De Lux. Built to serve in a major capacity. Price $45.00 For the trained $60.00 880.00 SEE THEM and TRY THEM at McRAE BROS. Factory Rebuilt OFFICE TYPEWRITERS, both Underwood and Remington Standard models carried In stock. Let us quote on your Typewriter requirements. Lowest prices. Typewriters For Rent Amu MCDONALD. Prop. Swain's Transfer and Taxi TERRACE, B.C. Picnic Parties and Taxi Anywhere Special Trips to Lakelse Lake Also Roat Service on Lake Write or Wire for Further Information Tnvm ti. Two Show. W,hu Wallace Beery "BAD MAN OF BRIMSTONE" With Virginia Bruce, Dennl,0KM, (At 7:35 and 9:41) ' ADDED Fitipatrlck Travelog. "COPENHAGEN" NEWS and NOVELTY Change in Opening Day Programs I)ue to Disrupted C.N.R Hoat Schedule-' Next Thurs.-Fridiy "Manproof" k "Esplona,,-Saturday and Mondjy "The Buccanttr" Tuesday Only -Live, Love and Larn rius "Trapped In Alps- J. H. BULGER Qptometrist Royal Bank Bldj. Home Cooked .Meals Come T U & I CAFE We, serve French-fried poll-toes with all steaks nd chops. Special chicken dinner On Sunday KEN RAYNER (Over 23 Years Experience) for Your Radio TronMes Let me check over joor let which includes General Inspection, Testing Tubes, Cleaning Set and Speaker, Re alljnlnr All States, Solderini Aerial and Ground when net essary,; (3.95. Phone Black 71! Can You EqualThis? Clean, Comfortable Rooms with Hot and Cold Water Home Cooked Meali Beautiful Harbor View Board & Room $10 Mo. and If "All White Help" KNOX HOTEL HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 u '