PAG TWO "MATT Canada's lies! Shoemakers Yo &t extra eomfort in every pair. Priced From Stt.oo 7 m&fmurr The Home of Good Shoe3 Hi El 'Family shoe store ltD. THE DAILY NEWS. PEI.NCE RCPEBT - BBITISH COLCJIBIA PablUbed Ere 17 Aftwooca, Ezcpt Sunday, by Prince Btrptrt DalJy Ke-M. Llrslled. Third ATnoe H. F PULLEJJ - - - Ifararfrg-KIT SURSCKil-riO.S KATIS City dellTery, t7 earrttr. yearly is.tvjK. paid In adratxe Paid In adracee, per ireek New Department Telephocs AdTertbliir and CnetfUticm Telephone Member it Aodit Boreao ot ClrcnUtlent ADVEBTISI.NG RATES By mall to all cthsr ccmntrtaE. per year f -17 T TT." A New Telephone Number 456 mm m Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service 42 r The Utxrr iz Daacnter tea rroft of the Ckr-i'iix Girls in, : Training of Fir Pned Chare J oeid last man: id :fce chares par- Mcs. ws mi Uttuu. e&jicyabMe j and coiorf ml event :ir. ibosx siae-' :y in aueatane Tise raea er m Mrs. J T whose ?ei m HrfcngFaee. Mm yiW-inww. avtsatovt of the - - Cans-I dian OMf IB Ttatnlnc, Mr aaa-' omyitH) bv Vf l Klen rtrnm and mntinu. if nn l... .L . r. TZX DAILY .Sr "Tnnrvf;-:. !- are jaocHl dianae that totrnOMfe. : dubfln of ine uusex r . :ww3 ate to be orates! eaefc repre.: s "TO terioas change . bj 'fUtxt XTjd zx.i Ubit IMRWltt.'.r L-je t asj at oeoi-r. eB ta ins nn; aw jbbst uaar. wpre-n ir? eating oajfaSOr Uv?Je. a this prtsMt lets ane -wmur. use aenBtK iaw. iMi 11 IMS Or rVSTtCTOE GX JTaXIGB OTGH SCHOOL bees w a Dqpagnaaian. er by tor Cast ttst icMfenl to am Cart vt asaae a teach emifieaiea. These certificates x.tCieML This is a : faajr state that m aai r scnoot. m raanow eotors. ana' in mmi t -,h naui in Uiu fa- OMf welfare' d Tt alBaaindet' of ItataalMMe. PS today m than it is i trceacirfi&t&tbtj are far ssare -1 Vin. On thss point wntrr of th.2 better is rather inconnistent- nc; t- v: iltrdeal hen tth rvu 1 w uk, iu.L tftei am. iw smaller than Prince Ropert. He broner. wartera. the physical recreation t'!tsJ emaD,nS , Greetings of ehareh orcanin- ed and some ace which at lfP1 Tj "l ln 'tiom were presented the Ladies' Present is com- to waste and 22 'Jn"h,r and nior Aid by Mr J. 8. brine, the -." could be used for lftrar TL, tocnMd Imen s Mi4onar) Society by Mrs. E and other araoses. are aO located t T" .T ecooon1,c P.Jenner: the Junior Choir by Mia " the Booth School The work rooms raore iSwana Oialson. and the Sunday m the facuitles is pri- t2?lpne"t School by Willrld Hieki ft ffcondary school char ,1 needed r:' . T Leaderr of groopt took a promin-. tw. luuaerj from' grades 7 to 12 lSj0O ent part in the affair as toOo: ' IOT e"WPt f"" t"1 to esgh tei mJm "a : t .1 tu. i v. t-i.m are nreaerMed In nresentine th3 1 Lum vt uir cuuiui nani3u in - . fr, nation with the humwi "wrr 01 tne 'ewer na M.y n-mnw Thorvlay Febratry 17. 19M. Smite on Sondir mWrnerpretaled what is actaallv Mother and Danahter Sonday VedThe proposal that oniy IMPORTANT ftnPTtvp pnvTr CONTEST . obserred on Snnd. mnrrt 7 and 8 of the Booth t in Prince ROpcrti. reased pnotl particirjaUon When the election is held in tbe constituency of Dewd-I a hi rrice afropriate LTeliT11- .wtilL!h! 'nated inn iR ney to cnose a weeemor to the late Dr.LR- P Patterson locc ta Untt anTseni7 i the an effort fc likely to be made to ttJ&SSiiSSL v"t' r. hS UOnerTaifVe anl rKaWlbtv to e a r r F mm, rof would remain an etaht-Brade ele- r""" .'or for these ",C4e CD1 in ' - A. - JHUlCll. i.mmmu, MIITIIUWlMinil awywHiwiwiwn - " . " WW ' w . w- ...... i t . . ir sorernment.- He fbrthe - r,,.., . ..m. r iiiwmij .v- -i-. 1 : i .i the most 'Mrs. L I. Pngscey. senior groap Mrs. Arthur Satton. intermediate tor grcmp. fitiii 1 1 Uj, 1 il 1 ,,11 iwfmW -in.i. a iwiiib wvrus wnn r J sHon: -Khnberleys expert- The artWmH. i. the cnct wonM ,rnd to "n that th. orotnaed w n D o im-nrv ra ' Trill " , " rtx-trade high school is 11 , A . -f . 1 j nab uiiuiu itn muni. juas nncn . . - i inere IS at Dreent nniv nni WOUIfJ Jive the LS .F. control of the opposition With the Oreen gare a brief talk on the aims If. nwJ 3t. PI!nt!htx)I -andltorhim in the city and right Of the 1 party to nominate it own leader in the House ecta of the Canadian GirU 8W9 thi, one can be more efficient and draw down the -alary that roe with it !ta .T?w.. pe 7 a Z,' ,,: by secondary school children In T th tl... f - ,U;f . . . Iand anfl Bett Bettv WHMnaon mH th I . . ' ""UK' (Kan ho t wiaiici; Laicm i jiii in i riM mrru . . reprtntaUon, it fa imderatood that ikJSSSi ()nervativc member for Victoria will act as leader of P"n There was a good in uie opposiuon and the.fat that he hold that position ' aMSMane at Will give him a great advantace over all other claimant': f: c- Lukmn Jackson .,Llei! ?f the Coniremtive Party in the province of Bntih Cfllumhia. AM1KHNI ALSO IN LINK A meeting wa held last week in Port Alberni aUend-i ed by the school tiiwtees of the Alberni and Port Alberni! tehool diirtrietH at hich the feasibility of establishing a junior high school to serve both cities was discussed and the eatabmhment of the school favored. It was decided to get in touch with the department of education at Victoria with a view to having the junior high established at the commencement of the next school term. At the meeting. Inspector G. H. Gower, formerly of Prince Rupert, strongly urged the establishment of the junior high. It was noticeable in tfie report of the proceedings that not one person representing either city was opposed to the establishment of the school. LOCAL DEFENSES' Some people wonder why we do not tell them more about the plans for local defenses. If they think again they will realize that nothing should be published which might prove an aid to a possible enemy. It is already news that an airdrome is to be constructed here and as soon as work commence?' on it or on any other defensive operations doubtless a possible enemy would get word of it without reading it in the newspapers. It would not need much' of a spy system to ascertain what is going on here. It mav be mentioned in this regard that the clearing of thirty-five arcres of land on Prince Rupert harbor has nothing to do with the airdrome and is quite a distinct nroject. Tenders have not yet been called locally but Word has been received from Ottawa that this will be done very soon. a eoni- -on-ren!W answer to the probferj .f sreondary education in districts her- th? total school popuiatlot. n all grades is 2009 or leas." Tti? ruwsi that the eiesientarv cho-il children are to b discrim- the proposed x- orranhation H cmundlevt. To be sure, we would like to have an auditorium children Street School would Uke the ex- " V.V. SCI1W' ,cn,J.a- industrial courses offered ""l time u " Junior High School. Thj when the training for" futui- clUrenshio can be most effective service of which aId iTC new unlt at Booth aceomonshed. All that the children was in charge. an sthnated school population of moved from the Booth buildin- Mist Kay Shrabsan and Miss Ina Jt onder 400, a number whiehlwouM lone would be this auditor. Montgomery were ushers. . the building can accomodate and : iurrt and they will get that latex 4 aBssssssssssssVPj Bsssssssssssssssssssskr w BsssBssssssssaar"BBVHBrnw(Ilsssssl BssssQswWrstKswAr-l7l BsssssSMTaiHsssssssssssstssssssssssi BsssssTATIlAssBassssssssssssssssssssssssssaa HAVE YOU SMOKED A TURRET LATELY? esigns ID VERY smoker lia j liis own idea about which cigarette suits him best. We do not say that Turrets will appeal to everyone, but we do think that iri his own interest, everyone ouglit to give them a trial. Tor Turrets are a mild, light ; smoke, made from a blend of fine Virginia tobaccos. No other cigarette tastes quite the same the unique and original Turret blend takes care of that. Even the Turret package is unusual it has a handy calendar on the back1 to keep you up-to-date. So; if you haven't smoked a Turret lately, try a package todayl 1-p.r.i y.bc. ComP,r w c..fc, n.,,;,.d. "You may in a man over to jt)Ur way of thinking by sheer force of logic but usually it doesn't pay to try. There's an easier way. The secret is simple. Let him think the idea is his. Then hell be for it lOOfc We all have more faith in our own ideas than in . those that come to us second hand." "And he did. There was nothing unusual in his suggestions, but when finished, the sketches represented his iuca anu nc was an ior mem. "He bought them, of course, and has bought scores of others since. He feels that he is helpinc to create the f . " f f - i r -anu so ue is. fit to aee it ! school ft re at tfce'aafct no aaus aamaaenta frotr ra to room. Secondary sehop'.l The proposed sectadary school 'wi doe and the proMt higfc orcaaiiauon waaht persaia the ex- jehool is greatly handicapped D? tfsaaaa of .leiaiary srfcoK teach-; cause of this inability to son jeg. nth spectaaatt to each sab-' The uiopotcd rcnirganiaatlon Is vru down to grade 7. Ttis wiMud'aot a makeshift It ha been deep- suif u grcater iwbfee op-ily eosuidered with a view to gtv-u a aorr etxssir tie-tafcr "fn? pane Rupert under UF ae- he or .he attacks the obt Parent Tearw?r is protect in !r and TrtSfejOSHbj5fajd pmjfjiaw Ae j amor ubfe the haase in tnUoa I desk -o stake that Obp Minister at amranon by in- ;to lUrie Unt and resprinded to by school popasabon woald warrant lracl" wmcn rrr 00 Mrs. G. V wakimon. to the SchooL ite ase I sbMe moat eaapbattestfj mi' Fe?rday afternoon, the prin nrrrfw-fJ br a Pearl lielnnis and that thet i a feeffit. i k riP1 Kbnberley High School . 4l- tn niHt' nrvl AtHrftiMt iMtfar fnr afrr. grade pw The aad!t.riam the indm- describes the setting up of a six hieh school in that com m unit 7 Here is a place a UUh ! Hyde f ! Transfer j , i WOOD j GOAL ! TRANSFER ! I J . . Phone 580 ! 315 SECOND AVE. dAssiflEi FOR SALE FOR SALE Hou t pan mKnuun a yK tntutn wui pnmor nmtr nnjjci t. . u abaed to bring tMVbfidren of other Maraunttt. are; tab m'bo prwaid a rVnc Biipm syKa aare ba bar- jrmtrine It is nrtl jarcf and pm; Serrtre. charv- mooy with the retteed etrkBhiEa an wmn u, moaerar pnpwiv ea-- e an Vtetona B r altrn.- Indeed tt" Tfi liftf wnn BfOKiessiTe education. 2 LOTS ON Difcby I If the person ho writ as " aa!-- Uti. Letr.e s Pnone, Blark it: sc nrriroiuai and with tlv ood faith he nr He 'iMaW reca w ri or Scr erroT liwlwd I wb ZDrZ . rh penaa tr. aqr offvr- in . itrls.Mr flta nil MBWm ni J. - .V V j . I wia abstaniiatK -- -j. arr ubi i may uiiru mr , . - writer shows profMBd inornee4tiari with him or her I might HsojpAKO FOR SALE when he or ate attacks the pre- state that I shall be very pleased! more (any the pmpossf, B' BWb easaot fc Aftf is pr-awte ZZLZL. VZ Jreriwitsbtloir wh the eWert 1 mere were irre uuu. nw 10 enw fitted to- hw Kin otTTl m the i riowTbeTaWKST. " b Wr tbat (3anrr. The toast so the Chwreh oAnd to b- eorreetetf on tfct wmmmon "nnwrny. Tn H M MORRISON, wae propd by Miss Betty Barber paint, that the btnldme was ewe.- pfo?te- ho ,re eonwsant with' inspector of Schools Mi rf5df u, by Re IJC. Jack- ed wnava Hew its servtoc as a inf . mtae b: to the Haw aronased k Mis. ma a .k. I the fbraary hwoe of the B. ix. ease, $?5. phone BU FOR a real bargain x: tare also UcCUr. F oil burner cmie-FUrnrtwre and U:ih t . N'ANTGl) on the Pr:r.r Gfor-e yesterday 1 WANTED Oood :r- frnsn a trlto Yanowr - ft ' t general hdasevrorfc f nj , , fonr Apply Mr J P t- Hudson's Bj. r. ;.- r,-wanga. B. C WORK WANTED CAPABLE Woman work, steady ;i. Oren 609 PERSONAL ar-ai rr a. -i hci Pit it oyster invigorn'r- t .-i oti sumuianu ui New 05TREX Tx ivnc rut ed, s-. : i Hn;.i naniea w:in :c . tilt: l rnnrfi M I 0 V i V. il ins. Sold b all . rat iv Tiir. si rnr.Mi: rorai or BlfITI, rou "Mint i ruoiuTf In Th Mtlrf eT Th UmlnUtr Aet" And In lit Mlttrr 1 th t -hit fit .U ijtuK laiurMla. IkWI TAKE NOTICE vMi- ' T tftfff llofw W 9 Viator n nTl 1:11 7 dsr of Joanr a. D. I ' ' nunld Ewnitrii Af -1 d iff I mtts Ana Kt fvil .-,1 i fjRf miae. oraofiT rrti::ert. r.f -- ure rNtMrrtl u pv i sr. hlr iM)rtelnw to f : ' ' DATBU ui du.v 'I Pt-rn. 1938 VI A RET IftWA. T.xc 'M hut . "A certain well-known designer of wwen's dresses learned this truth; after tring to sell her sketches to a large dress manufacturer without success. One day, she brought in half a dozen unfinished sketches. She asked the buyer to do her a little favour to tell her , how to finish them up so hi firm could use them." "This simple technique works extremely well, because no man likes to feel that some one else's ideas are being forced upon him, "So, instead of presenting complete ideas, offer sugges- !'.on,J't thc othfr ma" think out the conclusions for rumselt." ummrn