paus form Every cup a delight SALADA Codfish Ball Fresh lxca Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57 SOI Prominent Tacoma At Burns Lake Lumberman Passes Winnin; of Fifty rounds of Prince Rupert Fish Celebrated BURNS LAKE. March 8: Th Omineca Ski Club having been presented ujth fifty pounds of salt cod by the Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co. of Prince Rupert for Its eleventh annual meet. R. F. Davey, principal of the local school, who won the fish, gave a Cod Fish Ball in honor of the occasion as well as to eat the fish Mr. Davey entertained members of the Badminton and Ski Clubi at his dinner The fish was great-1 ly enjoyed by everyone and a grer, .Major Everett C. Gri?gs, Nationally Known Mill Operator, Succumbs Suddenly TACOMA. March 8: Major Everett G. Griggs, nationally prominent lumber operator, strick-enwhlle (lining on Sunday, succumbed to a heart attack. Sixty-seven years of age he was formerly president and later chairman of the board of directors of the St Paul-Tacoma Lumber Co. deal of water was consumed. Mrs E Trousdell catered fo the dinner Baggage SUIT CASES Embossed Fibre Suit Case 26 inches on rjp with straps Vw CLUB HAG Club Bag Split cowhide, brass lock and catches, check OF A A cloth lining with pocket. Size 18 inches iJDaUU OXFORD HAG Oxford Bag With zipper, grain cowhide. on - Slzel8hxhe t?.DU TKILVK Trunk Plywood construction. Hard fibre covering. Spring lock Fancy paper lining. With tray. qq m( Size 38 inches U TAXI WAKDKOUE Taxi Wardrobe Closed top. Fancy paper lining. COO tZ fi Four garment hanger Price Phone GREEN 916 ELIO'S Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Third Avfiiur pr.;j,;c Rupert B.C. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:0o p.m. Due VaBcouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnleht If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FKENCIl With The Same Reliable Service TO DISCUSS FISH PRICE Native? of Bella Bella District De- cir!e to Have Conference Prior To Meeting Canners BELLA BELLA, March 8: Th-Eella Bella branch of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia has decided to call a meeting here on April 15 of representatives of other villages such as Bella Cool. Rivers Inlet, Smith's Inlet etc. which are members of the Brotherhood to discuss the question of salmon prices for the coming season. Later Caleb Williams, president of the Bella Bella Brotherhood, and other native representatives will confer with the cannery operators. The Bella Bella Brotherhood ha? elected officers for the coming year as follows: Honorary President, Albert Hum-chitt. President, Caleb Williams. First Vice-President, Adam Dix on. Second Vice - President, Henry McKay. Third Vice-President, William Gladstone. Secretaries Sidney Housty and Frank Wilson. Treasurer. Sam Humchitt. Committee Paul Brown, Harry Humchitt. Charles Moody, Lome Williams, Thomas Hopkins. Gordon Reld, Hoffman Harris and Humchitt. The decision to hold a meeting of village representatives on fish prices was reached at a meeting of the officers of the Bella Bella Brotherhood at the home of Harry Humchitt. At this meeting Albert Humchitt expressed his appreciation of being named honorary president. He also expressed gratification at prominent church members being on the executive of the Brotherhood. A letter from Ufred Adams of Massett. preslden nf the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, proved of Interest The meeting was closed with pray er by Hoffman Harris. TT 1. T . 1 Hazelton Native ; Sisterhood Has : , Successful-Party HAZELTON, March 8 The Hazelton branch of the Native Sisterhood of British Columbia held a successful dance in the Kltinmax Hall on Friday. Fine music was rendered by a local orchestra. There was a large crowd Including quite a number from Moricctown. At midnight the Sisters served refreshments. The dance continued until about 4:30 a.m. Hotel Arrivals Central D. McLcod, Lee Larsen, D. Thoren and B. Calbertson, city; O. Bursey, Green Inlet Knox F. Annal, Vancouver; G. Nem-landcr and R. Grant, Premier. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McWllliams, Dlgby Island; J. E. Undcrhlll and H. Singleton, Vancouver. Royal C. H. Clark, Joe Chykardoc. A. Frcderlksen and Mike Stojokovlch, 'city; S. Snldal, Caspaco. Try a Dally New ci&ssn.ed advertisement for best results. V TEE DAILY KIWI Tussiay Mar-S g OFFICER RETIRES Lieut. Commander Walter Hume Honored Succeeded by Lieut. Commander Haworth Last night the Prince Rupert Division, Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, said farewell to the retiring commanding officer. Lieutenant Commander Walter Hume, health oi Lieut, com. Hume was proposed by the incoming commanding officer. Lieut. Com. L. H. Haworth, which was replied to by Lieut. Com. Hume who reminisced over his associations with the unit since its inception. A social evening then followed. OPERETTA . IN FILMS .... ; -The Firefly," With Jcanette.Mac-Donald, Allan Jooes and Warren William, at Capitol Theatre RECIPE PEAS CREAMED, WI'llI MUSHROOMS 1 tin, 20 o., Royal City Pea. 1 nip milk 1 tin muihrootni Sail an.l nrnnrr 2 talilc.pooni Ihi Iter 2 .1 icr hmtnn 2 lableiHon flour MU butler lit a tloiible boiler, Mir In flour. Aell miikhroom liquor (ilmut rup) prariiiallr then milk and aonlni.Ux.k until lliirkriinl. Chop inuahroomaand fry thriu with hacon which ha ben cut In amall pi tern. Add thU to the cream uee, then add drained. Meat and terrc. I I WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront i Douglas Edenshaw arrived in Prince Rupert at noon yesterday from Massett with his seineboat and packer Edenshaw and left in the afternoon in continuation of a trip to Vancouver where the vessel will be given a general overhaul There were fifty passenger.. aboard the steamer Princess Nor who has commanded the local di- vision for the past twelve years. . ftprnnon Mthbolu ,Jm y-tcrday Ska- The division, in full strength, was reviewed by Lieutenant Commander Hume who took the salute on the saluting base. After the review, the division returned to headquarters where a guard of honor was drawn up under Sub-Lieutenant O. G. Stuart. Lieutenant Commander Hume then took the general salute and Inspected the men of the division. A presentation of a silver cigarette case, suitably engraved was made to Lieutenant Commander Hume from the officers and men of the division. The presentation was made by Able Seaman Wm. Mur dock. This was followed by three cheers for the retiring commanding! officer who then addresses the 'division. As Lieutenant Commander Hume left the main hall he was given the way to Vancouver. Two passengers disembarked from the vessel here and three boarded her at this port for the south. Aaron Budden has purchased the float house and boat at Swanson Bay of G. Bursey. Mr. and Mrs Bursey and family came north on the Catala Sunday night and are planning to live in Prince Rupert. Mr. Bursey will go halibut fishing Ten or twelve years ago he fished out of Prince Rupert. i Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, returned to port at 8 o'clock this morning from Stewart. Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and way Ports. traditional naval ceremony of be- tt i ing "Piped Over the Side." The In- flnstlcUl OUtll coming commanding officer. Lieutenant Commander L. H. Haworth, CJpfv IVfoof c was then "Piped On Board" and the JULlCljf lliCCtb ii vision dismissed. After dismissal, a toast to the Theatre Partv Eniovcd After Bus- In ess Session Last Night By MAURICE DAVEY Members of the Christian Youth Society met last night in First United Church for their business and devotional session after which most of the members present adjourned ; to the Capitol Theatre to witness i the presentation of "The Firefly" as part of the evening's program of the Society. The devotional talk was given by Wllf Hicks and wa,s, as usual, up to a fine standard. Business discussed included the society's dance to be held on March 1 13. A church service with members ' of the society In charge will be held in First Baptist Church on March "The Firefly, screen adaption of 27. Wilf Hicks will be chairman Rudolf Frlml's great operetta, pre- and the speakers will be Ken Hard-sentlng Jeanette MacDonald In her ing and Eilleen Hamblln with Bert seventeenth starring musicaj pic- O'Neill taking part also. Congre-ture, opened last night at the?Capi- gatlons of both churches will be In tol Theatre for a three-day engage- attendance. ment. Allan Jones, brilliant young m regard' to the question as to tenor, and Warren William, always where the society would meet in popular, share the honors as lead- future, it was decided the society ing men. , should meet In one place only and A powerful story of dramatic ro-1 that place would be the United mance as well as a vehicle for Church. Althoush this would be wonderful music. "Firefly" Is a tale contrary to the alms of the society of old Spain In the days when Na- the majority thought It would be to polcon was defeated by Wellington the advantage or the society as a at Vittorla. j whole. Support is given Miss MacDonald Proceeds from the society's recent and her two leading men by Billy play presentation were distributed Gilbert, Henry Daniell. Douglas to the Women's Auxiliary of the Dumbrllle, Belle Mitchell, George hospital and to the society. The Zucco, Corbett Morris and Matthew agreement was that the society Bolton, should receive ten dollars of the net Seven outstanding musical num- proceeds and the Women's Auxll-bers, five of them retained from lary the remainder the original Frlml operetta and two . I written by him especially for the picture, are featured by Miss Mac-donald who dances with grace and sings "Love Is Like a Firefly." "He Who Loves and Runs Away" and "When a Maid Comes Knocking at Your Heart." Jones sings "A Wo man's Kiss and "The Donkey Serenade" and. with Miss MacDonald In duet, "Glannla Mla" and "Sympa thy." . i -w r- REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE 658 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The ltoot Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL Man in the Moon We cannot expect summer weather every February and March, so it might not be wise to boast about the fine spelL There are twenty thousand mile: of provincial government roads in the province and ten of these arr located near Prince Rupert. Some day we shall get our rightful share of good roads. When we all go on relief. w!k will pay the taxes? Some of the people who wie ! putting up Ice this year very nearl were caught with less than a fui supply. You may not have heard abo;i the woman who said her cooking left her husband cold. He left he: cold when he died from the effect An ostrich, it is said, might make ait lurai iiuQuanu. At tail Uig.9t anything. JnkA civs an ailiirntnr ie litr a church congregation. It will swa" I low anything. ROAD-SHOW TRIUMPHjl NOWATPOPUIARPRKES!1 ' IHlll OIAMA ... P, j 1 tovt srotn.u J Ipjj j (At 7 24 and 9 57) ADDED Colored Cartoon -Little Red Walkinj Hood-World News Events Second Show at 9 33 TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY CZ330333 Dictionaries For Every Home and Individual wli;sti:k s collkgiatl The highest authority BLACKIES' CONCISE Annandale edition MODERN UNIVERSITY With Atlas WINSTON SIMPLIFIED Canadian edition NATIONAL DICTIONARY and ENCYCLOPEDIA BLACKIE'S STANDARD and CONCISE. CASSELL'S CONCISE NELSON'S Pocket School dictionary 85.00 s3.oo 82.00 82.00 81.50 81.00 and 81.50 35c 25c The SUPREME Letter Writer CASSELS MODERN ENCVCLOPEDIA-In one volume NEW GRAPHIC ATLAS 'Collins COOK HOOKS THE CANADIAN COOK BOOK THE ENGLISH COOKERY BOOK MODERN PRACTICAL COOKERY MRS. BE ETON'S HOUSEHOLD COOKERY THE HOME MANAGEMENT COOK BOOK USEFUL BOOKS I OR EVERY PURPOSE AT $133 $2.00 500 s:.oo S2.00 $1.50 33c Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Bulklcy Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed C'ompanj NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprl-tor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 11.00 uf 0 Rooms hoi tt Cold Wiei Prince Hupjrt, AC Tlione 281 P.O. tin I" HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert. B.C. R. Ilrasell N. M. Urasell 'a'WJJiRUHsr If you lose anything, try a classified ad.