March 0. 1M3. looking; FORWARD Orchestra and ChoirJ ' Versatility proves its O..n,hronlzatlon of the Capitol- tan orchestra, and choir groups will. doubtless, be furtner improve, upon a; practice proceeds qnd, mean-.,1. Bii those wh. attended Sun day night will be eagerly lookipg fnrward to the next contort plan- CATCH COLD EASILY? . VlCKS VATRONOL I The New Miss, McTavish Last Of Class Was, Last Survivorof Nurses Who hepj prevenf .many codi Halo Permanent Our hair styles must change to suit the 1938 spring bonnets. Let us create for you a more charming and stylish lffure. Only genuine oil solutions, used on all Urauuated 50 Years Ago'M Toronto Ministerial Ass'h Meets Rev. K. E. Brandt Reads Paper On SermonOIaking Stewart Pastor Welcomed COLDS HANG AND ON ? XICKS V VapoR ub helps end a cold quicker, full ililj l thi flan tn tach Vlcl fockatii oeaoooooooiooHKiooioooooooooooowjooriH f 1 permanent.?. Modem Beauty Shop 530 THIRD AVENUE I'hope 917 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE JUST ARRIVED ! -NEW TlUillMWOOL MATS At TE FAMOUS. NUMDAli. HUGS 4x0, Price I..-, ''one 775 visit Our Store- nninllltVf'C FLOOR iuvriiunw 80c and $1.00 su-o.a 327, T,lfrd( Avenue LOCAL. NEWS. NOTES Gib Taylor, sailed, yesterday, af- iternoon on the Princess Nprah, tot a trip, to, Vancouver. The late Miss Kate McTavlsh Tonight's train, due from the H.N.. first lady superintendent of at ll- o'clock, was reported Prince Rupert General Hosnital lnl3' "Waning to be running on newt: of whose death in Tnmntn tlrna. has been received, was a graduate of Toronto General Hospital in A, C. Small, returned to the city 18S8 and hpr nasslnw rPTYIAIIflD (Via . on the Catala this morning after bed for April. . last- of her- class, It is understood llUM th round, trip to Stewart TJie S1ze of bunaay "?f" she was one of the first ODeratlnir and An business. mojpiieu -v room nurses in the old Vancouver! " : taken, taken, The Tne response response, was wus full &nd n m, Rev. w. Ai 0eddeSi 1 was .Nation of the appreciation. with the orchestra and choir acquitting themselves with credit, the Gyro Club sustained the preside It has won over a period of many, years now in the sponsorship of good entertainment for the people of Prince Rupert. The program Sunday night presented a wide enough variety of moods to satisfy all tastes. The tuneful Drlgo "Serenade" and Lid-die's smooth-flowing "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," with its full harmonies, were sultabje for opening and were fittingly enough followed by the chorus In "Come, O Blessed Lord" and."Bless-ThoU The Lord, 0 My Soul." The "Miserere" or "Prison Scene" from "II Trova-tore' by Miss Nellie Lawrence and A. C Cameron, violinists, and the choir was an ambitious undertaking, In lighter vein were the familiar "Temple Bells" and "Less Than, the Dust. Indian love lyrics by the choir The humorous Russian folk tong 'The Goldflnchs Wedding" caught the fancy of the audience. The' suite of Mozkowskl's Snanlsh Dances, played as a piano quar- (ette. as something new and was marked by precision of action and the usual skill of the four artists-Ma E. J. Smith, Mrs. W. L. Stamford, C P Balagno and Dr. W. A. Riddell. The condition of the In-ttruments used was no encourage-Etnt to the artists. "Gypsy Chorus" tnd Have You Forgotten?" (which me recognized better as "Moon-BjU and Roses") were done nicely bj the choir Salcctlons from "The . fM3y were timely in view of the picture now being shown. Dr. and ! of Atlin Hospital before coming to!can fllshop- r me Yuon- was, a Erlpce Rupert In 1911. Twenty -Five Years. Ago .March 8, 1813 tors. R, O, Large, handicapped by t the regular monthly meeting their precarious perch, won an ov-' 0f the Prince Rupert Ministerial atlon with their vocal duet "Come Association yesterday, Rev. E. E to the Fair" with partial orchestral Brandt, pastor of First Baptist accompaniment. "Who Is Sylvia?" .church, read a. paper of interest tr and Allah's Holiday," always popu-' clergy on, the subject of "The iar, were rendered excellently by Making of a Sermon." Rev. H. G the choir The descriptive and col- Funstoti, pastor of the Steward orful Flnlandla" was executed with Presbyterian Church, attended the 8ood effect by the orchestra, the meeting and was welcomed by choir taking part In the Finnish Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean National Anthem which Is part of! of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral the number. This concluded the, and president of the Association program and left the audience hap-i who was In the chair. Business-py and tasteful for more. G.A.IL i otherwise, was of a routine nature passenger aboard the Princess No- rah yesterday afternoon golnf, thrpueh Qn a trip to Vancouver. A. A. McCue, superintendent of Kasaan cannery near Ketchikan was a, passenger, aboard the princess Nprah yesterday afternoon go-Ipg thrpugl on a trfp to. Seattle. I S. Aivazoff, purchasing agent fa Rev. F. W. Kerr, pastor of First the Polaris-Taku Mining Co. at Presbyterian Church, has replied to Tulsequah, was a, passenger aboard a criticism or the. Dally News for making personal references in his sermons on the social evil. Mr. Kerr says he has no regrets, for anything he said. Dr. W. T. Kergln and Mrs. Ker-gln and family have returned from a six months' tour to cities in Eastern Canada and the United States including New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Rochester, Toronr to, Montreal and Ottawa. Dr. Kergln was taking up post-graduate work. The body of Mlno McFadden of Ladysmlth, who was drowned in the falls of the Ecstall River on Christy mas Eve, has been recovered and Is being brought to the city. the Princess Norah yesterday af tcrnopn,. going through on, a trip to Seattle and Califprhla, p. H. Ganty, storekeeper for the White Pass & Yukon Route at Skagway, and Mrs. Ganty were here aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going through, on a trip to Seattle. Carl Thlele, well known cannery operator, and Herbert KltUlsby. who is foreman of his Diamond K. cannery at Wrangell jwere passengers aboard the Prin cess Norah yesterday afternoon go-Jng thrpush to Seattle. ; Archie W. Shiels, president of the Pacific American Fisheries and Mrs. Shiels were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yester day afternoon returning to their home in Belllngham after spending, a few days visiting in Juneau While in the Alaska capital, Mi and Mrs. Shiels Shiels were were the the guests guests of of Governor Mrs. H. B. Rochester sailed yesterday or the Princess. Norah for a rriqnWa Vancouver, tmd Seattle. There was an1 executive meeting of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today preparatory to .the regular monthly business meeting on Mrs. M. P. McCaffery sailed yest erday on the Princess Norah for Seattle to meet Mr. McCaffery who Is returning home after a trip to California for the benefit of his health. BLACKHEADS Iton't xiu-m harkheailit- -diwwlve thm. Gat two ounref of peroxine powder from any drug- lor and rub ntntly with wet, hot cloth over the blackheaila. Thejr limply dlfr-aolv and diaapiiear by thla aafc and iur thod. Have a Hollywood comtilexioo. Mrs. J. Stevpn, who Is the prop rletress of a. store at Juneau, was a,, passenger Aboard the Princess, Nprah yesterday afternoon goinp, through oil. a trip to California, Robert Slmfyspn, proprietor of the well known Nugget 'Shop at 'Juneau, was a passenger aboard the Princess Nprah yesterday af ternoon going thrqugh on a trip to Seattle. Mrs. Lawrence Carlson and daughter Lorraine, of Juneau were passengers aboard the Prln cess Norah yesterday afternoon go- ling through to Seattle where they will spend a couple of months visiting with relatives. Rev. H. G. Funston, pastor cf Stewart Presbyterian Church, wll 'sail by. the Prince Rupert tomor row afternoon on his return north after spending the past week In the city, having occupied the va rant pulpit of First Presbytcrjap Church here on Sunday. If. 1. nI XT 1 and Mrs John W Troy LOCal Man Named George (Scotty) Clark, veteran dQg musher of the Alaska interior who has been carrying, .mall from Ruby into the Iditarpd for nine teen years anq has. not been out side ip twenty-nine years, was a passenger aboard the Princess No ah, yesterday afternoon going through to California for a two months' holiday trip. Entire Tourist Ships Already Fully Booked The Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce coming here early this dimmer on an Alaska cruise, will be a group similar to that which s made a voyage north on the Prince Robert about the same time last( v-pnr nrlor to the ODenlng of the! tour Darty will arrive by special train July 22 and. will go. north to Anypx and Stewart and thence to Vancouver, aboard the sieamer Prince Rupert or Prince George, the entire spape 0". whph, has bpen, reserved by thq party. There was, to have been a. second, sipillar, party in August but it has been canpelled. Contractors L. - i5 SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "Tender for Hospital, Prince Rupert.1' will be received toy Uia Secretary, Hoopltol Board, r.i nnnert. for the erection and rwnmletion of b new howpiul at Prince, RlS! Atwr.lfioatlons. and Oonlrftft , , on and flJteT the Sevens day of March 1938. and further lnfor-i matlon obtained t ithe rxpartment of) Public Works, Parliament BuUdln-?a.( iri-tn,!. n. c and nit the office of the Becrtfcu-y. Hospital Board. Prince Ril-. Copl f plans, nieclflcatlqaw, et.i.,1 enji be oWahied from the Department of Public Worlw, Vlctmrta, on payment of a delimit of 25.00 which will b-4 refunded, on rotxuTi at ithq plan etc., !m good condition, 1 Each -lender must be accompanied by, nn accepted toiink cheiie, on a chartered bmk of Canada, made jwyable to the Representative Qn Medical Ass n Hugh Forrest, assistant accoun! ant has been electf-d as board 'representative of the Canadian Ns- Monal Medical, Association for the Prince Rupert district. The elec tion was conducted by secret ballot among railway officers and employees between Rose Lake and Prince Rupert. J. G. Stephens agent at Smithers, was runner up QHPD regular tourist season. They will yQn SALE 5 room modern hous, be here June 6 northbound and Graham Avenue. DrIce and terms auain on June 12 southbound; The n ,. T trl IVI entire space of the Prince Robert Is ' booked for the party . The "Know Mississippi Better FOR 608 FOR SALE SALE 6 ropmed'. residence, 6th" Avenue? East, (1 block from, Boqth School). .3; good bed rooms with large clothes closets n each, Large garden. Adjoining double corner, all cleared, can be had If desired. Price attractive terms to.sult reliable purchaser. Can be seen by appointment, or any evening after 6 p.m. (58) FOR RENT CLEAN, well-furnlshed modern apartments. Phone Red 444, (55) 2-ROOM Cabin, Blue 900. furnished. LOST Legion Official Tb Visit Rupert KobeMacfljcol, Secretary qf Irtish CotHrnb'ja, Command. t.Tour North The, executive of. the prince Rur pert.branch.of the Canadla.n.Legtort; of, the, British Empire Service League wis, in, sesslpn last evening in. preparation for the regular monthly, meeting of Wednesday of; thls.weeH- Phone (60) LOST Lady's wrist watch around Oddfellows' Hall; Initialled E. D, S. Finder please phone 25. tf. JtOSE DECORiVCNC, PLAST,ER and Stucco work, also Brick and Tile. Estimate Free. Wu.twwiw Vh MENI To get vloi, vitality, try raw shall be forfeited If .the party tender-1 tn decluie, to ejiiler into cqniraci. -vnin culled upon to do . 1 Tender muut .be In the hand of tn BecreUiry. Pjlnr, Rupert aencral llos-nltal, rulnoB. Rupert. (A or hefore 13 Koon ct the, Ninth day, or- April, 1938. Tlie towest or any tender not necessarily aoatd. II.' W BIRCH, SocreUry, r!r)acv Rupwt Ofiiveal Ilonltal, Prince Rupert, B. O, Pete Rllshede, UJup 82G, (Gpi. personaC oystqr InvIgQra.tor. and- otlier stimulants in New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone un, worn, exhaust lighted, with results, maker tsr iunqs price, v-?-ou risK nomine." Sold by all'good drug stores. V ' (tf) A communication from. Rorer Maqnicol, secretary qf the prpvinr clal: command, advjse,d tnat he, would be making a tour of. branches, of, the Canadian- Legion, in this, dls-. trict, His itinerary Includes, vislts.ta Stewart. Anyqx, Terrace Snrilthers. Vanderhoof, Fort Fraser, Prh)pe George. McBrlde. and, Ocean Falls. To hear him a Joint meeting, of , the local branch of the Canadian Legion is being planned for March 29. Mr. Macnlcol will also address the regular monthly meeting on his return from interior points on April 13. Mr. Macnlcol has been secretary: of the. British Cplurnpla.prpvi.npial.; command for ten years and hs bljt up. this province intot,afc'K,d". ing one in Legion activities. J4pre' recntly he., was, th.g third, member ! of, the War, Veteran's Assistance Commission which, after a, year's itudy of ex-service men's problems, brought in Important re,commen- datlons to the Dominion, Following, this, Wednesday's meet ing a knpek-out cribj tournament has. been: planned. One held after the last meeting was a great suc cess. President Jack Preece was In the ",halr and other members present were W. Ji Ranee, W. Mi Brown, C. L. Youngman, G. J. Dawes. Henry Smith. J. M. Walker. C. L. Barker and H. Thrupp. Jphn, E, Moody of Port . SlrriPsor. made the rpupd. trip, from tneri to Stewart and Anyox on the Ca- tala this trip. Ssrgeant E. Gammon, new dls trict chief of. the provincial police here, and, Mrs. Gammon, who ar rived last week from Prlnct George, have taken up residence In the Dawson, hpuse. or, Fifth Avenjif East. G. N. R. Trains "or, the, East Mondays, yednesdays. and,. FrJr days,. .. 6 p.m From the EasU- Tuesdays, Thursdays and; Satur? days . . 11 p.m Announcements All. advertisements In this coir imn will be charged for a full, month at 25c a word. Recreational Centre Dance March 11, Oddfellows' Hall. tea .anl&VCey- i St. -Patricks' S. O. N, Fishermen's Farewell Dance, March 17i Members and escorts. C. Y. S. March 18. Dance, Oddfellows Anglican Tea, Mrs. son, March 24. Presbyterian Eajstr. Sale, April 6. Salvation Army. Sale April, 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea Apjll 18. United, Sale, May 5, St. Jeter's Bazaar, May 5. .JL, - - - 'I.- . -' W Hi! . Dhones lft .audi 84 T.O. Ifpx 575 FOK GOOD, SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S, ECONOMY' STORE ed, vyeakcnedisysj.e.m,. If;not de- Groceries. V.eteiaJiles S. C. Thom- Orange Spring Sale March 25. March 25, and 26, CIRCUS, United Church, Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos Sn'lO.THIHD AyijlJr? W,lST Opposite Canadian Letion m THE HrCUNt COUKT or JUSTICE. 1 . Grave Charge of Internal Sluggishness (Before Mr. Justice Kruschen) JtJDCt: R literally astounds me that such charges still come before this court. With Kruschen Salts on sale at everydrug counter this crime is inexcusable and will not be tolerated. Prisoner, I order that you take Kruschen Sajts-ras much as will lie on a 10c piece every day from now onwards In your breakfast cup of coffee. orHea, Qocssti-roR tbe.Dwence: My client desire. t6 put one question to your loftfchip. J voce: The prisoner may ask what question hclikes, but nothing an alter the fact that he needs and must take 'the little daily dose' of Kruschen. Now, my man, speak up. ' Prisons: My lord. Why is anything like Kruschen Salts necessary. Surely Nature, never intended. . . . Judce: Nature, my gopd man, never intended you to live as you do live-sitting at a desk, eating cooked foods, riding when you should be walking. Don't you realize, that? Phsonek: Yes, my lord. Judge: Then you must realize-that something must be done to rectify all this. Internal sluggishness is simply Nature's revenge on humanity for being civilized and not living like healthy animals. Pjusoxee: I see what you mean now, my lord. And will these Kruschen Salts supply what we miss through our unnatural way of living? Judce : 'The little daily dose' is one day's supply of those vital mineral salts of which normal men and women are,' deprived by their lack of exercise and fresh air and their improper dietv In fact, everything in Kruschen Is necessary if you want constant, vigorous physical filness. Now you may go, prisoner. Never miss your daily dose in future and we shall never see you here again. And let me warn you if there is ever a recurrence of this crime the results may be very serious indeed. KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism , Kruschen Is a combination of several mineral salts which your body must get, in some way, to keep the blood pure, tV ins'ifl rWn. &nd the SVS- Um generally toned up, but which you can't get in Nature's own way without abundant exercise and fresh air.' You should have those salts etiffv dav: hence the im- ' TASTELESS IN portance of the "little daily COWT.E nn TEA (jj-t Kvtry druZ counter sells Nruscnen in zsc, 45C ana 7ic Domes. It'i the little daily dose that dots it. For the Woman who Knows Boudoir Rouge Lentheric 1-hc French, Rouge of Distinction In Fancy Containers 75 c Remember Those Snapshots at Night With Selo Hypersensitive Pnebanfti-Film The fastest film on the market. Sizes to fit all cameras. Standard prices. Ormes Ltd. 7fift Pioneer Druqpists The .lernU Store Phones: 81 & 82 Qpen, Dally, From 8 a.m, till 1Q p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 q.m, 7 am., till 9 p.m. Two wives eossiped the other OdSof ffaOWS j . 'A thmaoi" two . And I heard one to the other esgoyoU "My old hub is a dear old soul, C-f ... . u..... . C VWSOME coal.' Vqr, Tho Rest Coal; in, Town PHILPOTT EVIIT & CO. LTD. Gpl X7UONES G32 If 'you lose anything, advertise for it. IKS V'-! m