i Today's Weather (X AJV1.) Prince Rupert -Cloudy, wind, four miles per hour, .... tni ralllng): tempera- ture 37 tea smooth. XXVIl No. 56 ki losses .ustalned Sunday, the Ln&i insurgents made repeated bombing assaults on this city ttrday inflicting considerable nage and iocs of life. Cartagena Iial a government naval base. Sinking Described GIBRALTAR March 8: (CP) hii seamen aboard rescue des ires tcld how the Insurgent BaL ares was torpedoed In aval engagement on Sunday ; wet down with the rear ad- tali Has Hying hen only 2C0 :b crew had been saved. Tho kin went down with the ship Bi! :hers estimated that 600 m t:rc lost 1ESE RETREAT Say Defenders of Lunghai WlHajr IJne Tall Back Chl-ttst, However, Insist They Are Holding BHAXGIIAI, March 8: .CP) The , defenders of the Lunghal y line are now retreating in jrdcr across the Yellow Rlvei jre the Japanese Invaders, ac- to statements made In panne quarters here early to The Japanese claim to be now complete control of Shansl Pro- la. i t'hinc;e sources, however, den? ' Japanese advance which they I are has been checked by In-; W C O'Nplll rn ro.n1o.t,1 Nt of the RPKtiAn o. tr t ... , - UHU A. ln board Of mnnnr .o m. Cdeprrom twelve to ten members J Smith nnH Tnmno Clmn. ere elected to the board, : members of which arc Nor- . . . ...... ...rl, tltn L. Coatcs. S. K lis relatively nB frsKfacker L . 1J VJL11ULaU Eanhh Insurgents ace iiii I For Stinging Naval Loss linking Described Imiral And COO .Men went down I With Battleship tARTAGENA, Spain, March 8: Jpi Evidently in reprisal lor CHALLENGE ACCE1TEI) HALIFAX Capt. Uen Pine or the Gloucester, Massachusetts, schooner Gertrude L. Thebaud has challenged Capt. Angus Walters of the Canadian champion Rluenose to a series of races off Boston next August for the International Fishermen's Trophy, Walters has accepted the challenge. WHITNEY SUSPENDED NEW YORK The New York Stock Exchange announced suspension of Richard Whitney & Co from membership for failure to meet obligations. Richard Whitney, senior partner, was for several years president of the Exchange. ACQUITTED OF PERJURY VANCOUVER .Magistrate II. S Wood today acquitted Frank Willis on a perjury charge laid by Charles II. Cahan jr., Vancouver barrister, who was convicted recently of the hold-up of a suburban branch of the Canadian Rank of Commerce on December 1 last. The charge was laid by Cahan during his trial. PARKERS INDICTED NEW YORK A federal grand jury today Indicted Ellis Parker sr., chief of detectives of Burlington County, New Jersey, and his son, Ellis jr. and three others as kidnappers under the Lindbergh law. The indictment concerns the alleged kidnapping of Paul Wendel and their issuance of a "confession" signed by-Weh- j del that he kidnapped Chdrles A. Lindbergh jr. The incident occurred before the execution of Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Today's Weather (Oorenuiient "elf graph) Triple Island Cloudy, south southwest wind, three miles per hour; sea smooth. Langara Island Showery, calm; barometer, 30.16; temperature, 38 tasin-ly strong euerllla attacks sea smooth, all fronts which have threaten fair m w ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1938. Imedicine ' BY STATE Perennial Resolution Talked Out In Parliament at Ottawa Yesterday OTTAWA, March 8: (CP) The provinces might object to surrendering to the Dominion legal contro! over health Insurance. Hon. C. G Power, minister of health, advised the House of Commons last night during discussion of 'a resolution avorlng establishment medicine. Major Fower was n gainst state medicine of state definltel which he caid was operated In Russia onlv but health insurance was another subject. Rev. Doniel Mclvor, Liberal member for Fort William, proposed the resolution, which has been an annual one for several years arc? hlch was talked out. FLIGHT IS 1 COMPLETED First Winnipeg to Vancouver Plane Of TransCanada Airways Lands At Sea Island J I VANCOUVER, March 8: CP) The first Winnipeg to Vancouver experimental mail-carrying flight j jf TransCanada Airways wasi lompleted yesterday jwlth arrival Oeorge and Don Imrie at Sea Isl- land airport from Cranbrook. The I flight had been started last Wed- njefiday1 but the plane was delayca by adverse weather conditions. Spawning Stream On Islands Will Be Made Better According to word received In the city from Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, now attending the session of Parliament at Ottawa, an ap- Dead Tree Point Clear, calm , proprlatlon of $310 has been made o disrupt communications be- barometer, 30.14; temperature, 30, I' W far flung Japanese Arm : light swell. j Bull Harbor Overcast, northwest pere has been heavy snowfall I wind, eight miles per hour; barom-Fough central China. MPr an 10: temDcrature, 44; mod- i HURCH IS IN SESSION ?sl rrctlntori.. Meeting Held Congregational Last Night Pe question of rilling the pu!-f following the departure from f ty of Rev. W. D. Orant Hol- r,orth1 election of ofHcers for f ensu'ng year and receiving of ports covering the cast vear's pities were among the matters Business coming up at the an- gl of First Presbyterian Church, ; ' WKle- retiring chairman of ' .Dard of managers, was In the lllr and thorp dance of membors erate swell. Alert Bay Overcast, calm; bar- . . 1 1 kmir- Hnrrkm-! wind, lour mue eter. 30.14. Prince George Clear, northerly wind, four miles per hour; barometer. 30.10. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 32. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, a. Alice Arm-Raining, calm, 34. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 32. Stewart Raining, calm, 33, Hazelton Wet snow, calm, 34. Smlthers Overcast, calm, 25. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 10. Weather forecast f0r the purpose or reducing me crest of a waterfall In a stream flowing into Sedgewlck Bay. Lyell Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In order to Improve spawning conditions for a good run of chum salmon that goes In there each year ometer. 30.12; temperature. 38; sea and which, during low water under smooth present conditions, are practically Estevan-Clear, north wind, four unable to get up the stream. The miles per hour; barometer. 30.16. spawning area below the falls is Victoria-Clear, calm; barometer, also to be deepened, this being also covered by the appropriation. The ,0 ,4 . .i - i. ...m Ur. .nrrtori nut. Immprilate- Vnnrouver Clear, noruiw, wum"' Ontario Pulp Mill Closing Lack of Markets Forces Plant At, Lake Nlpigon to Quit d,u V. ' Caldcrwood. aiucrwooa, Jamer. jameri ,isianu Island and unu -. . (h me, PRINCE I'jtirvon GEOROE, utuuuc March marcn 8: o. iw (CP) i a('en, D:ivi,i Tn..i. ... . .n . nriMsh Columbia witn . " 'iijrior, vv. ij. oau ,yuua m i - filling the uul- .... chnwrs on tne cojjx c , . , , . ,., ieng. eng. ,cxccpiio cxccpiio" u u mar- rl,,r. formed rormcn nere nere 10 10 co-operaie co-operaie wnn wiin im me' n.n.nrt una anu wui - . .... . .. . A. a.I i-iii"-. Prince Rupert . fresll Monkman MonKman Pass russ Highway mgnway Assocla n . ... ,,,.n I 11 I 1 IIL.,1 w n. V. if ..x.fhpnst w nds. pari auditor r"" :rr mins today. with no chanue i,nrtijf o' ken at 8 Jn. x1'. tomorrow!-hour porlod ndH'8 8 P-"1, General Synopsls-The pressure NodorTnu. .. . . iPV'- Vnnnnver Island , -: ie decision occision was was arr arrived ved west uoai. u. . falr m iair the mnMo-,.,.. matter of ..... Moderate unin var able winds, In tcmp:iui.iiu. MONTREAL, March 8: (CP) -Owing to lack of markets, the Lake Sulphite Co. announces clos ing down of Its pulp mill at Lake Nlpigon, Ontario. Prince Georg e Aids Monkman Pass Highway 7 n n t n. n., .. Mans v.. U11U Mri Jusuce Abiuciu-, tion of the Peace River district to-1 wards having a road built out of. Huuurd,-east of here. Retires Kt. Hon, it. It. Bennett TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtcny b, . JoUAilou Co.) B. C. Nickel, .20. Big Missouri, ... ' Bralorne, 9.00. Aztec, .09. f . i Cariboo Quartz. 2.061 Dentonlo, .10. Golconda, .05. Mlnto, .03 i. Falrview, .04,-Noble Five.-r'- Rev. J, C. to Vancouver. Pioneer, 3.10. Porter Idaho. .03. Premier, 2.26. Reeves McDonald, .35. Reno, .60. Rellel Arlington, .22. Reward, .04','2. ' Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .05, Hedley Amal., .05. Premier Border,' .01. SUbak Premier, 2.00. Home Gold, .012;. Grand view, .01 Indian. .02 !2. Haida Gold, .03 '2. Oils A. P. Con., .251z. Calmont, .44. C. & E., 2.70. Freehold, .052. Hargal, .18. McDougal Segul, 22. Mercury, .15. Okalta, 1.85. Pacalta, .12. Home Oil, 1.30. Toionto Beattle, 1.35. Central Patricia, 2.97. Gods Lake, .51. Little Long Lac, 4.90. McKenzie Red Lake, .9G. Pickle Crow, 4.80. Red Lake Gold Shore, .29. San Antonio, 1.40. Sherrit Gordon, 1.33. Smelters Oold, .02. McLcod Cockshutt, 3.G5. Oklend. .30. Mosher, .24. Madsen Red Lake, .41. Stadacona, .25. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur, .44. Moncta, 2.20. Bouscadillac, .12. Thompson Cadillac, .27. Bankfleld, .90. East Malartic. 1.52. Preston East Dome, Lll. ' Hutchison Lake, 108. ' Dawson White, .022. -Aldcrmac, .53. Kerr Addison, 2.00. Uchl Gold, 1.07. Martin Bird, .54. Athona, .14, Hardrock, 2.10. Int. Nickel, 48.50. ' ' Noranda. 59.50. V. Con. Smelters, 58.00. '. Jackson,.' pastor of ihe Peace-Illyer xby way of Monk-.First United Churchy sailed' this man Pas'to.the railway line at .afternoon on the Catala for a trip NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER SEES WAR VERY SOON World on Brink of Great Conflict is! Oninion of North Vancouver I M. P. TORONTO, March 8: (CP) Addressing a gathering of war veterans here last night, Grant McNeill, C.C.F. Member of Parliament for North Vancouver and hlnnelf a prominent ex-service matt, expressed the opinion that the world war on the vcrg; of another Great War. In view of the general situation and the Intensive preparations that were being made, he did averted. Mr. McNeill said that many young Canadians appeared to be even looking forward to war as a "fine adventure." Possibly. In view of the general outlook as far as the young were concerned, they could not be blamed for such an attitude. TURN OYER BIG MILL Installation Completed at Ui; Missouri Mine, Bringing Large Engineering Feat to Close M. M. O'Brien, chief field engineer for the Consolidated Mining, &. Smelting Co.j was in,the city this morning aboard the Catala returning south after a visit to the Big Missouri mine in connection with the turning over of the new mill which has been installed on that property. Nine years of the most scientific geological and mineralogical investigation, co-ordinated with a I like period of systematic develop-' ment work, culminating in the most Interesting engineering feat . ' In Canadian mining history to I . date, the Installation of the 500- ' ' 700-ton concentrating mill, 400 feet below the surface outcrop. I has just terminated with the . j turning over of the Big Missouri milt. I While, naturally. It will take some little time to co-ordinate all the various complicated machinery necessary to the smooth functioning of such an undertaking, still, one of the most highly complicated problems ever undertaken by Canadian mining has been brought to a conclusion and within a few weeks the Big Missouri mine will be adding its quota to the gold production of British Columbia. Young Calgary Man Passes Away John Crawford. Aicd 20. Son Of Mrs. A. J. Cook, Dies in Hospital Of Rare Ailment John CrawfoiU. ascd 20. who n- 'ccntly arrived In the city from Vancouver, passed away at 1 ; o'clock this morning In the Prince i Rurert Ocneral Hospital where he had been a patient for a wcel: ! Bom In Alberta, he was the son of Mrs. A. J. Cook, wife of the sup erintendent of the new fedcrn. Tomorrow's Tides High 6:14 a.m. 18.9 It. 19:44 p.m. 15.8 ft. Low 13:10 p.m. 5.9 ft. I'UICC: 5 CKN1S Has Sunk Down Coast Canuck Goes Down Near Campbell River After Crash With Tug Five Members of Crew Are Taken to Hospital Suffering From Exposure Was Laden Wtih Boxed Clams VICTORIA, March 8: (CP) The seventy-ton fish packer Canuck of Vancouver, laden with a cargo of fifty tons of .boxed clams, sank off Esteep Island in the' Campbell River district after a collision with the tug British not see how a conflict could be Columbia Boy early today, according to a brief dispatch to British Columbia police headquarters, rive members of the Canuck's crew are in Camp bell River Hospital suffering from exposure. (The Canuck is well known In Prince Rupert, having In the past landed halibut and other fish here.) , Pasteurization Of Milk May Be ' ( Made Compulsory TORONTO, March 8: (CP) The Ontario Legislature is considering a bill which would make pasteurization of milk compulsory In certain districts of the province. Dr. Allan Roy Dafoe of Callander. Ontario, physician to the'Dionne quintuplets, will appear before a committee of the Legislature to give his views in favor of compulsory pasteurization. LOGCAMPS VANCOUVER, March 8: (CP) All Vancouver Island logging camps, reopening of which had been delayed on account of heavy snow conditions, will in operation again within two weeks. Market conditions are somewhat Improved, It is announced, but the reopening will be at slow speed tor a time at least. Mrs. Quainton Is Dead Also Widow of Former Victoria Cleric Passes Away in England Not Long After Her Husband VICTORIA. March 8: (CP) Word was received here yesterday of the death In England, within two weeks after the passing of her husband, of Mrs. C. S. Quainton, wife of th3 former dean of Christ Church Cathedral. KEEP UP SPIRITS HANKOW, China. March 8: (CP h..l1,llni ..nnctri.Mlfvi hpro Plinera " mi" aii.o uiiu ui.i.w- i.nl.nt.. nrP in thP hands of s'ties blasted Into ruins by bombs and snells- larSe iln n n Undertakers. The re- mains will leave on tomorrow eveiv init'f train for Calgary, accompan led by Mr. and Mrs. Cook. 1 H Cause of the young man's death ers was a rare maiaay 01 agranulocytosis involving disappearance of white blood cells from the system., Three blood transfusions proved Jn-' cfrectual In the effort to save life. numbers of stu dents In China have laid aside their textbooks and become actors n n m .- m.lnrtn Inn..' nti1 Uinr lirnrl . Vancouver market today. REARMING APPROVED Parliament Backs Up British Gov ernment's Vast Program LONDON, March 8: (CP) After hearing the dramatic speech of Prime Minister Neville'' Chamberlain, Parliament last night approved the government's vast re- arament program. ' The vote of approval of the tremendous armament plans enables the Prime Minister to drive forward towards his objective of European """" " appeaSernetftT The vote in favor of the program was 347 to 133 and came after the rejection by a vote of :35 to 134 of a Labor amendment which declared the armaments were to "further dangerous and unsound foreign policy undertaken by the government." REOPENING Are Also Being Industry Getting Under Way Again On Vancouver Island Following Heavy Snows Charged Here Two Men, Facing Jury Trial For Offence at Terrace, Coming up In Local Court Today Ernest Anderson and James Bennett, who recently elected for jury trial for breaking and entering James Smith's store at Terrace, have been charged with having stolen goods In their possession from the store of Fraser & Payne here. They are coming up before Magistrate McClymont In city police court this afternoon for preliminary trial. Reconciled To Facing Death Nirkolai Buckarin Convicted That He And Associates Will Have To Face Firing Squad In Moscow MOSCOW, March 8: (CP) Nlckolai Buckarin, one of the twenty-one accused in the Soviet's greatest treason trial now in pro grcss before a military court-martial here, expressed his certainty yesterday that he and his associates would have to face the firing squad. France Ready To Deal For Peace Vancuuctr Wheat Prepared VANCOUVER, March 8: (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.32 on the, To Accept Any Conversations Offer PARIS, March 8: (CP) It mis istatcd In authoratlve quarters Dora Larsen, for vagrancy, was I here today that the Chautempa fined $10, with option of seven I Charles Graham, inspector of government would be glad to ac-days' imprisonment, by Maglstratt mines, left on last evening's train cept any ofier from Germany to McClymont in city police court for a trip to Sinitners on official open conversations with a view to this morning. duties. J ensuring the peace of Europe.