PAOB TWO "HARTT" SHOES Canada's Rest Shoemakers You get extra wear and maximum comfort in every pair. Priced From DAILY EDITION AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince. Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P PULL EN - - . Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance Paid In advance, per week . Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance ' " By mall to all other countries, per year News Department Telephor.a HZ" 8& Advertising and Ciiculation Telephone I 9i $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 !B. Saturday, February 12, 1938. CONSIDERABLE SALARY" Recently we heard a few mild criticisms of British Columbia s Premier in accepting an increase in his salary bringing it to something like ten .thousand dollars a year, let only a few weeks later the head of the United Mine Workers Union in the United States, John L. Lewis, had his salary increased from twelve thousand five hundred dollars to twenty-five thousand dollars. That was a considerable jump considering it is provided by men who have to work very hard for a living. Possibly Mr. Lewis earns his money. At any rate he is taking it. LOSS TO PROVINCE t Just as Dr. Patterson, leader of the Conservatives in this province, was beginning to make his influence felt in the reorganization of his party, he is called by death ami the work will have to, be carried on by some other person. He was a man of known integrity of purpose. He was giving his services to the public without thought of the monetry loss to himself. Had he lived he might have been premier. With such high hopes for a useful future it is regrettable that he should have been cut off in so untimely a manner. . FOLLY OF MANKIND Most of us. will agree- with Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of Great Britain when he said "The spectacle of this vast expenditure upon the means of destruction has inspired me with a feeling of revolt against the folly of mankind." It is folly indeed but the way out does not seem to be by means of letting others grow' strong while we grow weak. When we are strong we are in. a position to discuss disarmament with some hope of success, JUNIOR HIGH NEEDED The announcement made yesterday by City Commissioner W. J. Alder that he planned to. establish Junior High School at the opening of the next school term will be a welcome one to those who would like to see more technical instruction and that kind of education in which pupils tic jjcu uuuwny miurusieu ami wmgn win neip in me Kinai , of life they expect to lead. It is the modern method of education and must be adopted sooner or later. As was! pointed out by the principal of the High School recently, there are already twenty-six cities in British Columbia that have junior high schools operating. A New Telephone Number 6 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service Another Hockey Game On Sunday Married Men to Seek Revenge Tomorrow For- Defeat a Week Ago, A return hockey game between Married and Single Men has been arranged for tomorrow on the Morse Creek ice providing the weather permits. Line-ups will be the same a last Sunday when the Single Men won by a score of 4 to 2.,Only lucky breaks gave the Single Men; the victory on Sunday last- it is declared by the Benedicts who are. confident of turning the tables tomorrow. Otto Younft and Frank MacCallum will be tho referees again. . Musketeers Have Improved Lead Ramblers, Prince Rupert Dairv And Canadian Legion Also Win In Bridge prince Rupert Bridge League results last night were as follows: Grotto, 10537; Musketeers, 12958 Ramblers. 11576; Sons of Norway. C611. C. N. R. A., 8020; Prince Rupert Dairy. 11254. Canadian Legion, 8485; Brack-man & Kerr. 8130. The league sending: For Against Pts Muskesteers 55093 49842 55093 Ramblers 52497 43824 52497 Grotto 52443 57719 5244'' Sons of Norway 50630 452f S. O. N. 50630 45253 50630 B. & K. 48035 47909 4801 i C. N. R. A. 47472 53123 47472 P. R. Dairy 46880 47512 4682u Can. Legion 41394 51326 41394 PLAIN OR CORK TIP THE DAILY NEWS -SJtipiAy, JV.Jiv.rv !i ffl SWIMMING WINNERS England Took Two Titles li Aqualic Events, at Empire Games Yesterday, Australia Wins Canada, However, Took Most First Prizes. Down Under SYDNEY, Aust., .Feb. 1?: (CP) -English swimmers took two more titles In. swimming at the Brl tish Empire Gamea here yesterday Robert Leivcrs of England swam to championship in the 1650-yard free style to clip 17.2 seconds from the Empire record, narrowly defeating Bob Pirie of Toronto. England's women's team easily won the 330-yard medley relay. Percy Oliver won the 110-yard backstroke for Australia, defeating Gordon Kerr of Windsor, Ontario. Canada Wins Again Canada gained one more championship today, one of the last thirteen decided on the last dc of the Empire Games. The Canadian team of Jack Orr, Vancouver; ,Bill. Dale, Victoria; Jack Fraser; Vancouver, and Johnny mile relay while the dozen othei championships were distributed among other Empire countries. The final unofficial compilation of track and field shows Australia on Lop with 235 points, Canadr second with 161. England thlrJ with eighty-six, South Africa fourth with eighty-one. New Zea land fifth with seventy-one anc' wales. Southern Rhodesia, Scot land, Ceylon and Ulster trailinr with less than twenty points each Canada won eight champior ships during the games compare-with six for 'Australia but Australia SCORED IN OVERTIME Spectacular Finish Gives. Toronto. Leafs Victory Over. Montreal; Maroons MONTREAL, Feb. 12: (CP) Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Marcons played the three regulation periods in Thursday night's National Hockey League fixture without scoring but in the overtime period a Toronto rookie made the flat counter which paved the way for two more, the Maple Leafs winding three to nothing. At Chicago, the Montreal Canad-iens defeated the Black Hawks two to one and, at Detroit, the New York Rangers blanked the Red Wings four to nothing. The league standing to date: International Division Toronto Canadiens Americans Marcons 17 14 11 10 9 106 89 12 95 93 13 61 68 18 64 103 American Division Boston .21 4 9 95 66 Rangers 19 5 9 102 59 Chicago 9 7 19 64 101 Detroit 8 8 20 70 98 England Wins Handily Over Irish Ruggers DUBLIN. Feb. 12: (CP) In a ,free scoring international rugbj, match today, England defeated Ireland 36 to 14. The Englishmen had compiled a 23. to, nothing lead at half time and showed superiority throughout. ! built up its poinUs total with second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth places. BOWLING RESULTS Several Deferred Games in Commercial, and. Five Pin League Are Cleaned Pp A number of deferred games In the Commercial and Five Pin Bowling Leagues were cleaned up last nleht although there ar.Q stUt some outstanding. Ef forts aro now I being made to bring, league play un. to date and, In some cases, tnt playing dates are being revised. In. the- Commercial, League las' night, Biological Station caught up ontwo deferred fixtures, one wlt! North Star and th other with. Canadian National Recreation As soclation No, 1. Tho scientists losttwo games to one to the North Star and. three to nothing to the Railwaymcn wIUj. scores a fol lows: 1 2, 3, Biological Station 693 754 723 North Star ..... 803 752 70S Biological Station 682 731 680 I North Star 802 7.52- TCP Five Pin l eague la a deferred Five Pin League: match, Gyro won, two games to one from Canadian National Re creation Association with scores as follows: 1 2 3 C. N. R. A 875. 903 1029, Gyro Club 946 953 10J.2; In another deferred fixture hit this league, Pioneer Laundry won,: three games to nil from Gyro with, scores as follows: 1 2 3 vjiu wium ..sua vou I Pioneer Laundry 1095 1080.1099 In regularly scheduled play- in.' .the- Five Pin League last night Canadian National Recreation As- , soclation defeated Pioneer. Laundry, 1 'two games to, one with scores m I follows: i 1 2 3 t C. N. R. A. 743 956 92C Pioneer Laundry 748 67.5 71? j la the second fixture last night f Gyro Club ran. off scores of 731 ; 977 and 928, Old Empress defer 1 l-tau NAVY CUT CIGARETTES - ring.- play to go three games t, rrars. The standings nf th. ; r - wit V0H, H and. Five. Pin Leagues to 71 Oniuit-niaJ Lcagu Printers .. . Rupert Motors Electrical Workers Gyro, Club. Biological Station North Star C. N. R. A. No. 2 ,c. n. b;a. I ' , Fiye pin 1 'V- . ' Pioneer, Laundry ' C. UN. R. A. ,Gyro Club Old Empress Won tost 15 12 1.3 5 7 5 7 League Won. Lost 12 8 1 5 7 1 I fiu n- . .... p viu uuniry oocct English League,. Division 0 f cneuea 3, protsmouth l Derby County 3, Blackpool i Qrlmsby Town 4, Birmlnghaj Leeds United 1, West Bum, Albion 0. Leicester City 1, Bolton wam ers 1. Scottish League, Division Ot Kilmarnock 3, Hearts 1, HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Spokane 0, Vancouver 2 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN HAIRY ' - - - -' PUONR 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor1 "A HOME AWAY FK0M UOME" Rate 11.00 o & Rooms Hot & Cold ffite Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. m M THE SEAL of QUALITK mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only satooi canning-company with aa the year round payroll U Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer WOOD COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE.