L. ,,-(jay. February 131938, Hotel Arrivals Many Visited Koyal Local Schools Terrace; Frank Den-: B j Kohne. Lvv city: V r'avcro. uijua. "--upen House at Kontli .Memorial Borland Vanciernooi. a nil r.onicn street Yesterday . llilni vlahoda LB' la connection with observance ,vm. W MArr A. U r,vi Taylor J and and Art Art Holder Holder . : Can anemoon Edatlo was vlaltln Week. '. lvaMouvor.Ml? Betty weuo,rrurv.t featogton; Mrs. R. G. Emmerson. bi."by Island. . . . , !.ents and friends called at the Central jflchools; to see the pupils, In action O Stewart, city; Mrs, lI.Cl05ter.jat their studies. Individual class- yillmor Mrs. a. uoooie, copper j rooms were visuea ana in some River P J Rolls, C.N.R.; Laurusispecial demonstrations were put Hansen, Wells; W. A. Russell and Jon. E D Cronin, Vancouver; D. Had-' Tuesday afternoon was visiting lumd, Pigby day at King Edward High School. CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Jll MINISTER V. J. S. PATTKKSON Mrs. E. J Smith, Organist upiue again Sundav School 12 :ii 64.30 . . . . 67.95 . . 81.40 flood in Tourist Sleepers on payment oi rtKUiar oertn tarr t flood In Standard Siegers on payment of ; regular berth JTsr Correipondingly low fwii from other Wtern itationi. uo ta other oointt in Eattern Cnd Childr.n. 5 vein and under 12. Half Fre. Stopoveri allowed at Winnipeg ana e r-;' vl, , comfOIT " BARGAIN fAwu I i.lODlTIO"i " EASTERN CANADA I . ,,rTintM'nin9 to WESTERN CANADA point., I 0Ueu' ,dwat prlce tun in. ormnnoA trom any 3 HI Morning Service, U:QQ, Subject 'The lord Hath rouht Me Evpnin;-: Service 7:30, Subject "You WUl Heap. Whatsoever You Sow." Kveryoouy Loruiauy invuea I. rirt I tl (L. Z. iJ 1 1 TO TORONTO 1 OTTAWA J MONTREAL QUEBEC HALIFAX EASTERN CANADA ON SALE DAILY FEBRUARY 19 TO MARCH 5 45 dav Limit JFrom PRINCE RUPERT and Return Coach Tourist Standard SG3.50 $77.50 $91.45 78.45 02.60 83.00 97.95 99.40 117.35 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM privpr ituiTKf onn AA RETURN. All meals FROM POUT SIMPSON t9dUU and $35.35 KKTUKN. Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver a!so,npply I intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 n Jary 28lh, 138, inclusive Good to Return un.to March 31, Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9;00p.nv Sun.MiunigM and, Reservations from Ticket? Phone 068 Ave-, Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NIJWIAN-Third If Convenient Pleas vuruas , j Billiards Miss Mary Nelson will sail to morrow evening on the Catala for a visit in Premier. John R. Mitchell, who has been on a trio south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prin cess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. It was emphasized at last night's meeting of the hospital board that (the policy of the board in regard to me womens Auxiliary was in , no wav to dictate or suseest to thi i Auxiliary in what manner It should expend Its funds in hospital work. The only suggestion the board made to the Auxiliary was that its purchases should be made In the city and there should be no send ing out of town. DANCE WAS ENJOYABLE Affair in Aid of Prince Hoys liand Last Night Success Smithers Fair Dates Are Set Rupert Was With some 150 persons in at tendance, the Valentine cabaret dance and entertainment held In the Moose Hall In aid of tht Prince Rupert Boys' Band was a successful affair, a goodly sum be ing raised. The hall was gaily decorated in Valentine colors of red and white hearts being featured. The Sere- naders' Orchestra provided mus e for dancing from. 10 p.m. untl 2:30 a.m. with Sam Joy, as mastei of ceremonies, keeping things mov ing in lively fashion. The entertainment program wai one of the features of the evening This Included numbers by George Circulescu. magician and soldier and-Dutch dancing -by the- Missr Elsa Kraupner. Rosie Chrostian Gllda Campagnola and Thomas. Excellent refreshments were ser ved. at midnight under the direc tlon of John Walker and Ale, iDrummond with John Christophe' In charge in the kitchen assiste-: by Mrs. C. Perkins. Mrs. Jack Joy was general con verier and George Lambert pre sided at the door. , Annual Show to Take Place In I Rulklcy Valley Town on September 1 and 2 NEW WESTMINSTER, Feb. 12, MCP) The British Columbia Fairs Association has set September 1 land 2 as the dates for the annusu, Smithers Fair this year. Back In Business Ke-enicrlng Hie transfer business equipped with a heavy duty truck, stake body, hydraulic dump. Prompt and efficient service. Any Patronage Appreciated Also equipped to do any form of ecavation work or building wrecking, Can supply any amount of real first class garden earth no muskeg WOOD, and COAL Casey Transfer Phone GKEEN 527 PRINCE RUPERT ORY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and EnftiMwa. immm mmi Braaa. CaaU Deatria mad Aectylaaa Welding. BanUtUU an SawmBI M Mining Machinery. AM Typo Ca Englnaa Kenlra4 and Orerhaulcd. THB DATtf HWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Buyer's. Prince Rupert City Championship. Entries to be made in writing to Canadian Legion before Tuesday, February. 15. tf. tfi Catholic Tea, Mrs. Bill. Rogers, I Borden Street. February 17. (36) Big Opening Dance, Boston Hall Feb. 14, saunaers serenaaers. (37) Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be running on time. Mr. and. Mrs. S. K. Brewer and daughter, Heather, salted last night on the Princess Adelaide for a holiday trip of two or three weeks to Vancouver and Victoria. At the opening, last night of the first meeting of the 1938 hospital board, President Q. P. Tinker wel comed the members. The year ahead would probably be a strenu ous one but he hoped all would work together for the welfare of the hospital. Those present at the meeting were G. P. Tinker, presi dent. Dr. J. II. Carson. Frank Dibb, P. A. MAcCallum, W. M. Brown. O. V. Wilkinson, F. S. Walton and Mrs. H. L. Landry, directors; H. W. Birch, managing sectreary and Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superln tendent. Special Events At Recreation i Centre Planned A number of special activities arc about to be held at the Princt lupert recreational and physics. education centre. Saturday nieht a social will be held by the women's class for a0 ilasses. There will be dancing, en tertainment, community singing eames etc. and each member mav bring a friend. On. February 23 mere win De e i boxlnc tournament under the di-l rectlon of Albert lah. Entries an to be in by February 16. On March 2 there will be a ping-pong tournament under direct'.or of Wlliiam Long. The annual dance of the centre will be held on March 11. -445. 4. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25q a word.. Cambrai ruary 14. Masonic ruary 17. Presbyterian March- 4. Valentine Dance, Feb. Ball," Thursday, Feb- February 17 and 18, "One Delirious Night," United Church. Varden Play, February 18. Women's, Canadian Legion. Bridge February 25. Norkap's Basket Social, . February St. pavld's Teaj March 1.. ' RIDLEY HOME 1 ';'h S- -'i C. N. R. A. Annual Dance. March Shamrock Tea, St. Patricks tea and social eve-. ning, Catholic Hallk March 17. 'Orange Spring Sale March 25. I Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 6; ! Salvation Army Sale April 13. Try a Dally News ciassllied ad vertlsement for best results. Prices of Raw Furs Up. 30 Ship Your Goods To G0LDBLQ0M The- Old Reliable And IioSure To. Get The 30 per cent for Yourself TEA AND SALE Successful Affair Thursday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. II. T. Cross A very successful sale in aid of the Ridley Home was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. r. Cross who kindly lent her house for the occasion and did the duty! of hostess in a very efficient manner, assisted by Miss Bird, superintendent of the Home. Mrs. A. J- Croxford and Mrs, A. Barbe, members of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Peter's, Seal Cove, took charge of the stall of woollen garments and household goods of which there was a flee display. Mrs. Jack Durran and Mrs. Jack Bulser. members of St. Andrew's Branch, of the Women's Auxiliary, had. the home cooking stall to which many ladies brought all sorts of delicious viands. I Mrs. Letnes. assisted by Mrs. An derson and Miss- Lang of the Jap- xnese Mission served tea at tables .vbich. bad been dalntly set. Daffodils gave the final touch of spring to a sunny day. , Miss R. M. Davles O.B.E, poured :oftee and Mrs, W. E. ColUson, the tea. Mrs. F. A. MacCallum was In charge of the proceeds from the teas. I Manv visitors came to tea and .vent away after an enjoyable af ternoon., pleased with their pur- hases at the stalls. Some babies' garments and wool-1 en sweaters are still on hand. The Ridley Home funds have .reatly benefitted as a result of the ea. Reach the most people in cjcj ind district with an overttsemeni a the Dallv Nw jNAr POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bthtoba, Wuhb&aina, Window, and ICrrore. Canoat scratch. FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furniture including piano, radio, etc. Apply 625 8th Avenue East. w) X) Piece Layettes, complete lor baby. $25 up prepaid. Also Shopping Service., charge 20t. P. J. Box 381, Victoria, B.C. (20 1 2 LOTS ON Digby Is. Low for quick sale. Mrs. Letnes, Seal Cove, Pit. Phone, Black 482. (41) WORK WANTED GCIL Desires employment. Book- keeDlnsr. stenography; clerk or, h.cewbrk. -Phone Green '962- FOR RENT (39 TO LET House" and garage at 1805 7th Ave East. Reasonable rent, Apply AGarf in, General Delivery orG P- Tmker. W(i PERSONAL WE'H'AVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as i.e.-tec Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can heJp, you. Write, us for proof and, tree information, iu..o. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. K MEN! To. get, vigor, vitality, try raw oyster Invigorators and other stimulants In New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, exhaust ed, weakened system. If not de lighted,, with results, maker re funds nrlce. $1.25. You risk noth Ing. Sold by all good drug stores. (til VOMEN YOU CAN HE FINANCIALLY Independent. We haye helped hundreds of Canadian women earn a living by opera- tin kindergartens in ther own' homes. Illustrated booklet free. -The Canadian Klndergar 1 1 ... 1 - : ten insxuuic, uuuiiirK ' PACIE Whek colds bring sore mat V RAWNESS JY Enle,J Bod' lhrough -AsLSSl VfytI Stomach and 1 I 'F'L Intestines to The speed with which "Aspirin" tablets act in relieving the distressing symptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing .. . . and the treatment is simple and pleasant. Thh is all you do. Crush and dissolve three "Aspirin" tablets in one-third glass of water. Then gargle with this mixture twice, holding your head well back Thi3 medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic on the sore, irritated membrane ' of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. You will say it is remarkable. i "Aspirin" tablets are made in 1 Canada. "Aspirin" is the regis tered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross oa every tablet. DEMAND AND GET- ASPIRIN moc-MAtK EC. ELIZABETH ARQEN Announce thai her txquulte VENETIAN TOILET PREPARATIONS for preserving and enhandngthe.beautT of the skin, may always be had at Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Driuzg ists ' The ,leH Store Phones:; 81 & S3 Open Dally From S a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and. Holidays. From, 18. noon' till 2 p.m, "l p.m. Vili Yp.mi FEBRUARY SALE 10 REDS COIPLETE 2-lnch Steel Stead Walnut HnUh, Cable Spring. All Felt Mattress. Regular $27.50. $2 3 a 75 SALE! PRICE. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE TMP WORtQ'5 GOOD NEWSAI worn "'Z 7: . . , . . mwi MWP wjli.coma to-out jttoir.e tyerj any larougn ' Tur rUBICTIAM CICMnC WinKIITrD A .fit Inlrratiaal,DqiJy ... b tvi . paftr . Ik ratwte Hr rev, tht witl' io nm md( raw or ')utn. eotmictit dalniik Tht Monitor g: tontV10"' ntlther '" " Knura them, ittttn. Fnturt 1 tr bui mo tpt all tba nf. BHA. mtm i..,. .. - . . . . Iullf, wedidtiHi thWtW MIln lection, ' Tht ChrltUui acltofa rtiMUhtnf Soetttr fin. Nlrvrw. lltuL kUlin MilafcrhllMlLA P). atft ny 'ubKrtptloa' t Tti ChrUtUa Self net Monitor for WrdnMtta Iwu, bualnf MJtfUlnaatcUon: 1 fi ll.eo, imu.58 Jai Cf? . ft'. s 4l