Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I AM.) 9mm High 0:20 a.m. 20.0 It. Rupert-Fair, northerly 12:18 pjn. 22.C ft. prince Low 6:18 a.m. 6.3 ft. four miles per hour, baro wind, 18:51 p.m. 1.7 ft. meter, 29.54. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVIL. No. 36. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1938. PRICE: 5 CKMS n .1. I i.i v - - v- I f 1 . 1-. V I n AtCIlUC lttllVJ v vv . A. I I 1 J 1 I. 11C .... . . ml til U . i Ko frt?-r va nprt inpre win space for expansion to eeventy- ; bed capacity. 5 made on motion of W. M. ....... ... I : ..." -r- -.rr. t ' - f-J III l .A Hllfl . V .1111 1)111 Ll LiauuaalBW ii! n t mn i' ani onn sner. i ic i& .S UP HVHI UUIC UL'IC auu llscusscd and finally was left to i manee rnmmiuee 10 acvisc 1 vi nnn mnini Was Trlnclnal Ituslnes ne manor ni rne new nnsDiwu n Inltitl aha F Vn 101ft KrarH ft ... . . . I good order from a fire protcc- Mia Jean Harrison It. N.. lady ! IVIAnHl.. I At.1- llmfl i7vo spring air mattresses had becn rpivcd from thc Women's Auxll-Sry Miss Harrison Informed the teard Mrs It, L. Landry reporting for e women's Auxiliary, stated. that e recent auxiliary dance had becn SUCCCSS. almrwt. jiM.rilnlne It Ob- - " . aa nui VJ VlVOi vv. for the house committee. Frank bb renorteri thnt snme new beds iH u,. , . . .... It was left to the grounds com mitter in o In IV knrnlnir of left from the clearing of the !n regard to the recent ruling of provincial gevernment that It OUld not nnv twi- Hlpm trrant. - v.v , m.v... o " - 15? 1 indlcent nntlpnt. whn hnrt hpen ITl the h.iRnltnl fr cvor tVil-pn Vlltn "ijam treatment, weaimem, ine ine ooara ooara was was Moth osoital BoakV'&'wg For Tenders For miction Of New $100,000 Modern Building iiofimir rpppSvpfl the nlans and specifications frnm . - - - UU'"h j l . i u ir:i.: u 1 1 i :i UM Vio flnonr'A nnmmiftpo will rrn intn wjivs nnrl I'liilUllUL. tilt llliuiivw vv7.iuM.nvv ... ww ...vw " ii.. niter anri ftKfWP thf 000 which has been pledged by ffnvpmmpnt and th vwa -- -- pry win . nno which the board has In It .. .. .. l.Iah Tnn In. tinn flooears to be to Issue baby M.LUIVU J r.,UrirlnHnn r frnm nnv flrm persons who felt disposed to :c them will also oe weicomea. . j-n wr Vuvtrri tart. Tlfht. iiCVU V - V v w. - w - - . H 1 f it t 1 t mnnm rnnffhoiit The lenirth. lacinff on National Revenue OTTAWA, Feb. 12: CP Total national revenue for the first ten months of the current '.' fiscal year amounted to $438,- 065,893, an Increase of $66,304, t 779 compared with the same period last year, according to the monthly statement of the Comptroller of the Treasury released yesterday. . CUP SOCCER PLAY TODAY rsenal Eliminated bv I'reston North End in English Hay English Cup, Fifth Hound York Cltv 1. Middlesborough 0. Luton Town 1. Manchester City 3. Charlton Athletic 1, Aston Villa 1. Arsenal 0, Preston North End 1. Sunderland 1. Bradford 0. Brentford, 2, Manchester United . . . if "nicipri if in z.. iiui-viitt-i" C.Mirt 9 Scottish Cup, Second Hound 4 Away Up I Aberdeen 5, St. Johnstone 1. St. Bernards 1, Kings Park 1. Partlck Thistle 1, Cowdenbeath 0. Larbert Amateurs 2, Morton 3. Stenhousemulr 1. Motherwell 1. East Fife 5, Dundee United 0. Celtic 5, Nlthsdale 0. Ralth Rovers 9, Edinburgh City 2. Rangers 3, Queen of South 1. Queens Park 1. Ayr United 1. Falkirk 3, St. Mlrren 2. Hamilton Academicals 5, Forfar Athletic 1. Ros3 County 2, Albion Rovers a. Kilmarnock gets bye. SITD0WN ers ENCOURAGE BUILDING City Commissioner W. J. Alder To Endeavour to Create Interest Locally it III ll HILlLtl C Wavx v awvaaa wa a w aiwwiravuaf . . . ui inninuii :iv . nii'in mi iiii ir-iiiii-i iiii i nr 1 1 1 1 1-. . .1 II ULVIVI , 1 I I 1 1 III It -.i un.. lAfnnn liner.. tnl unit T7-nr.Prc will hp vptnrn.i ft-. r i- f.rtVi 01 nnrl will 1.p rmpnprl shnrtlv tViPVPaftpr ncouver next week of City Commissioner V. J. AUlei will win be pe to 10 interview interview building Dunning havine one of them interest it' self In Prince llupcrt by making money available for home building- here under the new Dominion Housing Act. The Dominion Housing Act is t measure something like the old Soldiers' Housing Scheme The rate of interest I five permit and twentv yearsU allowed to rcray. On the basis of a tcrest would be $138.53. Today's Weather (Oovennnn- "lifrMn j Triple Island Coludy, northerly' A'lnd, 14 miles per hour; light chop. Laneara Island Cloudy, north-1 ;ast wind. 30 miles per hour; bar- jmeter, 29.48: temperature, 29; sea' moderately rough. I riptirf Ttpp Point Cloudv. fresh ter. 29.86. Vancouver Raining, calm; bar -meter, 29.54. Victoria Raining, o. nort - herly wind Alert Bay Overcast, fresh south crly wind; barometer, 29.30; temperature. 31; sea choppy. Bull Harbor Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.35; temperature 34; moderate swell. WILL LOOK Wi &t ...i i . i on At' I temperature. 29; sea choppy. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, temperature. 12. eigm aDove. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, zero. INTO CASES OTTAWA. Feb. 12: (CP) - Speedy Investigation of the cases -" . . ... O. P. Powell, social oreau ex 4 f rnr-TTTVlof A V r K ! T I 1 1 pert from England, and II. J. Un-rV T JUI t J-i-' win member of the Alberta Legis Look For a While Like This Cornwall Knitting Plant Yesterday morse Lake; the Association whereby a group Df people, by payment -of a S membership fee each., had at licmpica w SJwW l-ugvmci fliiu ociti eight miles per hour; barometer, jconlroi 0r hospital assets amount-29.52. I'll? to .M35.OO0 by electing a slaU 17A,nM Brilnlnfr COIlthPaSt WlnCl I ' -ll & I. nt n,lir.n- four miles per hour; barometer. jnad previ0usly shown little, If am 1 ma.. . , .i i . , it 1 r T 'lnicresi in nospiuu anaua, u. v Wilkinson gave notice at last night's meeting of the hosplta' board that he would offer a motion at the next general meeting of the Hospital Association tt change the constitution ' whereby there would be six elected direr tors Instead of five, three to be! elected . for two-year terms anc' three for one year, thereafter 'three being elected each year foi itwo year terms. Such a method of I electing directors, Mr. Wilkinson I felt, would ensure continuity ol Premier King uives assurance 'policy, Abcrhart Re Powell and Umvln , w M Brown was not Preparc4' i to atrree with criticism of am ! person showing a sudden lnteres'. ; In hosnltal affairs Ho felt that all who paid their fees should be en titled to vote without question, Ht was. however, in favor of contlnu lty ot board oollcv and "felt that V lature for Kason, aociai Credit vtcuu i - - - . :. wSkers who have been M; .might be advisab e to charige thr. party method of electing directors fenced Imprisonment Jr. tpneed to vo terms verms m of imuiwmi".'" , ! such suggested Mr Sf amatory libel, will be car a way as -So? by ried "eu out uuk by-the lr " r. remission orancn .... r,..w io- I In the course of discussion. It (Wtx a. i . i. . a ' f' UllLUttV. I rT LICUU 1 LUICIIW V wva'-- ., o.w- ,tt .! " ".,,:. ,,rn.ln, t. m,p was - suwested - that some persons - t ri-v - j At. a j 1 1 mi i i mip il ui - - I'riiiir miiiuvb n -j ... . . . LiicLL .iiruiiuv uuvs iiuu ' ....... ij...- . j. . . ..I ,.. nnn vnirn nr. ine iLiiiinai mppunr nr. HA nni i. ...t t . . - - . kju Lit-1 1 1 Tir r li nnn man ian Would Disarm. Onlv On Own Terms iu irp) )-im" Threat oi uanaoas juoi, ' p me M nisier wiHiam uyoii mm- had voted at the annual meet " " . an. u f v tnvTi IP nnusuY i .1. v ... occnrAfi . rm- wrpm pr wi .w-. - i .down strike m tnc kenfle King assurea . was removed yesteraay wnen an m- ,llam Aoernan oi Aioerva iasijof SZTftL, the Alberta LegJ, ne - Klnson will proceed with mce hours earlier the company !lalure, votlng 40 to one. passM .jot ce of Jth "hW, had ordered the plant shut down a resolution asking for remission j J ard as' aPParently-ln SV1T' but the workers remained In the of the sentences. All Oooosltlon Pni , building, finally, however, march- members exceot Dr. Ieter Camo- " rf S, out Ml ultv member for Lethbridw HpcfrnvprQ OKeena SlfPAnn g Riot In Toronto absented themselves when the vote UeSlTOyerS rrvinoMTv- Poh 12- (CPI About wns taken on the grounds that a i IT? f peS engaged in the fac- elemenev resolution was not pro i And FraSCr VlSlt slx engag sixty persons ' debatable In the . In Tor- Legislature SeaUOrt Of PerU Union . Workers' TOKYO, Feb. 12: CP Japanese of the Fur . hvni ...... ....... . .... a ffr thp melee naa - -- - - a r-"i spokesmen state that this onto yesterday. '"y ," ,,. ,,t . H"iry would be oreoared to oln been quelled by reiiuu.u . r t-, MUA hni w, ,,. LedSh01";"" and U,?:.tcn mC" . LXr in a c7r With a VANCOUVER. Feb. 12: tCPUroyers Skeena .and Fraser of the 'avalbSM.1 .. to,i,ar d' - hammer ten Wheat was trading at $1.40 on Royal Canadian Navy "" arrived here iitc j w va .--- and ciuo clubs rlubs the tne ten wneav wus iruaiug at $i.u on ana . . bulldln 'uiiuiiiv g race rnnn providing nrm,ir.i,m r those men sledge Binnrrp hammer iiHiiiiii. . , ... - , , ,. ,, ..... . ,, batlnn. .iwi...b -v - - ---- cuU. tne Vancouver Vancouver marvet marvet yesterday yesterday yesterday yesieraay In in thc wv course cour&e 0i 0f a a South aoum r-.wi agree ld by Japan. Divide Fortune ': GOVT IS Is Favored or Morse Lake, between Butze and Oal'oway Rapids on the other side of Kalen Island to the - - rear - of - Mount Oldfisld. is , loan companies with a view to "W '""l'"!'0' 1 which It ha? been the airdrome announced the Department of National Defense will establish here as a part of the coast de- fense pro3ram. Ths principal advantage is that ft Is a large expanse of completely shelter- ed water. It could ai be com- n'.etcly shut off as far as sur- face craft Is concerned to fa- cllltate the oocratlon of air- StOOO loan, the reiiavnicnt even I craft. A branch road could be six months on principal and in. built from the highway. present Island SUGGESTS ; PACKING i MEETING l!L a t 1 1 I"!. I fnlcl - Be Better' Protected Terrace - Clear, strong norin, .., thc opnion that, un 1A it .... .... . . 'rtpr the constitution as it siooa ai Alice Arm-Part cloudy, north-( nrcsent the lntcresU 0f the Prince' east wind, 18. '"nupert General Hospital: Associa i Stewart - Part cloudy, strong wcre nQt safflcicntly protcct Nonneasi inu, rd fro. such a movement as n Prince George Clear, northerly )sa)d had becn apparent at the re MinH lnd, fnnr four mllp miles npr per hour: hour; barom-l barom . , i ,i ceni, annual Kcncr.ii mwuus u UPHELD I'.cnnett Want of Confidence Motion Rejected by Ottawa House Yesterday OTTAWA. Feb. 12: (CP) The King government emerged yesterday with a majority of ninety in thc first test of strength of the present session. Liberals, behind the administration, smothered a want of confidence motion proposed by Conservative Leader U. It. Bennett by a vote of 13S to 12. The vote in the House of Commons climaxed the debate on the Address from the Thhine and cleared Parliamentary Decks foi the legislative program. The debate had lasted ten days. The Bennett motion criticized the government for lack of constructive policies to remedy distress conditions in the country. TODAYS STOCKS (Courtesy S t). Johnston Co.) Vancouver C. Nickel. .171s. Big Missouri. .46. Hr-lornc 9.00. Aztec. .072. Cariboo Quartz, 1.97. Dentonla, .10. Go:conda, .Oti. Mlnto,',.03Vzt Otillo&iitAUssuiniB(u)ul4wobli Falrvlew; .05; v s Pcnd Oreille, 1.30. Pioneer. 2.90. Porter Idaho. .02. Premier, 2.13. Reeves McDonald, .36. Reno, .55. Relief Arlington, .22. neward, .05. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .05. Hcdley Amalgamated, .05. Premier Border, .Ol'j. Silbak Premier, 2.00. Home Gold. .01 Vi. Grandvicw. .07 Vi. Indian. 01 i. -Quatsino Coppcr..OS3. Haida Gold, .05. , Oils A. P. Con., .25Vi. Calmont, .46. C. & E., 2.70. Freehold, .06. IIargai, .17. ' McDoual Regur, .23. Mercury, .16. Okalta, 2.00. Pacalta, .13 (ask); , Home Oil, 1.22. Toronto Beattie, 1.35. Central Patricia, 2.55. Gods Lake, .51. Pickle Crow, 4.70. Little Long Lac, 5.30. McKcnzic Red Lake, .95. Red Lake Oold Shore, .25. San Antonio, 1.32. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.40. Smelters Oold, .01 Vi. McLcod Cockshutt, 2.03. Oklend, .19. Mosher, .19. Madscn Red Lake. .40. Stadacona, .21 Vi-Fran tier Red. Lake. .05. Francocur, .38. Moncta Porcupine. 2.20. Bouscadillac, .03. Thompson Cadillac, .27 Vi. Bankficld, .81. East Malartlc, 1.43. Preston E. Dome, 1.10. Hutchison Lake. .12. Dawson White, .02. Aldermac, .47. Kerr Addison, 2.00. Uchl Oold, 1.59. Martin Bird, .44, Hardrock, 1.75. Inter'l Nickel, 49.00. Noranda, 59.00. Con, Smelters, 57.75. HAit NKW YORK: ('l) -liar Ml .... ...., I, .,.,... I nl AVi.n tir m r '.'r mn n v i- -n. v. r 1. line mimr. un mc ,u-w ium . ......... vvl..w i.i ihnfate. oroDOinK snarmv io si ii i waay. American cruwe. . m muuti wuui. Ing tWO Of US OCCUpan , - . . . Distribution Of Millar Will Is Settled On By Measure Of Fecundity Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Naglc and Mrs. Timlcck Each Had Nine Children in Decade Since Eccentric Toronto Lawyer Died TORONTO, February 12: (CP) Four Toronto mothers who gave birth to nine children each in the ten years following the death of Charles Vance Millar are, apparently, sure of dividing $500,000 left by the will of the eccentric lawyer. , ' In Ontario Supreme Court today Mr. Justice Middle- . ton accepted claims of Mrs. Isabel " . . . . . . Mary McLean, Mrs. Annie Kather- ,'r lnc Smith, Mrs. Kathleen Ellen Nag- le and Mrs. Maiy Alice Tlmleck. noorl rf 400 I rhelr clalms are unchallenged. UJJCCU Jl 1UU Unless two other mothers whose tVi:l A UA1,u claims were disputed are admitted lYllieS An nOllT to the group, the lucky four will t . 4 m-in approximately $120,000 each LONDON, Feb. 12: (CP) A from the executors of the Millar brief announcement by the estate. met- British Air Ministry yesterday , revealed that Great Britain, In I Dursuit of air security, has de- velODed land planes capable of f a speed of over four hundred miles per hour. 4- 4 " ' '" T WIW Canadian Naval Strensth In- creased. There Will be More - CARRIER SERVICE General Sraoosls- The nressure ATTENTION FOR NORTH Cruising: in These' Waters, There will be an increase in the amount of cruising In northern waters under new plans of the Trades, and Labor Council Hears rtment o Natlonai Defence. From Postal Department Milk according to word which has been For School Children received from Olof Hanson, M. r. Vt the meeting of the Prince Ru- for Skeena, who is at present in tvcrt Trades and Labor Council Ottawa. Thursday evening a letter was read A letter receiVed from Mr. Han-from the Post Office department at son armounces that of the six de-Ottawa In reply to the council's re- Rtroyers which will shortly be hi quest for a letter carrier service In the Canadian naval service, In-, this- city. The department said It cludlng tne two new ones which ; could not accede to the request at are be purchased, four will b; this time owing to the general pos- stationed on the Pacific Coast and I Itlon of the city, and Insufficient tWo on tne Atlantic. Aiso sUtldned .population. on the Pacific will be two new The recently enacted Industrial mlne sweepers In addition to the .Conciliation and Arbitration Act Armentierres. This will make ( was discussed and members In- f0ur destroyers and three mlr.e : formed of the workings of the act. sweepers on the Pacific. I The question of milk for school a new classification In the Roy-; children was discussed and was ai Canadian Naval Voluntceer Re-i favorably received by the council, serve Is to he created. It will 1j ' During the discussion it was said f 0r the purpose of retaining cor. that fully one-third of the school tact with personnel who have re-i children in the province were un- celved not less than six years ' demourlshed and, that owing to training In the Royal Canadian , the city commissioner's indlffer- Navy or one of Its reserves and j ence to the council's request for a who, through civil occupation or fchool board, there was no definite residence, are unable to attend j check on children suffering from drills but who may be able to give malnutrition In the city. The some time to reserve matters. To council will endeavor to obtain in- such men It may be. possible to formation from the city health of- elve some training If members of fleer, the ordinary Royal Canadian Na- t. The council has Invited J. H. vol Volunteer Resreve are not Norden. manual training Instructor, available to nddresr the next meeting on the Mr. Hanson's letter also men- value of manual training to youth, "on uic i3.uuu iucu u prent on the development of an air rt"fon at Prince Rupert and the 7Srvvi t0 be exnended on slipway WA'fku- UtUIlcI hri-oMcf I UltLaM facilities and quarters for an air- un hise at Allford Bay, Queen Charlotte Islands. ; remains low off the coast and light rains have occurred on Vancouver J1 fonLnnlr ninrlfC j Island and lower mainland while i AUUl UUI lTiailVd light snow has been general over 171 lir 1 the Interior ihOUCatlOIl WeCK lotte Islands Strong northeast winds, probably reaching gale force. Mostly fair with not much change In temperature with occasional snow today and Sunday. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh northeast to cast winds, un settled. Moderately cold at night with occasional rain Sunday Ahead Of Time CRANBROOK, Feb. 12; (CP) Due to a misunderstanding as to the date, Canadian Education Week was observed in Cranbrook last today and week Instead of this. The schools wcre open to visitors on two clays. v