1 it'.:: . fitn two tut DAI7.TNi.hs- , EC Perths' PLIO - PEDIC F Beautifully designed arch supporting Street Dress Oxfords, Pumps, and Straps. Just Arrived For comfort, wear and style they cannot be surpassed! Priced. . S6-00, 6-50 $7.00 AMILY SHOE STORE LT. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Pubtohed Every-Afternoon, Except Sunday, by "Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Arsnu - fl. F PULLEN - . - Mn4ttotEdtlc Advertistaf and CJicuIatlta Telephone m Member of Audit Bureau oi Clrealattoiu 'AXLy KDITJON NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN FASHION PARADE Enjoyable Time Spent by Many Ladies at Oddfellows Hall . Yesterday afternoon the Oddfellows' Hall was the scene of a -delightful tea and Fashion show, under the Auspices of the Rebekah Lodge with a wonderful display of , fall and winter fashions by the An-j'nette Ladies' Wear Company. ' The tea tabSe was attractive with jts .hand-made lace cloth centred ! with a silver basket of pink gladi oli and tall pink candles in silver sconces. Those presiding at the urns during the tea hour were Mrs. W. ST Hammond, Mrs. J. Mcintosh, MrsAH. Tattersal and Mrs. M. Orr of Chilllwaelc. visiting president of the Rebekah Assembly for British Columbia. Serviteurs for the afternoon were Mrs. B. Peachy, Mrs. T. Priest, Mrs. F. Morrison, Krs. C. Campbell, Mrs. N. Mobrehouse. Mrs. W. A. McLean, Mrs. B. Church, Mrs. W. Sherman, Miss .R. Cox. Mrs. P. Solem, Mrs. J. 'A. Murray and Mrs. A. Blackhall. , Mrs. S. V. Cox and' Mrs. J. Dur-ran were ushers while Mrs. J. Bod-dle and Mrs. O. Wilkinson acted as cashiers. Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mrs. A. . Barbe received the guests and Mrs. jj: W. McKinley was general convenor of the affair, t During the tea hour there was a splendid program, Misses Jean Mclean and Ruth Nelson playing piano dtiet and violin selections bv Jensen. A dance by Sonny Bolter, accompanied by Mrs. J. S. Black also enjoyed. Swai Tollowlhg this a delightful fash-. i -i. j - ion jsnow was given Dy ine Annette Those acting as mannequins were: Mrs. W. stone, M3ss F. Steg- three-quartrs-of thfc-p0ple;bf ihe farmers and country aeainst him although practically all are withi Himl? .0WPt breeder and showman fArlhv Wa Iin manaaaA an far- fn haan UUix. VvurtA-..: H at. hU home here. He was ac- vm-.j aaMj aaaa am k. v, u kJ vy a,w iv 1. 1 : If 1 1 r I jIIIIJII llliv - i. . W war and his last move has evidently ihttn. fancy. He is a far bierg-er figure todav in thW eves of the' public than ever he was before and the' p'eojile, of tn&Ehl-j pire are relying on him to pilot the ship . of istate. safelirj through through the the ranidx. rapids, shnals. shoals, rnoks' rocks, stdrarioT.rtfuTcte stArmu an'rttil'"JBOrfVra Canadian Fis h&Coldtaire Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. 'FAIR'S RECORD CROWD .OTTAWA, Sept. 16; (CP) Six ar the central ca- n ena (iaimh tl mMl.i. r.SitT---iJt-Al&6X' iiauii Exhibition iLniDJiion this mis year vear wa war. lunate iiavcii. nc cvmciiu) 10 a jiaii winr-neeps- fUS head in difficult times and he seems like' a ;safemarC for af. stormy period such as the oresent. i ' " ' ..Si. December Frozeh HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice 338.000. more than 2T.400 better thfcn" the previous record estah-IJsfted in' 1925 when 308.600 per-; sorts' ..ylsl'ted the fair. TWENTY TEARS AFTER BACCHUS MARSH. Australia, Sept. 16: (CP) After 20 years a! Boldlec here- haa asked authorities" td. remove the letters "MAI." fMlll-tary Medal) after his name, saying he didn't believe in being credited with bravery he did not show. Try a Dallj News rinxxiried ad II, NEURITIS Oa dtmc ih ImIp b t ra t. M n IM bMbm L5.L.uIuQ2JLI Editor, Dally News: When one makes a study of the time-folders of our'rallway systems, the wonder surely arises In one's mind as to Just why Sir Edward is eo anxious 'in getting a chance to tear up the rails of the ON-R fcrl Friday, September I61M8. Ladies' Wear Co. showing a beauti-at 10:15 P-m- 50 that malMs obllg- In l.inilr 7 T ..L.'.L iL Tt! L i. TI : -AT yvnat ne nas aone leaamg to such a achievement. Iful display of the ven latest in fall' 10 Ut over ln Edmonton until - - . iand winter ladles' apparel. The 10 Pm- th following day. Does clothes being well modelled by some not thl arouse one's curiosity? .,i - A. , , . iJI uimueiice wmcn tne nigni nonINev-infteen mannequins to the strains w w" Hie "namoeriain has assumed Within the past fW days, of soft music by Brown's orchestra, a terminal on many people will be interested to know reier to Calgary as the CP.'s Main Line: iust who he i andl T"e verV In the new fall ana tamonton as a terminal on tne hio-h nrittihn ftftaua wulM:r coa were on display uu "ic. dui. u- .r u ujgu jjusiiiuu ui heaviy trinuned tur Jnr their No. 52, (Great West Express) iNeviJIe hamoeriain IS a SOn.of the well-KllQWn'hats. Winnipeg, and her route parallels Jo&ph Chamberlain and half brother ol S'W J. Alisteri BeauUful street and evening meiloldrd.Tjp. Une; then the CP. Chamberlain, father of the Empire preference scheme ,r5SS ln velvet w ai0 shown nas tneir crack tram Tne cnmcok), He was educated at Rutrbv and Mami Tnllpcrp Rirminaijaad grand fInaIe a lovelv bri- and two otee tra,ns. learing Ed-i W1 Srgiy yPUe& rm'ng; dal the bride ronton and'earrying the fnu -t party, wearing a beau- pa.seng-r ham. He went into the family ironworkm? business anrli..rLi. w.:, .. . traffic f thiir frmln,i a lace v . ... mi , nen ne was aooui reaa"tO go into politics was-' Sht by': with Juliet Cap and veil and carry- But nt get out of Calgary hi father to the West Indies to look after a plantation on r,nS a bouquet of roses and easter on the C-N- for the,r terminal of which his father lost a quarter Of a million dollars ,,iUias There were four brides- Edmonton or anywhere, on Sunday: Hetumine to England NWin Hhpmhflnin mtWtofl" m attendance, two wearing they have a small local running birnselfm ' affairs 7t iNe?e rf Z?3m.. '"".'dresse? of pink and blue lace and vla the old Can- Northern route on municipal a little Monday. Wednesday and Fridays. ago became Lord Mayor of Birmingham. It Was Only; at dresses of pink and blue taffeta and and another small local via the old the. close of the War that he Went into national political rrying bouquets of sweet peas. G T P- route on Tuesday. Thursday life and was elected for the Ladywood division of Birm-I At the cj0!e of show Mrs- jugnam. m ivzz ne became postmaster general, therf oav- "vl X ' U1 U1C e mtttiff o-onflM1 o0U- Xr .. 'fifXT.Presented Madame Annette with a R neaitn ana was chancellor exchequer again in 1937 wheii he was chosen for his present hieh office He is wa. ponsible for the legislation converting the huge, war loang'aTlg' Mr?- - Danleis. Mrs. Dickens into new issues at lower rates of interest. wan in! Jr.Mfs-B- wlndie. mi?s Ei?ie Davis, m. charge of the treasury when the country went off the gold standard and when war debt payments to the United" .States were stopped. ; v. Mr. Chamberlain took the bold step recently of iettinc vu. wie uiut popular r oreign secretary England ever irhadl had anq siumg quietly through a storm of abuse such' I of gladioli. L.ND REfilSTRT ACT OrWlcat of Title No. 12144-1. to the Eaet Halt of the South Weft Quarter of 8ectton Five (5). Townslj!? Three (3). Range PlTe (5), Coa r-trtct. In the Province of BrttUh Columbia, aatd to contain ElgtLtj (80) acrea. more or less. WHEREAS proof of losa of the above. I Miss' Elsie Johansnn W r st- CerUfloate of Title laaued In the name rytJr ot John A- Hlv.iraon haa been, tiled iff hvir QVlg. Mrs. Mr. R. Cheater. Mrs. t S. o Alex- At thl. olflca. nottee U hereby .given tbat ander. Mrs. B. Church, Miss Mar- 1 haU. the expiation of one month -- "a""-m,M'r 1l.ne Mus hertof, lue a PrortaionU Certificate tt "jfillenT and Mrs. P. Stegavlg. Title m uu of aaid lewt oertmcate un- leaa- ln the znMnitim' rait nhuwi. niaVie to me la writing. pinvFFR RrrFPnFit mrc flrf fl f"JtER BREEDER DIES DATED' at the Land Reglatrr Office,. p,!mfl xttZtoi. "v" Am.iu. um.. sepi. is: KCP rnae uPe. . taia 3rd. day t rrime Minister seldom niAT : m j i ti v is privileged to hear- He had. -Humnhrprw, aupw, a.d.im8. DOK5 possibly hlu two ru'n fViit-rlc thirds ni- or fVifn,'.afa.a. A'ft.-n- it.-' O ..j' fT:"w" . " - ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputr Begtotrar of Title. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 a t ! The Letter Box A MAILS AND RAILWAYS A If he is permitted to play his game! for another 24 months, the ON. will " ; " be liftlnu the rails themselves. and Saturdays. Then they have In the article o 3aj 5, we refer- another local leaving Calgary daily News red to the C.P.R. holding the mallOexcept Sunday over the old Geese passenger and express cargo from' Lake line to Saskatoon and on to the Orient on board their boats two. Winnipeg by Worman Juration and '.extra days; in order to load it on Dauphin to serve the local traffic the five trains per day at Vancu-j along the route. But no attempt Is ver. while the C3i. gets" one train made to get traffic out of the CP. away from the back-door of the 1 terminal at Calgary as the CP. Is coast city. We also referred to . getting it out of the C.N. terminal some 415,000 extra miles sailed, ' at Edmonton, mostly CP. boats under govern-1, we will now consider Prince Al-ment bonus, to take that traffic , bert and the BatUefords, which is away from the CN.s port of Prince 4ne cMf.'s territory. The CP. built 'Mlsse E. Christensen and P. Hamto-J ine VJ'S 2 " Qireci Irom van Jlrf' aiifcbmnanied hv Miss m rhri..couver to Edmonton, and arrives there at 9:35 p.m., and No. 6 leeves at 10 p.nu It can be seen the direct connection that could be made. While No. 6 has gone when the CP.'s No. 525 arrives at Edmonton ! mmum ', v- -' . ... they start their own line to Meadow' Lake. So it Is very' evident how the C.P.j s L,:ng the C.N.'s rails, bridgies and terminals at Prince Albert and ihe Batuefordi to sap the C.N. of the! . 11 m nt thplr own territory. I t we could continue to en- nmi-ii, curh lntanre. Rut Mee4 f rblds going further But if any- ae shculd doubt the accuracy of , he matertal that form this article,! we would advise them to make it copy of it. and send it to every Willi tfficial of our government or rail-, ' ways for their romrnent. With kind regards to the Pally Peace River. PAGE RIDBOUT. Man in the Moon It did seem Just too bad Jast evening that there should be a; chanse of weather. ' UtTil,BTelld "ISLti a "ne fr0m Lanigan nr,th J0' The weather Is with us alwayi CP. boats doing as much business Birch c.U.'s line at (or near) Hills, , lhat.f wh we oIUn tolk in Prh.ce Rupert av the JCJO al- and run over ON. rails some 28 About ,ts lM though it could not be seen that the mUes to prlnce uw CT., Qf C. P. owns a square foot of proper y tenn,na and CJVs br,d andi in me nor mem pon. ja may 11 . . . . . ,. ,.1fc.t i- . .u. ,r Ai- line northwest for 60 miles to Dlb- Tut. tut, they are talking about J: JTtL'Zr arresUng Henlein: First thing we v berta. asked , , from his mj piace In our Hpn- den; fr from m niM.n Dibden ,1,. the rp CP. hi,nrf builds a arre3tl.IlfW raiiiaiii-ciitj ivi mc iuu- .. jew mues oi uieir own to ait-auuw jn mad career mall from Vancouver to his home And the thl wlth the a"sw . .I "IlBattlefords. The CP. uses the C.N. I In spite of the speed with which Z,ni,tnl iTrX terminals at old Battleford. and mllies have been leaving Prince w .6.j, . . Rupert, It seems we have a, greater to Edmonton- C N. NO. 6 irom inwr raiw anu onage 10 ncrui 1 gary earv cAiinwiwm. w, iw. 6 . , ,, . . .-. ipopulation than we had five years i. Edmonton to Vegrevllle. Now. when Battleford. and also the C.N. rails aE0 Evenrthlnir Is all rleht if you v .tv. .v. w.-. Mv norm ior some 10 mues. ana mere don t weaken, i This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor x Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia . Just Arrive d! The First Consignment of Tip Top's New Uri..lAi,n r. Cll I 111!, i .u iiuuiuia iur run auu IVinier t' 1? I .Only at Tip Top will you see fabrics like ' 11 iiic in sutii a great variety ot exclusive ' new patterns, weaves and colors. Why not come in today and let us take your personal measurement for the best fitting, best looking suit or coat you've ever worn I Men's $25.95 Ladies' $28.75 Hand-Cut and Tailored to Your Personal Measurements Tip Top Tailors Limited R. CRAVETTO FOURTH .STREET MAlu'9V Plra V'nlna In fl- ... - 1 4 - .-.-s ... iijuup LlOllies" f ' S MOOSE HAlil SUNDAY Do" Oben 78; SUrti p-m. ENGAGEMENT EXTIUOllUlXAfit. Third Coast.'to-Coajit tt Silent Bill Bit IN PKItSOX! DOES CRIME PAY? Showing a Most Complete Set of PKISON PICTURES "Endorsed By Pre, Chunk Po'llde and Civic 0rfAnIa. Uons Everywhere SILVER COtLECTlOX Adlt On); KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIfMEXT REASONABLE RATU Phone BUCK ;i! I :' Tom Andrews PIES fwk. Steak and Kidntr h Any She, Any Mi SoM at Leading fctiken tai n nose Ororm Bushes AVe have been notified thai supply, .will be limited. Or! novivU hlle all varicUes ire ialnable VtI. fiAIK, Florist ' Third Avenue J; k BULGER tometrist Royal Baali BW J , : a ROlfAL HOTFL "-' ' " v :);Zarem Proprt'tof , AVtf OME'AWAY 0M :UOMK- v V -taw ii" -M ' r M kocths Hot It Cria f VrftBc Krt.ltf- h.h'i in ro. THE SEAL f QUALITY 5iifo -SEsS GOLD SEAL Fancy Bed Sockeye ' PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon PtckM by the onlJ JfJ "cinnini eomptnj with tbt' yer round pr''oI, prlaw Rupen