PAGE FOUR Bob Davidson Maple Leaf Hockey Star Eats Delicious QUAKER OATS Witch for bis newt of the new Maple Leaf Bantam Hocker Club-Officially diluted with Toronto Mapla Big Hocker Gifts arc con HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy James Garrie, Vancouver; H. McDonald, Stewart; Misses E. and O. Pobureny, N. S., B. C; II. J Smith, city. 2 Royal 7Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Henderson, Porcher Island; Nels Hagland, Porcher Island T. Nelson, city. C. Anderson, Sunnyslde. Ji7r build Muscles and Strength for Coming Season! "I fired the most nourishing food I cm' gtt thtt'i whir I eit delicious Quaker Otts" says Bob Davidson. lie's riehtj For creamr Quaker Oats is full of muscle-making proteins carbohydrates that create pep and energy. It is nw known that oatmeal it the richest source of that precious nerve food Thiamin . Perfect health is not possible without it. You should nave "Thiamin" daily because it is not stored in the body. And, re. member, only Quaker Oats con tains healthful Vitamin "D". NOT ONLY IS QUAKER OATS THE MOST NOURISHING HEALTHFUL BREAKFAST. I FIND IT MOST ECONOMICAL. COSTS IESSTHAN it FORA QUAKER OATS BREAKFAST St,. h..Kh .d X V. fzftr ' ST ' money ! j Wf tops now from .Quaker Oata dairy. V Central , A. Hoi, Edmonton; Mrs. Nelsor. 'Breiv, Haysport; W. Burseth, HuK att, B. C; F. Garfln and J. Phil , lip. C. N. It. Prince Rupert Ida McLean, Port Edward; Mrs! T. Johnson. Port Edward; C. E. SaN: ter, Carlisle; F. Soncee, Skeena; Mr. and Mrs. K. Seligman, Partis; Dr. Stanley Mills, Terrace. Three Brand New Chesterfield Suites At Bargain Prices Lovely 3-piece Chesterfield Suite Lisbon cover, vel-our cushions. IZealsnap $99 00 Three-Piece Modern Suite Cover Kassel A.A.A., mulberry and natural. No AA better. A snap tXU.UU Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite Covered with im-ported cut velour all 108,00 FourTiece Bedroom Suite Includes bed, chiffonier, vanity and QPQ AA bench. A real snap wtiUU Used Vacuum Cleaner Bargains Hoover Vacuum Cleaner-With all the attachments in first clas3 condition. C'f 7 CTA A snap for pA DU Beatty Vacuum With all the B1 7 attachments JA elU Premier Spic-Span. r Snap for ?O.DU Six-Hole Monarch Range -For burn- QOQ A A ing coal or wood. Snap at PUU Circulator Heater with Oil Burner OOff A A Snap tJD.UU Good Pram A real bargain $10 00 Bicycle In good Q'f O AA condition ?1a.UU Sineer Sewing Machine In good A A condition ,. ?aD.UU Typewriter In first class CO A A A shape D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue Thone Green 916 U.S. PLAY-IS SEEN 'Judge Hardy's Children' Revolves Around Life at Washington ' "Judge Hardys Children," with Lewis Stone. Mickey Rooney, SeelJia Parker. Fay Holden and the rest of the "Judge Hardy Family," will be seen here tonignt and tomorrow as the sequel to "You're Only Yo'.ing Once." In the new picture Stone and his family visit Washington, D. C. for amusing adventures amid 'obbyists and in high society. Stone, as the father and Judge, is called from the country country'town 'town to to serve as a power the national capital. While he THE DAILY NEWS sssssoHisSiTiSBiiiBBVI1 ameYour Scotch IM This advert umn: U not published ,. 3". 7 . I intrul Board or by tiie CciTerumeat of Briusti C .uinbla i ! V commissions at AllgllCan I OlUlg grapples with problems and lobby- 1 r POmA IVIppf inO" CUPiC lUCCllUg, sts, Mickey Rooney falls hi love with a little French girl and gets Dl 17 C himself ousted from a fashionable i 1 Ittlld 1 UI ULttOUlI dancing school when he teaches her the "Big Apple." Cecilia I3 Infatuated by hand- The first meeting of the Youne PeoDle's Association some Leonard Penn, who plays a was held last Wednesday evening state Department employee who Is deceived by a pair of lobbyists. The Judge extricates his offspring from their tribulations in situations sometimes comical, sometimes heartgripplng. Mickey appears In tils first dinner jacket. George Seitz, who directed, the first two of the series, directed the third picture from a screen play by Kay Van Riper, based on the characters creatd by Aurania Rouvrol. He took his production unit to Washington for location work and the picture shows interiors of public buildings there which have nev er before appeared on the screen In the Cathedral Hall. There was a good attendance of members Including a number of newcomers. Peter Allen, the president, conducted the meeting which consisted chiefly of business concerning the ensuing year. The resignation of Dick Meadows necessitated the election of a treasurer. Alf Rtve'.t being chosen. Arrangements were made for a welner-roast to be held on Wednesday September 21 across the harbor, weather permitting. Marybelle Stiles and Bertie Cross offered their boats for the occasion. After the adjournment of the business meeting the members Comedy highlights include the J enjoyed a social time. "Big Apple" episode, the new tuxedo sequence, comical quarrels between Cecilia and Mickey as brother and sister and funny flirtations between Mickey and Ann Rutherr ford. new Supreme Court Building and other Washington details take the audience on a literal visit to the U. S. capital with the "family " Phone 62 Phone 63 Bakeasy Burns, In cartons. )Pn 2 lbs l LAMB Shoulders Trimmed. l't ' . 28c Lean Breast 9n 2 lbs BUTTER Slrl- 85c STEER BEEF Oven Koast 18 C Rolled Pot Roast rK,Z'Zl20c Round Steak Roast 2 Doz. Brookfield 7fi. Eggs In cartons . ' Ayrcshlre Bacon 2SC Fresh Mushrooms 4Q(J Frying Chickens ft On Each DUi New Spuds 9-0 12 lbs Swift's Cottage Rolls HOp Average 5 lbs. Lb. This is a Real Buy SHRIMPS, CRABS, OYSTERS NOW IN SEASON" Remember You Can Get it at The Sterling ments being served. TEACH GAELIC SYDNEY, US., Sept. 16: (CP) Sydney school board has authorized its high school teachers to give Players Include Betty Ross Clarke Instructions In Gaelic. The ancient Ann Rutherford, who played the language, still spoken among those heroine of "Of Human Hearts." of Scottish descent In Cape Breton, Robert Whitney. New York stage will be taught outside the regular actor and new leading man dlscov- class hours. ery who plays Cecilia Parker's home-town sweetheart, Jacqueline Laurent, French actress recently brought from Europe and making her American film debut, Ruth Hussey, Jonathan Hale. Janet Beecher and Leonard Penn. The Library of Congress,' Lincoln Monument. Washington Monument Hall of Archives, National Capitol, .MOTION PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST ENTERTAINJlEfjf Tonight -Saturday $250,000.00 Two Shows Nightly, 7:00 and 9:05 Malinre Saturday at 2:30 Feature at 7:18 and 9:53 f' rv i . r u z. w ALSO "MARCH of TIM IT "Glimpses of New Brunswick" Novelty and Cartoon r'littvr' e iiriir i nw n ivnrn" Rebekahs Have I Visit From Head Of Order Mrs. K- Orr of Chllliwack, president of the Rebekah Assembly of British Columbia, arrived In the city on the Prince George Wednesday morning and paid her official visit to the local Rebekah Lodge that evening. Last evening Mrs. Orr accompan ied by some of the officers of the local lodge were taken for a drive, by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boddie after 'which they were entertained at their home. Mrs. Orr left on this morning's! train for Terrace to pay an official i visit to the lodge there. 5,404 CASH PRIZES Your "Movie Quiz" Book Tells You ah iw It... Get One at the AN fr0 A ri, Fa. to.. w... JUDGE HARDY5 CHILDREN cama PARKER mHOLDIM (At Saturday Matinee only) Saturday Matinee Last Times For Nabob Coupons! BLUE stops your clothes from turning YELLOW You can't WASH the yellowness out of your things; Washing gets the dirt out, but it's the blue rinse, that brings the WHITENESS back. A swish or two of Keckitt's Blue in the last rinse does the trick .-: ; no extra effort. Cost? A cent or two a month! Fresh Local Kaw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONF 57 RAILWAY Reckitts BLUE Out of the Blue Comes the Whitest Wash! n CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Forts SS. "Prlncesi Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS LOUISE September 7th, 17th, 27th October 7tht IBth Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services, . Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES, General Agent. PrinCe Rupert, B.C. It Costs Nothing Extra To Keep in Style At All Seasons Well dressed women everywhere find it easy and economical to keep in style the Singer way Make your qwn stylish clothes on a Modern Singer ft I ft I Xll KyiVJl UMU V.I Gtt Yfnr Slnttr ani liipt Help$ From X New Singers i For as Littlf ii $3.00 Down And f 3.00 Monthly And a ,Tnd.n Allowinci on iny old sewing machine Md MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bedroom Dresser Clearance 2 DRESSERS G 7 SA 2 DRESSERS COA Afl Walnut finish WfDU Walnut fln,sh 5U.UU ff iSh nsWalnut" Beftut,fully 27 50 Phone 775 s27 T,nRD AVENTt MILK We Have Grade "A" Uaw and Pasteurized MM Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Kcd 008 for lkttcr Dairy Products Dominion Dairy UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TOK8- t.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY. DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets w NEWMAN, Prince Ru port Agent. Third Ave. Thone 9"