September 16 1&33. r a, t 1 HJlk fok"Sai:e IS mT.I" S MADE PURER- "'CHER MORP DIGESTIBLE, tcoHMHical SjvtaduUed - Safe CPR -teamer Princes Adelaide. XV- P,H. ?apum HVnry Armstrong, is due n If Hi. rOUliee fcort thi aft rnooh at ,4:30 and will ; at 10 p.m. on ner return to tall anwuvcr und waypolnts. CIlilEO lOST LOST Diamond -Ring. I Phone Blank' 724. Reward. (217) Died At Hospital Was Nallve of Finland with No Relatives In This Country i The death occurred at the Prince Rupert General Hospital of William Pouttee, aged 07, who had been in HJ-health for some time. Mr. Pouttee was a native of Finland and came to Canada twenty-seven years ago, he had been a resi dent in Prince Rupert for the past eight years, and followed the occupation of copper miner. i Mr. pouttee nad no relatives Ilv-Jlng In this country and funeral ar- 3R SALE Cheap. Writing Desk. rangemenu. are in we nanas oi me Billed 221lM- u wnaeriaKers. . 3R fiALE PlReons. Apply Archie, CAM) OF THANKS 'Marie Balagno and Mr. D. Suther 'This 'Coiitiiientar is oue ot the linesl patterns I have ever seen iu Congoleuin. It is smartly styled, richly coloured and in harmony with the spirit of modern decoration. Yes, it's a good recipe for tired or dismal rooms." Outstanding as this pattern is, it is only one of the many amazingly beautiful Congoleuin Cold Seal rugs now on display in good housefurnishings stores. And remember Congoleuin Gold Seal Rugs have other advantages than their beauty. They are janifary, easy- tO'Cleana damp mop Keeps mem spotless and they liejlattcilhout fastenings of any kind. Visit your dealer's and inspect the newr Fall line . . . today. I MnLeod H 10th. Ave. East. ; Phu;ii: 5r.5. (219) ThV Annette Ladles' Wear Co. . wish, to tliank the Pioneer Laundry 1IHI.r"VrA'NTF.n " for the use of their car and Miss f'lLL TiME help required at Rid- land for flowers and all others who l? Hi ;ae Must be over 25 years, helped to make the show yesterday P' ...i Ted 822. (tf) afternoon the success It was. I R. E. Legg, formerly superintendent of the Surf Point mine left last night for Vancouver afbet a brief visit , to Prince Rupert, renewing old acquaintances. I Don Passmore will be leaving for Nelson at the end of the month where he has been transferred to the Overwaltea store there. ,, FREE BLACKHEADS ftUekbead a qguklr by m tiu4 method that just diunlvet them. Gt two ounci of peronltMi powder nam ruui tUiutlM, rub this tilth a Ih.i, wet doth gentle over he blarlrtittd -and yn m wonder '--- imr: hive (on u UullwtM temvtotlf. Mr. and Mrs. K. Seligman ar rived in the city last night from Hazelton. Mr. Sellfeman is an artist who has been taking in the scenic beauties' of Hazelton aftei a trip to Alaska. Seven members of the engineering staff of the steamer Prlnct Rupert and the chef and 25 mem- The wedding is announced c Miss GUdys Catherine Le Duke of Endako to John Gardner Gray oi New Westminster, the wedding to take place at the Roman Catholic chapel at Lejac late this month Miss Le Duke was a graduate of the St. Joseph's Academy In Prince Rupert. n COUIEB STEVENSON aL I Nationally Known , Authaclty mTPtr '"'fr$fml I on ,nUricf D,ro, IB THIS If A. LsATlSFACTIOH CVAMNTODi Fr a frte.llluitrtteJ & let ar CeHter gtevam M Ham Decaratlan. tlia and taau alUckea CMiMa. CONROLEUU CAWDA LIMITED, JT00 Su Pitrld St, Monlfeal, Que.. Plaie itoi me your free llluitrated. booklet on Home Decoration. 632 A'am. AdJreil... J LIMITED -MONTREAL i TE3 DAILY MW; FAGiE Tn3Z2 "Hi LOCAL NEWS NOTES Phone 112 Taxi; day and night. HaTold Fisher left last night c the Prince Oeortje for Vancouver. A. J. Lancaster Is leaving tonight Ion the steamer Cardena f6r Bella owvr juooia wnere ne will conduct a tax sale for that district. . DANCE ODDTELLOWS KALI.. FRIDAY, Sept. 16. Serenaders Orch. p with (Peanuts) at the Piano. (217) Mr, Stan Mortn was a passenger south last night for a trip to Van- VTi Stanley mils or Terrace1 is ;a in on last night's train sor, leaving tnis evening on the Cardena for Vancouver and Bella Coola on official duties. Miss Mae Brew of Ilaysport is leaving on tonight'; train foi Montreal where she will embark on the Duchess of Atholl for Liverpool then to Douglas, Isle-of- Man. Mrs. Brew Is accompanying! her as far as Hazelton. nor, nf !ho (irwir lAff wcr nwtil r i r t-u.i University of British Columbia. jTiiftm i i:m'il:IHIM,MI mw i Earfc p4 kill Cin aU dj and evtrr dajr for Ibree hku. 3 patta in 4-arli paolef. 10 CENTS TEIt PACKET at DrvfflMtt, Cfcrrt, Grnvrul Stem. W1IV I'AY MOKE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO, Mmlion, OnU JONES Family Market Phone 57 Phone 957 Saturday Specials liilLKI.EY VAI.LI1Y LAM It Legs of Latnli-r- . Per lb. Loin or Iainb Per lb ::i.T: Shoulder of Lamb S Per Jb, r...J&ZL::4ii-t i - u-h! uj,V , cTrro 'm t'i,' I lil.HI. Prime Kiu Itoll UoaM Pe.r jb. . ... .s; Slrloin'.Ttu Jtoa-stV- & Per lb Pot Roast of lleef Per lb Hump Roast of Reef Per 'lb . Round Steak 3 lbs Boned and Rolled Pot Roast 4 lbs 25c 25c 15c 20c 20c Coffee Shop Open I For Business Today C. AUner Is Man af Long Experience and Jtski tor Patronage of Local People And Visitors i One of the brightest and neatest little coffee shops In the north lopened this morning when P. C.i 1 a i t f n: . j . ii ' ' . a i mjT t ri ratif tiniiu v r 1 u riiu irv iii w m visitor In the: city today. Ite camt' . ' nt tho COAL '. -.1 i Nanaimo WelllnEton Lamp, Interior Sootless, Pea Coal for automatic stokers, Nut and F.ct Coal for ranges. Albert & McCaffery. I'liene 116. Dr. !I. M. Morrison schools, is leaving tonight on steamer Cardena for Namu. change Building. All morning there was a steady streain of callers try- . lng out the new place and evident- j ly none were disappointed. ' The new Coffee Shoppe serves light meals at all times of dcy 1 from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. and Mr. Aimer nl!in tn havp fhp mnst nn Ito-date little establishment on the inspector of;coast. visitors to the city as well, Oeo. W. Cripps, provincial asses the as local people are Invited to try j lout the new place. SETS GLIDINO RECORD SIIREWSBURY. Eng., Sept. itf: (CP) After only five days' practice, A. N. Young, 22, broke the, - : English single-seater gliding rfe'-! Alfred Wesley was yesterday af- cora. He was 153i hours In the alr terriobn fined $25 or 30 days foi .breaking the old mark by near!, being 'In possession of liquor. ,80 minutes. Announcements All advertisements In this col- nmn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. .... -v.- .- uicar auu kujjcii rmwm, iiS 01 gt Peter's Tea Mrs. lineham jui vanuouYCT. uiiij a omuu-ujr Mr. ana Mrs. w. 0, t'uiton oi tnis Rentember 22 crew Is now left on the ship which city and Clarence Pulton of Ver- ' 4 is tied up at the dry dock. jnon, B. C., sailed on the Prince1 Baptist Church Tea September ii . J tVi E,V V laaa.!, yji. iiavvie v, 1 to continue their studies at the Basket Social Dance, OddfeHwte Hall, September 25. i 10c 15c 50ci 50c 8h& ,m 25c VF.AI Roned and Rolled Shoulder Veal Per lb Leg; of Veal " Per lb. A Fniet Roast of Vealx-Per lb. 20c 20c 25c Powder Puff Beauty Shoppe Permants, Marcells, Finger-waves, etc. Children's Haircuts a Specialty. Phone Green 883 for Appointment Muriel Eby 43J 4th E. C. C. P. Baxaar, October 1. Grocery Shower, Ridley Home oetouer o. Eastern atar lea. Masonic nan, October 6, Mrs. Parker presents Ml Lady's Trousseau. Catholic Bazaar, October 12, 13. 1 Presbyterian Tea "The Manst I October 13. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 3. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No- lyember 17. St. Peter's Church ember 24. Bazaar Nov- Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony.; Phone dreen .190 MrS Bernard Lnhdal0.v& A v oice Production PIANO and TIIEORY Phone GREEN 991 431 4th Ave. West MUSIC Miss N. Lawrence Teacher of Violin, Theory Harmony Classes Commencing September 1. Phone 580 Three Violins For Sale Very Reasonable Walkers Music Store Larfe Stock Music Helntzman, Nordhelmer and Lesate Planoi Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone ltlue 319 212 4th 81, The wa fer must be bolmq WdKm a cfocKery teapot Put in one teaspoonful" of -fed fetlock person and one for the foF ..Add fresK.BCHUNGwate Sheep 5 minutes and serve. Only Fine Quality gives fine Flavour SALADA TEA 70S ENJOY EXTRA COMFORT AT LESS COSf NOW ONLY With a Coleman Oil Burning HEATER MODEL 829 A completely modern cabinet type circulating: heater that gives fine clean healthful heatinj service. Finished in the tiny Dureplaistic enamel finish in warm walnut brown Will not chip, crack or peeL Equipped with an 8-inch Coleman Fuel Raving- Wickless Burner md many lher fraiures f superiority. $80.00 Come" In For a Demonstration GORDON'S HARDWARE McBKlDE STREET - !!.. .... i j -s . i . i ' " V. i i $ i J . Phone 311 To Write About Medford Linen Finish Stationery CO Sheets and 48 Envelopes 49c Ormes Lid. 2fir? Pioneer Druqgiats iUU Store Phones: fl II Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till I .n, 7 urn. till $ p.m. m 4 4