V, Buy Your White Shoes Now Sweeping Reductions on every white line in the store Yqu? Opjjortunitjr to Secure High Grade Fooiwear-at Exceptionally Low Prices F Broken Lines To Clear $1.95 AMILY SHOE STORE LT The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. UtiiiCt BVTEBT - BEJX1SB. COLUMBIA TRADE TREATY SOON ft PBhHihed rrtry Afternoon, Except Snndaj, by Prince Rupert DaOy Nctfx. Limited. Third Arinne a. J FULLEN. - - - Managlnjf-Edltci City, delivery, bj carrier, yearly penoa, paw la ad van Paid In advance, pet we-k ' . Palo in advance, per month By maS-to all parts of British ColnmtU, the. Brttlih Empire and Cttned advertUlrr. per, word, per tineztiaa - - T local readers, per tee. per teiertion - ' r rnrnoH- ifi tiSX 11 0 unuea onitM, yeany. period, paid In advance jx ByitnaU to all ether countries, pe- year 9 DO ADVZBTLSI.NG. BATf- sa Tuesday. August 23, l9Zt I 1 1 'SPORT REDS NOW SAM SNEAD COMING UP IS WINNER PiU-burg. Iiaprvve. Lead Baseball Standings Incinding Yesterday's Scores NatfenaL Pittsburg iNew York .Clnctnnati znflh is said thai the nrpregentatives of the two.countries have, come to, an agreement which will insure the taty'Kew York" rmjng hw. Cleveland can.- it must be followed by changes in the Empire pacts. Waihm?ton and it is likely it will be also followed, by a new trade treaty between Canada and United States devised: to ivn-.'Phiiadeiphta chronize with the United Kingdom treaty. su Louis III these treaties there has to be a certain ammint nf- W L Pet 67 42 J515 C3 49 .563 C2 51 143 . 41 52 543 - 53 5, .43$ 53 58 .477 30 62 .446 .. 34 73 J13 League 75 34 J&l 63 45 i3 61 45 115 57 57 iX) 55 56 .495 4 5 .442 33 70 112 39 69 .361 give and take Canada; will lose as well as gain. Baseball Team PROPOSED ROYAL .VISIT Irr.aL!l The King of Great Britain is also the King of;Canada Z but. up, to the. present- no, British soverign has vet visited) f.,rt .T", k,. toada such. Such a Vsit is suggest in. thV near f J -JS-tTS S ture and the Victoria Times, commenting on it, says: .prince Rupert in another baseball "There have been several suggestions recently that-rie-' to played at Ketchikan the King and Queen might be persuaded to visit Canada ,over !he Labor Day week-nd: dwo that Pnme Minister Mackenzie King said when he first! dina, Alex Mitchell. Benny wmdie heardjof the report that His Majesty needed no invitation; belter Johnson. Minor fiirmmdsm tovisit the Dominipn that Canada always stood) read v to!aeorse Howe and Eddie smith. The Welcome its Jyereign, - ' i .team wUl be practising nighUy for The i latest reference to Ba,Biap,zppayJZn - gay m the. London Letter of the Liverpool, Postthe jmr.. The first practice was held last portant 'daily controlled by the family of Rt. Hon Anihonyi !&ht wltn - good; turnout. Eden which said: the King and Queen will 'almost; cer-, Stuyt NicTi'posTPONKn tainly pay this continent a visit durinir 193ft The rcoldmri' Stunt nlfhk vat h1nlrftfnr also.saifl that Lord Tweedsmuir, now in Britain on holidayast Friday at Acropolis mil oyio from Rideau. HalJ, mentioned unofficially the suggested 'Playground but. the event had to tour; and that Lord Stanley, Secretary of State fSn the ;IX)SIt,ponfd " V.tf 100 v?.? rTqmjnionH, vho; sailed for this country yerd.M1 Z t niscuss tentative arrangements witn Mr. MacHenzje Kingi'obtained. " " While in Ottawa. ., ? "It would be a; pleasant arrangement if Their- Majes?.-ties would sail for this, counfy in the new Mauritania; visit Eastern-Canada, the New York World's Fair, Wash-1 ington and;, perhaps, San Francisco's Interaatj.onalEifchir bition, then, nprthwards through Victoria, and, east.warjj across Canada home. What a. welcome they, wouldj get everywnere tney went nd; what a stimulant tOf a already well-established friendship between the British Einpire and, the. United State's!" CORRIGAN'S LITTLE IRISH JOKE 0n)y an Irishman could' have got away witrTthe little joke perpetrated by Douglas Corrigan when he. landed in theOld' Gouptry after flyirig in. an old air fllv.v.er with out; permit across, the Atlantic? Ocean. He deciared he flev. by, thewrpnftendiOf the compass needle and went in tho-' opposi)be. direction from what he intendedi partly as a result of the feat and' partly because of the joke Corrigan is today the hero of all Irishmen which insures him a tumultuous reception everywhere ho goes. Before he reached America on his return from the flight his cancelled license had been restored to him., ' , , CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and. CAFE Phone 51, F,qr Best. Household Qoal MRS. C. E, BLACK Fresh Local' Raw And Pasteurized, Milkr VALENTIN DAIRY; PH0Nly-4Mf ! Walker- Musk Store ( Large. Stock Music t Heintxman, Nordhelmer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" , Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. With. Harry Cper L CHICAGO, August 23 'Canadian TORONTO, Aug. 23 the various George, Rorie, chairman of thej contest, on which the selection of PUTTING IN STEEL SPAN finl! Par New Bridie n Can-in National Raihrays Line Is New Under Way V. Sac4e and piny of a d e n work en of the Canadian Bridge Co of Wnipe. hi Ttaj arrived cal the job at the end of the week. stoned tot yesterday of patting in tlt iS! rirdfr xran at Kjtm Cincinnati Mwiarinr Second Place Txkes Cxnian Oyen CU Title mTfr -hich operation wifll mark mwinu .ci mvtm u ui .VICT suiliy (.BlCMca the eecpWJoc of the new bridge rd the Canadian National Railways ; at that point which has long been ! JT7 ZL!L! Sfeid TO Canadian open roil,. u f eel In length 'rc5:jr:c:, p" ',r:'d tasi- u expected " -o" ' a ireiij.xiro i-J-i,,v. fnn t, to frmr -rV Th Pittsburg PiraiM In the: National hi the final with Harry Cooper. The Tt. T .v JLeagueby half a game to ne-and- m pUyed ninety hoW alf rZZi r ahalf game over the idle N bot Cooper dropped lire strokes oo'"." York Giants. Tne dndnnaU Red, fnmTSShlng with a 29 Tfl jSSl l HUh Tbom trie Cnns had been c-. n . . . . , , . otiu 'tied for the position, assumed ex-i elusive possession of third place in I I v. - ...... .4 : l- .j . MM UMI 11 to 4 Tic lory orer St Louis Car- idinals. The Reds are but one-and 'Ahalf games below the New Yort Giants. i In the only American Leaue game .yesterday, the Clereland Indian; "lost 4 to J to the Chicago White Arrangements Ifiox and are now bat one g&mei (ahead of the third place Boston Red Sox The New York Yankee 'whose scheduled- game for yesterday with the Athletics at Philadet-'tphia was piayed Instead on Sun 'day as part of; a double-header: 'now- have an - elerenand-a-h?lf game margin of supremacy. icsteroays xn ueague scores: NaUonaP Lea true Pittsburg 4; Chicago 2. ClnctnnatU 11; St-. Louis 4 American League Chicago 4; Cleveland 2. Only games scheduled, iPLANS ARE PERFECTED: For Port Day Rounded Oot at Final MeeUng Of Genera Committee Last Night in years. I M". Soade and his crrr. before I coming here, had been working on the new International bridge at the Thousand Islands which was for many opened Last week by Pies. dent Franklin D. RoosereU and Prime Minister William Lvon far- jkemieKlng. CYCLIST HURT BIRMINGHAM. England. August 23 CP-r-Mlxed up in a crash at Birchfleld Harriers sports here, With public interest in the event Frederick Poffington, national nve now crystallizing and a substantial mile cyeHnp champion, was taken entry list for the various events jfo hospital with abrasions and steadily developing, arrangements concussion. for Prince Rupert's first annual; Port Dit celebration under ansnJees; REES APPOINTED of the Junior Chamber of Com-i HLNDHEAD, England. August 23 merce are now being whipped into 'CP D. Rees. Ryder Cup playfr perfection. The final meeting of r appointed professional to the ventral committee was heldiHmCfteaa Oolf Club, starting Au- last night under the chairmanship 29- of A: W. Newman and the various. " -.i-. events. . C Ollker reported on be- ,CCUitr- half of the program committee. De- ' u i BL'SLNKSS AS IJSlUl. the queen win be based, was going strong with 730 tickets already sold. Plpcfpynrc A Owing to the prosoeeU of such a!1 HCI CI o. ra ! ti laree attendance. Jt had elded to move the venue dance and queen crowning Moose Hall to the Exhibition Build-j Ing. :Tfle Setters Are Now Getting Busy In view of the Prince Ruwrf ,n P1 Office Building Bovs' Band being unable to muster - un rtreneth at this time. It was de-; "asterers wiU be finished their "ided to bring In the Oreenville wrk thls week- marking comple-Ccncert Band, one of the leading Uon of another phase of the con-native band of the district, for the stn,ctlon of the new Post Office day. .building here, progress on which lis keeping well up to schedul Tilesetters are now going to work "WFR ANJTIS,, Mean'n,lc. wk on the grounds -f"- 'VivU has commenced. They will be grad-' WI M C A P IMiedto sldfwalk vels all around the vTlllU AuAllltbu"clIng ,n en half block V and leU with a soft soil mixture Macdonald's Rink Wins Woodland, urface ready fo gardening. Memorial Lawn Bowling ' To tne rear an eighteen-foot ' Trophy hird-surfaced lane Is being put in I -he entire length of the block from Angus Macdonald won his thjrd,TnIrd to Fourth Streets, trophy of the year in lawn bowline' A 40-foot Hagpole will be erected last night when his rink defeated m ine grounds at the northeast R- M. Winslow's by a score of 28 to)corner u w'1 be set in a concrete 12. In the final of thp WnrimA Memorial Trophy competition. Aiso last night D, A. MacPhee's rink defeated R, E. Benson's 2 to' 18. I IN HUSBANPISi HONOR LONDON, August 23 (CP)--Mrs. R. A. Whltcombe, wife of the British open golf champion, was elected honorary mernber of' the Park-stone Oolf Club In recognition of her husband's success. It is the first time a golfer s- wife has been so honored, Footb all TONIGHT, 6:45 Merchants vs. Legion 1 block, Wlnslow rinv r... . 1.. -1""' ' - . I .MAM UlC Woodland trophy final by winning 23 to 10 over Jack Preece's rink In an earlier Woodland Tronhv . match, O. P. Tinker's rink won 12 w J" over Jack Frew's. Steamship Sailings,! Vanroinrei-. Mondayr-ss. Prince Rupert-3 p-m Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Wednesdaj Ss. Princess Charlotte , 5 pm Friday ss. Cardena .... 10:30 pm. jss. Prin. Adelaide 10 pm. si. Cardena 10.30 pm. Saturday Ss. Prince Rupert 7 pm. Aug. 7 and 21 ss. Prince I Robert 4 p.m Prom Vancouver-Sunday as. Catala 4 pm. i Wed( ss. Pr. Rupert . 10:00 am. Fri. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a n ss. Pr. Adelaide 4 pm Ss. Cardena pm. Monday as. Pr. Charlotte. .. am, rnuay M. er, Alice am Aug. 15 ss. Prince Robert g a.m Por Anyox. and Stewart Friday as, prince Rupert 3 pm,' 8unday as. CaUla 8' pm.; Frpm Stewart and Anyox ) Tuesday , Catala .ll:30 am. Saturday Ss. Prince Rupert o pm LOCAL NEWS; Mr and Mrs. Ale Smith will-sen ac ibe Catala tonight for Vancou tr Mr Smith has been superintendent of the Reward Mining Co 'a property at Porch er brand and-hn reamed in order to take up. geo; -! noit-sraduate work In int, But Prortnetal Constable C. H, Ben nett of AlKn. after, a brief visit to the-city, sailed by the Princess Loa-j tse yesxeraay on nu mum iwiui. W. W Swindon, general superintendent of sleeping, didng and par icr ears for the Canadian National Railways at Montreal, and Mrs. Swindon arrived in the city from the east on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed later on the steam er Prince Oeorge for Vancouver in the coarse' of a western tour. Rev J: Rowland, who has been stationed at Terrace as pastor of . the Pentecostal Assembly, and Mrs.) Rowland sailed by the Prince , George yesterday afternoon for Vancotrrer after having spent the I week-end in the city. Mrs. Astrid Strand and. two child ren left on last evening's train for New York where they will embark September 3 aboard the teame Stavangerfjord for a rWt to NliVKIt UEN-PECKF.n RANOOONi Burma. Aug. 23: (CP) -U. Sal, aged 110, has had six lve but was never henpecked, he claims, and the simple life U the feng one, A son. now aged 56, was wn of his sixth wife. CEYLO.VS NEED lub-committees reported their B,u UK" in 1S i - plans well in hand. Final details of . SVff YORK. August 23 (CP) - COLOMBO. Aug. 23: CP-Urg' organization are rapidly nearing Back ta 1908 New York Highlanders taK opening of maternity wards and completion. i'now Yankees) led the American cnl!d welfare centres throughdu)- The meeting was principally de- BasebaU League. unUl, in a-?ame Ceylon. Sir Baron JayaJUaka. home voted to a discussion of details in !Wini round the circuit, they lost mlnteter. said 75 per cent of the connection with the staging of the a11 but one and cropped to the Wand's people are sickly. II GOOD OLD, CLI.'tUUIIL hp a rrininm nf rfel-.v hr nrr--J E IB J ZUlui, August 23 'CP- OAOFTOWN. NJ3 Aug 20 (CTi v " CcJclough's nlneyearH)W -The day hi was to be reload T showed its taUght In l after 30 days for house theft. How . 3aj-yard hlll-dimb to upto dance and cueen crownini rommlt. ard Kaw- sentenced to two .u. - more months for Lnna tn imm inacnines m the unllmltf.1 " in a meet here. His time wp.t . . . V .... . . 1 tail mate l 35 seconds. been from 2 de the Finishing Work B.C. Messenger Service PHONE 678 Prompt and Courteous Service R. GILLESPIE Stand: 6th St, Back of Royal Hotel NEW ROYAL HOTEL J; ZareHl. Propritof "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Bate LM try 30 Rooms Hot tt Cola Water Prince Rupert, no. Phone 2i i.o: im t r EAGZ TttO THE DAILY XTWS .Tuesday a-j4j 2S fat ii rnonesjt p0 - ..7 Your Quest For ServU Is Ended When MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Ha e More Cents Quality Groceries Opposite Canadian Lerica l LARSON Masseur and Electric Treatments rilONE CKEEN 511 225 8th Avenue West Prince Rupert B. C THE SEAL, of QUALITY rv3 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only canning company with is Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315.SEC0ND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 Crescent Shows PRINCE RUPERT Opening; Evening' Augv 25--Scpt'. 2 NEW INTERESTING KEATiWKS i MacKENZIES FURNITURE Wo have received a shlhment1 oi Coffee Tables. They are beautifully mntched; wood iuid of Duncan Phyfe design. . flQ U Priced from , PU Prince RupeVt B c.k' SEE OUR WINDOW Phone 773a I in iniKD AVF.Nl'