ft la PAGE FOrB THE DAILY NEWS Annettes Port Day Specials 3 Only TAILORED WHITE COATS Reg. AA value $19.50. Port Day Special ?tl.UU 40 DRESSES In crepes and prints, some with C Q C jackets. Sizes 14 to 48. Port Day Special . V A & HOUSEDRESSES Mostly large sizes. . QE0 To Clear VDl FULL-FASHIONED HOSE In crepe, semi-service, chiffon. All new shades. All sizes. fiOa Per Pair UtJL ALL SPRING and SUMMER HATS To clear C A regardless of cost IUU PURSES In white, black and colors. Regular Of values to $1.95. To Clear elUU ASSORTED FLOWERS and CORSAGES Reg. CAn values to 95c. To Clear wUt BRASSIERES QQ To Clear OVK, SHOES A large assortment of good shoes in &Q all colors and sizes. Clearing at ...... v--Ot These and Many More at Annette Ladies' Wear Company 3rd Ave. and 5th Street WIVES OS STRIKE IT 'We Lead Others Follow" 3rd Ave. and 5th Street they are free to marry again. There T J TTfTlflT"l ' has been much azitation and noliri HI II INIlMI. KARACIH, India, Aug. 23: CP euard the cult'. nrmfv rtav anrf VUUH1U Women members of a spiritualist 1 night colt, many of them married and! . I mothers, have taken vows of cell-' Try a Dally nev cisslhed ad-1 hicy and advised their husbands vertlsement for beat retui't December Frozen HERRING BAIT Gold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Lid. Prince Rupert, B.C. Game Fish Control In ri ' British Columbia The genera! sporting public, esolclally those Interested In the art of angling, will no doubt be Interested In hearing of the wrk being undertaken by the Oame Commission in respect to its game fish culture policies. Since the first of the year, the Province ha$ assumed control of Its sport .or Inland fisheries, which, were formerly under the Jurisdiction of the Dominion. Many hatcheries and eyeing stations formerly operated by the Dominion have been taken over and are at present In operation; the result of this work 4)eing that by the end of the year there will have been liberated approximately 13 million trout as eyed eggs, fry or flngerllngs In various sections of British Columbia. '. Beildes thls.a large number ot stranded salmon and trout, fry have been transferred from pools of water adjacent to rivers an liberated again In the main streams so that they might have a chence to survive. Each year owing to the drying up of the water this rescue work Is necessary. 'GORDON 8. WISMER, K.C., Attorney General, Victoria, B. C. F. R. BUTLER, Game Commissioner SCHEMES I MELBOURNE, Au. 23 ICP -This Australian city of 1,000,000 popula-Ition remains one of the few largs cities In the world which has not i, a uiKi i cuiisuiutea oiwn-pian-.jning authority, the Denby world points out. (survey In Holland, as In Great Britain, considerable Importance is attach- ed to effective housing inspection! and to the enforcement of retrula- jtlons concerning the upkeep of .dwellings. j The mc Amsterdam ABuieruani housing nousmg depart itlons. In Sweden, too, the lnspec ' tlon of dwellings for structural de fects is done by, a speclally-quall J fied staff of women. education of people who have pro ved to be unsatisfactory tenants I In Rome, Florence and Venice, In special municipally - owned "ho-'tcls" cheap accommodation s proviaea ior iamuies which are considered unsatisfactory as ten- crowded into small rooms. Even In the homes of professional people it is common to see a bed in the living-room. The only form of bath provided in many of the continental housing schemes is a shower bath, the? public bathing pools being regard ed as meeting the general needs. As for equipment, there seems to of the small wrokshop type of kl.-chen, the kitchen living room bj-lng preferred. Common laundries, for the use of the tenants of groups of flats are not In favor probably because the poorer women shirk from the conv parlson of their clothing with that of the women who are better provided. The London report of Miss Denby Contrasts the rhurrfnl ploonll. WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront ; Pink salmon are beginning to 'show np in better numbers in the Loie Inlet and Butedale seirung areas on the mainland. The rsn ; is still slow In developing on the Queen Charlotte Islands, according to fisheries department reports. tures on."Pioneers of the Air," and "The Story of Aerial Navigation," j i himself Is a pioneer ..v v of the skyways iii us ur new aweiiings. In Sweden there has been diffi- and he heIPed WTlte the slory ' I which he speaks. He admits It was 1 - fw W . . ' to a forced landing on the side of a mountain in the Saeuenav ranee. The balloon landed and immed- made Saturday night. The anglers I early the next morning and con . brought In a nice strine of the kind of finny beauties which makes Bill's Lake popular. plete recovery. ADVENTURE RECALLED Record Holds Up For 1910 Flieht in Balloon O'er Old Quebec KEW YORK.Aug..23; lCP-Ma- lor AUZUStuS Postwhf K a Var uepari-1 ; ment employs 15 specially-trained Dck n . . b?ard , and an old 5011001 waT women esUte manazers who do so-1 OI sPaK,ng. es to recall the time clal work and carry out lnsoec According to word received here today It R. Payne, production manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.. is seriously ill In Vancouver hospital. Mr. Pavne. who recentlv re tlnued walking until we came to Prince Rupert Scattered cloud, the shores of a large lake, but u J northerly wind, three miles per was not Lake St John. hour: barometer. 30.10: temoera- We decided to travel In a south- em direction along the shore of the lake, sometimes crawling .under great trees on the edge of the bank, sometimes walking through water up to our necks. For a week we tired from the salmon price arbi-i kept going this way with practically tratlon board on account of ml no food. health, is well known In Prince Ru- "Finally. Mr. Hawley said, 'Post, pert and his many friends here will I can't go any further. I'm going a ojrecuy aim cum-, 10 stop in mai inue cave we just passed and you go on.' We went back to the cave, put down our blankets, built a tire and I made a little broth with the remains of some chicken bones we had. "We thought we were going to die in that cave, and we told each other what we naturally would at such a time and finally fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion. "The next day we were walk nr on when suddenly Mr. Hawlej discovered an old rusty shovel. A little further on we saw a tent. 'My God, this means salvation!' said Hawley. In the tent was a sack of when he was front-Daec news fori flour and a baz of beans w" uutovif to VliC AiiO I Cits UlCal in The major. In the fall of 1910,' a week and slept that night under accompanied the late Alan Hawley canvas. on a 1.173-mlle balloon flight fromf "The next morning Mr. Hawley In Stockholm, Sweden, the health t7? 7 w"aerncss 01 l, wenl d0 to the edge of the lake department maintains an Isolation 1 if ke4 St' John reg,on in Quebec-6et 50,116 watcr Mmos out of home containing 40 beds, which Ls i The two were forced a storm to' force of habit he called 'Halloa, used mainly when dwellings need I land on the ot a mountaln and "oa!' He'd been doing It all week fumliratinir And ih im,,, , : were lost for a week before they, without getting any answer. But special block of flats is used for the met a palr ot traPPers- trip this time you can Imagine how we uu wicju me jiuicj uuiuun oen-,ciw wncii we neara a snout from nett trophy for that year, however, across the lake. Soon we saw two and their record for free balloon- men French-Canadian trappers Ing still stands. In a canoe." Their names were Joe Major post., wnp now gives lec- simard and Joe Pedneaud. cept more roomy homes, because accidental, but claims he was the, New York. On the way they learn the climate and. long habit havsi thlrd man In the United States ever made them more comfortable wherll to loop-lhe-loop In an airplane. He , it...- 1 1, . i . . . . o numi, lliailjr a blCICO aiiU A lew books on aviation, among them a biography of his friend Glenn Curtis. It was Major Post who advised Raymond Ortelg, hotel owner, In the early 1920's to post $25,000 for a flight from New York to Paris, a prize which was won by Charles Lindbergh. Iri his studio In West 57th Street. Major Post eagerly showed a correspondent the many mementos and relics of his flying career, and recalled the details of the balloon flight Into Quebec. They started from St. Louis in the evening by the light of a full moon. The following morning they passed over Lake Michigan. That night they were over Lake Huron, enjoying the lights on the passen ger boats and other sights. The ncss of the German "tiled stove or, next morning, flying over Canada, uie cnanura sioves, witn tbe black-. mey saw the aurora borealls leaded Iron stoves common In Eng-( "flashing tongues of greenish land. She makes a strong plea for, flames from the horizon to the zen-the .social free companionship and ith over our heads." family enjoyment. Once we were) Where They Were Reward Not Paid The trappers took them by canoe and portage to Riviere a l'Ours. It was a two-day trip. From there mey proceeded to Montreal and ed that their adventure had caused world-wide concern. A reward had been offered for finding them dead or alive. It never was paid. Hawley and Major Post made personal gifts to the two Joes. A few years ago before Hawley's death last winter the two went together on a vacation to the region In Quebec where they were lost. They arranged It so the two Joes went with them as guides. The four had a grand tlmerflshing and camping. They couldn't get back to the spot where the balloon landedbut they found the cave In which they thought they were going to die. LOTS OF SPOILERS CARLYLE, 111.. Aug. 23: (CP) Baby'Delores Mae Nowllng has 11 living ancestors, her parents, four grandparents, four great-grandparents and a grcat-great-grand-mother. Then there are 98 aunts, uncles and cousins. ......... .u, c mSliim,, u mere mcy came vo a country covered Reach the most peooie ui dtr Wl tmaI1.lak?s. and rivers,1 ind district with ax. umrtUement j ""x ui bawi. ciouwwu oy misnwnicn seemed to the Dally News. LUMILIJI- WESTERN Merry-Oo-Round of 1938," a lively comedy farce, and "Heart ot i Arizona," an outdoor action ro-jmanee. comprise the Ilrst of the (week double bill program at the .Capitol Theatre. In Merry -Go-Round of 1933". brineine ud and education of A Canadian Airways seaplane. to be roiling off their surfaces. The baby left an orphan by the death piloted by C. G. BaUentine. Is nowiSun z2znt out stronger and from of her mother who was an aerial I stationed at Swanson Bay in the below rose the sound nf wood-' Derformer in the show. Their ef- ' fisheries patrol serrice. It was hrre rhoooinz. Shontinz down throuzh forts to assist this human legacy,) I morning with Fisheries Inspector Inhere are we?" years of age and outstanding pul- . u. ixiwarcs on Doaru. j The answering voice said: "You , chritude in her lore aiiair wiin are 10 miles east of Lake Timlskam-1 John King form the details of the Halibut landings at Seattle last mg come down. boys, you are go- story. There Is much hilarity when week totalled 605,000 pounds. Whizing mto the wilderness and you will the story Introduces Alice Brady, Fish Products being the largest in- never come out alive." they looked 4 a chorine gone social who objects dividual purchaser with 162,000 for a landing place, but could see I to her son marrying a girl In the pounds. On Saturday landings tot-iDone .After they had been 4 houis. profession. The featured players alted a little more than 105.000 m the air they were caught rn an also include Bert Lahr. Jimmy Savo, pounds. Western boat sales being , electrical storm which drove them. Billy House, Mischa Auer. Louise' - .. n ... . - . as iouows: uonsuiuuon. u.wu pounds. Whiz, 10c and 9c: Resolute. 39.000. New England. 9tc and 9c; Fazenda. Barbara Heed and Dave Apollon and his orchestra. Freya. 2500 pounds. Washington., fa ty was draped round a tree by J den. Oeorge Hayes. Natalie Moore- t r J i ULii wvv V a a at j on wim. Ftut v - 10c. The Repeat, Ideal. Faith and the wind. The bag was torn. With, head and Billy King playing the Presho landed small lts of hall but 'caught in Area No. 2 incidental . to cod and sable fishing. The Con stitution had refused an offer of 8c and 6c at Prince Rupert earlier In the week. W. hL Watts. Orme Stuart. T. A. McWaters and Len Cripps returned early this morning from a suc cessful week-end Bill's Lake and was made In nicht falline. the balkxmlsts lashed oVur "txrk .f Ar4mn I their craft to the tree, drew a tar-J the story of ranchers who risk their J iuuuivic4 uiciuxiiuwu mi uves vo iuiim uie ironuers un-sleep. "The next morning," said j written code of chivalry. Rustlers the major, "the storm had cleared away and It was sunny and bright" They decided to walk in the direction of RobervaL Que., the last town they remembered passing. "We found nothlnz at the end of who violate the west's first law that' women must not be molested brinz Boyd Bjd his saddle-mates Into action and an exciting cattle war Is on. angling ""s"'s w me iirsi aay 01 waning," me ma- i i Big Bay. The trip jor continued, "and we laj down In' 1-JX .' kl iLJ the le Watts' and Stu-lthe forest and slept. Our food ra- OQCv 5 VV cGiJief . art boats, departure having been.tlons had run out but we were nnl ture. 51; sea smooth. Triple Island Clear, northerly wind, four miles per hour; sea smooth. Langara Island Scattered clouds northerly wind, one mile per hour: barometer, 30:17; temperature, 60; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Clear, light northerly wind; barometer, 30.12; temperature, 5; light chop off shore. Bull Harbor Foggy, calm; barometer, 29.90; temperature. .46; sea smooth. Alert Bay Clear, light northeast wind; barometer, 30.07; temperature, 45; sea smooth. Este van Clear, northerly wind. iur miles per hour: barometer 30.06. Victoria Clear, calm: baromtr TErrace Clear, ture 56. Aiyansh Clear. calm, temperi-calm, 57. 1004. r Vancouver-Clear, calm; barom-ter. 30.02. We cook-' , 1 : wuay. nonneny , ..m, u.ur mues per nour; barome-t wr. 30.15. . I l" LAS LAST 1 TIMES TIMES Tnv,n" Sell to Yourself this EASY F Way HERE'S ALL YOU DO-PHONE "6H Here's What We Do- TO.-S "Merry-Go-Round of lJlr - jirzn fir Begins Wednesday rorToT, . Am.r ca'i singing wlh4arl and ,, two rollicking Remot mi 1 iriVmV. Ill ' HIT No. t H r? inr 1 himWmi 1MB K ANNA MAY WONG fWip abt . ttdti lidM L tmr4 Hm JUrtWty Ora kha Htttnn hilfi trtt Alice Arm Clear, calm, 53. Anyox CJear, calm, 50. Stewart Clear, calm, 42, narelton Clear, calm, (3 8mlthers Clear, windy 50. Bums Lake Clear, calm, 17. If you wtta' to rwu KMnetUsr Vry a elMtlfled. Deliver to your home without charge or obligation a NEW EASY WASHER of your choice. ThenYou do a complete family wash. See for yourself the EASY perfection of performance. NextWe make you a generous allowance for your old washer and Easy terms to suit your convenience, or we will bring the new Easv back, whichever YOU decide. There is no obligation on your part. And Remember A new Easy is a washer for a lifetime. There is nothing finer than an Easy. Easy on the Clothes Easy on the Housewife and : Easy on the Pocketbook. Phone 6 Today for thfs Easy Demonstration