tral Interior b. Company ret :r. be'-: Mi Have Tailed of the scheme to get h ..ave blocked operation of Italian friendship treaty This appears evident - ;unuh insurgent com-tief reply to the Brl--: for nnn-intervention made known on Sunday ni n i in 1... .1 - . 1 V inuorseu jjy 1 M L nuncrt Chamber of passed the followtni Prinze Rupert Chan.o-r rce warmly endorse' . ndation of the Prem i C olumbia that an sar- should be held with - f formulating a plan for 'lcnt in Canada of new : British families t0 be he overseas settlement In the United Kingdom, rence to be composed -ratives of the Federal M all provincial govern-d of the colonization de- , of the two great rail- . n .1 i ltllOU IS DI1UCU firming Accords of Seven Years Ago 0ME Auust 23 The Fascist v.ut - rnauiE Par'y bulletin said an agrte- t had been reached to conform he ac -ordi reached In 1931. t Standing Of vvuaie 8,100. Candidates Binding of contestants In "rr uay Popularity Contest at 1 PJn. today: v.. 4 Slatta (Sons of Norway) 6,000. Maxlne Hellbroner team- Alice Oomez (Uvro Play- grounds) 14.000. Frances 1.100. Elsie Jnha nuin I linnn Con '''Sherinpn'B TT.,I tin nnn Morgan (Rotary) ts Contest. pWh! at mlrl- 4, Wit tunloht -j. Railway Speaks of Ccn- fryftior tional Jiim a to Malic 'O'lU, T and Desire of Railway Local Line Pay VANCOUVER, August 23: (CP) Following a trip . u Vin nmtrnl ?ntrrinr S .T Hiinfrnrfnivl tiroculonti ii liiv r - l i' Chairman in uiu puaiu ui uuetiuis ui uie vuiauiaiii 1 To!1tt'nro wVin urrtvnA in Vnnnnrn'Oi1 vnctsfrlavl r: T?titn.f caul trmf tnoto i'ia nrironf rinifl nnrll i i i j o I ity for agricultural settlement in the rraser, APR HI. AN IS BLOCKED Like British Efforts -to Get : L'i.l.r f lut nf Knaln Wfc 11 eiceena ana reace itiver vaiieys. 'The present population," he said 'docs not contribute sufficient traf flc to permit of the long line of railway, constructed at heavy cost for trje purpose of developing the fertile hinterland, tq be operated with a profit. Necessity for its continued existence, nevertheless, Is recognized, In the fact that It serv- I cs fifty thousand pioneers and their ' descendants. Mr. Hungerford said that the line only could be made profitable by increased agricultural and industrial production and added that the' opportunities for development hadi long been recognized. Endorsing any program which promised to bring intensified de-, velopment of any country served by J Canadian National Railway lines. Mr. Hungcrford said of Sir Henry the undeveloped hinterland. LINING UP NEW DEAL Idaho Senator, Beaten In Primaries, May Run as Independent HYDE PARK. N. Y Aug. .23. -President Roosevelt swung the New Deal spotlight on Idaho and, as a result. Senator James P. Pope, ardent administration supporter recently defeated in the primaries for -e-nomlnatlon. may run as an In-lependent. The Chief Executive mnvassed the far western polltica' Ituation with Pope, who was a mest at the summer White House md the latter admitted that they ouched briefly on the possibility if his xe-cnterlng the field. Some f the more militant New Dealer-feel that Pope represents the advanced progressive views necessary to carry forward administration oolicles and therefore should run Pope, who was defeated in the nrlmarles by D. Worth Clark after Saturday an heiiad been endorsed boin Dy rosi- thp TM-pntlv master neneral James A Farlev friction between Fascism and Secretary of State Cordell C. ..... - i . . . . ... . . iVinf Ytft I tural situation. People Deplores Nazi Activities Many Tears Are Being Shed. Pon tiff Tells German Pilgrims at Castel Oandolfo CASTEL OANDOLFO, Italy, Au- rnst 23 POOC PIUS lOia utuumi o "... 1 JU pilgrims here at tnc wceit-enu umk many fpars were ocins siu-u antl-Clirlstlan many. Moderate and warm. over activities In Oer- Weather Forecast General synopsis The pressure remains high on the North Coast and it Is Wr afiaih in all parts of British Coulmbla. Prince Rupert and Queen unar oltte Islands Light wind, ?' fine and moderately warm a m world war tlon period. Speaking over a statewide network at Baltimore. Tyd-Ings directed his fire at Mr. Roosevelt and Representative David J. iwLs. one hundred per cent. New Dealers, whose election tnc President called for last week. City Commissioner W. J. Alder will be In session tomorrow morning In his capacity as a city council tn ratify the sale of tax sale LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. grown) 80 Taxi me Tomorrow sT ides High 12:36 pm. 20.7 ft. nT AND NIGHT SEKVICE Low 6:26 ajn. 1.9 It. Careful and Courteous Driven 18:41 p.m. 4.6 ft. ; w 1933 Plymouth' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I .11. No. 107 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1938. PRICE: 5 , CENTS FERFORD ENDORSES 5T PROPOSALS FOR iflpnt 01 l aiu Mf SETTLEMENT, AUSTRALIA'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS . When Australia Joined the rest of the British Empire in celebrating the birthday of King George, one of the features of the celebra tion was this parade of tanks through the streets of Melbourne. The idea was to give Australiaas an idea of how motorized defence forces have progressed since the SHANGHAI CLEANUP FIGHTING; LOTTERY Page Croft's proposals for increased i British emigration to Canada: "Not, Conflict Comes Close to That Mc-only.will this result in a direct' con- tropolis Again Japanese Re tribution to the natural wealth j ported uiocKca through Increased production but It will help fulfil the hopes of those i SHANGHAI, August 23 (Cans kv n-hnc fnri.sioht thpsp iims nf'dlan Press) Fighting came close railway were constructed through to Shanghai again yesterday when i Japanese soldiers and Chinese gue rillas came to arlps on the western --fKJfflerBrihrcftf.-THe "battle was .the largest since November with ;the guerillas well armed and put ting up a determined fight. Chinese say that their forces have checkmated the Japanese on all fronts. The Japanese, however said new large scale, drives against Japanese garrisons In Shangtung Province had scattered ten thousand irregulars near Tslnan. Socialite Of Hollywood Is Shot Victim HOLLYWOOD. August 23 Mrs. Emita Krueger, socially prominent wife of Karl Krueger, appeared to be gaining ground last night In an ebb and How struggle against two bullet wounds inflicted by a Jealous husband whose wife she had befriended. Physicians gave a little better than a fifty-fifty chance to survive the gun attack of young Charles E. McDonald. Carpet-Bagging variolic Action, lay organiza- null, tola newspapeuuvn I lll 1 of the Catholic Church. A Fas- discussed politics and the agrlcul-jl Uowcrp Ic made , lllM. Twenty Million Dollar Racket Harlem Being Investigated in NEW YORK, August 23 The' jig-saw puzzle of Harlem's vast lottery racket, which supposedly took millions of dollars annually from the poor and nedy of New York, was eapc$tedJUaf qrm.into shape fod'ay 'as T&y witnesses are called to testify in the trial of district leader James J. Hincs. Thomas E. Dewey, crusading young district attorney who has accused Hines of being the political fixer for the twenty million dollar policy racket empire of the late Dutcl Schultz, Indicated last night that he will call at least 43 more wit-, ncspc-s'i in, addition'. lo twelve already examined. One of the future witnesses maj be Max Silverman, bondsman now reportedly in prison at San Quen-tin, California, who Is said to have been a close associate of the late Arthur (Dutch Schultz) Flegenhel-mer and to have records of the racketeers bonding operations. Captain Kendrick Is Back Home Now Ilritish Passport Officer, Expelled From Germany, Refuses To Make Any Comment LONDON, Auust 23 Capt. Thos. Kendrick of the British passport office at Vienna, who was mysteriously seized last week by German seciet police and subsequently ordered out of Germany for espionage I r . . 1 1. .. AH Maryland Senator is Bitter Agalnstt'"", . " ...... . 1. ir.viM I It is stated that German offi- . no r. cials decided not to deal more mow. Aug -r.0" WASI ridrasticallv with Kendrick In order tor Millard E. lyaings. coiweiva- - nn Uve Maryland Democrat, charges 1 b in. . 1 , i . .,!,'.. nlfnH , ... v. . . v ...v.. ... n.v. Ulilk ritoiuun v. Orpit Grt Britain nHfjiln defeat him In the coming elections The Is an invasion of states rignts ana rcmlnicent of the, carpex-naggino rinvx of the civil war reconstruc Foreign Office emphatically denied today claims that Captain Kendrick confessed to espionage while being held by the Vienna secret police. Minister Of Agriculture Is On Coast VANCOUVER, Aug. 23: (CP) lots 23 and 24, block 30, section 6, 1 Hon. James G. Gardiner, minister tn Walter Bushman ana aiso tne i agriculture, arnvea nere yester- ..-.v,.Mf'c0ip hv A. M. Davles of ms equiry aay irom ranee AiDert, being, on IIU1MIH..,-." J . . . . Ul. 1U- l 4 in lot 3 DlOCK owuuii u, J i-u UJC wivuiiai;ai IU pviKUU nfVancouvcrisTaPd Harry Caldcrwood as well as to con- ally study charges of a combine in West n Coast o,t ol Vancvcr olhcr buSlnCss that may the marketing of Okanagan' Valley be brought before'the meeting. fruits, i BUSINESS ' ISBETTER United States Chamber of Commerce Reports &VPwing At Time When It Usually Falls, Off NEW YORK, August 23 The Un ited States Chamber of Commerce reports an upswing in business at a time when there Is usually a slackening off in the country. Give Aid To Communism Wife of President of United States Among Prominent Citizens Being Duped, it is i Declared ' ; WASHINGTON, D.C Aug. 23. The special committee investigat- Ing un-American activities has been told that scores of prominent cltl-I zens have "been duped into, aiding 1 the Communist movement. One of such prominent persons is Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the President, through addressing the American Youth Congress which It Is declared is sponsored by leading, Communists in Russia. TODAY'S lOourtMY 8. D. STOCKS Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .08. Big Missouri. ..31. .,'. Bralorne, 9.50. Aztec, .06 Vi. Cariboo Quartz, 2.55 Dentonla, .05. Golconda, .05. Mlnto, .03V,. Falrvlew, .07 Noblc-nve.i.02J''i'' J- Pend Oreille, 1.85. , Pioneer. 3.00. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier. 2.33; Reeves McDonald, .27. Reno, .42. Relief Arlington, .15,. Reward, .03. Salmon Gold, .10,. Taylor Bridge, .03. Hedley Amal., .03. Premier Border, .01. Sllbak Premier. 1.8". Home Gold, .01 Vi (ask). Grand view. .07. f Indian. .OlPi. Quatslno Conner, ,04.y Haida Gold,7.023iP"-. " Oils A. P. Con, .17. ; "Calmnnt.. at. c C. &E2.26. Frpehold. .04. McDoueal Segur, ,15. Mrcury. .09. " Okalta. 1.27. : t Pacalta. .06. Home Oil. 1.17. Toronto -. Beattle, 1.25. . . Central Pat.. 2.55. Gods Lake. .47.' Little Long Lac. 3.55. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.22. Pickle Crow. 5.10. San. Antonio. 1.28. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.28. Smelters Gold. .03 Vi (ask). McLeod Cockshutt, 3.60. Oklend, .19: Mosher, .23. ' Madscn Red Lake, .53. Stadacona, .46. Francoeur. .33. Moneta. 1.73. Bouscaddilac. .06. . Thomoson Cadillac .22. Bankfield. .62. F.ast Milartlc. 2.16. Preston East Dome, 1.76. Hutchison Lake. .03. Aldermac. .48. Kerr Addison. 2.10. Uchl Gold. 2.28. Int. Nickel. 49.75. Noranda, 73.50. Cons. Smelters. 59.00. Athona, .05V'j. ' Hardrock. 2.24. Barber Larder, .29. WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEG, August 23 October 23 October wheat price on the Winnipeg market is 673,ic. per " Bulletins NO RESTRICTION ON ARMS BLED, Jugo-Slavia The Little Entente today swept away military clauses of the Trianon Treaty which restricted Hungary's armament after the Great War. The Entente nations Czechoslovakia, Roumania and Jugo-Slavia took the action "in the interests of peace" while the Hungarian regent, Admiral Nicholas Horthy, continued his official visit to Germany. CONVICTS SUFFOCATE PHILADELPHIA Autopsies today revealed that suffocation had caused the deaths of four hunger-striking inmates of Philadelphia county prison. Coroner Charles II. Hersch blamed prison officials for the deaths. Earlier he had expressed the belief that the men had been scalded. The four who died were among six hundred prisoners who refused to eat in protest at the "monotonous" diet of hamburger and spaghetti. REPORT WORRIES OTTAWA Manchester Guardian Says Anglo-American Trade Pact Will Affect .Wheat Trade vnminn RALLY IN NEW YORK Slight Rise Experienced Saturday After Week's Declines - NEW YORK Aug. 23 Further faint rallying signs were present 'on Saturday's stocldnarket but ris ing vigor was lacking in, most de-. partments. Motors, steels, rubbers and a few rails responded to quiet bidding with advances of fractions to" round a point at best. Continuance of moderately bright business prospects, brokers said, was the main buoying Influence tor the list. Bond market trends were mixed. In dull trading. Ralls and Industrials showed minor gains, and losses. ' Industrial shares generally were firm and the average rose for the sixth consecutive session. Last weTc there were six conr-cutlve declines.. Strength In the steel issues wat based on outlook for a pickup in operations this week. Demand for motors, motor equipment ana ruo-bcrs hinged on outlook for a pickup in automobile production on a large scale. General Motors common stock made a new 1938 high and led a quiet advance. Automobile and steel shares made the best showing among the various, groups. Thirty industrials closed at 141.-20, up 0.07; twenty rails, 28.45, up 10.14; twenty utilities, 19.79, up 0.04; forty bonds, 88.91, off OUT, ten first- I rails, 82.03, up u.u; vea actuuu New e R ff nnl. utilities. 104.93, off 0.06; ten industrials, 107.05. up .02. - -v MANCHESTER, Aug. ZS. IW) lyiy rp The Manchester Guardian, in jWorSl train predicted the Anglo-American TicocTpl In All llJaatCl trade agrecmentnow being ne- trafedrrtfrrthT tOfT States free acvess to the British , jOUin inQIa wheat market. . i Ottawa Anxious OTTAWA, Ausr. 23: (CP) Dominion government officials today labelled the Manchester report regarding the Anglo-American trade agreement as "guess-work" but apprehension is felt in some quarters that Canada may lose the wheat preference gained at the 1932 Imperial conference in Ottawa. The Winnipeg Grain Exchanjc on August 3 passed a resolution urging the government to appose .the loss of such preference. New Speed Mark Across United States Is Set ! MADRAS, India, Aug. 23. Sur-; vivors of the passenger train dlsas; ter near Trichinopoly on Sunday, when some 100 persons were killed, said that twenty of the dead were members of a wedding party. The , survivors of the disaster, worst in : the history of southern India, have 1 reached Trichlnpoly. About thirty j of the dead have been already iden-! tlf led. Some of the bodies have not as yet been recovered. Uncle Sam Spends Huge Sum of Money He Put Out More Than Half-Billion Dollars so Far This Fiscal Year XI T WASHINGTON DjC- August 23 NEW YORK, Aug. 23.- Howard, haye fl the bl l the (Via tnnAlf.anH c-OF another OMftthflf I Hughe.n at week-end , Jlon doUar mark( speea recora oi ien nours aim minutes for the flight across the continent from Los Angeles. The former record was eleven hours and five minutes. LOST EYE IN GOLF Halibut Sales Summary American 36,000 pounds, and 6c. OSBORNE. Isle of Wight. August ' Canadian 60,000 pounas, 03 (CP) Taking part In a gou ana 5c to .oc ana.oc. mixed foursome, Mrs. C. II. Cooper American 8.6c 8.7c was struck In the eye by a ball I Arctic, 36,000, Pacific, 8.6c ana oc. drien from a tee. The optic was . Canadian removed in hospital. Cape Spencer, 20,000, Cold Star- , 1 age, 95c and 5c. Union steamer Catala, Capt. Dovre B., 29,000, Cold Storage, James Flndlay, southbound from 8.7c and 5c. Stewart and Anyo to, Vancouver,. E. Llpsett, 11,000, AtUn, flc and 5;. is not expected in port until well on! Into this evening. The vessel wasj 1 Dm.rtrJ,,onf due at 1:30 this afternoon at Walesj LaDOr I ICOlUcIll (Island where she has canned 5al-' i D It mon to load beiore proceeamg "MY16eiS IxOOSeYcll' port Simpson enrouie nere. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT ! Mayor of New York Was AUo Visitor, at Hyde Park at . ' Week-End !Ulltt new YORK. Aueust 23 William, ' HAYS CREEK BRIDGE will Green, president of the American be closed from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 Federation of Labor, met William . , , . . . . ' . l -J a 4 A r J A ..I .n i, p.m. on Wednesday, 24th, 1938. DETOUR via Eleventh Aven- AUgusi Tureeil, preMUCiii, w mc I Federation of Labor, at the ch'.ef executive's Hyde Park home at the ; week-end. Another visitor at Hyao Park wns Mayor Florella LaGuar- dia of New York.