PAOE TWO THI DAILT NEWS If You are in Need of Rubber FOOTWEAR We carry the most complete stock in Northern British Columbia. Agents for Gutta Percha and other leading makes. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, p-ald in advance By mall to all other-countries, per year SSi ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion " " Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9' News Department, Telephor.s ... 1 g6 DAILY EDITION $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Tuesday, January 4, 1938. BRITAIN INDUSTRIALLY Those who imagine that Great Britain is losing in the industrial world are being misled by propaganda coining from other countries. During the year ending September 30 there-was an increase of ten per cent in motor construction in that 'country and considerable of this was manufactured for export. Both exports and imports increased. Coal sales' were up and the number of unemployed has decreased considerably, both in the coal regions and in the heavy industries. The only weak soot has been in the t- ton anLygpJen industries in which there was a slight recession . Great preparations are being made for the Empire Exhibition at Glasgow. The Palace of Engineering has been erected Of steel on a block which has an ai'ea of two and a quarter acres. The work was done by fifty men in three months. While, doubtless, part of the prosperity has been due to the speeding up of defense schemes, overseas orders for forty-two new locomotives are being filled for delivery to South Africa. Sixty new trolley buses go to the same part of the 'world. Italy has been buying a large hydro-genation plant and, during the year, a million dollars worth of cotton goods has been shipped to Iran. One of the newer developments has been the construction of a glass train which is now making a tour of Britain showing the uses to which glass may be put The train itself was manufactured almost wholly from glass. A new pulp mill is planned for Cumberland costing approximately six million dollars and which it is thought will employ eight hundred men. A new calcium carbide plant is to be erected at Port Talbot to cost five million dollars. Unused fabric mills are to be reopened in the north for the nijanilfacture of rayon and a new rayon factory is nearing completion in Lancashire which it is expected will employ from five to six thousand operatives. Taken all in all, the present outlook in that country is a healthy one with increased business and increased em ployment being recorded everywhere, especially in the north and in Wales. MONEY MORE PLENTIFUL Considerinir the time of year, motley sCems rather more plentiful this year than at any time silice 1930. Ac cording to general reports there is a greater readiness to pay accounts and one large account paid up often means the linuidation of a dozen or more other accounts. The moment, somebody pays it enables somebody else to pay and the chain is almost endless. The erection of the post office will bring some new nioney into town that will help in the general liquidation. AIDED ARMY LADIES' FUND MUCH BOWLING Sum or $298.35 Realized From Radio, Second Half, of Season Starts Auction Business at Meettnp of i Tuesday NiAht With Playing: 1 Junior Cnaniber Of Four Fixtures ' The recent radio auction con- LadJ trUridlers swung into ac-ducted by the Junior Chamber of tion last night for the second half ' Commerce for the benefit of the bf the season with the playing of ; Salvation Army Christmas relief fpur -fixtures each of which re- fund realized the gratifying sUffl of suited In two game to one scores. $298.35. It was reported at the regu- Annette's won oyer Rangers. Our, lnr mnnthlv meetlne of the Junior Gang defeated Blue Birds, KnoX Chamber last night by George Rorie "lel downed Telephone Girls and! nv,nfr, nr tho' nnmrnitte in Merchantettes were victorious charge of the undertaking. Ap- over B1K Sisters. precision was expressed to the Indlvidual scoring was as fol committee, and all within and with- lows; . nut the Chamber who had assisted in the project. t OUR GANG- 1 Another Christmas activity of the Ciccone 124 Junior Chamber had been the dec-Fitch Ill orating of lamp standards and thejGurvlch 134 community Christmas Tree on'InErnm 132 Third Avenue. The committee head- j Smith 146 prf hv Lnoirpnci" Plprre having this: Total 647 C94 815 work in hand was congratulated' and appreciation was expressed to fit-UE BIRDS I merchants whose donations had. pierce .......! 139 made possible the Illumination of.,Croxford i..-...- 181 the tree. The Junior Chamber had contem-. plated having a dance In January or February but, after some discus-j sion, It was decided to defer the af-! fair until immediately after Easter, j A. W. Newman reported or, recent activity of the Peace River outlet l committee. j The University of British Columbia extension lecture committee, of which G. P. Lyons Is chairman, rer ported that Dr. Harry Warren would be here January 19 and 20 to give lectures on "Can I Make Money With Mining Stocks?" and "An Engineer Looks at Modern Education." A special, committee named to answer a questionairre from the Rowell Royal Commission on Inter r governmental relations Is preparing to send in Its answer. Mall Service The President, J. C. Gilker, who was In the chair, brought up the matter of postal service here, mbre particularly In regard to possibility of a more satisfactory street pick: up and box distribution at night. Jack Bulger was delegated to interview the Postmaster. The President also offered the suggestion that all goods made In Canada should be labelled "Made In Canada" whether for export or otherwise. In Great Britain this had proven most efficacious advertising. The suggestion was referred to committee with a view to pre senting it td the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada. In view ot other activities of members conflicting with the first Tuesday of the month, it was decided that, for the next two or three months, regular monthly meetings of the Chamber should be held on the second Thursdays of the month. The monthly executive meeting will take place on the first Thursday. Members of the Junior Chamber were reminded that all were Invited to attend the annual dinner lng of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce this Friday night. It . was decided that the Senior Cham- ber should be asked to name an ofr flcial representative at aii junior Chamber regular meetings, the1 President re-appplhted. C. 0) Ham as trie junior Chambers rep iresentatlve on the museum board land T. J. Williams on the library Iboard. I R. G. Van der Sluys was nam?d official delegate of the Junior' j Chamber to the forthcoming an-jnual meeting of the Prince. Rupert General Hospital Association. Correspondence before the meeting last night included a letter drawing attention to the convention In Vancouver on February 11 and 12 of the Northwest Aviation Planning Council and a letter from the chairman of the national committee of the Junior chamber of Commerce on civil service. MASSETT The Native Sisterhood of Massett held a successful social on Mom day night of last week In, the Com munity Hall. Oliver Adams gave a renort on the recent annual con- 'ventiori of the Native Brotherhood 'nf British Columbia at Beiia Bella There was also an address by Al fred Adams, president of theNa-tive Brotherhood. Chief William Matthews thanked the delegates to the convention on behalf of Massett village. After a long Illness, the baby daughter of Mr." and Mrs. Alex Boulter 147 Hartwlg 212 Keron- .1 183 2 91 220 88 134 161 2 118 ill 109 81 139 3 1C5 1S3 217 118 135 3 7 123 137 133 175 Total . 8G2 558 649 RANGERS 1 2 3 Raybone :. 156 192 237 BerK .263 174 203 Hallberg 143 78 144 Yager 164 158 1P5 Ballinger 154 143 211 Total ,1 885 745 1030 ' ANNETTE'S 1 2 3 Basso-Bert 209 175 2?4 Skattebol 202 213 10C Owens .' 185 199 193 Johnson 180 253 215 P. Dickens - 127 168 17f. Total 903 1008 949 TELE. GIRLS 1 2 3 Nelson 132 173 146 McLeod 117 153 101 1 Eastman .'. 130 260 63 1 Peachy 128 118 124 Anderson 49 112 113 Total 556 816 5Er KNOX HOTEp 1 2 3 Peterson 171 150 252 Brasell 161 174 ICS Scharff 171 109 182 Selig -.143. 144 143 Larson 120 162 31 Total 768 739 800 MERCHANTETTES 1 2 ? Colussl, 235 131 22f Madlll 143 143 HQ Holden 139 71 8Jl LaBelle 186 190 167: Vlereck 148 105 112 Total 851 640 lit BIG SISTERS 1 2 B. Dickens 101 122 130 E. bickens 129 161 13s V. Alexander 131 110 Mrs. , Rothwell .....135 181 114; U Bond 117 145 86, Mrs. Dickens ioc. Total 613 710 5Cf: .tomans .away. of Massett has passcc 1 fr I LOOK WHO'S HERB In spite of that heavy beard you should recognise the one and onlv Robert Taylor, idol of lady film fans. He Is pictured In his cabin aboard the liner which brought him back to America. The ship news photographer Intruded as beautiful Bob breakfasted in his bathrobe before he had time to shave. Hearts Of Midlothian Take Lead EDINBURGH, Jan. 5: (CPJ 4' Hsarts of Midlothian ousted Celtic from the top of the Scottish Football League yes- tsrday by defeating Falkirk one to nothing at Tyne Castle Park. The decision gave ths Hearts thirty-six points, one more than the Celts, but the latter have a game In hand. SCHEDULE 0FB0WLS Five Pin League January 7 Pioneer Laundry vs. Old Empress; Gyro vs, C.N.R.A. January 14 Pioneer Laundry vs. Gyro; Old Empress vs. C.N.R.A. ,' Attev .ah epidemic of measlei. ! January 21 C.N.R.A, vs. Pioneer and other complalpts, normal Laundry; Old Empress vs. Gyro, health, has now been restored to January 28 Gyro vs. C.N.R.A.; ijthe people of Id Massett. Old Empress V3. Pioneer Laundry: ' MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE January Clearance CltESTERFIELD SUITES HEDROOM SUITES LINOLEUMS CONOOLEUMS Phone 778 At This Season of Goodwill We Extend to Everyone k Our Best Wishes For a Happy and Prosperous Ned) Year PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. ATTENDANCE IS LARGER xyftdjfUjf. January .5, 163? (Continued from Page Onet UllCiCS PRINCE RUrfcltT TO EXERT ITSELF (Continued Irony-page One) Interest Being Taken In Annual development of the province and Week of Prayer in Prince Rupert Increased attendance niarked the the foundation of the cities of Van- coUVsr and Victoria. . What mining has done for the :.auth, mining can and will do for second meeting last night of theitne porth," asserted Dr. Mandy, annual Week of Prayer in Prince ..We nav a great mineral area trl- Rupert. The meeting list nrgm Dutary to Prince uupen awaiting was held in First Baptist wiurcn ( deVelOJtmeni. lnere are aiso coal with Capt. Ivan Halsey of the Sal- and 0il resources. We have every vatlon Army in charge. Capt. Hal-. goOCi.reason ta be tlmlstlC ." sey, basing his remarks In the first Tns speaker then turned to a chapter of Hebrews, spoke on thejorjef review of the history of ralnr subject of Faith, singing 01 uiu Jnm northwestern unusn uoium- famlliar hymns was a leaturc 01 uic bjy in 1373 SOiu naa Deen aiscor. rheetlng. .ered In the Cassiar. In 1898 had Tonight's meeting will ds in fct-lCDme the Klcndyke ana Aiun dis Andrew's Ahgllcan Cathedral wun Rev. E. E. Brandt, pastor 01 nrsi BaDtlst Church, In charge speaking on "Obedience." TERRACE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, and and Friday 5 p.m. From the East 1 Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 11:00 p.m. For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 noon' Thursday 10:15 p.m. Friday 8 p.m. January 3, 17 and 31 .4:30 p.m. ! coverles, later Portland Canal, Alice Arm and Anyox. Closer still to rrittce Rupert were the discoveries and developments of Queen Chat- ilotte Islands and Surf Inlet ; m,nre ! recently, Surf Point, and, latest of ! all, Tulsequah. All this was only a I beginning but It had brought Stewart of "prince Rupert incss. revenue and traffic to Prto ... 1 nnnart 1. viitin(T in Terrace wun nc mother, Mrs. E. Cole, and the Mrs. E. Noslin is paying a holi day visit with her parents,, Mr and Mrs. Doll of Terrace. Ralph Skinner Is home from thf University of British Columbia fol the holiday season. Mail Schedule I Dr. Mandy concluded with run ap-' peal to the members of the Junior 1 chamber to play their part in seeing that recognition was obtained for the natural resources of thy district and their dev?lopment brought about so that the elt? might progress and prosper UNION STEA Wheat Prices I VANCOUVER. Jan. 5: (CP -Wheat was trading at $1 45 c:i ; the Vancouver market yesterday, 'up an even 5c from the prec'Alli day. REX BOWLING ALLEY; Basement of Exchangn., Block PHONE 658 More PEP More POWER 1 Better Motor Performance THE "KING" TESTER That 1 what you will have after we have gone ovef your car with our "KING" Tester, which is the last word In equipment for diagnosing motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor nnd a PEPPY one Is only a matter of minor and inexpensive adjustments. It doesn't take much to put a high speed motor "out of line," but It does take special equipment to locate the trouble so that it, can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and it eliminates all GUESS WORK, Bring your car m and get PEP for the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FltUM PRINCE RUPERT 32, QQ "ETURN. Air meals FROM POUT SIMPSON Q() RETURN. Berth Included. Reduced Rates to, Vancouver also apoly from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February - 28th, 193, Inclusive Good to Return up to .March 31, 1938. Children Halt Pare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30' p.m. Thursday, S.S. CARDtiNA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight ' Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Avef, Phone 508 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office COAL TO PLkASfc !VF.lVliOIV SatlifRC'.loii Uuaranteed rimou EdMth Albert doal Uulklfj Vilify Coal Vtncouvtr IiUnd Col Prince Rupert Feed Companj, PHONI: 68 tnd SB8 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll, Proprltor MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Celd Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box W