PAOK TWO m gaturaay,- January 8 isn TOT DAtLT NTW8 rife FOOTWEAR We carry the most complete stock in Northern British Columbia. Agents for Percha and other leading makes. 4 - - Family . shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUSIBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue . H. P PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery,- by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ce Paid In advance,- per week .. Paid In advance, per month ... By maU to all parts of British Columbia, the Bmiih'Implre and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries per year , ..... , . ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion , Local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 'ew Department Telephor.s .. Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION 141 UNPLEASANT It looks as if Japan was uriusn people at this time when conditions are rather dis- turbed in Europe and it might be unwise for that country to send a large naval force to the Orient. The British cfnfosman . . I miMnnM.. 1 j. z 'i uiwHivn me cvjucjin wing uieir uest to avoid a ciasn hi if if if nnmaa. f Vimr utill V v.nnM.l ..i il ! , , . T ' n".""" uc picjjdieu lu meet me crisis and iieai witn it in a satistactory The present unsatisfactorysituation shows the dom of the Canadian government in refusing to permit 'miming ime wnuiesaie immigraiion oi Japanese to this I country. It is to be hoped that there will be no war inlfofUJj,, Yniifk which we may become involved but, should it come, doubt-! vaillullv' umil less Canada will do her part as becomes the largest and Pluh Hnlrlc Tfc ...w..v .....UV.UHUI UIV. IJlIUilll llX uun;. ni iUIV rule Vc must be prepared to defend our own shores. I NEW OFFfcERS The Chamber of Commerce has new fippr peers for. the fC year 1938. ioqc iiWl President Vtr F. A. A Vi MacCallum n Ti v, has A" ueeu vjL-e-presiuent ior me last year ana nas snown con- Sl'derable activity in that nositinn. Thp npw vipp-nrPsU1 dent is a young man of ability if not of much experience in attendace and Henry Monte-in Chamber of Commerce work. By the time he is ready ffSSl"" to take over the senior position he will have had a vear)Were served. Mrs. c. Harman was of exDerience in the vice-presidency and. should be able to - in charge of the kitchen and mem-handle the pf fairs of the chamber efficiently. I bers of the club acted as serviteurs. . Prince Rupert is now in a position where an active 1 AUhe supper interval there was a CHfriber of Cmmerce is very desirable. There will be a TZ"Z??n number Of lmnortant Sllb.iectS to be dealt with and it IS i baritone duets and Mario Bussanich important that they be dealt NEED OF LOANS IN RUPERT The federal government $5.C0 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 9 86 Saturday, January 8, 1938. SITUATION seeking a quarrel with theiBoston u 2 5 51 manner. OYOMifivo nf with wisely and vigorously. is planning to extend its loans to encourage new building. This will probably bej done through the various loan companies operating in the. large centres of population. Prince Rupert, having no loan coirpany, is unable to take advantage of the government support. The Chamber of Commerce, representing the business and professional interests of the citv, may possibly be able to suggest how to overcome the difficulty. Possibly it may be done by forming a locai loan comnany . or' by inducing some outside company to establish here. ; Houses are likely to be needed and if there is any money forthcoming from the government; steps should be' taken to get sdthe of it expended in Prince Rupert. When shipbuilding was .carried on in Prince Rupert, a loan company was organized and it was a complete success. It paid dividends every year and when closed out the people who put their rabney in were able to get all of it ''back. " RESUMED , Pioneer Laundry Scores Thei To i Nil Viclory Over Old Empress i As Second Half Gets Under Way i The second, hair of the CltyFiy3 Pin Bowling League got underway last' night with Pioneer Laundry scoring d three to nil clean swep victory over Old Empress. Cana-1 dlan National Recreation Association played its end of the second sched'.d f';ture of the evening play of the Gyro Club being, deferred until Sunday. High average scorer was Red Young of Pioneei Laundry with '230; Individual scoring was as PIONEER LDV. 1 2 3 Houston 276 244 168 Young 280 203 22C Kinslor 134 141 174 Stiles 231 2G0 215 Asemlssen 180 163 174 Total 1101 1011 95P OLD EMPRESS 1 2 1 Gunderson 171 220 202 Santerbane 189 182 211 Ciccone 148 234 184 Schriaberg 146 215 128 Low Score 134 141 169 Total 788 992 94j J C. N. R. 1 2 3 iComadina 182 149 162 Ronald 168 215 12f. Proctor 145 141 19P Mcintosh 221 183 13! Irving 173 210 284 Total 889 898 906 SPORT CHAT The second half of the 1937-38 Bridge League season will com mence next Friday with fixtures as follows: Grotto vs. Canadian National Recreation Association; Prince Rupert Dairy vs. Brackman-Ker; Canadian Legion vs. Sons of Norway; Ramblers vs. Musketeers. Hockey Standings International Division W D L F A Pts Toronto .10 5 6 C2 67 ?5 Americans .10 4 8 58 41 24 Canadiens . 8 6 6 54 50 21 Maroons 7 1 13 35 51 15 . a : T" : 1 40 .?0 Rangers n 3 7 59 39 25 chicaeo 6 3 11 35 49 15 4 14 34 61 12 Detroltn "7 Pacific Coast League W L F A Pts (Vancouver 11 7 48 42 21 Seattle 10 5 60 39 26 5 13 43 56 1G !Spokane 6 7 29 33 16 Opening Dance The Catholic Youth Club held Its .initial social in the Catholic Hall t 'a-caning, ine nau was iasieiunyv I decorated in the club colors. There were seventy-five couples present' and a very enjoyable time wasiEy'? - spent by all. Kav's Orchestra was Norwich City 2. Aston Villa In harmonica solos. Dancing was In progress until 1 :30 Dan O'Neill presided at the door. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Lyons acted as chaperons. rniNCE. RUPERT j PROGRESS DURING YEAR- REVIEiVEii . ( Continued Jrorn Page One.) If ansport, their able recapitulation and representation at that meeting ihd the favorable attention1 and Interest shown, should, we believe, produce some results in the ver tear future. "The terrible destruction of life 'lntt property in the socalled "Easf (but our West) going on at tht .jresent time with the possibility ol iuf 6ecomlng Involved has, we believe, brought forcibly to the attention of Ottawa the necessity foi more continued attention to tht need of he Pacific Coast, If not f 01 aggression, at least for some pro tection. "We are looking forward la sonr results from the Royal Commission tinder chairmanship or Mr. Rowell X.c; into conditions affecting the control, jurisdiction and relationship between the provinces and Jominioh. Taxation has become an increasing burden due to the various services now demanded by the citizens of Canada and also particularly to the duplication of govern-, mental services. Every year shows Industry, agriculture, forestry, mining and fishing contributing additional taxes to support increasing taxation. These taxes are paid by you and every effort and study should be made by governments orovincial. federal and municipal to reduce this burden we are called upon .to support and should be aggressively brought to their attention, particularly by Chambers o Commerce throughout the Domln Ion. "It appears contradictory to ask the government to supply better roads, and other facilities but we believe, after study and examin- OW Country Soccer English Cup, Third Round Grimsby Town i, Swindon Town Doncaster Rovers 0, Liverpool Brentford 3,. Fulham 1. Chelsea 0, Everton 1. Derby County 1, Stoke City 2. Bury 2; Brighton 0. Aldershot 1, Notts County 3. Arsenal 3, Bolton Wanderers,! Sunderland 1, Watford 0. Swansea Town 0, Wolverhamp-ori Wanderers 4. Southend United 2, Barnsley 2. MUlwali 2. Manchester City 2. Tottenham Hotspurs 3, Blackburn Rovers 2. Tranmere Rovers 1, Portsmoutv 2, Bradford City 1, ChesterfieU 1. Notts Forest 3, Southampton 1 York' City 3. Coventry City 2. West Bromwich Aibion 1, New castle, United 0. Manchester United 3, Yeovil and Petters 0. Leeds United 3.. Chester 1. Charlton Athletic 5, Cardiff Citv 6. Mansfield Town 1, Leicester City 2- Bradford 7. Newport County 4. Huddersfield Town 3, Hull Citj 1. Middlesbrough 2, Stockport County 0. Sheffield Wednesday 1, Burnlej Birmingham 0, Blackpool 1. New Brighton i, Plymouth Ar Preston North End 3, Westham United 0. Scarborough i, Luton- Town 1 Scottish Leagbe First Division Aberdeen 4, Motherwell 0. Arbroath 0. Falkirk 1. Clyde 1. IHbernians 1. Hamilton Academica1-'5 3- Thir Lanark 1. Hearts Z, Celtic 4. Kiifnafhock 2, St. Johnstotte 2. Morlofl 1, Partick Thistle 2. Qiieert 6f South 1. St. Mlrren 0. Queens Park 3, Diihdee 1. Rangers 2, Ayr United 2. . LTD. At This Season of (Jdodwilf We fexf erid (o Everyone Our Best WisHes Ftir a fidppp artct Prosperous New Year PHILPOTT EVIH & CO atlon that, by mprft .efflciefit ad-.nfriisiratlon, ellmirtation of dupll-:ation of governmental sefvices, we an have our reasonable wants sup-ified with deprea."ang costs and axes. Outstanding Visitors "We have had several dutstahdt ,ng visitors to our city. The visit jf our Governor General and partj A'as greaUy appreciated by Princi tupert people and was very much jnjoyed by the renowned visitor inrl ffimllif. . '. "The visit of the Vahcou'vef fioard A Trade was welcomed and should inlarge the viewpoint of the Vah- :ouver Chamber on. the potentlalt' des of Northern. British Columbia! "Other visits were paid and wel :omes extended Her by the mem- oers of vbur Cliamber, the out- .tandlng ones being the Los Ahgeie; Chamber of Commerce and tht laoanese Training Ship "Kaiwc Maru" which visited our port. "The holding of the convention af the Associated Boards of Trade 3f Central British Columbia was al ;q one of the highlights of. the year. The business and friendl) contacts made with our visitors from, the interior will enhance the jresent cordial relations existing between us and the various chamb ers East along the Canadian National Railways. Everyone was Enthusiastic and genuinely appreciated the way in which our busines; was transacted and the entertainment furnished to our visitors. "When the convention Is held In Smlthers during August of this year as many members as possible should make the trip to becom bet ter acquainted with the district am ts inhabitants. Primary Industries "Turning to" o'ur primary lndu? tries, upon which has rested ar still rests the prosperity of tfu port and district, we find dh in creasing variety of fish marketed in this area. One item is partlcu- ! larly striking and has been brought about principally due to" the efforts of our local fisheries experimental itation. That item is producUori of halibut, black and ling cod livers 1456 hundredweight bt halibut livers and 256 hundredweight of biact and ling cod livers, having iota values of $72,789,00 and $8,783.0 respectively. When one consider it Is only within the last few, year that this has reached its p'resr place as a marketable find medlclr. al product, one begins to realize and perhaps visualize the Increasing advantages which accrue tb a pfopei scientific approach tb the study of an industry and its by-pfodilcts. "While the total fish marketed through this port shows a reduction in tonnage, it I gratifying to hcrtc-that the value increased from $3,-812,025.00 during 1936 to $4,13i.-?61.00 during 1937. "Our sawlog output in thR district shows ah increase .ovfef 1630 While the market for high grade spruce for aeroplane stock continues good,, the export of the soft woods such, as aspen and ciotlon-wood has been cut off completely by the invasion of China by Japan.. "The tie business' was about the same as last year. The pole business was subject to. fluctuations in prices, governed largely fay "'jl; tlons- in Eastern Canada and ih United Stales, but showed a tendency towards improvement hfar the close of the year and over 1936; "Referring for a mome nt 6u; annual statement, while the sur plus is not large to harid over t your Incoming officers, we canno: with reason regret this as we hat- had extraordinary expense Incurred in entertaining the various -vlsltofs I have outlined abbve. We would have shown a deficit If it had no been for the energetic efforts o your president-elect and it Is to him that thanks Ehould be tended id for Increasing the membership 6f 6ur Chamber which ha 1 believe, created a broader Interest In our1 problems by old and new members. Appreciationc "In conclusion, I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the honor conferred nborf me in being appointed to the Presi dency of your Chamber. "Perhaps we have not accomplished as much as we expected but we have not spared any effort or time to make our objectives ac ceptable to your Chamber. ' "The members of the council and ! committee have worked splendidly ; during the year. Many of the ! council meetings dealt with exceed lngiy difficult matter's but, despite considerable differences of opinion i on controversial subjects, our meet lings were at all times amicable; "An expression of appreciation Is due your secretary for the able assistance and courtesy extended rw during the year. This also applies to our City Commissioner who has ably assisted in all matters we have brought to his attention. "Of my good friend Mr. jwacv,;u- president-elect, I cannot ium, your peak too highly. I bespeaK ior huh and his next year's council, your hoie-hearted support, assuring Urn on all occasions I will gladly jledge him mine." Mr. LltUe's report listed quest- ns taken up during the year as bllows: questions Taken Up nofinlne of the boundaries bf Canadian territorial waters In the Pacific. Furnlshine of new trouble-iina- ihg apparatus by the Radio Branch jf the Department oi Marine. Endeavor to have the local steamship companies make their winter round trio tickets Interchangeable. k.tfnri made la noDUlarize the iiome Imprbvemeht Plan. Consideration of the advisability St the afoDOlhtment of d Royal jbmmlssion to Investigate economic difficulties of Western Provinces. Negotiations with Canadian Na Hnn-o ,0 nifHrriinB' D renalHne , v , and , ov jrhaullng their vessels in local dry dock. Negotiations with government In in attempt to" speed up mall service between here and Eastern Canada. Adoption of uniform scale Of pll- btage lees and the appointment of a Dermarient pilot for this port, lie-adjustment of the Japanese licenses and the awarding of same Prince Rupert Japanese. Negotiations with the Department of Transport lh attempt to get a relaxation of regulations that woilld permit local vessels to carry passengers. investigation as to whether ad: vlsable. to press for continuation of present highway or to stop at Prud-homme Lake and press for a highway to the canneries.- Also appeal for Increased appropriations. Also request for an aerial survey In or-ief to determine which would be noil feasible route to Terrace. Admission Into Canada free of Juty of mining machinery for ex ploration purposes. Installing of further aids to nav-, igation In Hecate Straits. The establishment of a radio (telephone) station on Bonllla Island. Preparing of concessions in order to make pulp mill proposition more attractive. Assistance In passing of by-law regarding them. Raising of subscription list of $485.60 to ihable Mr. Buckley to continue his ftork in connection with matter. Deal would have been consummated but for the' Japanese. Effecting of reduction In express rates on vegetables fr6m points be tween Burns Lake and Prince Ru-pe7t. Endeavor to get a Similar reduc-lon oil cream. Co-operation with Coronation Committee" ffi celebration arrangements. , Endeavor to , have one of Department of Defense mine, sweap-.-rs. built In local shipbuilding yard. Representation to government for new federal building at Prince Rupert. Extension of air mails from Prince George to coast. Resolutions for submission to convention of Associated Boards of Trade of Central B.C. Advisability of government sub-iidlzlhg freight rates oh Canadlaji-Inined coal. Advisability of, protesting to the government against the shortness of. halibut fishing season In Area No,. 2 and suspension of new regulations for 1937. v IJrglng the employment of British Columbia, permanent residents when labor required. Representation to government to have a Prince Rupert man put on to the. international Halibut Commission. Urging early establishment of ore sampling plant at this port. .Continuance, of reduced fares to Queen Charlotte points by Canadian National ships. Consideration of the Monkman Pass highway proposal. Urging the government to print school books in British Columbia. Advisability of appointing a separate minister for the Department of Mines. Advisability as to the wisdom of consolidating provincial, governments, provincial and federal de partments and other steps, to re-1 duce the amount of government In Canada, . . Delegation to the- InernaUonal Harbour and Port Day at Vancou-verr Delegation to the annual convention of, .the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at Vancouver. Holding of the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. at this port. Visit of the Vancouver Board of Trade, Visit of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerced Visit, of the Japanese Tralnlr. Ship "kalwo Maru" and entertjn. ment of officers arid crew Seventeen new mrmbpr ; i during 1937. QASSWEI MI F WE:: NT MODERN flat with pantry porch. Hafbor view. Jos. Oaron, 1:33 2nd Avenue. West. . . (9j VtJRK WANTED WOMAN Desires work, waltrAl hotel work, housekeeping Phqrt 945 or Box 26, Dally New3. ''i LOST LOST Gold Brooch, Topaz :c"iiij Please ledveat Dally News c, LOST tsuncn 01 Keys on cout;e cord, suitable rewcrd wD given to finder if returnrd a! fice, Prince RujKrt Fi-h ,:;t: Co-op. Assn. ::i FOR SALE KITCllEN Oil Burner Chein Phone Green 893. (".) PERSONAL WE HAVE HEU'ED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Ut-ter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Ctft- torris Examiners, Clerks, M Stenographers, etc., and tu help yoti. Write us for f roof and free Information. M.CC Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Olde In Canada. 11. WOMEN YOU CAN BE FLN'AK- CI ALLY Independent We hi helped hundreds of Canadiia women earn a living by opera. ling kindergartens in the'r own homes. Illustrated booklrt free. The Canadian Kjr.dcsi." ten Institute, Winnipeg. t'. WANTED HIGH School girl wUhc In exchange for light scrrer Apply Dally News ') IV THE M'I'KI'ME COI'KT Of HKITMI roi.fMnn IX i-KomiE In Ilic Jlallrr of thr ".anilnllra1lr Ml" Ami In thr Mitlff of EtaU nf Marjirn J.m Srfaln. iw-ftttnl, Intrtatr TAKK NOTICE Uul by ot H Honor. W. E. FUhfr, tiic IT . tl DeownlxT, A. D 1937. I was i??- "M AdmlnltTaor of th nAt i M-garrt Jn Swfein. ftOd pirttx havlnt dainrw aliii' . - eilote arp hmj required SX "me, prorIj vrririd, to w - JJ before the 18th day of Jnuury, A. o-J958. aixl all partlw Indebted f et; re required to pay ,v. of their IndPWedtve! to me far ;" NORMAN A. WATT Official Adni:: . Prliice Rupert B c nted rmber 18th. 193T, - MND ACt , Volli-f of Intention to Apply i" IJiml In Prince Rupert Lana nrccrtf DIMrlct ot British CoJumtoU. nl W; on Zayan blJid on the N. W P; ' on --eat iw of Zaysu on a reel Arani7zu Point. . Take notice tht Prank Waterman Prince Rupert, B. C occupation Ml' livtenda to apiy for a lenee of th: vr lowing described laivia: ell of tbe off Arartisaru Point. . ., Commencing at a post P1&: trd J the high grassy point on the Sotfi Side of the ttxrf thenoe 1800 Jf NortheanU thence 1600 feet NortS! thence 1800 feet Southward twa-J 1500 feet 8auihot and contaloiaj " acres, more or lew ... FRANK WATEBMAS Dated October 4, 1937. in tut: sI'Hikmp. roritT or imini (1)1.1 Mill , Ll, In the Matter of Hie "AdnilnMratm" Art" In Hie Matter of "he Khlale ' rtlW lame Leonard lec-eaM-l Intestate TAKE JJOT1CE that by order of B'J Honor. W. E. Plher, Uie 22nd 'J fniiber. A D. 1037. I was n' almlntetjTitor of the estate M "Jr James Leonard, decooued. and V". ties hsrvlno clalm against th I'JJI. tat are hereiby retUlred to wmi; me, proix-rty verlfjod. to me on j. beforw Uie 22nd day of Jamunry A-1838, and all mrtlee Indebted to tUe are required to pay the tw'B' of Uieir IndeblediieM to me forthw.-n NORMAN A. WATT Official AdmlnJMrttof Prince Rupert B i- . Dated thS 22nd tey of DeccoiWr- " D 1937. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Bloc PHONE 658 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY HIONR 57