Saturday.- January SOT&y - TONIGHT"! 7:00 to 8:30 RCA All The Way Aain RCA through its N.Ii.C. division leads With the first permanent Symphony Orchestra created HY and FOR RADIO Conducted by Arturo Tos-canini. This is a most important musical. event, and possibly the greatest happening in the musical history of radio. Tonight from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. will be the first in a series of ten WEEKLY PROGRAMS, to be heard' over the combined Red and Blue Networks of N.B.C. as well as the entire Canadian network. For Rest Reproduction of These RCA Victor I'ro- UNION grames, Use RCA Victor Radios ! MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 200 Window Shades 36x72, with fittings. Colors, green, tixii. cream. Each 'TIME THE TOILER 6O0D 3EF, THECt'S A, DETECT IME 60T no TAKE DANCtN5 INS TO CHECK Jf Ion MOMT-3ooC)-i ' . . ' .1 1 DON'T KMOW VXlHST To DO 90c Other izes in oil finish cloth. 41V. 45" and 48". All 72" long. Blued doth oil finish Per yard Phone 775 40c 327 THHtD AVE.TEr STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: TJ5.S. CATALA EVERT TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 pjn. Dae Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight U convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further inftrmatlon Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWJViN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitai.ns A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is stible, palatable, satisfying, . CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rurjcrt, B.C Charged with drunkenness, A. Letoumeau is appearing in city police court before Magistrate Mc-Cymont this afternoon. R. G. Lipton of the crew of the lighthouse tender Albernl sailed last nidht on the Princess Adelaide for 'a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nelson and ;Mlss Nora Postulo, Mk. Nelson's sister, sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Reld L. McLennan, local barrister, will be returning to the city next Wednesday after spending the past I few weeks in Vancouver. He will I be accompanied by his mother. Mrs. J. C. McLennan, who has been In Vancouver since last fall. Your baking should be a real pleasure. PURITY FLOUR Is the I answer, in bread and cakes that are a delight and a pleasure to serve. I Ask vour erocer for PURITY .ttT TE2 DAILY LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash of Old Gold. Bulger's (tf ) Miss Frances Cummlngs sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. meeting Monday, 8 p.m. Meeting Wednesday. (6) Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported jthls morning to be running on time. I FLOUR, sold with a money-back Kuarantee. (4-6) Albert Palmer returned to the citv on Thursday night's tram from Germansen Creek where he has been in the service of the D- Ganahl mining Interests. He is out on a holiday trip and will leave next Thursday night for Vancou ver. City Commissioner W. J. Alder, who returned to the city yesterday !Trom' a trip soufh, reports having visited City Solicitor E. F. Jone.i in the private ward pavilion of the Vancouver General Hospitd where Mr. Jones Is now a patient He was feeling bright, making pro-press and expected to be out cf the hospital before long. The feature booking for the Capitol Theatre here for January 19 and 20 has been changed back to the originally announced "Night IMust Fall" with Robert Montgomery and Rosalind Russell, it is stat- I ed by Manager D. G. Borland. Yesterday it had been announced by ' the theatre management that this picture was to be replaced with "Manhattan Merry-go-Round." Mr and Mrs. Clarence J. Freder lckson of Powell River arrived In the city on the Princess AdelaM6 vpsterdav afternoon and proceed- Jed by the evening train to Prince George. Mr. Frederickson, who nas 'been supervising principal of schools at Powell River, has beea appointed school Inspector at Prince George. The Dally News is an audited ilrculatlon. Play safe I Announcements All advertisements in this column vlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. uresbyterlan Burn's Banquet Jan-'"'5. Worn- - FVbruar? HP'tal Auxiliary Ball, Attention" Moose Ladles! Installation Is postponed until January 25. (6) Ycnl will save money on our Bulk-ley Valley wheat. Phone 350 for prices. 'The Brackman-Ker Milling Co., "Ltd. (4-6) Under Scoutmaster Robert Yer-.burgri, local Boy Scouts' are on a hike to Grassy Bay today, having left this morning. Mrs. A. H. Perkins of Port Es-slngton, who Is a visitor In the city, will be returning home on Monday evening's train. Miss Helen McCaffery has resigned her position as school teacher at Hubert in the Bulkley Valley to take a position in the office of Albert & McCaffery here Jack Walsh of the staff of Alex McRae Co. Ltd., returned to the city on the Cardent last evening after spending the past two or three weeks holidaying in Vancouver. Inge Vaien and William Husoy returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoqn from a holiday trip as far soutl. as Portland. SNAP POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bftthtubi, Washbasins, Window, and Mirrors. Cinwt scratch: Steve Tomechukr who was nearly burned to death last week when his cabin at Kitsumkalum Lake- was destroyed by fire, has beei. brought to the ,city from Terrace to receive treatment at the Prlnct Rupert General Hospital for burns and injuries. ti , . Week Of Prayei Here Concludes Final Meeting in . Presbyterian Church With Rev. J, C. Jackson In Charge Services which have been held in the city each night this week in connection with the observance of the annual Week of Prayer concluded with a meeting last night in First Presbyterkn Church with Rev. J. C. Jackson, pastor of First United Church, in charge. Mr. Jackson briefly reviewed the topics of previous discourses and then turned to the subject of "Fellowship." He emphasized the necessity of unity in worship for full efficiency. - - - - IN THE SITKEME COI KT OF IIKITISII COMMISIA IX ritoiiiTi: la thr Mattrr or The MdmliiNtrntlmi ' . Art" , - : - And lit The Mattrr'of The Etote of Ellen r;va Evans, jeretiei TAKE NOTICE thait by Ordr of h:s Honor, W E. F teller, made on the 14th day of. -September, A. D. 1937, tHe last will and testament of the; late Elk Eva. Evan and probate thereof, Issued Put of mk Principal Registry of the rrooate Divorce and Admiralty Division of the Hleh Court of Justice. an3 duted thi 18th day of March. 1037, wis resettled lit the above Court and all persona having claims against the estate or the said Ellen Eva Evans are hereby required to furnish same properly veri fied to u$ on or before the 8 Mi day of Pebruairy, A. D. 1938, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount or their maeotedness to me forthwlUi. DATED the 5th day of January, A. D. IHJtl. PATMORE & FUITON, BollcHtors and Attorneys for the Executor. : Prince Rupert, B. C Children s Story Hour Resumed New Year Was Central Theme This Morning The Children's .Story Hour schedule was resumed this morning with the New Year as a cenr tral theme. Miss Phylls Hamblirt presented the message of true friendship in 'The Forest 'Full of Friends." Mrs. S. D. Johnston Intro duced humor with the tale of "The Pert Fire Engln." Mrs. W. L. Stamford suggested the key to happiness through "The Golden 1 Windows" and excited anticipation! in Chapter I of the serial story, t "Ghost of Cobblestone House." I Next Saturday the program for children between the ages of 4 and 8 will be In charge of Mrs. F. E. Robertson, Mrs. L. C. Jensen and Kitty Cameron. Hotel Arrivals' Royal Mr. and Mrs. R. Hand city. Prince Rupert Mrs. W. Cross. Victoria; K. Sasa and J. Uyaka, Vancouver. C. N. R. TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.rh. From the East-- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays il pm JONES Family Market Phone 957 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market I'hone C83 Phone 683 Special LAMB and MUTTON I lbs. SHOULDER " MUTTON ; LEG of MUTTON Per lb MUTTON CHOPS 3 lbs. SHOULDER LAMB Per lb. LEG of LAMB Per lb VEAf LEG of VEAL '6 lbs SHOULDER VEAL Per lb. .-s. ... 50c 20c 50ci I5c 25c FILLET, ROAST of VEAL 6iSrt A 11 IV. BEEF POT ROAST Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb ROAST' Off the ROUND- Per lb - 2 lbs. ROUND' STEAK "arirnbrKitiNty- PORK HOCKS 3 lbs BACON SLICED SIDE BACON Per lb ARYSHIRE BACON Per lb ., $1.00 10c 10c 15c 18 c 15c 50c 25c SWIFTS PREMIUM HAM -Sliced Sliced by electric machine. Per lb TURKEYS Per lb 25c 25c 40C 25c CHURCH - f r -1 Wf J t IX l W tZI Il m 11 I t 1 lit. ML. 1 AIJ I I I MDft 1 T I V 9Si K I t-- WW W F I 1 h flat FfefeT AMtug; 'CFi ' ir TiH -CT" r : - NOTICES THE SALYAT10N ARMY Captain and Mrs. Ivan Ilalsy (Officers in Charge) Sunday Evening at 7:3d Special Illustrated Song Service By Sterebptican Slides) "The Pilgrim's Progress" Solos, Duets and the Old Gospel Hymns. The door of The Army is open to alf. Come and ertjoy this Special Service 66 Demers .rc. more or 7) Closing Out SALE A Readjustment of Prices Offers You Crcalcr Iiargains Than Ever. Our Entire Stock MUST BE SOLD. You Cannot Afford to Miss Our DRESS SPECIALS E9 The Real Thingf of all Those Golds The Original Mentholated Face-Elle Mentholated 4 ply Tissue Handkerchiefs Per Package 15c Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drttqp fats The RexMl Store Phones: 81 & 12 Open Daily From i a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till I p.m,r 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same. By Westover In the '