xAGEIWO Shoes Of Distinction r STYLED BY PERTH nAiLY fnmnv Receive The Utmost In COMFORT, VALUE and WEAR by Purchasing These Delightful Shoes. In All the Mod ern Styles And Shades Sold By V F AMILY SHOE STORE LTl). The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRIN'CE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. T PULLEN - - - Managlnz-Edltoi SUBSCRIPTION KATES -tCly. delivery, by .carrier, yearly period, paid In advai.ee $5JX) j.Jali to advance, per wetk J2 In advance, per month ". j mall to.all part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United. States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 .".By mall to all other countries, per year 9j0P ' ADVERTISING RATES .Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion .. -local ruder, oer line, per Insertion News Department TeJepnor.s gg mA' v AdvertWnc and Ch eolation Telephone 8 Member ot Audit Bsmo or Circulation CENTRAL HOTEL iROO&IS and CAFE Phone 51. For .Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PDONl 57 .25 Tuesday, November 1, 1938. VOTING NEXT WEEK mn!711'0" next week in the United States when cKn T0 Senators; conen and others are chrMn m various parts of the country will be a pretty yruide s to i .what is likely to happen two years hence eirenM-nt,a elec.tion' If there a swing toward Republicanism, it seems likely there will be a region against Roosevelt policies when Roosevelt or his emoeratic successor comes up for endorsement. VVnV kT are inlined t0 ink the change of sentiment may notbe as great as many people imagine. It is difficult to tfewee a spending program. The average person is not concerned particularly with sound policies as long as "the dinner pail is kept full. "Let the fStnrp self, eems to be the policy of the average workingman. And yet it seems plain to the most obtuse mind that the spending program of the United States -cannot continue indefinitely. Even four years beyond the present term, yhich would mean six years in all from now, would be extremely dangerous to say the least. GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS The way to keep politics out of city government is to nave either government by commission or government by a city .manager according to many who have studied trie question. In one case the commissioner is appointed py the provincial government and in the other the manager ls.appointed by the city council. The Tolmie government .appointed City Commissioner Alder and no one can say that the commissioner has been influenced by that fact or by any othcr.ulterior influence. .; Where every alderman has some say in regard to the .-details of city government these aldermen are bound to jhave an eye to the next election and that makes their actions political, not necessarily Liberal or Conservative, but political in the , sense that their movements are actuated .by the wishes of small groups of electors rather than for the good of .the whole city. Men are given jobs by aldermen in order that they may support the alderman at the next election. That js politics in its lowest f qrm. When people :talk about too much politics -in government it means that certain sections of the country or groups of peoplesor possibly individuals are favored in legislation or administration. Any system which will keep us free from this kind of thing is to be preferred. Those who have had experience with city managers say that it is.effective. at St DRAMA AS WINNING GOAL SCORED At Wembley Stadium, England.the camera cjicked on one of" the most dramatic sporting moments of the year the scoring of the only goal of the English cup final game in which Preston North End defeated Huddersfield, after overtime. In the last minute of the game. George Mutch, Preston orth End forward, was checked Illegally by Young of Huddersfield and a penalty kick awarded. The picture shows the ball hitting the twine, with Mutch in the foreground and Hesford, Huddersfield goalkeeper, falling to the ground after a futile attempt to save. Inset is the hero Mutch. GROTTO IN Tobacconists Score Clean Sweep Victory to Retain Leadership of City Bowling League was Scoop Bury of Grotto with 190. Individual scoring: Printers l 2 Zeiman 150 161 .O. Franks ;....170 132 West 157 169 , McCallum 120 153 Paul .'..152 139 j Tqtal .749 754 j Grotto l 2 'Bury ...176 199 F. Comadina 155 158 'Stiles 194 187 : Asemissen 193 138 Morin 163 159 1 Total 881 841 Old Empress Hotel 1 2 iCiccone .201 161 J. Comadina 158 155 Windle 173 145 Kinslor 174 177 Gunderson .'. 174 154 Total 880 792 Royal Hotel 1 2 Donald 191' 139 Todd 163 158 ZareLLI .: .....,..,156 189 Shrjaberg 162 166 E. Smith ;.....l7l 175 Total . 843 827 SPORT CHAT 3 175 124 142 184 159 784 3 195 156 147 145 168 811 3 154 160 A WU 181 145 783 3 182 203 137 170 145 847 The City League standing to date is as follows: W L Pts Grotto 11 4 11 Royal Hotel 8 7 8 Old Empress 6 9 6 Printers 5 10 5 i ii almost cost John Henrv Lewis , BOWLS WlN:L"rKfy!e,d: money to lift the world llghtheavy-l ..tl.a. I a vli . I mosi y aiuame NEW YORK, Nov. 1: (CP) Ernie Lombard!, catcher of the Vaughn of Pittsburg Pirates third and Mel Ott 0f New York Giants fourth. SCHEDULE OF BRIDGE November 4 C. N. R. A. vs. Musketeers. Grotto vs. Sons of Norway. Ramblers vs. Brackman - Ker Prince Rupert Dairy vs. Canadian Legion. November 18 Ramblers vs Sons I 143Jof - Norway. - Grotto vs. Prince Ru- v.i, isauj. Qiucfiinaij-rervvs. MUS- K.eieers. c. N. ;R., A. .V(s. Canadian Itad team Rupert -Motors and -Parker! -Gar ace Continue jo Show War Jn .ttjrame.rc.ial anlinx Jauh Wick 124 Rood ,.1M Chandler 152 Smith 131 'McMeekin ; , Total ..: .720 I Electrical Workers 1 ;Pottlnger :155 Jack .' .'. ,136 JMcCauley 118 ' Olllis ,116 (Fbrman 162 Handicap 7 I Total 94 . Canadian teflon , Menkes :.' 133 Wick 91 Long 123 'Goodman Dickens . Skellum ... Scott A : ' Taylor ...JL.L..-.. L... Ill : 108 Handicap - ,.. Total .Rupert Motors - ' Houston ... Morris . Joy Total . Rupert Motors . r.rr.ttn tini( it. .v. - Cineinnatl RpH ia j. Parker's Oarage the second place Royal Hotel team auonai League for 1938. Bill . .' was winning two games to one from Chicago pitcher, was giv- f,.dla" LeSlon . riA Old r-.. r!i- pn en KDirm second nlau nlare with .I4U ctI-. wh i a a North Star Empress. High average scorer ,44 .585 f 1 ...177 ...155 .151 ...170 .t116 .,769 Louis three years ago last's " . night. Gate receipts were $18,584: and Olin, guaranteed $15W0, received only $10,000. .Lewis was 1 guaranteed 122 per cent and his ' share amounted to practically nothing. I ; George Lott Jr. of Chicago, ,co-j J holder of the United States .Indoor trand outdoor doubles jtennls champ-) ' lonshlps, turned professional four i years ago today. Member of six TT O TtH..l- r L II nLI . ean teamed with Big iwho Joined the money ranks vertlsement for best results. Bin midenS 1931, on a barnstorming .tour. Try a Dallv News classified nd. as 2 175 s156 110 158 155 754 159 118 117 14 143 7 698 .1-2 156 123 HI 136 105 32 653 2 177 152 158 191 135 -111 L Pts City Bowling League Sunday night league this year in batting and Royal, Lunch .... 6 with a three game to nil clean catching, was yesterday named Electrical .Workers ,6 9 sweep victory over Printers while ' .the' most Valuable player In the 413,ro CW 5 7 8 11 '9 14 12 6 Aa-rrrir&Vfliftf I i riMircmijiii ROK.SALE FOR SALE 7room house all newly remodelled, fully modern, 742 7th Aye. W Price $1050. part cash, balance as rent. Duhamel, Capitol Barbershop. (258) FOR SALE Recently built bungalow and two lots. AVlll sell cheap. Write or call Phil Brentzen, Port Simpson, C. (257) November 25 Brackman-Ker vs. Foft ?AL&-Model ;A' Ford, First OrottO. C. N. R. A. vs. RamhW Musketeers vs. .Canadian Legion:1 Prince Rupert Dairv vs. Sr.n nf .' Norway. v j December Prince ;Ruperti Dairy ys. C N. R. A Hnnartlan Legion vs. Grotto. Musketeers vs. Ramblers. December 9-: C. N. R, A. ,vs. Brackman - Ker. Musketeers vs. Prince Rupert' Dairy. Ramblers vi Grotto. Sons of Norway vs. Canadian Legion. ' December 16 First round of Tip-Top Challenge TroDhv Cnn tn ho drawn. Try a Dally News want-ad. Try a Dally Newstciasined ad weight boxing crown f fjpm Bob Olin I jrWAWww-AWWWWAAW ,ciass ,$nape. jiew Ures. $150. Ap. iPlyfThrlft pash &,Carry. (260) PERSONAL SCOTTISH, .Couhtry Oirl .wishes correspondence -.with young rancher, .Reply ' to Mary .Bruce. ,Cas-sl.egllU. E)lon, Aberdeenshlrf , Scotland. (25j) liINF0RMATlbN WANTED NORQURQ-Wlll August Norbergj ;fwhtery of foaston-and Terrace; B.C. and how .believad to ;be .on the 9ueen Charlotte Islands, or anyone knowing his .whereabouts, kindly communicate .with Post Office jBojc 3, Smlthers, B.C.? Phojnte Your i COAL TODAY The best coal is he .cheapwt. We anille the best. We have NanaimonWcllinKton Alberta 'Foothiljs anrj Bulkley Valley Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. 1 T.1.-I " - - J cicpnune J or B5Z Ji Tracing Ancient WIN AGAIN Mu Civilization .Kuotenay Jndians May .Have .Come From Lost Continent I. VANCOUVER, Nov. 1: (CPi Rupert Motors anil .Parker's Oar- t!sh Columbia may be the children age, pace-malting 'jeams tn tnp.of Jhe lost continent pf Mu, which Coram.erc.lal fowling .League. agalnj$a.nk Jn the Pacific Ocean 12JD00 wpn their .games ,ln lat nlghtajyears ago, Jn the belief of some regularly .scheduled .league fixtures .archaeologists, Charles T. rfarail-Rupert Motors defeated Canadian (ton said in an address here. Legion three .games ,o nil ,wbll Mr. Hamilton, who has taken ar Parker's Oarage won over Electrl- Interest in archaeology for many cal Workers twp games to one. 'years, said connection was traced Hign average scorer jpr tne eve.-; tnrough the sign or the swastika, 'nlng was Vic Houston of Rupert symbol of the priesthood of Mu .Motors with J71. Individual scoring .was low? .Parker's .Garage 1 'and one common to the Kootenav fol-. tribe. I The lost continent, which some 3 I archaeologists claim was a series 12? of lame islands. Is credited tencr. 9. ally with having had a population Ififl of 60,000,000. 137 -MAj gigantic cataclysms slowly i 139 destroyed the continent, its people .7,15 migrated to the continents border- .3 Jng on the Pacific" .he said pf the 15C .inhabitants of Mu. "Ope migration 115.;noved westward across Asia, th 162 ether across South America and .153. Atlantis, both meeting in Egypt 151 -With them they took teaching 7 which parallel and, according to 74 some historians, were the origin of 3 'th- .Christian religion. 16t - Temples In Yucatan, Peru and .the Amazon valley point to the 136 west as the region whence came ,164 the early inhabitants. .In Jndo-122 .China and India, they point to the 102 Eat. 22 Evidence of a lost civilization to-710 day .puzzles archaeologists, Mr jj .Hamilton said. Chief examples 13 were discoveries on Easter Island 155 In the South Pacific br huge 150 stones, thousands of tons In 144 welsht, hewn to ;form Temple pll-154 Jars. These were taken as indi-770 cations of existence of a high istapdard standard ,., . ... .. of civilization at on stana,nKJtlme In the mid-Pacific. to date- .w -.14 ...12 "Tyesda, Dependonj Ipunch C. N. It. TKAIXS or the East-Mondays. Wix!; lays . from the East-Tuesdays. IT i Tatardays S1LVERS1DES BROS. 1939 Wallpapers Now Arriving ,CILU:X ENAMEL MIKKSCO WINDOW GLASS Our Years of Experience at Your Service Use Canadian Industries Products Only Paints, Varnishes, Etc. for Every Purpose A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter l'ou can fet It by uslhf our famous Ed son, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Welllnjton coal. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 December Frozen HERRING Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. prince Rupert, B.C. I " 111 NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE TIIIKO AVENUE KAST I'hone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL THICKS HILLMAN CARS STANDARD I'KOUfCTi' rrompt and EtHclf il Service Srvlce If . 1 ... . . . .f .lnJ.i' ii you nave sometning to sen, a ciassmeu - t in this paper will soon let you know if there is a W f.he city.