i taqe rom VETERANS PROBLEM Labor Organizations Trying To Care For Men Returning: From Spain VANCOUVER, Nov. 1: (CP) or shrapnel In his right side. I; Whifflets From The Waterfront Linoleum Rugs-Size fi-fl Q 9x12 .. ?J.d.ie 9xl0 .1 ' The problem ol readjustment to Canadian life Is facing veterans of the Spanish Civil War filtering back to Vancouver in ever-increasing numbers a.,; year or more of service with the international! brigades of the government army. 'A dozen are here already and 50 1 more are expected within the next ' few months. Many are maimed! and an are jobless. ( ' There are no pensions for thei young men who went to fight for another country on the other siis of the world. At present a rehabilitation fund established by the Friends of the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion provides pounded veterans with medical aid and an allowance of $6 a week. ; Contributions to the fund come chiefly from labor organizations. Recently the village of Sointula, Finnish fishing settlement on Mal-qolm Island, 200 miles north of rjiere, gave more than $200. The financial strain, however, becomes irjore severe with the return of each veteran. VOf the dozen men here, five suffer from war disabilities. Mar-f-us. Haldane lost a leg; Charlie Beaser has an unhealed shrapnel wound in his leg; Jim Bell's right arm Is crippled; Kris Kristlanson has an Injured shoulder and Arthur Tazzaman still has a pieco I Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlav. rptnmprt tr nn $12.00 3-Pi ece TODAY'S STOCKS (Ctourty 8. D. John ton Co.) Vancouver Pacific Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .30. Bralorne, .9.60 (ask). Aztec, .06. Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Dentonia, .02. Golconda', .08 (ask). i Minto, .04 (ask). -Fairview, .05Vi. ' Noble Five. .03 V. Pend Oreille, 2.00. Pioneer. 2.35. Porter Idaho, .03 Vi. Premier, 2.27. Reeves McDonald, .33. Reno, .28. Relief Arlington, .12 V2. Salmon Gold, .8. Taylor Bridge, .02 Vj. Hedley Amal., .03. Sllbak Premier, 1.80. Congress, .00 Vz-Home Gold, .01. Grandview, .09 (ask). Indian, .01 V2. Quatsino, .04. Oils A. P. Con., .16. Calmont, .28. C. & E., 2.30. Freehold, .04. Hargal, .26. McDougal Segur, .12. Mercury, .0614. Okalta, 1.38. Pacalta, .05. Toronto Beattle, 122. Central Pat., 140. Gods Lake, .38. Little Long Lac,- 2.80. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.30. Pickle Crow, 5.10. San Antonio, 1.20. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.52! Smelters Gold, .05. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.40. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .17. Madsen Red Lake, .49 y2. Stadacona, .522. Francoeur. .24. Moneta, 1.20. Bouscadillac, .13. Thompson Cadillac, .34. Bankfleld, .36. East Malartic, 2.18. Preston East Dome, 1.53. aV 9:50 this miornlng from Stewart.' Hutchison Lake, .04. AtiTfiv nA 1 . i . ' Hanrcnn Dawson White, 1V I t n .02 fill auu utnti nunnem points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. "Salmon plrces dropped In Ketchikan at the week-end with large jea scmng at as low as 20c with Small reds at 9c and whites at 7c. Some small catches brought as high as 24c, 10c and 8c. No boats being in with catches,: vwiere was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange this morning. "hs American boat Onah arrived .With black cod. '4. Aldermac, .57. Kerr Addison, 1.76. Uchl Gold, 1.47. Int. Nickel, 56.50. Noranda, 78.50. Con. Smelters, 65.00. Athona, .13 Y2. Barber Larder, .17. Fernland, .16. Inspector C. G. Barber, provincial police, left this morning on the police boat P.M.L. 8 for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties. Axniinster Rugs $29.50 Chesterfield Suite "-A modern suite built with Comfort spring units genuine Kay $130.00 $6.50 Tea Wagon Solid Walnut with drop handle. Lined cutlery drawer, A . .. 1 -. tray witn glass centre You'll Always Do Better at $24.75 Stork Beats Automobile Baby Born on High Level Bridge Over Saskatchewan River Near - Edmonton EDMONTON, Nov, 1: (CP) The stork caught up with an expectant mother as she was being driven twenty miles from her home to ar I Edmonton hospital. The car was i delayed and the baby arrived on a I high level bridge over the Saskatchewan. Both mother and j child are now in hospital here and 'are doing well Ronald Lane of the Canadian National Railways general office .staff returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a holiday visit to his home in Vancou- ver. The Dally News Is an A. B. oarjer. Congolcum Rugs ....$9.00 Y mm- r tap im TOassjyL ,j 8-Piece Bedroom Ensemble-$84.50 Qnv1!1!"?' Chcst f Drawers and full size Bed, Cable Spring, lnm and Mm Spring-filled Mattress and one pair feather pillows. Odd Pieces End Table Solid Walnut 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.50 Bed Complete-$25.50 Red, Cable Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress, size Jl-IJ, 4-0, ELIO'S Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. !i!no:.iD..kH.,i,n.;;,lH,A,ilHH.,iIH.M Phone Green 91G 3rd Avenue 3i3Bisa3u:ia.a!.iiKiLiiu:i C. : m mm a mm m m mm m mrmm m mmmmm m eievki ra mm m m m twtn LINOLEUMS - AXMINSTERS - CONGOLEUMS Si si Da THE DAILY NEWS Spanish Insurgent Commander Reviews His Fleet I PRINCE GEORGE General Francisco Franco, insur genl leader of Spain, shown descending the ladder leading from the bridge of the battleship Canalejas, after having reviewed his sea- forces recently. While his battleships have rendered .good accounts of themselves In patrolling Spanish waters, his airplanes have wreaked havoc not only on government positions bu t on foreign vessels. Twenty -Five Years Ago November 1, 1913 Petitions are being circulated In icrrace, drowned In a slough a week ago, was recovered yesterday. Deceased is survived by his widow and children, his mother and father! and two brothers. Five Fire Alarms During October Total This Year .So Far Is Fifty-' b( Five Month's Damage Was $210 The Prince Rupert city fire de-n partment responded to five calls ff during the month. or October this y year. Damage totalled $10 all of n which was incurred on October 25 te.in a fire at the oil manufacturing 'plant of the J. H. Carson Co. on g'the waterfront, there being lnsur-' Bjance coverage So far this year' 3 1 there have been a total of fifty-1 g fl fire alarms as compared with thirty-four in the first ten month' SOI 1J37. in mi: si'i'itCMi; cot'UT or iihitisii "I coi.miiiiA BIti the Slatler of Ilie "AdmlnUtratloii g i Act' "It And Ir. the Matter of tlip llale of Manuel noii7jile, Dwaard 5 'it, , NOTICE that by order of Hia , Buprcnie Court of BrttUh Columbia ' B i made tho HHi day of October 1938 I wna appointed Administrator of all the. n Estate within BrttUh Columbia of the! g wbove-namcd rtocoascd. "late of Mayo. Yukon and Stewart, BrltUh Columbia persomi uidt-bted to the said eUt' " rllrcd to W tho amount of their I indebtedness to me forthwith, and all rTfns having clauna against the aald ' "Uitc are required to f Ue the iame , Properly verified, with me within one I mouth from ih rir.f n.iv.it " .i, 3.UeC' hCTWtoo dlstrtbuUon of' B the said ertatc wlU bo made without u I ' g j regard thereto. . B lXrted at Prmce Itupert, B. C. thla! NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prlnoe Rupert, II, O ti.iiii:i: ham; xvimi Scaled tcndorn wi with- Mim.... .7v..."r", " S J , r tlmn nafm o" the 28th day M'S ,Nlovemtir'' 1938, tw Uvo purchaai B felloe XS29U4, to Ut 2.706,000 foot w ?pruw-. cwi,,. utxj hsmlack on an 2 i?.a -tUa,1 o-' tk went portion of ,ajl L,ta"d' 'Qun Charlotte rt Ulaiuls Land District H Two (2) year, will' be Allowed for re-t itnoval of tfcntoer . 2LPuPtr ;:aw al th OhW Por-M nter. Viotorta l c . or DItrtot itor- ! The city council of Prince George has gone on record as approving a plan for reconditioning I of the Ritz-Kifer Hall as a community centre. Plans will be submitted to the Community Hall The old ski Jump on Connaught Hill, which has been z landmark in Prince George since Its erection disuse for the past few years, It Is not expected to be rebuilt. W L. Hughes, president of the Prince George Board of Trade, and J. O. Wilson, secretary, have received letters of appreciation fron I Sir Henry Page Croft, Brigadier General M. L. Hornby and R. S. mlxup. Garnet C. Watt, well known Vancouver insurance man, Is a business visitor in Prince George. A program of' activities for the winter months was drawn up by the Prince George Junior Cham Dr of Commerce at a meeting In the Shasta Cafe last Friday night. Weather Forecast Ocncral Synsopsls A deep de- the city seeking for electric light. . presslon ls centred southwest of teleDhone rind wrntor ivtncinns in ' Vancouver Island and showerv mild ummjjuj, VA,t,llil3 Ji Wit tilj, " ".. nwa.M 4& iiivan tor an auxiliary lighting plant, municipal building and recreation grounds. The city wishes to be In a position to sell bonds for these projects whenever the bond market Is favorable. Placer miners have come out of the Slbola district to Telkwa reporting 'disappointing results. me body of D. B. Kenncv of parts 01 urmsh Columbia. Prince Rupert and Queen Char- Jlotte Islands Fresh to strong souineast winds, shifting to south winds, unsettled and cool with rain. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Strong south to southwest winds or moderate gales, cloudy and mild with rain. Clever Costumes At Terrace Dance Colorful Affair in Interior Town On Friday Night TERRACE, Nov. 1: On Fridaj there was a masquerade dance In the Orange Hall at Terrace when In 1930, collapsed In a high wind many original and clever disguises last Wednesday. As It had been in : were presented. The crowd taxed the capacity of the hall to Its limit and In all respects the affair turned out to be a huge success, Cave man danced with fairy. The devil himself cavorted with the queen of hearts. A plckannlny sat on Mammy's knee. Altogether the throng appeared to be a merry palglelsh of Newcastle for hos- Several unzes were distributed. pltallty extended while they were In Prince George last summer In the course of a tour of Canada to Investigate British land settlement possibilities. John Mclnnis, who was C. C. F. candidate for Cariboo in the last : federal election, announces that I he has no Intention of being a candidate again In the next Mrs. Ivan Frank and Mrs. Floyd Frank, dressed up as two potatoes. won one of these as did also Mickey and Minnie Mouse In the persons of Mrs. North and Mrs Dubeau. Peter Van Stolk. as the caveman and Mrs. T. E. Brooks with R. Atkinson, as Maggie and Jlggs. took prizes. Perhaps th funniest of all the funny costumes was that worn by three girls, Ida Schultzlk, Eileen Taft and Maxlne Llewellyn. These three came In rigged up as a mule skinner with his team of mules, they also got a prize. Don't Keep oc Having Constipation! If constipation's got you down-to you Icel heavy, Ural and dorwy-it's time you did Bomettitn? about It. And something more than taking a physic ! You should get et the caute ot the trouble. If 1 au eat only the things most people do, tho chances are that a very simple fact causes your con-ttlpatlon-jou don't get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesnt mean heavy food. It means a kind ot .food that isn't consumed In the body, but leaves a soil "bulky" mass In the Intestines and helps bowel movement. It this is your trouble, cat crisp crunchy Kellogg's All-Bran lor breakfast every day und drink plenty ot water. All-Bran Is not only rich In "biuk"-lt ulso contains the natural Intestinal tonic, vitamin B,. Made by Kelkwjr In London, Ontario. Bold by every grocer. November Reminder Enter Your Xmas Orders For Magazine Subscriptions Now A year's subscription makes an excellent gift Early ordering is essential Order any publication through us at PUIJLISIIEUS' CANADIAN PRICES Suitable GIFT CARDS Sent to Arrive at Christmas Renew Your Own Subscription Here Do It Now Plume (i or Call in eMaMvs.JM World Agency for All Magazines UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVEKX TUES. T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10.30 ' Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. II Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 1 1 1 '.Mi n t trm - Last ComnleU 'HMESTOMf u IC"t L '""W it , A Movie (Juiz Conle,. . narlod Lloyd "PROFESSOR BEWARE" (At 7:00 and SU1) PLUS- Wm. (Ilop-A-Lom cH, Boyd in Tumi; OI THE HESr (At 8.3C, Onb) WOULD NEWS MtliUfhk.' tfeiaa I Musi SIC Ruth Nelson A.T.C.JL Teacher of Piano. Theory and Harmony. PHONE (".KEEN J30 He the Life of the Party Plij Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Plan ani Plus- Ac:orCiDn Open for L'iua(tmrnts-rv' ties, Dances, Kereplion?, ttt- Muslc With Kjthtn Reply Cllp Tht Ad fr: Rf Walker's Music Sore' Larjce Stock Music llelntzman, Nordhtiraer al Lesaxe Pianw Piano Tuning fllli "Hesonoscope Phone lllue 389 ZUIthSl IlLX Bowling Alley For irnlth nnd i !a Wllfl Line Ilowi For Hcservationn Phone Kl RAW FUR SEASON Comiiienciiifr Must Unload Large Stock 25 Off for Cash Come In and see our gok Easy Terms Arranged Goldbloom's Phones 18 & 81-P.O. Ho "J FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Qualify Groceries Reliable Service n.....n rMn.iril.in T.CslH'0 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itoyal IJank If you wish to swap somelbW Try u Classified.