L - .ember LCBHU! UliUHll'"" Jill I w HEVIEWS TROOPS Kinc Boris of Bulgaria Is shown bove as he kissed the colors ol trlous Bulgarian regiments at. he manoeuvres ox tne army at klamarzl, North Bulgaria. The ny manoeuvres were brought- a close with one of the ejeat t military parades seen In the puntry clnce the World War. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box ,196 mm THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon fwlttd by the .only i&lmon tanning company with an ill toe vear,roiiid payroll In Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 COMMITTEES ARE NAMED committees of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce for the ensuing year have been appointed by the president, A. W. Newman: Attendance William Bremner, 'phalrman, NedvfyfcLeod and Sam Saloum. Buljjtln :Martln van Cooten, chairman, and O. L. Rnrle. i Local Publicity T. J. Williams. ' Soclal-Sam Joy,. chairman, R.,0. Vandersluys, Prank .Wilson, Ross Ingram. S. N. Jurmaln, 0. C. Mc Lean and John .Pierce. Museum-rC. O. Ham. Library T. J. Williams. Civic Affairs G. L. Rorle, chair man, J. 11. Bulger, Peter DeJopg and Leonard Crlpps. Port Day W. R. Brooksbank, chairman, 0. L. Rorle, C ,0. 011-ker, jr. A. McWaters and W. M. .Watts. Peace River .Outlet C. 0. ,Ham, chairman, Mike McCaffery, A. D Vance, Robert Tobey. Radio O. L. Rorle, chairman, .Stanley Saville, Jack McRae, Hugo .Kraupner and L. M. Gordon. University .Extension O. P. Ly ons. .Oriental Trade C. O. Gllker, George Dybhavn and Hugh Forres. Membership L. M. Asernlssen, George Dibb, Cliff Bartlett and 'Jack Mussallem. At the regular monthly dinner meetine of the Junior Chamber to- night the speaker will be Dr. Hugh I Morrison. of , - -members Inspector scheme, members will be welcomed In the r persons of Sidney Elklns, W. P. El-klns, Victor Miller, Jack McRae, Robert Parker, Stanley Saville and Fred Wight. Mrs. Beckwith Laid At Rest Funeral Took Place Last Friday Af tie ternoon With Interment In Masonic Cemetery at Vancouver VANCOUVER, Nov. 1. The fun eral of the late Mrs. Lizzie Beck with, mother of Mrs. A. M. Manson of Vancouver and Mrs. A. R. .Nlch- pls of Prince Rupert, took place here last Friday Afternoon irom me Nunn & Thomson chapel to the Masonic Cemetery in uurnaoy where Interment was made. Rev. II. r, Trumpour, rector of St. Helen's Church and principal of the Anglican Theological College, officiated and there was a large con gregation of .friends and sympathizers. Pallbearers were Roy San derson. John Cowan, W. E. Williams vr- Prof. Lemuel Kooerison, Frank Parsons and ,Dr. C. ,G. Mbe. Allan Cross, who has been sta tioned at Claxton during the past summer hi the service of the B. n Pnr kers. sailed this afternoon pnt-ila for Vancouver to ;;mendthe.VlhterVHIs?.bithorBer. on the Catala for a trip to Van couver. Announcements All advertisements in thU column will be charged for k full month at25c a won! Eagle's Bridge, November 2. Sonja's Bazaar November s. Bdpilst Bazaar November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov, 10. S. O. N. Basket Social November 11. T.nthnran Sewing Circle Bazaar November :10. Cathedral Christinas bazaar .November 17. o cot!-' .rhurch Bazaar Nov- LOCAL NEWS NOTES .Wear a Ppppy on Remembrance Selections Announced by President Dayl A. V. Newman Dr. Morrison ; to be Sneaker Tonicht Tonight's traln due from i.East at 11 o'clock, was reDorted this Subject , to acceptance of those! afternoon to be 0n time. nnnnlntpH. tho follnwlntr standing I Miss Frances Thomson 6alled this afternoon on the Cabala fpr a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. H. Nordan sailed this afternoon on the Catala .for a trip to Vancouver. J. R. Morin sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to J. A. Hlnton .returned ,to the city on the Catala today from c business trip to Stewart. William Brooksbank returned to the city on the Catala itoday frpm a week's business trip to Stewart Mr. .and Mrs. Harold Holland sailed - this afternoon on the Ca tala for a two weeks' visit jrj Vancouver1. Rev. A. L. Anderson, United Church pastor at Stewart, came around from Stewart to Anyox on the Catala yesterday. Dr. Hugh M. Morrison, Inspector: of schools, wjll be the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club tomorrow, his subject to be "Current .Events.'" E. R. Oatman of the provincial public -works department with headquarters at Stewart, travelled arpupd from Stewart to Alice Arm TOY SHOP Hoy FOR 'XMAS Scouts To Carry .Out Again This J'ear .Wort V.'lth the approach, of the Christmas season Prime Rupert Boy Scouts are makinn elaborate preparations for their tenth an nual toy shop. This activity Is be lng conducted by Scout troops across panada from Victoria tc; Halifax. True to the fourth Scout Law to be a "friend to air the Scouts make It their aim that nq child, however destitute, will be deprived pf toys this ;Christmas. A very enthusiastic meeting was held last week when details of or ganization were completed-.The following committee has been appointed to supervise the work: F, A. MacCallum, chairman; P. C.l Miller, shop manager; E. R. M( Yerbureh. publicity, and E. W.' Meadows, distribution. The Toy Shop headquarters will be situated In the old Dollar Stort on Third Avenue and will be open from Monday to Friday afternoons and .evenings each vweek. The citizens of Prince Ruper are being asked to turn out their riunboards and storerooms and donate any discarded games, books. dolls,, etc to. the Toy Shop. Such gifts may be left at the Toy Shojj itself, at the Q & S., at Llnzey If any persons Is unable to leave such articles they will be called. for by phoning any members of, the committee, These toys will be repaired and made as good as new by the Scouts under capable direction and. will finally make their way Into the homes of children for whom Christmas would otherwise mean, one more day of cheerlessness, The co-oDeratlon of the com munlty ls,belng asked to make ;the( Scout's tenth annual -Toy Shop the most successful In the history pf the movement In this city. ember 24. Only .minor prankswere Induced emoer j Hallowe'en last night a1- mtv Tennis Association annual .... Hrketv fences and Shsrtcy 'dance, Oddfellow's Hall, Novembpr,sldewalks were knocked down or 25. United Bazaar December ,1. S.O.N. Play December 2 and 3. Halloween Her Is Withm Bounds Pranks Vere ,Only. Minor and No Serious Damage In uoi, uamp Evening lifted Jn a few cases. iaen i the whole, fun was of a reasbnuoln tnnnrent character, Children usual, setting off fire- Fcrackers: and soliciting .apples. A rZT mn evening undoubtedly cool cool I Carnival and Dance, MeliaKawu',";"ulte ft few Indoors, pecember 5. i Phone ,112 Taxi; jiew heated cm d. Quest ,of ciaxton sailed this thejafterrwop ,pn the .Catala ;for a trip to Vancouver. The fire department had a Hal loween .false.jilarm call ,at ;12;30 midplght .last ,nb?ht;to Seal Cove. Tom ;Dhl jleft-.ph last .evening's Sam Gflldbloprri; vwho .was .call.ee' here, a .week ago pn.account pf ,thf lllnessujof .his. ..brother, William Qoldbloom Whose condition is now much Improved, sailed by the . Ca tala this afternoon ,pn ,hls return to Vancouver. Mrs. . Helen Nuclch of Alice Arm arrived In the ,city pn the Catala this morning from the Jiorth and will sail Thursday ,pn the Princess Norah for ,WhJtehorse where she will spend the winter with s daughter. FAMILY REUNION Twenty-seven Scherks Foregather Here Have Lived in Prince Rupert Twenty-nine Years An Interesting family reunion took place on Saturday night at ! the .home of Mr. and Mrs. -Russell Scherk, Graham, when twenty-six members of thlsp well knowr) pioneer family gathered to celebrate the birthday of three of hem Raymond Scherk. Mrs Beesley and Vernon Scherk. All sat down to supper, with Daniel Scherk, head of the family, offer ing prayer, reading scripture and Speaking briefly. During the eve ning there were various amuse ments. Daniel Scherk, head of the fam ily here, Is pf .United Empire .Loyalist stock from Ontario and has Uvedherel since -August 4; 1910. His lirotnh4 John Scherk, came here at that time also but moved away some years ago and now lives in Vancouver. Family members .present at the reunion were: Mr. and Mrs. p. Scherk, Mr and Mrs Russell Scherk, Ruth Scherk, Stanley Scherk, .Norman Scherk, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scherk, Joyce Scherk, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Scherk; Donald herk, Sydney Scherk, Rex Scherk, Vernon Scherk, Mr. and .tyrs. William Beesley, Pat .Beeley, .Ruddy. JJees-ley .Miss Rpth .Scherk, .Mf.J.and Mrs. Charles Batt, June Batt, Lc- oria Batt and Mrs. Bertha Scherk, ' " I . i I 1 - J . - rHl-ti uuier.Kuesis mcjuutu wr aim Mrs. Joii 390' Wedded Monday In Bellingham Mrs..Ernest Large .Becomes Bride of iCapt. AUred Jacobsen The marriage took place In Bel lingham iesterday .of Capt. Alfred Jacobsen, well known local halibut boat .owner, and ,Mrs. Ernest J, Large, also ,of this cltyv Capt. and Mrs. Jacobsen will reside .In Prince Rupert. Hotel Arrivals .Central iCharlle ,AndersonvDlgby; Chester Palmer, Eorcher Jsland. Knox ;Mr. and Mrs. Aljalre, Port.Esslng- ton:.R.!Ekren, city. Prince Rupert JD..,L. .Quest, .Claxtbn; F, W. Wa termah, Seattle; M. McArdle, Van- cou.v.er. Savoy A. J. Hipp, Port Edward; L. L Larsen and J. Yule, Port Edward. Baby Clinic More Active Increasing Interest Being Shown by Mothers Twelve Children Presented Last Week .Increasing Interest Is being taken jy mothers jn the baby clinics now ije,ng hejd here by Miss ,E,D. Priest ley ,R,N., local public health nurse.j train :for trip ,to .Edmonton, ,Ca Kuse years. problems were discussed j gary .and "Winnipeg. Wanted glrjito assist .mother with three children for three months Write :H.tOtrbm.,SUwart, .B.C. Miss .Helen -Hampton returned tc the cjty.on the.CataJa thls.mornlnp after spending .the past week ai Stewart. a. .c. iSmall, local .manager , of the SwlftCaadn Coreturned to the clty,ontthe,Catala today:.after rnak lng the round trip v& Stewart ano Anyox on business. Last week twelve babies were presented at King Edward School ranging In age from one month to by the mothers with Miss Priestley who gave advice. The next clinic will be this afternoon at Borden Jtree School. FIGURES ON PACK Skeena River Put Up Total of 3C2,- COG Cases of Salmon Opt p' Coast Aggregate of 1,589,-308 Cases The .British Columbia salmon pack fpr the 1938 season, according; to a tirellmlnary statement issued 'ay the Dominion Fisheries depart- ,nent, is 1 89,306 cases as comparea; with 1,443,820 cases in 1937, 1,780,- 981 cases In 1936, 1.433,575 cases In '935, 1,419,687 cases In 1934 and 1,-t90,390 cases In 1933. The Skeena River pack this year was 362,606 cases n comparison with 198,760 cases In 1937. 369,353 lases in 1936, 240,062 cases In 1935, 279.616 cases In 1934 and 179,812 ases In 1933. The 1938 pack on the Naas River was 53576 cases, as against 24,107 'ases In 1937, 102,107 cases in 1936, 18,442 cases In 1935, 71,565 cases In 1934 and 57.109 cases In 1933. The Queen Charlotte Island pack for 1938 Is placed at 124,649 cases :pmpared with 120,569 cases In 1936 ind 99,954 cases In 1934. The Skeena River pack this sea son of 362,606 cases consists of 72,- ur rases sockeye. 4,534 cases sDrlnes. 11 cases steemeaas, iuo,' 343 casesxohoe. 146,777 cases pmss ,nd 33593 cases chums. The Naas River pacit,in ismo .m -lurioH lirnfi rases sockeye. 215 iases springs, 160 cases steelheads, 1744 cases cohoes. 28,706 cases jinks and 6,445 cases chums. The Queen Charlotte Islands e nn nack this year consisted oi ?o cases sockeye, .63 cases springs, 14,- 105 cases cohoe, 67,688 cases pinxs ind 42,204 cases chums. Customs Revenue For Last Month i Collections Continue bomewnai Lower This Year Than ihey Were Here In 1937 Customs and excise revenue at the port of Prince Rupert for the month of October this year total led $10,133.45 as compared wun $11,318.94 In the same month last vear. The revenue for this calen-t dar year to date has been $154,-4S220 In comparison with $162, 839.42 during the first ten months pf! 1937. $ ' If .r3T n -mm For the Best Permanent You Ever Had The superior quality permanent waves pert quality of all our hair service . . . will make an instant appeal to the particular lady. 5 i Ponds KOTEX 12'S 2 for 45c 99c i i m jmu mi yui 5 Every cup a delight SALAM TEA 0 Beauty Box Containing Pond's Vanishing Cream H0c 1 Pond's Cold Cream 30c 1 .Pond's Face Powder 00c Sample Bottle panya Lotion SPECIAL All for 15c z 33C 23c Mf-'S 23c OrmesLtd. Pioneer Druqcfists The iteull Store Phones: 81 ft D Open Dally From i a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z Jn, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SLU.MBEK KING ?1ATTKESS There Is no better SLUMBER KING SPRING All sizes 30 SIMMONS FELT MATTKESSES All sizes, each Phone 775 of OUT ?l RAILWAY . . . the ex- U! lines She ,will appreciate our soft, S inc4rmi waves and the "nat- ural looking ringlets. ..Experts will advise which type of wave is best suited to your Individual needs. MI-LADY Rooutv Parlnr 5 Lillian Davies 305 3rd Ave. C 1 1 on I 5 1 ",L JW FOR $27.50 $14.25 $8.00 327 THIRD AVENUE MORE HEAT Less Money Help Support the Region that Helps Support You. Think This Over, Then BUY BULKLEY VALLEY COAL a Canadian Pacific Transcontinental " Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Pqrts Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS. "PRINCESS LOUISE" SS. "PRINCESS NORAH" Oct. 28th Nov. 7th, 17th, 28th QOJ Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tick VJO ets.on Sale Nov. 1st, 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. -mm i m nan " !.'.