oa a THR DAILY NEWS. 4MUBL HARRISON NOTARY PUBLIC) 5 Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED V. F. G. GAMBLE and - Stewart Prince Rupert - ce ie ee eee eee rere —~ ee ee re ret ee el Ft rt He ro es ~~ @ ® / LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise - - Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. { { x ded eh rr ede seme s BE ae + oo ee es edhe eher x ss OLN hPL “FROM HOME TO HOME." HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Excellent Cafe. Moderate Prices, 1142 Pender Street West - - Vancouver, B.C. Phone 8500. SLED LOA OAD GD POG LD PALL EAAD LAA BPDOr—wnr—"" VA 4 $ $ When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the 2 ~——__—___—_—. 3 > 4 CARLTON HOTEL } 3 I st Cafe in B.C. European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. >| Hot and Cold Water in each room. $ 4 CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE_ STREETS $ Vancouver, B.C. $ $ tad COMPANY PHONE No. 3 KAIEN HARDWARE THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 Sheet and Plate Glass Plate Glass Mirrors Stoves, Ranges Tinware Graniteware Builders’ Supplies nbers’ Supplies ne HARDWARE Var snes Be GLLs Prince Ayala Rupert Sails Every Friday at 8 a.m. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATILE 8.8. PRINCE JOHN Every Wednesday at 1 p. m. for Stewart. Also maintains weekly service to Queen Charlotte points. For particulars Phone 260 Train Service to Van Arsdol ~ Mixed trains leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. For all points East of Chicago travel via oner? = Island the Grand Trunk Railway System for safety, speed and comfort. For full information, reservations and tickets to all points apply to A. E. MCMASTER GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RY. CO. Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines CANADIAN aia LE e Tha Are You Going East or to the Old Country? We save you all trouble. We like to answer questions. J. G. M’NAB, General Agent. —o—0-#0-—-9 — © -0-4-4-0-0 RED. STORK —General Hardware— ou I t Builders’ Valves & Pipes Hardware Oxford Stoves [ Graniteware Tinware { secon - AVENUE —-¢-@-# — ¢ -¢-¢ 6 -0-o- Fiat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street. Also stores in same block. Ninth Street. FOR SALE Lots in all parts of the city. FIRE INSURANCE We represent some of the largest Com- panies doing business in the City. C. D. RAND Second Ave. Phone 112 ‘* Stay Satisfactory MONARCH MALLEABLE me Range.’’ . | AAAAAARAS PARADA “2 YOUR FOOD WILL BE WELL COOKED ON A— 7 Q ™ Crown Favorite Cooking Stove 3 Price from $45 to $58, Other Stoves from $16. 2) ne ras gos het a te a Sd re WE HAVE ALL YOU NEED IN BUILDERS’ HARDWARE 3 $ q THOMPSON HARDWARE CO’Y } Second Avenue Telephone 10 ¢ an manana} H === SS ==" E IDEAL FURNISHING Ii BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE Corliss Coon Collars Harry Smith - - 3rd & 7th BEIRNES & MULVANY Skeena Mail and Express eave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- fer Co., 807 Third Ave., and insure prompt forwarding. All accounts and correspondence addressed to BEIRNES & MULVANY — Huston 8c will receive immediate attention P.0. Box 806 . DIVIDEND Would Make : 0 PER CENT. You Run, Wouldn’t It? ca fe anaes SRPCEIADS 10.908, Fo0d returns from, your gun as it is from NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an applica- tion will be mrade to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of British Columbia at its next session for an act amending Section 3 of the British Columbia & Alaska Railway Act, 1910 (Ch. 56, Statutes of British Columbia, 1910), by striking out |} all the words after the word ‘Columbia’”’ in Line 10 of Said Section and substituting therefor the following And or from Fort George in a north- easterly direction to the valley of the Parsnip River by way of Fort McLeod, thence along the Parsnip River to a junc-/| |} tion with the Peace River, thence along |} the valley of the Finlay River through Sifton Pass, thence down the Stikene River to a junction with the main line at Telegraph Creek; also powers to build branch lines either through the Pine River or Peace River passes to the eastern boun- dary of British Columbia, or by way of the most feasible route, or In the alterna- tive by the most feasible route between Lytton and Teslin Lake, also to build from a point on said line of railway to the City of Vancouver or from the City of Van- couver to @ point on said line, by the most feasible route.’ And further, for an act extending the time within which the company has to commence construction and expend ten per cent of its capitalization. Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day of December, 1911. ROBERTSON & HEISTERMAN, Solicitors for the Applicants, the British Columbia & Alaska Rallway Company, Prince Rupert Land District—District of Coast, Take notice that I, Lemuel Freer, of Vancouver, B, C,, occupation broker, in- tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at @ post planted on the shore in a@ northerly direction from Port Nelson Cannery, marked L, F.’s S.E. corner, commencement, containing 40 acres, more or less. LEMUEL FREER, Dated Dec, 7, 1911, Pub, Jan. 5, 1911, skeena Land District—District of Coast Ranged. lake notice that Il, CAROLINE JOHNSON, Commencing at a@ post planted at the southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 60 chatns to the southeast corner of Lot 8062, thence west 40 chains along south line of Lot 3062, thence north 20 chains along west line of Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along south line of Lot 4065 to point of commencement, contain ing 560 acres, more or less, CAROLINE JOHNSON, Rh. Carr, Agent, 23, 18, 19 Dated Dee, 1911, Pub, Jan, 12, SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION AGT, and THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LUDGER ROY, DECEASED, INTESTATE, TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Honor, Judge Young, made the 28rd day of November, 1911, 1 was appointed Ad IN THE IN yo other gun in the world can equal the Greener for regularity and close pattern, combined with striking force r ‘he Greener was the first perfected choke bore and the system of boring. Which it won the Great London fleld gun trials of 1875, ete,, Is stil the “ay, and, in fact, the only one guaranteeing @ pattern of 80 per Sens charge ina 30-inch cirele at 40 yards, This means hard hitting as wen, but one of the many features covered by the Greener Guarant , It E I's worth thinking and aeting upon, Send for catalog, mailed free be sure to interest you, W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL ministrator of the estate of .Ludger Roy, Deceased, Intestate, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to forward the same to me at Prince Rupert, B, C., properly verified, on or before the 12th day of March, A, D, 1012; and all parties indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of forthwith, their indebtedness to me Dated this 5th day of January, A. D, 1912 THOMAS A, ROY, Administrator, Feb, 3. Prince Rupert, B, C, +o + — «-@-«@ Two cottages correr Second Avenue and | of Vancouver, B,. C,, occupation married woman, intend to apply fer permission to | purchase the following described lands; | DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO This is a little section of the paper are invited to contribute estions and criticisms are invited by the fe Corner” will find a social Neale ; WHY TEETH DECAY If You Know This It Will Help You to Avoid the Dentist. In the fight against any disease the battle is half won when we know the germ that produces the and how it does it. If parents knew just what caries or decay of the teeth none of them would neglect taking pre- cautions to prevent it in the mouths of their children as well as in their own. Caries is produced by certain bacteria or germs in the mouth. If there is an unclean spot on a jtooth these bacteria are able to |stick there. Once on the tooth |they become covered by a gela- }tinous or mucoid covering, the bacteria and their covering be- ling called a “plague.” Under the |protection of this covering they jaef on earbohydrate foods, such as starch and sugar, and produce an acid. This acid produced right against the tooth at this point forms a small cavity. Every cavity begins in this way. The idea that some teeth are |“‘soft’’ and so doomed to decay is not correct. Neither is it the acid in the saliva that produces decay. \If it were strong enough to do Iso what would it do to the cheeks tongue? No tooth, whatever structure, will decay if kept absolutely clean, If persons have more cavities than others it is only be- there is something in the| form of the teeth or the nature of the saliva that tends un- cleanliness of the tooth surface. Ir addition, the acid which jproduces decay is formed from} and sugar, an excess of} foods in the diet may be disease is, }and its some Case | to as starch these the cause. | Cleaning Silver. Never put a particle of soap on | Pe ee ee { = THE COSY CORNER = | THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN mt tt mt te me mr Ee ee which from day to day will be devoted to subjects of special interest to women, Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert to its columns and to take part in its discussions, Sug editor. The hope is expressed that “The MILLION MERGER Great Gas Combination Formed in the East. A $3,000,000 merger of oil and gas companies operating in the counties of Kent, Essex and Lambton, has been effected, The merger will be known as_ the Union Natural Gas Company of Canada, Limited, and a charter has already been granted by the Provineial Secretary. The new Company will take over the busi- and franchises of three smaller companies—the Volcanic Oil & Gas Company, Limited; the United Fuel Supply Company, Limited, and the Ridgetown Fuel Supply Company, Limited. THREE ness To Remove Grease. Grease spots may be taken out of anything by mixing benzine, alcohol and ether in equal parts. Apply with a sponge (patting the spot), put a piece of blotting paper on each side and iron with a very hot iron; this causes the grease to be absorbed by the blot- ting paper. To Prevent Colors from Fading. Dissoive one ounce of sugar of lead in one bucket of water. Put the dress in the water and let it stay there abo tuan hour; then wring it out and let it dry before washing, ~For black muslins, if you want them starched, make the starch with coffee water; this prevents any whitish appearance. To Prevent Muslins from Fading. Put three gills of common salt into four quarts of water and put the dresses in while the water is hot and leave them there till cool. This will in most cases stay the colors, To Remove Fruit Stains. Take chloride of lime and rub on the spot, wash out with clear }your silver, if you want it to re- jtain its natural lustre. When it j}wants polish, take a piece of soft jleather and whiting, and rub hard, A silver merchant once told me| that 1t ruims silver to put it in! }soap suds, as it makes it look like pewter, water as soon as the stains dis- appear to prevent the lime from eating the fabrie. For grass stains rub fresh lard on the spots before washing, and let them lie for a short time in order to allow the lard to penetrate the cloth. re" 2 Our Vancouver Jewellery | Stor BI nee SER cate In ¢ PRCPROPROTROPROBROSROsReFROF LOS SOS SOO TOP OOS SOO OSS OOO OEOOOO OOO OS: I ryin mod but that SA we ouwebd bd ous eld hed sed ebr cts oureld ewe a Limited— Jewellers and Silversmiths Geo. E. Trorey Managing Director Vancouver -:- '? e523: ows seavessess gen 2% pure B.C. se2 ‘Re | {HEED IE EI EOI a : of our Ottawa er, more satisfying service. illustrated eZ reads it, : =— ers guide ‘to quality goods and 4 . moderate prices. It puts you in 3 Henry Birks & Sons touch with the importer and manufacturer, select through it from our stock, thus insuring satisfaction in your &@ OESIEDRED EEN ERED RERENEN REN ESENSENHEN 1 through its MAIL ORDER VICE—a system organized to r to every populated district lanada, This the sister great eastern stores, car- g the same goods at the same erate prices at the Montreal, and Winnipeg branches, giving the westerner a quick- Our Catalogue is a book interest everyone who It is the Canadian buy- oH Us ouwetd Clr eUd be ews elder weld ews ober ergo": Is will ase stessessececccesseate stestesce es ea Study this book, ‘hase, JOHNSON AND FLYNN SIGN UP FOR BOUT FOR CHAMPIONSHIP | ee ; Chicago, Jan, 19—Jack 10RD) the “white hope,” tonight signed | articles for a finish fight. The} bout is to take place on or about Monday, July 22, within two jhours’ railroad ride from Salt Lake City, Utah, in Nevada, Johnson is to get $20,000, $1,000 training expenses and one-third of the receipts of the motion pictures, Besides the pictures of the tight Johnson will also receive the lion’s share of |the “training camp” pictures, for iwhich Chicago promoters have al- jready made a bid, The total net receipts to the champion, he ex- }pects, will be more than $100,000, |The fight is for the world’s cham- |pionship. Five-ounce gloyes are to be used and soft bandages al- lowed. A referee is to be mutu- lally agreed upon, Johnson has lexpressed a preference for “Jack” Welch of San Francisco, but is lwilling to accept any “good man,” Both men prefer a westerner, The battle will be under straight Marquis of Queensbury rules. |'Tim Sullivan of New > York was jagreed upon as stakeholder and forfeits of $20,000 are to be in his hands on February 16, Of this sum Jack Curley, the Chicago , » 20 chains y nce 2 s $ - thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains | on, world’s champion fighter,| promoter, who brought the men thence east along the shore to point of and Jim Flynn of Pueblo, Colo.,|together, is to put up $10,000 and the fighters $5,000 each. Should any of the parties for- feit his deposit by default, the money wil! be divided between the jtwo others, Johnson is to ap- }pear in Salt Lake City ene month before the fight and is to train at “The Lagoon,” a mountain re- treat near that city. Curley se- jlected the quarters and Johnson consented after being told that a good track for automobile speed- ing is handy, Johnson agreed not to engage lin motor racing before the fight. He also agreed, with Flynn, that neither should agree to engage} jin any contest after May 1, 1912, | without the written consent of} Curley and the other fighter, The articles provide that the mateh | shall be held during the month | of July, 1912, the exact date to | }be decided later, and Johnson to be so notified before May 1. Curley selected July 22 the | tentative date, subject to change, | but expressed the opinion that it} would stand, He figured that the | Elks’ convention will be held in| Portland, Ore., July 15, and many of them could make it conveni-| as G. VUKOVICH, to be ent in Nevada on the date chosen. «Besides, Mormon Day will be held in Salt Lake City July 24, and that occasion will draw many thousands of visitors. The champion then suggested his birthday, March 30, as a suitable date. This, he said, would get the match out of the way so he could arrange to box Sam MeVey in Paris in June. This mateh will be for twenty rounds, in the Motordrome, probably during June. Johnson said all arrange- ments have been made for this fight. The Paris bout may be postponed if it interferes with the one in the United States. Before negotiations began Johnson made a speech to the newspapermen, saying he was hurt at hints that the fight might nol be on the square and said he would declare it off if such a W L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. C. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewan and Al- berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT | BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc, - Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 suspicion existed. He added that he had fought hard for his honors and did not intend to lose them by entering into agreements for fake bouts. He added signifi- cantly that two years ago he had a chance to “make a big clean- up,’ but that he is in the game “on, the square’ and not for money alone. Flynn had very little so say. He joked with John- son about “taking up the whole page for his signature,” and then the two big fighters showed each other their diaraonds and jewelry. The best feeling was manifested by both. too MORE CASH FOR CHURCH Only One-Third of the People Help Missions. Two-thirds of the church members of Canada, it is stated, are not now regular contributors to missions, and it is the aim of 618 8rd Avenue WM. 8S. HALL, L.D.8., D.D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices: Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. 1i-12 Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.E. Williams,B.A., L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.( P.20. BOX 28 JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A. PRINCE RUPERT M., 1.0N., ENG GEORGE LEEK & CO. MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances Phone 208 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT the Canadian Council of the Lay- men's Missionary Movement to endeavor, as their main object for the immediate future, to get these persons into the ranks of regu- lar contributors, Rey. Dr. R. P. MacKay, general A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts secretary of Presbyterian For- eign Missions and moderator. of the general assembly, was chosen chairman of the committee of policy to plan the work for the future of the movement. THURSDAY'S EXPLOSION City Engineer Davis and Mayor Newton to Go Into the Matter. Report Ready for the Colonel from His Staff. Regarding the dynamite explo- sion which resulted in damage to plate glass and minor injuries to passersby on Sixth street, the City Engineer had an interview with the Mayor. A report on the circumstances of the explosion was ready for Col. Davis when he returned from Woodworth. | It is evident that the accident was due to the irregularity in strength of rock to resist a shot, which caused a charge similar to to the one successfully shot previously in the same place to blow out. New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, The New Knox Hotel is run on the European plan, First-class service, All the Latest Modern Improvements. stele BEDS 50c UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER1 PROPRIETORS Twelve Tables THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards SECOND AVE. Cor. First Ave. and 7th Street Hotel Central European and American plan, steam heated, modern conveniences, Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 3 Peter Black - Proprietor ==E, EBY @& Co.== REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - R. C. Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning Prepare for winter by getting your fnr- naces and flues put in order by C. H. CUTTING Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or PHONE 71 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 PHONE 801 P.O. BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE ED HEMES HI Clean, bright and wholesome, low in water and carbohydrates, but con- taining nearly double the amount of fat and protein, pound for pound, than the ordinary feedstuffs in local use. It Meets all the Requirements of a Profitable Dairy Feed and compared in price with what is asked for other feedstuffs is triple protein value for your money, 8 superiority lies in the fact that feed- ing it increases both the total dl- gestible matter and the amount of fat and protein in the dally ration AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 50 PER CENT ON FEED. You shovld not be without it, Malted grains, fresh and sweet from the brew kettle dried in a continu- ous vacuum process by THE ROYAL STOCK FOOD Co, oducts SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS VANCOUVER, B. Cc. B e, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 ..Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor, LINDSAY'S “storace ™ G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, OFFICE—H., B, Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave, Phone 174 Workshop 2ad Ave, bet. 7th and 8th Sts Servian Labor Benefit Society No. 195, S.S.S.S. Meetings held every Ist and 8rd Sunday of the month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall T., MAZLUM, P.O, Box 991 President Secretary Savoy Hotel RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT a ri h ae : o 0 ci