- tmr . i ! fcWlC TWO THE DAILY XEW3 l4 Wednesday N( Shoes Of Distinction STYLED BY PERTH Receive The Utmost In COMFORT, VALUE and WEAR by Purchasing These Delightful Shoes In All the Modern Styles And Shades p Sold By- V r AMILY SHOE STORE LTli. DAILY EDITION The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can jet It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Wellington coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 Wednesday. November 2, 1938. Some people do not know when they are beaten. Dr, States Congress will favor the Townsend pension plan.) GROWING PEACE MOVEMENT . While we agree with those who urge that the best way to insure peace is to be prepared for war, it is plain to everyone that there is a tremendous world movement toward international peace. Everywhere, peace is desired, even in Germany and Italy, although the desire is not always vocal. And it is curious to note that the most warlike nation has been the most active in oronoeanda looking to ward peace. Russia has the larppst rlpfpnrp fW in tho.M a NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone HED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 1IILLMAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Serviee 1 1 l Tirn ruTTinrT rrv Jl BOWLING TO PILOT All Fixtures Decided Last Night By Gently No Good Excuse For Two Game To One Margins Ship Ilavinj Been Delayed side of Prince Rupert Recently All scheduled fixtures in the Under existing arrangements fo: jLadies Bowling League last night pilotage service on this coast, were decided by two game to one Prince Rupert is entitled to have margins. Rex won over Knox Hotel a pilot permanently stationed here, ; Merchantettes defeated Annette's, the Junior Section of the Prince I Blue Birds were victorious over Rupert Chamber of Commerce was 'Rangers and Big Sisters took the advised at its meeting last night measure of Maple Leafs. High av- by J. C. Oilker who had been ap-Jerage scorer was Frances Yager cf pointed chairman of a committee Rangers with 192. ; Merchantettes 1 j Halliday .'..121 iMadill 156 ;HouIden ..102 jCiccone 141 ;Obuchlna 148 Handicap 136 Totals .'.831 Annettes 1 Basso Bert 141 Johnson 151 Skaitebol 177 Owen 101 P. Dickens - - 137 Handicap 18 Totals .25 Rex 1 Ethel Bury .156 Eileen Bury 215 Amy Bury 173 West 174 iMorrisson .156 Handicap 116 Totals 990 Knox Hotel 1 Eastman 186 Scharff 121 Fritz 130 Mrs. Schaffer 114 Townsend vnsend predicts predicts that that maioritv ifiL " "" " a a majority in in the the next United !!2 Totals 871 Bi? Sisters 1 B. Dickens 172 E. Dickens 127 Rothwell 140 Bond : 150 Alexander 134 Handicap ... 88 Totals. ...811 Maple Leafs 1 Nelson 153 McLeod 130 H. Glass 113 141 world yet the organizations fostered by that country such 1 Belle "3 as me reace ana Democracy" organization have been 1 - most active in persuading the j-oung unattached men that! it is not right to fight for a capitalist country. As all! countries wnn tiie possible exception of Russia are capitalist countries, it is easy to see how this works out. The veterans of the Great War in all countries are also strong peace advocates for thev know what war means. Peace is advocated in most of the universities of f Handicao 178 38 mc nuiiu, inuuumg u.uuiu. jverywnere tnis aesire for peace is becoming more and more in evidence. Even in Japan, a seemingly warlike nation, there is a strong peace faction, although today its voice is drowned bv the ruling faction.' Prince Rupert is not as badly off as some places. Ketchikan, for instance, there is sometimes a week more between mails in the winter season. EDUCATION EFFECTIVE Of course, education is having a great effect in the direction of peace. People in the backward nations are today learning to read and write and radios are carrying the messages to millions, many of whom cannot read a newspaper. It is a tremendous movement. When the men who fought in the last war deride the idea that they took part in a war to end war, they do not always realize the truth of that slogan. It was a war to end war although" it was wrongly interpreted as being a war to end war immediately. The movement had to have time to penetrate to all portions of the globe. The British gov ernment misinterpreted it and stopped arming, hoping tnat otners would toiiow. No matter whether there is another great war or not, the movement for peace is going on and spreading rapidly. All that is necessaiy to complete it is the circulation of a few million more :i:-.vspapers, the sale of a few million more radios, the slaving of a few million more women and children by the warlike nations, to bring about that millennium for which the churches have been praying. There are a million more men working today than there were last summer. Perhaps the Washington estimate is based on the fact that nearly a million tired businessmen were taking holiday during the summer. Totals Bluebirds. Pierce Turgeon Boulter . Croxford - i 206 153 - 141 133 819 1 ..221 .194 141 .119 Keron 167 InHartwig Qr, Handicap 28 juiais 870 2 115 136 158 144 97 136 "86 2 119 138 '242 112 186 18 815 2 133 140 160 149 157 116 855 2 123 113 107 150 176 130 799 2 131 110 164 153 119 88 765 2 125 179 96 70 179 320 769 2 137 193 195 123 139 38 825 2 189 211 152 186 179 33 950 Try a Dally News classified vertlsement for best results. FOR 88 794 3 122 165 mi 119 881 3 156 97 148 143 130 28 702 ad- to investigate the cause of 3 Scandinavian vessel, tne uuver uj-158 sen. having been recently delayed 106 four days outside of this port 161 awalUng a pilot to take her to 129 Ocean Falls. 138 The Senior Chamber of Com- 136 merce had also taken tne matter li Quebec Town Had 4Ut 1 159 120: 789 Z 157 179 242 112 142 48! Party For Kids ... STANSTEAD. Quebec. Nov. 2:1 CP There were no Hallowe'en depredations In this Quebec town Ihf Mattrr of thr Ejit of IWIr, I-Yakd, Intestalr Uoiixu ur ELEVATOR Junior Chamber of Commerce To Co-operate With Senior With View to Getting Wheat This Way Brought up by F. A. MacCallum president of th Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, the local tlevator situation was discussed at 1 ast night's meeting of the Junioi Chamber of Commerce and It was decided to appoint a committee consisting of Fred Wight. Robert Parker and Victor Miller to work i with the grain committee of the 3-E up. said Mr. Gilker. and had been J telegram to the authorl- 3 advised' by the Department ofi"es at Ottawa on the subject and. in Transr-nrt Twntmrt that that an an invMtintinn investigation I l'f 1 80 somethinp was not heard today '!t was Planned to send another 154 wa being made and a report is? xould be forthcoming in dut 164 course. 689 3 General Synopsis Pressure re IgQ mains low northwest of the Queeu 175 Charlotte Islands and showers llf have occurred In northern districts. ! HO Meanwhile, said Mr. Gilker, U, 13 was undoubtedly detrimental toi -52 Prince Rupert that a vessel should 3 be held up because of the absence . 134 of a pilot who should be stationed" 98 at the X)rt , 153 : ic2 Weather Forecast lie 94 cc!der-weather-iri-eT36Tted over the interior. g9 13Q Prince Rupert and Queen Char- , -8j lotte Islands Fresh to strong , 'southeast winds, cloudy and cooler 1 ' MlUMCta. 208 154 West Coast of Vancouver Island 144 Moderate to fresh southeast to g8 west winds, partly cloudy and coo3er a ew scatered showers. 102 It QASSHEU FOK SALE FOR SALE 7-room house all newly remodelled, fully modern. 742 7th Ave. W. Price $1050, part cash, balance as rent. Duhamel. Capitol Barber Shop. (258) FOR SALE Recently built bungalow and two lots. Will sell cheap. Write or call Phil Brentzen, Port Simpson, B.C. 257 FOR SALE Model 'A' Ford. First j class shape. New tires. $150. Ap-1 ply Thrift Cash & Carry. 260 PERSONAL i WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS' TO OBTAIN positions as Le ter Carriers. Postal Clerks. Cu toms Examiner. Clerks. cn Monday night as all children MEN OF 30 were guests of th; municipality at parties and moving pictures. IX TIIK M I'IIEME C Ol UT Ol" UltlTKII COLt'MHI A IN I'KOIUTK In I Mr Mallrr of thf "AdmlnMratlnn Art" In And 1m ONLY $5 DOWN YOU CAN BUY ANEW 1939 Come in and learn about such features as MJrro-phonic Tone Chamber, Symphonic Bass Control, "Stop and Co" Tuning, Magna J)ial . and i , host of others. Let Your Ears Convince You NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED seemed incongruous mat;., ralrj Can driven bi jm I should be moving at greater cost ' er 'and Pim niJi Wtl via Fort William and Churchill .Usloa about 2 wnne none came 10 rnnce nuperi cn -Third bvw vjjui ntuisuu, an, r. 101 C.N.R. offices sseena, ana J. u. lurgeon, m. , V, for Cariboo, were working hard (o have grain routed Into Prince Rupert. '' Mr. MacCallum said. Baby Clipper To Fly Again Into Alaska . I'm and; aienograpners, etc., and canij help you. Write us for proof'.; and free information. M.C.C.i; Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldeat'J In Canada. If. 40. 50! WANT VIM Vigor, for rundown body? Trv OSTREX Tablets of raw oyster , J stimulants and general body!I" buUders. If not delighted within results of first package, maker's refunds its low price. Sold by all gocd druggists. tf f WANTED TAKE NOTICE that bj oKler of hll Hcoor. w e. rtrtoa. u 28th dT of Wanted-girl to assUl mother with acx191 children three months. Eerie, deceased. nd all parties hirtn Write H. OLstrom Stewart. B. C. tiaiam against, ithe raid ettt are here- .'. .. . oj required to rurnlsh seme. proper!j vertfifld, to me on cr btSore the 1st nay ci Deoem&er, A. D. 1938. and all pert Its Indebted to the eylAte are rr-quired to fey the amount cX their In-dttxtrtne- to me fonhrrtth. NORMAN A. WATT. OffldaJ AdmlnKtratcr. Prtnce Rupert. B.C. Onttd the 31t day of Octctoer. AD 1938 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Roval Bank Bide SEATTLE, Nov. 1 Baby Clipper commercial plane service Is expected to be resumed either In Novem-, ber or December .between Seattle Senior Chamber in efforts to bring I and -outhM.t-rn Alft.ka t. about grain handling activity at, pIane has returned to &zWt the local plant as soon as PosslWe aUer h ta East for repairs. Mr. MacCallum stated that tb ' Senior Chamber had already sent. Ave:., done to both t Try. Daily Ne, mm LH'J.hHIIM f FOR WALL AND CEILING DEC0RA1 MURESCO pUtS ; Walls and. Ceilings A RICH FIAT FINISH thtt wit not rub off, crtck.chip orfl Amir i 18 Vntt nd WMe Beautiful Economical DuraH 10c per Half Package 'r 75c per Package GORDON'S HARDWARE McimiDE STREET Av.v.vwv.r.wuw.Vd.v.v..v.v.,l m Phone Youi COAL ORDER TODAY The best coal h the cheapest. We handle the best. We hi Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Footbl and Bulkley Valley Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd.! Telephone 631 br 652 .V.,.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV"WWAW.".V.V.V.V. UNION STEAMSHIP! SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION KATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT nETl'RN. M1 gg QQ Fltmi PORT CIMPcnv tnt mmm nrrl'llV Beftlll mmw 5ay.a indaw1 Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate p Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1938 an 28th, 1939, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, w Children Half Fare Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouvei S.S. CATALA Tuesday, l:SQ p.m. Thursday, ' CC t! J- in.nri MnnrtJT IP Tickets arid Rescryations from Prince Rupert Atent A. W, NEWJIAN Third Ave, Phone If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at OfH December Frozen li HERRING BAH Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince; Rupert, B.C.