TAQT FOUR PHONES 18 and 81 1 pkg. CORN FLAKES for lc when you buy 2 pkgs. KEL-LOGO'S ALL -WHEAT at regular price. 26 C STAR OP ITALY OLIVE OIL Gal. HANSLICK The hand cleaner. Tin SHAKER SALT Iodized or plain. 2 for ' S2.35 wonder 25c 15c FRY'S BAKING CHOCOLATE For all your bak- IQn ing. ii-lb. pkg. CASCO POTATO "f 9p FLOUR 1-lb. pkg. Fails and will sail at 4 pjn Anyox and Stewart whence foil she! will return here tomorrow evening southbound. , On her regular fortnightly voyage from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, C. N. R. steamer : Prince John, Capt. Nell McLear. OYSTERS Silver Crest. Per tin r. o. box 575 Miissallem's Economy Store 'Vhere Dollars Have More Cents" GIANT PALMOLIVE SOAP The new improved soap saves you lO1- at 9r iO, 3 cakes LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS and FANCY FREE DESSERTS Assorted. GOLDEN DATES 2-lb. pkg. 17c 19c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES 2 large pkgs. and 1 Q00 sample pkg. All for EUREKA BLEACH HOUSEHOLD AMONIA 2 bots. ... and 19c Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Tom Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive frompt and Careful Attention is due In port tomorrow. The vessel left Skidegate Inlet at 9:30 this .morning for Massett. T Y llll I Ivlw Miking her first voyage of the From The Waterfront fef n on Alaska route, way with freight for the Yukon, MODERNIZE EDUCATION (Continued From Page One) 1923, $21.85 in 1934 and $26.10 In sen ""W"! In the low state 1937. Thus it was to be seen thail" cuuca wua. education costs were sUU a good Under ww Philosophy of ed- wey below pre-depression figures. ucatKn- teacnln methods were aii r- i i ' revised and nve a was $30.50. The educational debt ln Canada was $45 per adult whereas the total per capita debt of Canada was $300 KnrKn aLCiimcr riinrpss ni ran i v-uuvaiiuii wiiiuii lii ' J , Capt. uapi. S. a. K. rv. Gray, uray, is is due aue in m port port at at proceeded yutecueu to u discuss cuscuss. mrci" I . . m. . i . SOMETHING DIFFERENT FOR DINNER "WRITE FOR BOOKLET CtARTMENT OF FISHEWES, OTTAWA. Fleas seai me your free Dooldet, "100 Tempting fish Redpet", tfmi 1 1 5 (Plcsse print Ictten plainly) AHrist I ! FisI chowder Wm mmk MsfffM 5 5 enpf enpf of of diced diced Ttaetables Ttgeables ooiom, ooiom. car-rots, car. L?V M SJy alH too. runup, tunup. jwaton. ponton, and and ouoide ouoide and sad eft' InM lop pans of celery suasciud. 4 cufi of ash stack or boiling witer. or enouah to com toe Ttgtublei well. I ublnpoon of salt. 115 pounds of tik. 1 cups of milt. 2 or 3 ttblnpooni of butter. Soda biscuits if desired. Boa the Trembles in the stock or srster nt3 almost done. (The stock if made by taiaa tbe trimming snd skia of the ash). Add the ash. cut in pieces, to the eearablet snd fioish cookie t. Hike the &sh throe gh the Tremble snd add tbe milk and butter. Heat e-eO. but do not boil after tbe milk hit kern added. Scire ith todi biscuits. Serrrs 6 to 8. Women everywhere in Canada are solving the daily problem of how to give variety to meals by serving delicious recipes of Canadian Fish or Shellfish available all the year 'round. Whole families are finding new enjoyment in their meals . . . appetizing dishes, rare with the 2estful flavour of seafood . . . rich in the elements that build glowinj; health. Nourishing, too . . . for Fish gives abundant nourislunent! There are over 60 different kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish from which to make your choice, and every one of them can be served in dainty appetizing recipes that charm the most reluctaht appetite. Serve Fish to your family, more often . . . watch their enjoyment of ' ' its variety. , DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. Chp tkc&e llerbtyE. necipt TJw pluxratrd rtriprl re r-f intcj in hand; sitti for rour file Cut them out, snd c them on ttsndard retipe cards. Oesced br a itmous dietitian, they ate delicious. ' vf. , sss i,,. m THE DAILY Wednesday, NoTembtM a tlons and mental capacities and which had resulted in an individual flmrwf Iflrtr. Hom4 rwn Vllimftn I . . . m . a eminent had paid 0f this $31.74 inl""w:u5 ror power wnicn was io r AH uisuiuiea uct vdutuiu mucuuuuiu cusvs had declined. .More attention was paid to audio Dealing with the claim of some I vteual aWs- Tko important that the cost of education perimodern Invention the gramo-adult In population was too much phone and the radio were put to In comparison with other admin-luse- AWhoh Canada, so Tar. had istratlve costs, Dr. Morrison point-not kept P86 wltn tne nst ot tht ed out that in Canada the cost of world ln ,he use ,hese uca education per adult capita was $22 "allsts. pronre was neverthe-whefeas in the United States it less heto mad. They were of par- .a... - . ... t ticular iti It y valiiA value in ! culture Hiiltitro raisin; and fighting propaganda. Visual aids to education sWh as the moving nlptlirw ' rrerft.' nlsn hpinp in. "We spend far more on luxuries creangry used and were of great includinc amusements, tobaccos, aunimusge, automobiles, cosmetics and liquor I ,u j . i . . Chances in Curricula Morrison went on to deal uiji.li m caucaimsr ourselves ana' .. "- our children,' asserted Dr. Morri-f11" the changes which had been made in currteula - - in ... line vrith ..... the ouil. uvrat, A-UUUVa, uuuur OUKO uus 'i aiUllC if in h in 111 lil i I f . a T new PMJ tY philosophv lrVt XT rtf of as4uso education t i rT O and rH 37 amounted to $12.746,783 2h i also s,Pke on tne matter ot whereas the educational cost wasichanses 1x1 administration and $9,593,562.64. "Dou you think theni,schor organization. One important that we are spending too much on'move bFen towards consoUda-educatlon?" 'tion hirvd areas with a view Educational Services brlne!ng the raial chlIdrpn rr I , , . , , mticttocu cuutauunai auiuiiwiBr.! Turning to the subiect of edu-'i .. j - . ,m comparison wim inose enjoyea cational services, Dr. Morrison de- in the city. In British Columbia na.cu mat uiey naa mosi aecia-; such consolidation was being work- 2ShlT0,a?d U WaS out ln the Peace mver worthy that this improvement had'ff, , the AbboteJord .KK, o i, - Sumas - Matsqui been in recent years during a period of curtailment of expendi-iarea of the Eraser Valley. Better ture. There hao been advances lii'educatinal seirvice was being glv-many fields such as pedagogy, cur-! en and there was greater eff id-ricula, administration and adult ency. education which the speaker then' Adult education advances werp also touched upon by Dr. Morrison Capt H. E. Nedden. arrived m oort Tu" -TA..W .. . Uqm r. wJli. " " ' t7"aB"sy Here was a problem which had i "ie auuui ana wm sau an nour or were io o-; piace become one of real imDortanee dup uvVr Sweirmver arToIean'50 later fr Skagway and otherthechUd and his indivadual needs to the depressio KfJS of macS c couver, roweii itiver ana ucean northpr j. and caDaciUes above xiihWf ' . . , . - tj " "iuj J viiuui " iiuuwen uuunni more mute icuurc ipistitp mentation, to . adant . ... thp inHiirfHnoi . - . . CJR. freighter Nootka. Cant.!to his social m Z .u" 1 ".rcrapioymeni- io meel ,,-u -u.Ix. J., u..r: J7... M'U) ",c wiuauon, recreational and Robert C. McCeachy, which has been on a special voyage to Skae- T I I , 1 M weU so Physical educaUon centres had ciety to develop the individual in been instituted, correspondence accordance with th u-Pifaro r,r s iu was in port early this morning tojsocial group. There was a change Jects made available I tS Dom" ent he the vessel pro- from the old philosophy which inion-provincial AJS ? irataL ceeded f to Hecate on the West Coast. worshipped factual information ' ..w v, w' iramm8 of Queen Charlotte Islands. and disregarded attitudes, emo- Ai h Mmh,. u,' " cbw MMUAiK .which had proved or much Interest to an appreciative audience nt members and guests, Dr. Morrison jwas heartily thanked by the presl-'dent of the Junior Chamber, A. W. i Newman. The Poppy Campaign By J. S. WILSON On Saturday of this wcel-'. throughout the British Empire the. Poppy Campaign will be at its height. In Canada three million poppies and thousands of poppy wreaths are available for disposal An uninformed public might weU ask why is the campaign still being fought? Who are ln charge? Who originated it? Who benefits? It Is an interesting fact that during the time of the Napoleonic! Wars, the battlefields of Waterloo, Dettlneen and other nlacfts haro places before the battles blossom ed into vast stretches of scarlet, the scarlet of Flanders popples. I The late Eari Hale, war-time j commander of the British forces.' I led the way in creating the means' wnereby the manufacture and sale ' or poppies once a year would produce funds to take mn of th needs of ex-service men and their j lamiues wno were not provided for in any other way. There are alas, still very many in need. The Canadian Legion makes this appeal once a year, not for members themselves but for their needy comrades. The poppies are made by permanently disabled ex-servipe 'men in Vetcraft shoos. One is in (Victoria. The local branch buys 'he poppies and wreaths there. Then the profits made by the sales locally are used for the assistance of needy ex-scrvice men and their families in the district. The branch mt-ets all expenses from its own funds. ! This year the Canadian Legion 'feels that In view of the recent j international crisis with its threat of war, the nation will be more i eager than before to show P thankfulness for the deliverance from that dread tragedy by purchasing freely of the poppy symbol of remembrance and a token of gratitude. The Dally Hews Is an A. B. C. paper. KELLOGG'S STHMAl RELIEF Thotuandi hart found quick and Mir relief from Aathm. Hay Fmr and Bronchial troublet in th w of KaUof fa Asthma Raliet You can reliar your ufferinc enjoy Ufa mora . . . with the relief this famous herbal preparation affords. Kellogg' Asthma Relief has been need by sufferers for over 60 years. You simply lahaU th fumes. Your 4imt drug r ton lHS1.00aUn.triasiMtM tIMatia. trial siiefJc Also Also obtainable obtainable - - df . arett form. . November Reminder Knler Your Xmas Orders For Magazine Subscriptions Now A year's subscription makes an excellent gift Early ordering is essential Order any publication through us at I'UHLISH ICRS' CANADIAN PRICKS Suitable GIFT CARDS Sent to Arrive at Christmas Renew Your Own Subscription Here Do It Now I'honc 0 or Call in World Agency for All Magazines 1 i rtUL Ijd, tun ix. anal U"""'! (ifriUlltn In SsB III --- "VI f 4 iSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl 1 NcrthroB a Lnnaa Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.W. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 MORE HEAT FOR Less Money Help Support the Kegion that Helps Support You. Think This Over, Then BUY BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Answ enng THE RURNiNfj UUESTION . Our Children? JEAN "PARKER In A WAILMXO- T, wio keep their children norance of the m,t mt of their youns lives Innocence!" You owe it to jourwlf ln, your children to tt starkiy beautiful, htartbrm. inc drama of jount iot, trapped in the web of Its own Unorancc Told with tvt delicacy, startlinj beaut, ul a depth of imderslindin,-unparalleled in any picia.-tU recent years. It is 0re of tbe outstandinir dramatic ttnu-tions ot the season With VILMKU MACK, .MINNA (iOMntlL (At 7:13 and 9:3i) WE DOvN'OT IUXOMMLMI THIS IMCTL'KE FOR CIIILDUEX A 1)1) EI) "I EATt KE Meet the New Mayor of NorU Hollywood! GLLNDA FA Rlt ILL As Torchy Illane in 'HLONDKS AT WORK" With Barton MacLant (At 8:20, Once Only) World News 'At 7;M k i:X) TONinilT and THfKSDAT I-ast Complete Show r-r-i-Jhj-.Ti REX Bowling Alley For Health and a S.:ra WaUt Line Dowl Fur Ueserrations I'honc (51 RAW FUR SEASON Commencing Must Unload Larje Stock 2570 Off for Cash Come In and see our grods. Easy Terms Arranged Goldbloom's rhones 18 : 81-r.O. Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Lcn NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rales $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Watfr Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. "ox v..