-..-".at ttovember 2, 638. TaS DAIiT KZT73 PAGE THBEH nOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Mr and Mrs. H. Reld. Port - ,n B. A. Hodkln, Kltwangai: o..tt onrt r- wnson uprrar.r Kut .JJninh, city. ! Royal B O AlberUon, city. Prince Rupert Robert Maxwell, M. L. Dobson, J. u nrA A Q WIlHnmcin ,n ii'er R Moore, emitners: o. i rlmnntm' CI H Tvrhn ..i , ! T nilhprt. Tpip- k Pnint. Mrs. a. C. Sessions. SUM fi A. Sessions and Mrs. George . o Pntiltw ntrntua- Mr ,. B. Pearson, London; Mr. and n TT DnnMB Wlnnfnpcr Central R 0. Upton and M. Robben, city ; Evan CNR J Huzlo, Terrace: J Young People Of ! Church Give Partv "Aat my poor brother' The Presbyterian Young Peonle'3 Society held a very enjoyable Hal-' lowe'en party last night In the church hall. Prizes were awarded for the best costumes, prizewinners being Miss Winnie Cameron and Sam Currie, funlest; Margaret Chrlstensen, best dresed; Florence Parker and Earl Eby, most original. Games were played those present "ducked" for apples and ghosts were present In dark corners tt add to the Hallowe'en spirit. Re-Games were played. Those present "ducked for apples and ghosts P Tomushewskl, Salvus A Mllt-chln, Winnipeg ! Linoleum HURS Avminnr Rllirs C ; atT -t aC VsV ..'- - T" Reporting on the activity of the committee on local housing, T. A. McWaters advised the Junior Chamber of Commerce at its meet ing last night that, as soon as the committee of the Senior Chamber could be got together, it was in tended to have a loint meetlne of! the two committees on this sub- Ject and that a report might be ex- Day! pected at the next meeting of the Junior Chamber. C. G. Ham suggested at the of the Junior Chamber of Commerce last night that he be relieved of membership on the museum board as the Junior Chamber representative. The desirability ofl rejuvenation and more activity of the museum board was suggested by Mr. Ham. Appointment of a new member of the museum board in place of Mr Ham was deferred by the president 1. Mail the outside wrappers of 23 BOVR1L-CUBES to BOVRIL (Canada) Ltd., 6201 Park Avenue, MONTREAL and we will mail by return FREE a 23 cent size bottle of concentrated BOVRIL 2. Be sure to give your full name and address. 3. Only genuine BOVRIL-CUBE wrappers can be accepted. 4. Ask for them by NAME BOVRIL-CUBES. BOVRIL iou!llon CUBES malt soup, iliw, 9riry, perfect. Whatever toup you mat or buy add a little BOVRIL It malei wonderful difference. BOVRIL in BOTTLES hat the concentrated goodneu of beef: and hei been proved by medical tettimony, to be very valuable in ticineu and in building strength in convalescence. BOVRIL is very easily diaested eod greatly Increases the nourishment from other foods: thus building reserve bodily strength. 11 OVRIL DAILY FOR HEALTH and STRENGTH 9x12 .. size SOQ-Sft Size Size, 8-Piece Bedroom Ensemble $84.50 SMt i : e : :. iwm tmxmmim rm immmmr m rm i m vmm ri m sin in wmtmtwvaxmmmsMTmxaxM'a I LINOLEUMS - AXMINSTERS - CONGOLEUMS j n-.ini m e. n. n. mm 97 W vr 9x10.1 l V 1 1 1 ' " I villi sVJW 0mm slsl I 1 " 1 ' 1 - $1.UU 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite I A modern suite built with genuine Kay 1 Com'ort spring $130.00 Congoleum Hugs- . ' SNi Li i Vanity and Bench, Chest of Drawers and full size Bed, Cable Spring, and Spring-filled Mattress and one pair feather pillows. R M a I Odd Pieces 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite Kn-.TaWc-Solid $6.50 $79.50 Walnut . Tea Wajion-Solid Walnut with drop ge A Comolete $25.50 You'll Always Do Better at ELIOS Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Green 916 Jrd Avenue I LOCAL NEWS NOTES j M ff i S.O.N. Meeting Tomorrpw Night. Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. Wear a Poppy on Remembrance r T. Vinnoman rpturned tn the city on the Prince George thisj morning from Vancouver where he has been receiving treatment atj Shaughnessy Military Hospital. J Mrs. W. H. Kinkade, mother of! the city on the Prince George this morning from a visit to Vancouver and Seattle. CANADIAN LEGION, CHURCH PARADE, First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, November 6th. Members, members of the Women's Auxiliary and Ex-service men fall in at Legion Clubrooms 10:30 a.m. Berets, decorations and medals tr. be worn. LEST WE FORGET: (2591 G. Gottfried, superintsdent of Canadian National Telegraphs, Edmonton, and R. I. Bradley, com-, mercial representative, Winnipeg, are visitors In the city today on ' official business. Mr. Gottfried arrived on last night's train from Edmonton and Mr. Bradley this morn- . lng on the Prince George from Vancouver. Both are: proceeding to the Interior on this evening's train, j If you wish to swap something j Try a Classified. : Announcements All advertisements In this column win be charged for & full month at 25c a word. Eagle's Bridge, November 2. Sonja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. S. O. N. Basket 'Social November5 United Bazaar December 1. S.OJJ. Play December 2 and 3. Carnival and .Dance, Metlakatla,( December 5. IS THE SI TKKME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA I In the Mattrr of the "Administration : ' And I tin the Matter of the Estate of Manuel. Gonzales. Deceased I TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor Judge Fisher, Local Judge of the ' I Supreme Court of 'British Columbia.' made the Hth day of October 1938, I was appointed Administrator of all the : Estate within British,, Columbia of the , above-named deceased, late of Mayo, : i Yukon and Stewart, Brlitish Columbia, j All persons indebted to the aald estate . re required to pay the amount of their indebtedpees to Die. forthwith, and all persons having ctalms against the said estate axe required ito file the same, properly verified, with, me within one month from the first publication of this notice, otherwise distribution of the eald estate will be made without regard tlhereto. j Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. thla 15th day of October. 1938. NORMAN A. WATT, j Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B. O THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sbckeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert IS Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar Jj November 18. Cathedra Christmas Bazaar No-i vember 17. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov ember 24. 1.- City Tennis Association annual;;, dance, Oddfellow's Hall, November 25. U .' ... . :C For the Best Permanent You Ever Had Guests at the monthly dinner meeting of the Junior Section of Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night were Alfred Rivet, Fred Reich and Robert Maxwell, the last-mentioned of Vancouver. , . A. J. Edlund, ' line foreman " for REMEMBRANCE DAY Mer- . . . . (. the Government io M , . . . Telegraphs, re-chants are requested to decorate . . .Jl . ., , . . ... . , .. tr,. turned to the city ' on last nights f. their windows as a tribute to those . . , . ... tr c who made the great sacrifice, tf. vZ-T,, R. B. Morgan, well known local Hazelton directing line construc-halibut boat owner, leaves on this tion work-evenlne's train for a trio to St' John's, Newfoundland. Junior Section of the Prince BACKACHE? Kidneys that are not eliminating; watte matter ai they should will make you feel mieerable achey tired, depressed! If suffering from backache, broken rest, rheumatic pains, you need the 8 medicinal ingredients in Gin Pills to help your kidneys filter out trouble-making toxins. Get a (tax of Gin Pills today. I pills tn Pro?e their merit through tbelr sue." itupen unamDer oi commerce is POPPY TAG DAY Saturday, Nov- planning staging a dance early in ember 5th; Give freely for your the New Year. A further report will , poppy. (258) be made at the next meeting by) jSam Joy, chairman of the social The committee on Oriental trade committee. j is at present getting Information ( together on that subject with a At the suggestion of G. P. Lyons, view to developing traffic through the local Junior Chamber of Com-this port and it Is expected to have merce decided to get In contact with a report at a later date, J. C. Gil- a Junior Chamber which has been ker, chairman of the committee, inaugurated at Prince George with advised the Junior Chamber of a view to co-operation with that Commerce at its regular monthly body and exchange of visitations by dinner meeting last night. members. Capt. A. B. Coulter of Ottawa, assistant director of naval stores, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Victoria in the course of a coast tour and will be here until Friday evening when he will proceed east by train. The superior quality of our ij permanent waves . . . the ex- Jj pert quality of all our hair ser- S vice . . . will make an instant appeal to the particular lady. She will appreciate our soft, lustrous waves and the natural looking ringlets. ..Experts will advise which type of wave is best suited to your individual needs. I MI-LADY Beauty Parlor Lillian Davies 305 3rd Ave. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE, FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 ! .VW.V.V.WW.V.'JWJWW Help: PREVENT COLDS Specially designed for the nose and upper throat, where 3 out of 4 colds start Use it at the first sneeze. VlCKS VlCKS Vatronol Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Heintzman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St Ponfs Beauty Box Containing 1 Pond's Vanishing Cream 30c 1 Pond's Cold Cream 30c 1 Pond's Face Powder GOc 1 Sample Pottle Danya Lotion SPECIAL All for 99c KLEENEX 200-s - X,l -f ffp KOTEX 12s OQn 2 for . 45c KLEENEX 500's SIODESS 12's 2 for 45e Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drtuzptets The sVcje.Il Store rhonet: II W Open Dally From I aan. till 10 p.m. 8undays and Holidays From 1Z noon till 2 a.m, 7 una. till 9 p.m. Be the Life of the Party Play t Piano Popular Music The Professional, Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Piano and Piano- i Accordion Ojen for Engagements Par- ' ties. Dances, Receptions, etc. :- ' Music With Kjihm ' Reply at the News Clip This Ad for.Ref, 33c 23c MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE SLUMBER KING MATTRESS SLUAIBER KING SPRING All sizes ,. 30 SIMMONS FELT MATTRESSES All sizes, each Phone 775 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK I KAILWAY I UNES HraiaM JLmF $27.50 $14.25 38.00 327 THIRD AVENUE hrreh l.nrnl Knw Ann vi Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY prone 7 Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver tvla Ocean Falls and Way Ports " " Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT t November 7th. 17th. 28th, December 8th, 19th " SS. PRINCESS NORAll" Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver nd Return Ttjt- 00 ets on Sale Nor. 1st, 1938 to Feb- 28th... 1333. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from " W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. v i - -4 i it. t I k4 i 1 5 3.