PAOI TWO CAMPACS F The .super constructed u.nimer .sjipe that has stood every test and can be .depended on, to give maximum wear and comfort. .Full range of sizes Jn men's, ladies', -boys' and children's. Jack and Jill Sole Agents Shoe Full new shipment just arrived in all leathers, styles and sizes. If You Have Foot Troubles, See Us AMILY SHOE STORE IT The Home of Good Shoes MORE INTIFDIMn IV nrrnv D THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH TOIX'MBIA j??1?11.811611 Every .Afternoon, .Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert .Daily .News. Limited. Third Avenue ' ' .H. ,F PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES j .11 (Wty.aeuyery. Dy carrier.. yearlv Deriod. nairi in arto- sPald .D.MI J . r . ln advance, ner week Paid In. advance, per month . "" tBy mail to all parts of British C)TumbiaT thTumis United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertlslng, per word, per insertion " local readers, per line,' per insertion .. "'" News Department Telephone Advertising and Cumulation Telephone ""' Member ot Audit Bureau 0t Circulations DAILY EDITION .86 98 15.00 ,12 .50 '3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Wednesday, Afay 4, 1938 FAIRWAY TRANSPORTATION . AFEST jilETHOD (Continued .frpm Page One) the duplication of railway facllt ties had been njucli less than the, duplication which was always present In Industry. The Canadian Rational Turning to his own line, the" ,Canadian National, Mr. Tobey paid tribute to the late Sir -Henry Thornton for his welding injio the Canadian National of a run7down conglomeration of ' pubficV and .privately operated railway system !!hto a harmonious organization. iT!jls , had .been .a task of , herculean proportions but it had been' accomplished by expedition and com-; plete success by Sir Henry. He had gradually brought about an up-tpi date transportation organization rendering a very satisfactory and necessary service to Canada. The.lettingofthecontractneos Kd the the employment Sre n; r leffi iiMiwiaM 01 material as well as providirir accommo What W& with f?iSlck Peple and ving them tettfrSE expenditure on defense projects the comnlp ion of the post office and smaller vS IThTn the city, it should mean a very busy season" U ELECTION TOMORROW . lliere will be an election tomorrow at Lichfield England in which -two candidates calling themselves I abor candidates are offering for electionOrfeTSr Crat dock a supporter of the Chamberlain ami the other, Cecil C. Poole, a railway derkSd government the government, ' uW,0beu to 10 The vacancy is caused by the death of J A T nvnt-Io at (he last "eleion t The -Vancouver Province admits that the highway , to Amelia MrnnlH Vo a . . n-v.,-.r,4- V, i r - i TOT DAILY NEWS WeJaisdai Ma-, Sport Letter Box jijs. up sto rSfttiU Sports Editor, -.Daily .News: To the thoughtful mind your editorial Tuesday is Interesting not only because your 'subject va snort, vonth and nrirnnlMtinn hi t l-TCr encouratre. m.. JR. LEAGUE RESUMING , ..- ,-..r to lc draw UD up plans nians oecause your general theme was schedule hed , of of At triM nnl ah est a . While you have generalized in n,m ,,-m k i a ,a your attack, I think you will agree day evenlngs and Saturday after- The Canadian National Svt,m "".l.Tl TT L.. noons until the end of the season today, comnrislng .23.500 'nUles of ' of any previous generation. ' ? An iff nnr . ,.44j . u4imi(Ji aiiu Illy . OMilt'll Slate-;, comprised the lamest rail way organization on the Continent Boys' Spacer Play ,to .(let .Under , Way Tis Saturday .The executive of the Junior .Foot important amendment to thp I .am of tne opinion that tht .Constitution provides that only main trouble lies In another dlrec bovs In their flr,t vpur nt ifiirh The ewpiipnt nin,i 01' an can be summed up. In one School are eliaible for the sames. un uie uuiiiincni. in general man- ment! ThTt thov i uT "UIua" ecreiarynreasurer. ufacturing. the Canadian National 7 . '"S S a "markably originated more tonnage than any was cert7nrJ S I' 1V AIter a laP" of 11 years Peter other railway in Canada By virtue they sh0uld havp .7 Z Z", "IMcWilllam returns as managed to 01 its lines in tne united States, it graln f ,d , ' " v ' Tottenham Hotspurs football club Enarea witn New York Central the o0i ;." .- rtistinpfinn nt vio(, "a ipuon on tneir return -The ihnd lippn a fnotir nf fWo 'i,tm'Ae scrlPtion of every conceivable: ------- y 4.44W U4.444WOI. . . . ' . importance in enhancing and has- , Slr 1 sav - merchants, tening the development of Canada "nfortunately. th-;y are in a posl- Building a Railway , on where 11 is hard to discri'm- At the outset J.!r. fobey, obs-rv- Nor can .they say "Not to- ing that the average person had !ay thank you!" and slam the very little conception of the rami- d0or 1 am not a merchant noi flcatlons and the multitude of even n resident any standing, 'things that had to be accompil?hed S0 I.can speak or wrlte as between the time a railway system case aPPers to be. without fear of was first conceived and became erberaticn upon the monthly an actual facility as a common and 1 do 5p6ak ln a11 sin' bAuctwu lu IUI1 lor rnoir IVPS I In tho rtll.n c.:.1 . ... . SCHrils llhmrv a u; .:( ,i 1., ; , v" vi.v uliici siuc ui uieuniancy 10 maturity, various de- , ,,C " . J T " "1C pictuie . there are children who 'w deserve ,a to VU'UC be OlJtl spanked f0rlpartm?nti had to be set in motion !Z a11 due respect) .churche. .ret .rmiisinrr.rn usmg.,to move mnvn nut out of the tUn of -. if. .n,.iU rnerefore. I think it is the dutv way pasping'ears. MUt IWllit. UilJLl ULL1U11 .... ' i " Isjiccessful completion. While con- ine clly' its management istruction was proceeding various ey,ery .s.ociet.V. organized for the 'arr- departments which would managr e -lornun or the human race. 5er and operate the' ral'jway must he )?ce f,ubs' army and navy and originated. ulJB"lal,eu' All AU .the' Ule numerous numerous de ae . ne . uc , ll7ns- , - each and "'J"' Pvery one T" "uu,u "c iccji, umimit lo Dntlsn-UOlUmbia hut ST Pr,nVlnce tlftfen million dollars yith W.hich to the other If .the organization was co-agement Is neces.Sary. IJUIKI It. I hPV nro nnl- nnhncmif r, v. i 11. l. ... ,:i . . . l 1 m'TV. cv-.niii6 u41. au; pijjiijiv in ineir 10 luncuon v;itn any aegrce or ei" c j tr ufeual quibbling way suggesting possible difficulties and also suggesting the better way might be to wait until we Mr Toey commended the Jun- , : uS0 outfa" these PowiljilitleB. They admit it ffiSlJfr ZL" " Mouiu De a ooon to tne nrovince. it wnnld snppfi nn ta. Velopment, WOUld encourage tourist travel, WOUld Open Prlnce Rupert. This would placf dress, President (Oilker .'pbsefyed -Up, a great jamJe country, provide Wprk for a large nlim- the orBan'za"on in the' position ot the Importance that Railways might'' Dei' 01 neODJe Over a rprm nf vpprc rViilo mnmfn yuaaesaeu oi Yajuaoie ana J-'iuj' "I iMortr- nln nVnSE ,L?T, ff' .mantena"Tce practical knowledge so.necessary tp em British c6iumbfa as they " had u-niild Work n u ' ,pul(l;alsp for prpVfde a smaller nupiber.lator. Jn discuss and legislate inteillgentn done in Northerp 6ntaH6 'and spite ot these advantages :the Vancouver newspaper ad- on the many items that(eame be- Quebec. " vises delay. Wait and think, is their policy. We may be-fore u- wltn thls lcnowle Us " . come Americanized. Unholy thoughtl We mav become ocome Tlous recmmfndat'ons and poll i thought c es were bound to be of very de- If you wish to prosnerous' Eouallv unholv ! swap ;.methlng- pruspeiuus. equally unnoiy tnougilt! finite value to the community and fry a classified. which he left In 1927 to take charire of Mlddlesborough, six years later StsS the' at did th SS CCOmlng Arsenal's chief scout. Par from beine a "dead horse.- w cn s onaemnlng thn 4 1L1. j, 4. .. Vicicilt attitude. trave srnnl '1 labor man bv a little over three a terribJs drain the wealth Z "!"MMdami vqtea. 01 tne country, the Canadian Na- ;In view of the fact that this is n InW 1 tlDnal had been tne wain jn$tru- Tlta,Lre,,ze w tnat tnese thlP that there is keen onWHnn 11 . iKll"g anf menta,ity .wealth tp be financed, but by whom'-fi'ritwh!fTuP - ' r ,eveloP,n8: -to the present had been brought into existence. ho ? 1 ask n .the past have l JllSn government, . the resnlt n tnrnnri-mr ..i , borne Dorne the fcrunt ni Ti-tll U -vh n,n,ji. Canadian m... National Rallwnv.; We brunt of public nnhli. sub- ';p;- . r-,,',. ' .Tw,..v v , ,mi uc vcl V SltT- -nit cent. -If the government can retain the seat it will be .looked a sign of strength but, if they lose .it, as they are -likely to do, it will be considered another na 1 hi the political coffin of the National government. EXTREME CAUTION NEEDED In .Ranee .Rupert .most of the children have to plav on the streets and for that reason drivers pf cars have to be extremely cautious to avoid accident ,'Qccassionaliy, a unver is seen honkmp- his horn fnr tho ol n... . , . m ucaicu .,,A carrier. 'lLstsd the nhn.s-s u ,u t'hrmKrh u' ce"ty ceniy lnat mat athlet athletics es are are as as lm im. : ' T,10"1 hitting children Who are.h had"to pa' W community as .th, for Senior Football Association to take up with ,hs city public I work? department. It is hoped that REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Blink PUONE C58 TENNIS GIANT WIN SPELL ENDS Lost ,Inon;inioukly to Cinncinnati .Reds Yesterday Cleveland .Indians-Had Close Shave. From Defeat at Washington ball Association met last evening:1 4. . . 'i-ine for he spring eam-s. ThJ will I rlj season winning streak of the ' . . . 'New York Giants was ended vester- mis weeK. : . . ... . . . uay wncn.wicy wcfe.fqififa py.wie hardrh'ittuig Cincinnati Jleds with -sr a s;cre or 10 to 2. The Chicago 1 Cubs won over the .Phillies and entered into its construcUon , and , -encouragement. Of all the For the past few yeaw boys ;wfa; vlct? 'f 'r: its advantageous location to serve 'yolumes written and ures.give-. were repeating first year in Hlghjb"r8 P'res' wen V"1,0 ,lfe lelder;.R the nrespnf nnH f., -JI upon the subject of athletics, it Schsol were ell?ihle hut it. hns WPn !snlP ot the second division ahead & develonment of Canada had not adanta?e? in tne education of felt hat tlLs gaye an undue ad- i Boston Bees who were losing received ' deserved recognition i'0S' ,Iien aPd wonie U build vantage to the High School leam 4 St.. Louts Cardinals. As it existed today, it afforded th,' Physical strength, co-ordination, and, in. the interests of sport in the ln lhe American League the first short,st rail route between Eastern sPmTans,P' relaxation .from best meaning of tbs term, the PW.e Cleveland Indians had p. nar- and Western Canada with lowor tudles rcreation' Personality as- change has been made. It become : r(w 1cscap? rrom '?Mng t0 Uc firadients than any other rallwaj sertion and ?enraHy to build up effective At once. j Waslilngk Senators in a King-' ?haracter' 1 have yet to hear or :Iefit- setting the odd of nine-, line iiue either cuner in in Canada uanaaa or or the tne Uni- Uni- " "V,4" The ine schedule for earnes is nS run ted States. Its favorable gradients F,ead Wihh 011 this important, loljows: through the mountains were a f ,lhe most important, factor May , i . .. ln athletics ... lunlque feature. Its branch lines on the prairies served the mos encouragement can have many May 11 King Edward High School I productive parts north of tht wavs of showing itself but it seems vs. Booth Memorial School drought zone. In Eastern Canada 10 Tr Ir 1 was playing, that the May 14 Borden" Street School vs it provided the only routes through ,best encoura.iement I could have Booth Memorial .School. Canadian territory between the W0UIU De 10 nea" the galleries, the May 18 King Edward Hih School Maritime Provinces and the rest of :&leaciers, use any name wou wish vs.' Borden 1 Street School. canaa. it nad a double track T wJr " I Iay 21 Booth Memorial Sqhool main line running like a backbone thelame' ft fi-lled wKn shouting en- vs. Kng zawzrd High School through Quebec, Ontario and tht thusiastic spectators, partizan most ' May 25 Borden Street School v: United States as far west as Chi- decidedly, yelling encouragement jDhfiSwnS caso. well located to serve all th and trying 0-dwic ! May 28 King dward Industrial points enroute. It op- and urging you t0 do vypur best 1 vs. Borden Street School ' ' erased a car ferry service across Use your Imagination and' put June 1 Booth am Memorial School bcnool v VS. takeMlehltKin tn Mlta,, h yourself In K." MnWi'-AJ.V. r . . "- .4M h.uiivij 44iu c isaward fimg High School Ifiul",0" "le Gral iL511'1 i?ae fnle , June 5 Borden. Street School vs. ,u, uw,, ,re.Bnvrvwe jym couia resist ,uut in- Bpoth Memorial School. iiuu n:w ior. ran ana uut-iiicnii' 1 yny oy Tl, aw t-.j ... . - June. 8. King Edward Hlgh.School'. Wmner-timr cfp.n iw nn e.. ..... ... . . rf:(i ... ,., ... ' . ' .- , vs. .tioraen Bireet school. c'nornCanada ' w Vt .fT ,n Jine 12 Booth Memorial School -Vlnl- vr it.,1.t.ildn take much to Vs. King Edward High SchooL , ..... v !w,;u. iu- raise civic consciousness to other i. i n e . . bey emphasized, served-, directlv thlnes? ninety percent of the neonfe of r j teen in all. The .second place ,Hjs- 7 Borden Street Sclmol vs oniitea bix ana umd jilac New' King. Ed ward High School. Booth Memorial School. Tne Question Of hnvlntr, 1hp we v.a. aUa aim ui i,w uy-nvL- per- few amS weeks when a group of youns cent of them it was the only rail men and wnmn La.. .grounds put in shape was left over " . ' ' 1 (V... Ik. the 4- n. .4 i. . . . . . . !v'-' ... . r .. ",c wu Prince ""- Rupert, .lujcii. mind iiiniu von you. in n'v-. for , transport. DevcloDment , i .u,.t. van-tional . of base and precious metal mlnlna nt tuJ ZriirS' -senior players will also hel with . . . . " uic uiuviiicp IJluViliCC. 1I1P 1 tip nitirni niTlTlll ntfi. I1TTI.' I . - had been . ra.. ., . . ;n lareelv lareelv nlonir alone it its linpt llnps v, . . . - - 1tv, . , " ";r u,c' Boi is a story in Itself Suf-1 " -'"""'b as vncy nave aana in oi.w uy lung oqqs inc ficient tD itPe sa that they u EOtenoueh factor ln servine the for- ey 0.1 enouen . . frv ,ndtHnc , n,,.; , . ngup.out of their own I .."'" -e,,uance were j. a iginited morespTlnd pulp 1., .V tonnage than " any other railway left 'hnmp ' ' " y.'Mouai. j..u. sMCKtniey and J. It.: DetroH 7" 7 ' ieu at at nome. wWof What 1 t..i. r , 1. I iuiii 1 ai wiiii rcftprruvety ovvr. Detroit Tigers and St. Louis Browns. The Philadelphia Athlet ics defeated the Chicago White' Sox. ! thereby replacing them at the top of the second division. 1 Yesterday's. Big League scores: j National League I Bostpn 2, St. Louis 3. I Brooklyn 7pittsburg 2. I New York 2, Cincinnati 10. i Philadelphia 2, Chicago .5, I American .I.e.asue Chicago 2,, Philadelphia 7. St. . Louis 1, New York p. . Detroit 3, .Boston 4. ' Cleveland 10, Washington 3. j The standings. to. date: 1 National League W New York ,12 " Chicago jo Pittsburg 8 Cincinnati-.. .;. ,7 Brooklyn .0 Boston 4 St. Louis Philadelphia .3 Cleveland" Boston . New York ... Washington , Philadelphia St Louis American League L 2 5 G t 8 7 9 10 ft ti n SUPPLIES Drop in at Gordon's Hardware and Inspect our 1938 Terinls Racquets. Models t-o suit every taste and pocket See the new C.C.M. Tennis Racquets. Smart,, exceptionally well made1 racquets ,pt, low, prices. .For satisfaction and longer life use Dun-lop Tennis Bajls, the longest wearing, toughest tennis balls made. Pet-,857 .067 571 .4C7 .429 .304 .357 .231 -.11' 3 .7861 8 C .571 ! 9 7 5G3l 7 8 .407 6 7 .402 5 7 .417 $ 3 57 5 J57 ; GORDON'S HARDWARE I . PHONE 311 ; AIcBIUDE ST. mil COJUF0RT and .SERVICE .PHONE 112 TAXI 8 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY apd NIGHT I P tot xver Wonder You're Constipated! Do you ever have daw t, Just have to dnjyoSsJffl" whwi you ffwliraSJ cause ot that canaStffife hy not find ouiSelSS of your trouble' What hqt you hu to , lately? Just thins, bread alwl poutoei? h i you may not na;e to k .5 farther. Itl like vow takS" you don't get eaTO!?"! consumed in the body bS, oft "bulky" masstaKl uuiL u ni mn .l . KeUoge'. All-Bran ffigg' every day. It cantata the you need 1 plus flLTure pat"o. W4M V,UV rillin J) Fat It 4vi4f-v Atv . of water, and Join the -jB I m4ebyKrtloKinU,S crept to within two games and a Tune-Up For serine! half of the leaders. Dizzy Dean bitched seven Innings for the Cubs. - - TheJ3rpoklyn Dodgers., by virtue of )Vini"Pl Hac n virtnrv nvpr ver lhp thirri nlipp Pitt- ' & ug een Hard on Your Car . . . harder than you tfjni The strain of nui sklddy road.1' und UKer weather has pulled mql parts out of adjuitmers, Now Is the time to 1 away the winter-won i and slupish water tjste adjust wheels and Ink tune up the motor Tit advantage of our spttil rate for COMPLETE i spection, clean-up till tune-up and be tat trouble-free spring Hiiql ROYAL general Motors Dull 3rd Avenue Phoml 'Service Wih a SmBt'l THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PJNK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Palr44 nv 1hf unit llinll ..tintr,. MMMflf irlth U III the year round pajroD HI Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING 4Cartage Light Delivery Goal Wood Phone 580 Rach the most P' mi rflttrlrt. with L Km1" M ' t it.