WAKE UP, MARY...THE ALARM CLOCK'S RINGING Think of it an extra hslf-hour of sleep! You can stay In bed longer 1 LET IT RING I CAN SLEEP ANOTHER HALT HOUR, WITH KE HOGG'S FOR BREAKFAST FLAKES 1 and still have breakfast on time If you let Kellogg'g do your cook-lng. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are cooked and toasted, ready to eat with milk or cream. Crisp and refreshing as morning sunshine 1 At all grocers, oven-fresh in the patented waxtite inner hay. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. UADC ISTUR MCKFD BETTER MST SETTER WHIFFLETS C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden. arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Stewart and Anyox whence she will return here tomorrow evening southbound. The Prince George is back on the run for the year following annual overhaul. A number of improvements have been made on the vessel including the installation of wire netting around the deck railings, putting in of new chairs and tables In the first class smoking room and new rugs In the parlor suites. A. S. Monroe is aboard as chief engineer and Norman McLean is purser. With a full list of passengers including many employees of the White Pass it Yukon Route going north for the season's work, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray,-northbound from Vancouver to Skagway, was in port from 8 to P o'clock this morning) The vessel Is due back here next Sunday, afternoon southbound. There were no passengers disembarking here: from the vessel. Thirteen tnok! passage here, 'for the north aboard her. C.N R. steamer' Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, coming north from Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Is not expected to arrive In Modern Schools Emphasize Value Of Sound Health CHARLOTTETOWN, May 4: (CP) Rapid extension of Dublin services was one of the "outstand-1 lng social phenomena of our age," said Chief Superintendent H. H. Shaw In the annual report of the Department of Education tabled In the Prince Edward Island Legislature. "Our educational system as one of the major public services services has has creasing needs of the school popu lation and has augmented its tra ditional offerings with a variety of services that now extend beyond the boundaries of the schools' original functions. I "Health education in particular has received Increased attention, iduc in part to the discovery of the large proportion of young men failing to meet the requirements of physical development for enlistment in the Great War and to the recognition of the social necessity of insuring the maintenance of the well-being of every child and of providing equal opportunity of development in accordance with me democratic meal. j "Modern education now places real emphasis on the development of sound mental and physical health. This is particularly notice-! able in the modern curricula of European countries and this year a great demonstration of physical and gymnastic exercises is being featured at Prague in Czecho-Slo-vakia in the Sokel Demonstration port before tomorrow afternoon. The vessel left Queen Charlotte City at 5:30 this morning for Naden entering Massett Inlet tonight rADDEN ' NOTERO xrzs Don't forget to stake perennials. Just as soon as they get high enough for the wind to catch them they are liable to be Injured. A few days ago I saw a clump of delphiniums badly Injured by a gust of wind. They have to be staked eventually, why not now? One of the surest of the spring flowers Is the auricula, a member of the Drimrose family with fleshy expanded in response t0 the in- foliage and coming in a variety of colors. John Mitchell has the best showing of these I have seen this year. They are earlier than mine and larger. No person can make a men and plants. , .k '-9 frost and most winters are hard on aubretia. Many of the sedums and saxifrages do well and so do catnip, the trailing phloxes, the primulas, the thymes, veronicas, violas and rock pinks. As the rockeries are apt to be rather bloomed out by fall it is a good plan to plant some bunches of lobelia or some other low growing annuals In the rockery. The number of Russell lupins being raised In Prince Rupert gives some idea how up to date many of the local gardeners are. Jack Fuller has about one hundred planted A TYPE OF MODERN ROCK GARDEN Artistic boulders and water add greatly to the beauty of the scene. which is held every six years." : - The development of physica! mistake in growing these for spring out In the garden. Walter Long-training in the schools of Prince bloom. They will stand frost that will has very close to half a hun-Edward Island was chiefly due r, will kill primroses or polyanthus, dred and Bob Yates has forty-five the aid given by the Strathcona With roots exposed and with all out or fifty seeds. Many people Trust, "which provides an instruc- sorts of ill-usage, they still seem to have small numbers and one or two tor in physical exercises for all come through the winters. have been waiting to plant their teachers in training and only seeds out of doors. Next year the tho?e who are awarded the Grade B A square deal for flowers means Russell lupin should be quite corn-certificate in this work are eligible .a square meal occasionally. Plants mon in Prince Rupert. or a wacners license." must be fed t0 obtain best results ' but they must not be over fed. Ev- The new slug killer "Meta" is for idently a moderate diet is best for .sale in the city. I bought a packet Saturday. The marketing of this product is said to be in the hands TlrCcfK1i tifA -Vtn11 l--trtf fwt even V T T ""V a. i.V.1. "J ?1L !lX.e ?! Is CU. ?efore about treating moss in lawns alter If it proves effective it will be a The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Thonc Blue 389 212 4th St. this season. Frank Dlbb had some great thing for Prince Rupert gar-bad patches of moss In his lawn dens for slugs are a terrible pest.. ! and he has raked all the moss out I have not yet seen any this year and then applied slaked lime. Also but they usually get most destruc- he has cut down trees that shaded tlve about June or July, and some-the worst corner of his place. : times in August If it is a wet sea- son. Rock plants are quite a problem j at Prince Rupert. Some of the best Although it looked as if aubretia of them will not stand the winter, was all killed during the past wint-Sun rose Is apt to be killed out by er the fatalities are not as great as J" 3ft Save Time, Footsteps, Money M'P and Serve Tastier Meals! ELECTRIC COOKING Why spend hours on end in the kitchen this summer when you can have the perfect even cooking heat qf an Electric Range at the snap of a switch. You cook tastier meals without fuss or worry and your kitchen is cool and comfortable. Electric Cooking ends cooking waste and retains the full nourishment value of every dish. Just make a small down payment. The balance on easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited BH BLbH Special Victoria Day Railway Fares i Will Apply Between AH Toints in' Dominion, It is Announced WINNIPEG, May 4. Reduced! fares between all railway points In !the Dominion for the Victoria Day holiday have been announced by J. B. Parker, secretary of the Canadian Passenger Association. Good on both Canadian National !and Canadian Pacific lines, the special fares will go into effect Monday, May 23, with the tickets on sale until 2 p.m. of the holiday May 24. . On returning, passengers may leave their destination up to midnight of Wednesday, May 25. Good in all classes of accomodation, the popular fare and one-quarter rates will prevail. might have been expected. Walter Longwill seems to have saved most of his and he has also saved some of his sun rose plants. The result will be that his rockery will be as brilliant as ever this year, possibly better. He is constantly get ting new stuff. This man made an experiment on a bit of mossy lawn ( with some soot taken from a chim ! ney where thsy burn oil. It killed j the moss but did not injure the ' grass. j Joe Naylor has a fine lot of peonies coming .along. They should ! make a good showing a little later. Mr. Naylor has been gradually Introducing a number of nice shrubs, mostly at the back of the house that add a lot to the attractiveness of his grounds. His garden always looks well. Douglas Sutherland is raising his begonias outdoors In the garden, each covered with a wide-mouthed jam bottle. They have started well t and should be a success. H.F.P, WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And YouH Jump Out of Bed in Ui Morning Rarin' to Go Th llw hould pour out two ponndi of liquid hlic Into row bowsla dsllr.ff this bljt Unot flowing frwl jr. rmir food down'tdlt est It Just dtcajrt In the bowels. Cm bloats up rnr stomach. You grt eonstipated. Harmful poisons to Into th body, and rou fnl tour, unk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel moYementdnrtn'talwari ret at the eauH. You need something that wr-rks on the liver aa well. It take thoss rood, old Carter'a Little Liver Pills) to ret these two pounds of bile flowlnr freely and make rou feel "up and up". Harmless and r en tie, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of ealomel but have no calomel or mercury la them. Ask for Carter's Little Lleer Pills by Bams I Stubborn! ttt use anrthln ties. ZSs. Auction Sale Of Household Furniture On Friday, May 6 at 1161 Ambrose Ave. Instructed by the owner 'who Is leaving town, I will sell by Auction commencing at J::15 shary the following .Majestic Range with Imperial Oil-burner complete, Dining RMm Table and 6 Chairs, Sideboard Singer Drophead Machine, Davenport Wardrobe, 3 Arm Chairs, Card Tables, Pictures, Lino Rug, two 4-ft. beds complete, one 4-ft. 6 Bed with Slumber King Spring and Spring Filled Mattress, three Dressers, Kitchen Table and 6 Chairs, Heater, Garden Tools, Carpenter Tools, Pots and Pans, etc. Must Be Sold Terms Cash Geo. J. Dawes Auctioneer Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warn. The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell STAR HAS RETURNED Clive Brook Tops Cast of "Action For Slander," British Film Drama Clive Brook, popular English" ac tor, returns to the screen In "Action! for Slander," a new British picture,1 which comes to the Capitol Theatre i as the feature offering for the middle of this week. Ann Todd, one of i the most canable of Britain's younger players, has the principal! feminine role. Brook has a made- to-measure part 2i an army officer accused of cheating at cards who. owing to an unfortunate change of circumstances, is forced to delay clearing his name until he is brought to the verge of suicide, It is the type of character to which Brook is best fitted. Double-billed with "Action for Slander" Is a musical picture "This Way Please," a spirited musical comedy with an Interesting cast which includes Buddy Rogers, Betty Grable, Ned Sparks, Lee Bowman, Mary Livingston? and other popular entertainers. At Last ! Price Only $45.00 Installed On Your Boat Last Comm... e USDI AGameofCarl; His home life wrttkedV career ruin. efl' l Was Malnr !,..:. forced him I..: . n ,ht " Slander? te - A screen favorite return, u n j'ntui c , Clive Ilrook in "ACTION FOR SLANIHM) Sraf i At o.ifi " w" o;l. "net Onlj) ADDED FEATURE Charles "Buddy" r0jM, Bettv Crahlr. K.j e. . "THIS WAY ni v c?r! With Fibber McGteandMo,,. .... i ,vu ttna 8;311) Tom Hansen and Connie Mood; both old offenders, are appcarta. before Magistrate McCIymdn! k city police court Uu afternoon drunkencss charges. The Perfect Radio Set For BOATS An entirely new departure. A battery operated set will Electric type tubes. Requires no "IT batteries. Only 2 simple connections? to make to your six volt storage battery. Extremely low drain. t New and improved in every particular. Excellent tone clear speech -supersensitive. Small but powerful. and of course it's R.C.A. VICTOR. FISHERMEN and BOATOWNERS Should Be Sure to See inJ Hear This Marvelous New Radio at eMlaSros.Md ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue. prmce Rupert, B.C. Store Hours 9 aan. to 5:30 p.m. MATTRESS Trade-in Sale Trade in Your Old Spring and Mattress for New Standard Equipment To be sure of getting the most in comfort from your new mattress, buy an up to date spring at the same time. $3.00 Allowance for Your Old Spring As part payment on any new spring In our stock priced at $12.00 or more. $5.00 Allowance for Your Old Mattress as part payment on &ny new mattress in stock priced at $25.00 or more.