-2a May. 4, 1838. tH2 HAIL? WWJ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norgard o Premier were here aboard'the Ca LOCAL NEWS NOTES tala jesrda'y afternoon going SECRET SERVICE RING-It hu Kcret eomptrt-nwnt fof aecttt tmutn, photon HC. Ckrrirt Dick Tracr't picture tod lucky aigoi,' Clip coupoo now. 10 sees 1 41 I'llONT.S- 18 and 84 LUCKY BANGLE BRACELET Be the int in-four crowd to ta( this beautiful Uick Traor lutkr bracelet. Hamlet ihow Uick Tracy Junior and good luck charm. Clip tbt coupon. ml m MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Dick Tracy. Dept. N 100. SaiLatoon, Sa.k. Dear Dick Tracy i Pleaae aend me the Dick Tracy gift checked below, lor which I encloae Quaker Corn Flakea, Quaker Fuffcii Vi bcal or Quaker rutted Kicc box tops. 1 box top for Dick Tracy Secret Ring J bo topa for Dick Tracy Lucky Bracelet 2 boa topa for my membertbip in the Dick Tracy Secret Service Patrol, including the ecret rode book, patrol pledge and Dick i racy Badge. Adjrttt. City .fW... I'. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Jou tan Depend on Our Quality .Merchandise Buy lleve With Confidence ' I..BBY S BABY FOODS 6 arle i . Ask us about your FREE tin. IfiP LUl Pr tin LBBYS TOMATO JUICE - 15c L.SBY'S PORK and BEANS L rje 21 -oz. tins. 23 C " ELLED WALNUTS Light mbe: pieces. 9 p t lb yy E! ACK FIGS Fresh QCn moist. 3 lbs V ! ftKFR SALT Plain or Io-ed rip Pr shaker QIAUTY LIBBBY'S EVAPORATED PEACHES New seai-t:ght carton. Per pkg. 17c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS New exclusive cooking process. In Per tin SHARP'S RUM and BUTTER TOFFEE 9EIr Per lb. " SWEET MIXED BISCUITS Fresh stock. Extra 9p special, per lb. 4 SMALL .WHITE 95 "V BEANS 4 lbs. TERRACE FRESH 9Sp EGGS--Per doz. service PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive frompt and Careful Attention MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE special clearing 10 VEL-FELT RUGS 9x6' 8 VEL-FELT RUGS 9x101.' $4.35 S8.50 These Rugs are Manufactured by, Barry and Stains and are of Good Quality Phone-775 We Deliver 327 THIRD AVENUE GRADE A MILK Give Your Raby Fr,csh Milk Daily Our mjlk is produced tw,ice daily from our own Government tested cows. DOMINION DAIRY .The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily Remember! Hospital Auxiliary Telephone Bridge, Friday, May 6, 8 pm 11041 Mr W. Johnson and two children returned to the city on, the Prinoi George this morning from a tnp to Vancouver. Some twenty-five members pf the 102nd Battery, Royal Canadian Ar-i.Uler. will be leaving the latter part of this week for Fort Macau-'tay near Victoria to take two , weeks, course of practical artillery : Instruction. Charges and counter charges of dnvinu to the common danger ln-v..,iv.rv-' William Bacon and John C iuusen. arising out of a recent automobile collision, have, been dis-?r :ed of by Magistrate McClymont in city police court. The charge a;;ain.st Bacon was dismissed while ..u n was fined $10. T. W. Brown acted ds counsel for Bacon. There was no regular weekly ijr iie n ui the Prince Rupert Gy-C'.u'o today but, Instead, there w il be a dinner and bridge party tii; evening. The guests of honor wiii be District Lieutenant Governor W. H. Tobey and Mrs. Tobey and JJack Ioaf. a papular member of the dub, who is about to leave the city. I FEVER "Spring Fever" i brought on by poisonous waste hith clog your phild's f oodwayj.and undermine vitality. Needed it the frnrlr tlushinc action of Edo's "fruit Salt" to clear the diges tive tract and neutralize hyperacidity. Eno is pleasant-tasting, safe, and much more effective! than "sulphur and molasses . CIASSIFIED eor sale ill THIRD AVE. WEST near Royal Bank), Lot 8, Block 33, Section Hen Tits 11 nnH 12 Rlfir-k.17. Sec CLEAN, well-furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (104) PERSONAL WE HAVE HELVED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. -M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. OJdest I In Canada. tf. WORK WANTED "cwspaper Association, Qf.the'-Uana..iaP;i''s fm woman with two children wisnes Audit Bureau of "Circulations. It is the only paper northj housekeeping position. Bachelor Of V.mr.n,,r,M l t. t T?.lfnv. linlflinff membership , preferred. Phone 421, Vernon ill tW . . DU,"U"W" " ' Apts., Second Ave. ,,Vov.eltytDance! Oddfellow's" Hall. Friday. May , 6. Saunders' Serenade "" era. ti06) ,0. C. Sessions, station agent at Terrace, who has been on a.trip to Vancouver, urnea to the city from the south on the Prince Geprge '.tils morning and . will , proceed, to the inferior by ihe evening train. . !D.,C..Sarpstone,-manager of the Pplarls -Taku mirje, was a passenger aboard '.the Princess Louise this morning, going north from Vancpu-ver ,o Juneau eproute to ,Tulse- guah. (107) Cars driven by Johnny Clausen and Spiro Ourvich were in collision at 7:2 last evening on Third Avenue beiween Second and Third .Streets, clausep was travelling west along Third venue and!qur- vich was .pulling away from the curb. Some .damage was, done. ' Orange la, Tea And .Sale Successful Affajr iXerday After noon at .Home.jBf .Mrs.Jt.-T. Yesterday afternoon the ladles of Coquitlam; Mr. and.Mrs. G. Euner-man and family. Switzerland; ,E.;D, Cronin, Telegraph Point; H. Jerome. C.N.R. Knox R. W. McLeod'city! Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Williams, W. Langdon and J. Taylor, Vancouver: geprge Harrpp, Sinclair Mills; R Meyers, Seattle; desirable property for sale at a, low price and on easy terms. 5 , ' 7"""""" interest on balance as rent. ouver. A a iiiv v F. H. Wallace, Anyox; Mr. and j , .. Mrs. . . R. w. W. ... Sinclair . and child, 1 In- niou www" - . - tion 7, with house 1140 East 6th verness; O. E. ,ButterlU, .Hazeltpn; Avenue for $700, half cash .and jo. C. Sessions, Terrace; J. Turner,1 balance $20 per month. Geo. H.l j. Crompton andjH.jDpuglas, Van-Munrb, 4204 West Uth Ave., Van-;coUVer. couver, B C. If Interested in ...'. 4?S3lv. - property in or near Vancouver I c. Prajgell, ,IUySpfKvMaxtl- FOR SALE 20 with the above. ! son.. Tprpvtx; C. Ellri", '"Ocean ..: p. - lOgAjjfls; F-Wpwhi fiityt.tJeorge Muh- . . 'ro. Port . jisslngtbn; J.'Feren, Vane- I h.p. 1 cylinder 4- cycle seml-diesel Haines engine. Ideal for sawmill -"- or - boat. -- Apply Savoy : i wrs.-Henry Keja,,ruci.t.ssingvon; H. Erickson, co Ed. Lipsett Ltd Reld 't simpspri; ,Mf. andlrsj engine. S. Beaufllh, Terrace;, R. E. An-Flrst FOR SALE 10 h.p. gas class condition. Snap for ..derson,, Pacific; C. Swanson, C.N.R. cash. Apply H. Lund, DigDy is land. (106) FOR SALE Household Furniture. Phone L. H. Haworth, Green 325. (106) FOR RENT Announcements All advertisements in thia col-nmn will be chargedtfor a full month at 25c a word. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lakle's, May 6. United Sale, May 5. A. Y. ,P. A. Variety Entertainment. jMay tf. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 10. Carabral Spinsters' Spree,,May,13. through on a trip to Vancouver, j Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nlckerson, who haye been oh a trip to Van-1 Cpuyer, Seattle and elsewhere In jie souh, returned home on the Prince George this mornlngr Allan .Fraser of ;Kamloops arrlv-ed'lh' the city on the. Prince. Geprge, this morning Jfrpm Vancouver to pay .a visit with his parents. .Inspector and Mrs. John A. Fraser. James Taylpr, .Workmen's Compensation .Board inspector, and H. Douglas, factory Inspector, arriyed In the city on the Prince . George thls.mprplng -Irpm Vancouver, being. here, on, official (Jutles. Hugh Forrest returned to the.clty on the-Prince George this morning from Vancouyer where he attended sessions of the Canadian National Railways Employees Medical Aid 1 Association. .Sittlnir as a city council this morning. .City Commissioner .W. J. Alder , authorised the sale of tax sale, certificate rights lh lots 1 and i. jbipck 16, section 5, to Mah Sun Kee for .$4465. Tax sale certificate (rights in lot 5, block 3, section 5, ' $125.30. Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, May 17. Canadian iLegion -Tea May 18. May 20,,CvY.;Dance, pddellpws. Oyro "Maytime" Dance, May 24.' Rebekah Tea Mrs. Bert Morgan's May 25. Nlckerson C. N. R. Trains ithe Ladies' Qrange Benevolent As-!por the East soclation held a very successful tea Mondays, Wednesdays , aim aaic qi iiuiuc cuuK.iiig uuu piu.ui sewing at the home ot Mrs. R. T-Anderson, 1363 Sixth Avenue East; The tea room, attractively decor ated with blue Iris and daffodils, was presided over by Mrs. J. H: Parsons who was assisted by Mrs! J. C. Carter, Mrs. Frank Ellis and Mrs. George Howe and Mrs. William j i Richards were In charge of thei 'plain sewing table and Mrs. J. R. J Murray and Mrs. R. Murray the i ! home cooking table. Mrs. J. W!' Moorehouse was the cashier. The chicken, which was donated by the Bulkley MarkeJ, was. won by Miss Doris Webster with ticket No. 13. Hotel Arrivals Central Mr. and Mrs. j. Nlchol, Wood cock; E. Schumann, Mike 'Kasun, and J. Smith, Terrace; ;Pninp Blackburn and L. Deilandrea, Port From the East Tuesdays, Thurscays and.Satur days 11 pm KELLOGG'S and Frl- Red Gillis, Proprietor DRY WOOD COAL Furniture Moving and General Hauling Phone 60 t I I I days - ,o p.m.i Eor a Limited Time Only Walt Disney's SNOW WHITE GAME Free! l Try a Dally Newt wanv-ad RELIEVE H SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH '.1 fldlHMA rl RELIEF A athnia or Ilay Fever are qulcUj an J aimply I relieved by Kellogg'a Asthma Relief. Thia I famoua herbal preparation aold in Can- M adafor Wyeara haa already eDefited M , Jill ' AtourSrtDruS M 1 1 iw 'Mi tittm - tmt oiure bbbbi aiiaiiiiiiiiiiiHaMaBBBBBBBia . m.ia ..i-d,,'o m I III ?"""" I M Also in cigarette w Ionn- jm Northrop and M Er TO Tnrnuin ' .ailHHH KA1EN TRANSFER Sunderwood Studio Announces that their new equip-mehVnftblei .thern W deyejop .and print any size of Roll Films at 40c All Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) Holiday Camp 3Irs. Dunn Announces That Her SANG AN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Near Massett, Q.C.I., Is open for visitors and advises early booking. Fresji Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk .VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Central Hotel titOOSlS andiCAF fhone .CI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK With Every TEK Tooth Brush (Adult Size) Fifty Cents Walt Disney's "Snow White" Is the grandest show In years. Ev- erybody Is singing the songs everybody Is talking about It everybody is going to see It. EVERYBODY IS PLAYING THE GAME GET YOURS KOW Ormes Ltd. TTiiti Pioneer Druggists The ileTtU Store Phones: Bl Sc K Open Dally .From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From ,12 noon till Z o.m, 1p.m. till. 9 p.m. Time Marches On! Clean-Up Week Is Here Again .Why Not Improve and ProUct Your Property By Usins; Bapco PAINT and SHINGOLEEN Ask .Us For , Color Card and Take Aryantaffe of the J Fine Days THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE Phone 101 i Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package , For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre . nePadiaffc Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator NEY ROYAL J. Zarelll Proprltor "A (HOME AWAY FROM DOME Rate IL00 nf 50 Rooms Hot & Cpld Water Prince Kupirt, B.C. Fhone 281 r.O..JJox 1M Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of kBulkley Valley wheat it Is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. frjnce Rupert feed Company UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. i - steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: JJS.S. CATALA EVER! JIJES. -TVp.S. CARDENA JfJUPAY, DAT, 1:30 pin. 10:30 p.m. Due Vantoaver,.Thirrs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A3L ,If cqiTen'en.t vPleu purchase tickets at office Turther Information Regarding Resenratlons and Tickets From A. W. ifWlAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. lbone 568 n 4 "Hi i