ei P as >». iy 2 Lae ouT OF WOR’ JDAY? NEXT MAILS j rry The Want Ad. For South a Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m. } 4 ‘ g Princess Beatrice. .Saturday, 9 a.m. ee Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist wy OL. Ul, NO. 18 PRINCE RupERT, B.C., Monday, JANUARY 22, 1912. PrIcE Five CENTS SORTA, B.C a PORT SIMPSON RAILWAY BUSY WHARF SUNDAY POWERS AND | PROVINCIAL ASSESSORSHIP mo ——— LLTANT BOOST FOR Rail and Ship Traffic Swelled the | Appointment to Replace Mr. Cuth- TO START UP IN APRIL THE ORIENT) ee PRIN . CE PUPERT IN EAST Both the steamer Camosun and Under the Civil Service Act the | -~—- the Van Arsdol train blew their sition of Provincial pene oa HIEF DUDOWARD HAS RECEIVED OFFICIAL BLUE PRINT | whistles together yesterday after-|Refusal to Allow “Demands of | 1 the distriet, to be vacated by|NAME OF OUR CITY EMBLAZONED IN LETTERS OF FIRE BE- OF PLANS—INDIAN RESERVE LAND ON RIGHT OF noon, and train and boat together| Ghinese Republicans Th at, Mr. Arthur Cuthbert at the end of FORE TORONTO AUDIENCE ALREADY WELL POSTED WAY SOLD AT $70 PER ACRE. poured forth their streams of} Throne Should Now Abdicate. | this month, will be filled by the IN LOCAL PROGRESS BY ENERGETIC PASTOR. traffic upon the G. T. P. wharf, —_— eet ansfer of an assessor from Ce ea ae vg ee Chief Dudoward and his people{Tucks Inlet to Georgetown and|!t was aebrisk scene during the Canadian Press ‘feabatotn me other district. So far the In connection with the chureh read. The other day the Dover- Vi. Simpson are deeply in- Simpson by the coast, aah we enn Ls Peak ee Pekin, Jan. 22.—It is now de-|name of the new assessor has|challenge scheme, the result of court Road Church realized their hy : > Ak ae if ay no ‘ 5 Cx os > Oo agi i 5 | 4 ; ‘ » the che . re ¢ > , s rested at present in the pro- oe a Sass fare ie tn 5a pom Sa ita iy clared that the foreign powers |POt been ate ae oo he will] which is announced elsewhere, niin ned ie coer was i f 4 ‘ f etwee , "eb a ni = fi AB “ : Syria “~ will not vermit the demands of; 4rrive In about a week, some sple vj tork as : 2e ? e res yas A : pled TeUw whet Prince | the property of Chief Dudoward’s|for the south. the Cites Kannbticais .that the | TALE Sieak ae peiica anal binds oar made the consign: ot 8: lrllan a My ipert and Port Simpson, the | people, and they are to part with ——_-——- iran eho ehaicate. and atte Hospital Meeting. | of. thé: Baverentee Rea wagun boost for Prinee Rupert. fs My bi s for which were entirely] this strip to the railway COnIpeHy Millions Starving. render. This decision is owing | The next regular meeting of}Ghureh, Toronto, who take a keen Twelve of the prettiest young 1 di ted-6Ani NAY yes | fie halt es rt oe eon Washington, Jan. 22 . Spe-|to the lapse of time that must|/the Board of Directors of the!interest in western chureh work,| omen of the Dovercourt Road i! / rs of the charter granted the} us bid great waterway is opened, the | the customs duties on Americ 8! when they are carried into Port} sideration of $125,000, transfers|visited the claims in the launch a! sf events, looked upon in a serious goods. | Arthur, and that the CGanadian|six valuable copper-gold claims |Ocean Bell. - light. shops of the Hill lines will be/one and a half miles from Lock- - — ow Alfred Waldron Smithers, co a | built there, costing several mil-|port on the Queen Charlotlte|}MAY ABOLISH PATH,TUE TAX chairman of the Grand Trunk | { REMEMBER!! lion dollars. The announcement} [slands to the syndicate repre- hi, Railway of Canada, said that he} {lis made that the route for a line}sented by Mr, Morgan, Relic of Days ‘When Such a Thing i Me could not imagine that anything | = {|from Port Arthur to Winnipeg) The claims are situated at an Was a Luxury. se, could prevent English ship- |} When your “Want Ad” is in } |has already bee nselected. Work/jaltitude ‘of 3,000 foal, and the eee lala: : AF he owners from successfully com- | } The Daily News you ate COv= dion this will start as sogn as the | vein they include ia 120 foot wide. Montreal, Jan. 20. Special.) j peting with the rest of the world, | } The Dany ? ; a } {Plans fully mature, |The ore is of the same aay oF Montreal's bath tub tax, a reli as they have done in the past, |} ering the ee field, ’ Is | | tae a pr bi sprtespesic , of’ the daya when’ Bath’ tape Whe ‘ve t sricans receive ‘ef- t aste of money and time i ji as 8 Aber Apoctiae.tpepived pest | on, thoaa ‘Want Ads” q ‘ rit en, of tick- jth claims will probably ‘be sent an mae were QRRUe ae sa ah ci | naka ale Tey The i) Only a lmitos numer * ud for smelting to Goose Bay, when |uries of the rich, will probably Ww fe Mr. A. 8. Wallace of the firm| an ee ' ee ' ets will be sold for the Burns’ An- | the smelter is erected there, be abolished, Phe tax is $4 pay }) of Wand: Velianns & Lomesit {x nt News along and se or j niversary banquet at the Premier Mr. Bell and Mr. Davis, who is bath lap in all Houses. DARE as oa the cily at present’on a ceeaael yourself, Hotel. Procure yours without) a brother of Miss Grace Davis off}rental of $150 per yea or over, ' { l further delay. {the Government office staff, have|Last year it netted $22,000, | trip. [deem e eee mermmerermrh | }