WASHINGTON, D.C., June 2. A note sharply re- ! li. t .r.. t u r r:iu u.. : r ..: i lie 1 1 111111 hi iiirwvu vcsLciudv. xiic nuiv. ucumiiutu biiv. - r v t 1 i. 11 "i . 1 ciL L r L 1 1 I v i.' u . u . . Eighty-Mile Gale Sweeps Old England I rnNnnw Jnnn 2: (CP) An .... . . 1 1 1 t ugland. One yachtsman died exposure and another Is r.M'iirri nv ipnnnix hiiu w ii -r dips. 1 hit rn 4 n IAIN I LLAM5 ARE PACKED ' t M 'AAA UAH taitVIII I UI3 Vl WW Cases lASSETT, June 2: The Nootka rlrinrt- UA- 4Ut An rnnvtn D W, 1IUO V 1 4 44J uor pnnnprv nnn trip rprnainnei the clams have been shiDDCd to Pacific American Fisheries Alaska. Clam digging will nlS rlnm H ! trrri-rr hn hPMl H at uiMiri in Tnn nmn f" h.l iviiiJ I V JV V as they have earned good n P llUfo 4 n lrnM nnt-t itl tllA HttT. 7 Cnvi n. ...1.11. .1.1. Ua nn nmnnri best diceers on North Beach tie Nnnilfa PonHncr Pnmn'inv IS nn t i it-i 1 1 rr.. ttiii ( 't W ilLUUU HIV V iiiu i " J " V All IV 1U1 (JJt UtlVll MV AII r 1 .1 T . . earner Detter mi r Orn I hie Ynni - tniiiiaii a ii ii nitirr. miiiiiiiic ia tih. . it. a 1 frit.. 1 1 t . 4 I 1 data IUnH 4ntn j..J. Hnc naing period, So far this year lfH . 1 . I ...lit. ' til Kiiiixiiiiit- r.iiiniiiiiT.-Li, witii 1 It . I . . M, 11 . - hwwio iri u e 1115b 11VU 11IU11V110 .37, The precipitation m far S 1lf, I. i M 1 1 against 27.4 inches in the cor- 11 1 . . . . . . t r -I Lul I I I li I I I'll Willi 11(1.1 nuuio ' May was 4.2 Inches In compar- TODAY'5 STOCKS (OourtesyB. D. Johnaton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .10. Big Missouri, .32. Bralornc, 9.00. Aztec, .11. Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. Dcntonia, .05. Oolconda, .03. Mlnto, .02y8. . Falrvjew, .03. Noble Five, .022. Pend Orlelle, 1.35. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho. .02V2-Premier. 1.86. Reno, .55. Relief Arlington, .15. Reward, .03V. Salmon Oold. .06. Taylor Bridge, .04. Hertley Amalg., .03. Premier Border. .O0T Silbak Premier,; 1.65. Congress, .0034. Home Gold, .01. Indian, .01 Vi-Quatslno Coppei1, .03. Haida, .05. Oils Calm'ont, .30. C. & E., 2.10. 1 Freehold, .05. Hargal, .20. McDougall Segur, .15. Mercury, .08. Okalta. 1.12. Piicalta, .07. Home Oil, 1.03, - Toronto Bcattlc, 1.00. Central Pat., 2.45. ' Gods Lake, .412- ' Little Long Lac, 3.55. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.00. Red Lake Gold Shore, .15. Pickle Crow, 4,45. , San Antonio. 1.23. ! Sherrltt Gordon, .94. Smelters Gold, .OlVi. ' Cockshutti 3.15. ' ' Oklend, .15. ' Mosher, .35. Madscn Red Lake, .31. . Stadacona, .40. . Francoeur, .30. Moneta, 1.99. Bouscadlllac, .08. Tmospson Cadillac, .24. gallery of Vancouver by single un- A v 1 y-v w- I CIULMUJCU iilCll WliV tiaic VUK pi ii ri i in i luuLiiv in wLcujit:ii iiiiiii i ivuiiiiiimrii- r AitA 00 Ruthless Bombing by Nipponese Continues and Gains Claimed of the men say they are planning new action In the way of another demonstration of their demands. Yesterday one hundred single unemployed men attempted a mass effort on the streets to collect their assurances of protection for United States prop- Iunas DUt we frustrated wnen 1 1 ":U4. : pu: 4. u., f oofithe police confiscated their cans ..j. 11 TT..11 i mi i rru ,,1,1 " "" ana omer American premises in oc- J 1 vr-il VO 4 : tupicu Viuua. l The deliberate bombing of United States missionary institutions and other premises, despite clear marie T 1 lngs by United States flags, was aj- j so protested. 1 The robbing of an American ship by Chinese pirates is also Japanese Gains ARE SLAINi Four Dead as Fresh Disorders Break Out in Mexico, This Time in Tabasco Province MEXICO, June 2. There were , fresh disorders in Mexico when SHANGHAI, June 2: (CP) Warj our Roman catholics were shot by! planes jqI me. Japanese army ipreaa pollce whcn tney attempted toy a trail of destruction through towns and villages abotit the Lunghai Railway and Japanese said this had enabled enabled their incir columns columns to w make mane im- uu- south of Lanfeng. twenty miles march to a church in Tabasco 11111 P portant gains. The Japanese an- . y0re jyluUOnS TOr nounced mat mey naa occupied a British Navy Asked Old Country's Naval Bill For Year Is Brought Up 125,000,000 LONDON, June 2: (CP) The Admiralty today published supplementary naval estimates totalling over 2,000,000, bringing the country's naval bill for the year to 125,000,000. The supplementary are mainly for preliminary naval construction expenses. Fire Alarms This Year Increasing Dcuarlment Heine Kept Busier Than Year Ago Most Serious Fire In May The city fire department tes-ponded to Itwo calls 'during the month of May this year( the same number as in May 1937. So far this year there have been thirty-five alarms as compared "with twenty-two In the first five months of 1937. The most serious fire in the city I so far this year occurred during May with the total destruction of a residence on Tenth Avenue East owned by Oscar Pick. The loss was placed at $2200 with Insurance of $1500. Miss Edith Johnstone, who nas been spending a holiday visiting with friends at Ketchikan, return cd home from the north on tht Princess Louise this morning. Bankflekl, .66. East Malartic, 1.59. Preston E. Dome, .77. Hutchison Lake, .04. , Dawson White, .04. ' Aldermac, .43, " Kerr Addison, 1.47. Uchl Gold, i;40. Int. Nickel, 42.75. -Noranda, 61.00. . Cons. Smelters,', 50.25., Athona, .08$: . " Har'drock, 2.09. ..Barber Larder, .34. Rand Malartlc,.33. UbiRArv Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Eh prince Rupert Overcast, southwest iHigh 4:29 a.m. 19.7 ft. wind, eight miles per hour; 17:34 p.m. 18.9 ft, , barometer, 30.07 (rising); temperature. Low 11:06 ajn. 2.9 .ft. : 42; light chop. 23:35 p.m. 7.1 ft. ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ol. xxvii.. no. tg . - PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT, RUPERT, B.C., B.C., THURSDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE JUNE 2, 2, 1938. 1938. rR1CE: cents ranf j Apologizes To Gt. Britain apan Is Rebuked By Uncle okyo Lharged With Violating Promises Of Non-Infringement Vancouver Post Office Is Still Being Occupied VANCOUVER, June 2: (CP) : New developments in connection, with the sitdown occupancy of thej Post Office lobby and civic art BULLETINS OFFERS HEWAHD VANCOUVER GrantiMacCon-nachie, head of United Air Transport, has offered a reward of $500 for information leading to the finding of the Ginger Coote Airways seaplane, piloted by Len Waagen and with three passengers on board, which has been missing since last Friday: morning on a flight from Vancouver to Zeballos. FOR MINING ROADS OTTAWA The Dominion government announces grants to assist the western provinces in building mining roads. British Columbia gets $210,000; Alberta, $50,000, and Saskatchewan, $125,-000. These grants will be two-thirds of what the provinces will spend. For the Yukon and Northwest Territories there is an appropriation of $93,000. FOREST FIRE DANGER VICTORIA The forest frre situation in British Columbia is re- I.O.D.E. RESOLUTION VANCOUVER The National Chapter of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, in convention here, passed a resolution urging the termination of the "gentlemen's agreement" whereby Canada allows 150 Japanese annually to enter Canada and take up residence. SASKATCHEWAN CANDIDATES REGINA There are 150 candidates in the field for the Saskatchewan general election next week Liberals, 50; Social Credit, 41; C.C.F., 31; Conservatives, 23; Independents, 12. Elections in two northern seats are deferred until July. CONSIDER HIGHWAY OTTAWASenator Dandurand announced yesterday that no definite proposal had yet been considered in regard to the proposed Alaska Highway through British Columbia and the Yukon although it had been discussed informally between Premier King and Premier Pattullo and was still under consideration. WARRANT FOR HENLEIN PHAHA, Czccho-srovakia A Warrant is out for the arrest of Conrad Heniein on a charge of treason. A blonde British beauty, notorious as an associate of Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany, and an American youth were placed under arrest yesterday by the Czccho-Slovakian authorities on charges of espionage. HOOVER IN CHARGE Sam Insurgent Commander County Court Case; For Big Amount Is, Now Being Settled Head Of Red Cross Passes Dr. TORONTO, June 2: (CP) Dr. J. L. Blggar, national commissioner of the Canadian Red Cross Society, drive against Teruel-Valencla high a long Ulness. He once practised though it was claimed last night in ! ' t .A , ,"4m.a, " 7" ' !. . . . . .. medicine In Victoria hazardous. In Prince George dls- 1 trict alone there ate 61 tires. J. L. Biggar, National Commissioner of Society, Dies in Toronto 'Elected Head Of Church In Canada Rev. Dr. Donald Macodrum of Brockville, Ontario, is Chosen Presbyterian Moderator TORONTO, June 2: (CP) Dr.' Donald Macodrum of Brockville, j Ontario, was elected moderator of j the Presbyterian Church of Can-, ada at the annual General Assem-' bly last night. LOG SCALE NOW LOWER Decrease In Production During Month of .May Brings Down Total For Year To Date T;.he timber scale in Prince Ru oert pert forestry xoresiry division envision lor lor tne wit off in comparison comparison with with I6,604,iii 16,604,117 Regrets Sinking Of John Bull's Vesse The county court case from Atiin London Again Moves For Peace in Spanish Conflict But of Columbia Development qo. Ltd. Realizes There Arc Difficulties Rebels Said to be vs. Isaac Matthews et ai, involving Stalling on Valencia Advance Today a claim by the plaintiff for $28,000. . ' M. tTSSS Sff LONDON, June 2: CP)-Geeral Francisco Franco,' yesterday but was adjourned sine commander-m-chief of-the Spanish insurgents, has, apolo-die. a settlement of the action out' gized to Great Britain for the sinking of British ships in of court is pending. Patmore &' Spanish waters. He explains that British shipping was lZSZ, deliberately chosen for attack and added that ho had the defendants. ordered an investigation of such incidents While actively protesting against 'attacks on British shipping, the British government has moved for peace with two objectives: First, a truce in Spain with settlement of the civil war. Second, reopening of direct ne gotiations with Germany. uritisn circles recognize mat ! these cannot be achieved until considerable difficulties have been overcome. Meanwhile the insurgent power : Sweden Goes Isolationist STOCKHOLM, June 2: (CP) Following Norway's lead, the Riksdag, lower house of Swed- en, last night adopted a res- olutlon asserting Sweden's rebel quarters that the first line pf "d"-T "l ' T layalls defences of Barcelona hadj . .fallen before a five-mile advance under the nersonal command of General Franco. from League of Nations sanc-' ' " ' Hons! ' LOCAL SAMPLING PLANT HAS JUSTIFIED ITSELF MINES MINISTER FINDS Hon. V. J. Assclstinc Heard By IJrince Rupert Gyro Club In Discussion of Various Matters of Interest ooara m iui . uk ... . that that $4000 $4000 had had been been provided provided to to .year, w wui 101 u.u - operate It for the year. Mr. Assel jear to uauc uuw jwhuo u, 231,570 board feet as against 21,-,042,711 board feet In the first flvo (months of 1937. ' The log scale per species this PRINCETON, Florida J. Ed- HemiocK ju.oou r iic.vpr rhUf .,f the FrHrra! Balsam 650,384 r. ---v.--, - Bureau of Investigation, has taken personal charge of the investigation into the five-year-old Cash boy kidnapping. Two thousand searchers are engaged in the hunt. State police along the Atlantic coast have been Instructed to look out for a sedan carrying two .men. Numbers of the notes paid in $10,000 ransom have been kept. YANKS WIN TWO N2WYpRK New York Yankees won two ends of a double-header from Detroit Tigers today, the first 5 to 4 and the second 5 to 2. Speaking before the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at luncheon yesterday, Hon. William J. Asselstine, minister of mines and trade and industry, expressed gratification in regard to the encouraging and satisfactory results which were attending the operation of the ore sampling plant which was established at Prince Rupert last year by the provincial government. Thei - progress of the plant was far great-' industry to as great an extent as er than he had expected and the possible with the funds available, expenditure Involved In establish- it should be remembered that all lng had already been .fully Justified these funds came from the pockets by the Voiume of use to whlch lt of the people and( therefore, the month of May totalling 10,374,644 was bd t and tne results be f unctions ol the government de- board feet having snownv, a iauin . nhf.all,-j of-tlmr that it had nartmpnts must hp rnnstrtif.tlvp and . . , . t r- nn ral nrnhiemc. Board Ft. Board Ft Fir 607,775 .Cedar 1,812.228 Spruce 3,924,024 Jackpine 767,358 Miscellaneous lock. 1,814,231 8,471,581 141,098 5,343.801 224,37 The tl? count this May was 5,993 pieces all jackplne-as compared with 2,933 pieces in the same month last year. The count of cordwood this May was 161 cords In comparison with 35 in May 1937. As far as the north was concern the plant was particularly favorable. Mr. Asselstine, discussing the problems of the mines department, said that the aim was to endeavour to '.assist the development of the ed. Mr. Asselstine said he was Dar- istne stated that over $1100 had Ocularly interested In the exten-been returned to prospectors by slon of geological survey activities means of lt. Forty test shipments wnlcn were of great assistance to had already been made and. lt had tne prospectors in pointing out with the samt "ct" wftere aePslts migni' De uaDie 10 May as compared , 7 , V ' r more knowledge about dlsC0verles had been Beore month last year Is as follows: ,f finflte occur. thelr rcturns and what they Mav 1938 May 1937 ore-lts made, geological surveys had pre- iiiibuu cApci,. uc uiu uvv utum, dieted ore in me uooau ana ureai there was a plant In the whole slave Lake arenas. Closer at home Dominion which had a better rec- the same was true of Zeballos ord In sampling. where, after Dr. Gunning had pre- Mr. Asselstine congratulated Dr. "dieted gold would be found. fish-Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining ermen. prospecting In their spare enclneer. on the excellent work he time, had located ore which they 1.257! Was carrying out in conectlon with themselves had shipped to smeUer. Totals .10,374.644 w,i,u, th0 plant As a result of Dr. Man- fireat Cam Timber Products j dy's Interest and efforts, some im-j The scale of poles and piling In , portant discoveries had been made, 1 ' Speaking of Zeballos, Mr. Interior was light at a total t one at least o whlch might be ex- selstlne forecast that it would un or 35,4m lineai ieei ounng "'fcjpected to lead to the development doUl,tecI1 dnuUtediv be be the ttus next big month Just ended but was In ex- r promlslng prospect. Within ... nt M4.U HnPai fPPt In thfi ? .V ... ... 1,- camp of the province. There gold was "' .vwo years, m, amcibwic miu, v - ' month of May 1937. The pole and was sure the piant would have play- n doubt of ... at least ... three lmpor-plllng , consisted of 31,705 lineal ed important part in the de- tant commercial operations as coin-feet cedar and the balance hem- LtSnmpnt nf mines in the north, pared with two in the Bridge River '.The reaction of the prospectors to area Between 500 and 600 men were now in the hills adjacent to Zeballos. The whole picture was being changed as far as gold on Vancouver Island was . concerned. A particularly gratifying feature (Continued on Page Two)