THE DAILY NEWS. — on = aeons \MUBL HARRISON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE JEWEL THEFT ve 17 in oe W L. BARKER NOTARY PUBLIC) 3 | : Tee 1 S.S. - THE Architect ‘ ! y = KE R Second avenae and Third street \} x rince Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. >| » > ‘ . mue arris n 7 DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN e A ” AC\F iS Rupert i at wi” Gordon Munro W. Nichelson Lailey fter Three Years’ Quest Scot-| Es ris Par M Real Estate and Stock Brokers land Yard Men Run to Ground : This is @ little section of the paper which from day to day will be devoted w| UNRO & LAILEY ya a.m. for subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince e Architects ‘PROVED AGREEMENTS F ‘ . . . and Arrest Suspect for Robbery . . Finee / Rupert ' API ROVE! g £ FOR SALE PURCHASED of Queen of Siam’s Gems. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATILE paiva caged | atilame 08 erate ae ae Maan ee he 7th inedible and tate ee en ‘ p inthe eumniierat-?eee exons PACIFIC RY. CO sk ' ‘to oe ? ace he r, the}is in mole gray, the reverse side Barristers, Notaries, Erc. = don sien pineetl tii salem ait Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines eos - » lose sake she had of which is a vieux rose. This Office—Exchange block, corner Third avenue and i Geriitil Merchandise - - - Largest Stock heavy iron box and shipped them | ——-—_--—-—- oueieg le long and perilous aera we color is, under ixth street. Prince Ruvert. 8 f ciadiiinansisli dibieticon ile te len ; 2 ™ d . hormal circumstances, only dis- —SSS== —————————— a German steamer , , me ; | jbox ‘idtived: it Benge ee [he ceremony took place at|played in the buttons and button-| WM. S$. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. ; t : 5 the Catholic Church, Rey. Father}holes of satin, which ms *k the DENTIST. { . : empty. For three years Scotland aE Sa sat ee vere ae aan ae een nark the t | Lowest Prices in Northern B. e erg Mi ct Bessie = - - | | Bunoz officiating. The bride was|line of the tunic, and where it| Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ( . , CANADIAN }dressed in white satin d wore|forms an edging . » colle All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and { ~ : | and wor an Iging for the collar case, but could find no evidence ST eek ateees Tor ee palainenee- tf ome et warrantin roan arrest til the PACIFIC jreal orange blossom. The brides-|and sleeves. The rest of the Eipecsen Mice Heinesen bir a ] om e+ x arré g arrest untl 1¢ SL, maid was Miss Louiso Astori, and|gown preserves its grayness in a 2 ae a A maiesuniiill cnt cael emnslpors 2 other night, when they traced De- the best man C, Severino striped velvet, of alt nat lark nadk A he Siraita::Re oa os s é 4d 3 . 8 3 5] 1, oO ernating dar Alex.M.Ma wR -E. ——S——— = - = _ ep tage tal pay ae Bir B i om as The church party was numer-jand light stripes. fi is oP verr > . j 2A P f : ve : © q/ finger of the right hand. A num- SECOND AVENUE special term, overruled the de-!juice of two lemons, half a grated os ; When in Vancouvér You Should Stay at the $ | bei of her divorced friends have 1 murrer filed by Hubbard and or-|nutmeg, a teaspoonful of cinna- eer 2 Spee | : dig gable — —o— ; * : jalready adopted the emblem of ~ 00-90 dered him to pay the costs. mon, talf a pound of raisins and Outside Orders Promptly Filled. P| ranewe Praado Mrs. Hubbard says that when |three tart apples cut arters T T 2\irenewed freedom. ibbat * PI ut in quarters. CARL ON HO EL $) “Pretty soon,” says Mrs. Parke, she gave way to her husband’s}Cook all until soft, strain through Snil ‘Ave. batween 10th and S38h te f B I | I $ “everybody will know that a lain aflinity, in consideration of her|cheesecloth and pour on more Finest Cafe in B.C, Suropean Plan. tates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. 2\ ring on the right Jittle finger | surrender of her dower rights in|water if it is too thick. When Hot and Cold Water in each room. $ means its wearer is divorced, andl the Royeroft property, the new]/ready to serve add two well beat- THE IROQUOIS $ | the plan of indicating a person's | ; ; wife promised to give to her stock ]}en eggs and remove from the fire CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Bl mairiaorie) status in this way paar cots! corner Sixth Avenue | worth $10,000 in the bookbindery, ;}a few minutes while stirring be- POOL Vancouver, B.C. $ | will come into general use. catoteremnes aa dd and guaranteed a dividend of 12]|fore pouring into a heated punch English and American Billiards Zz) ‘It’s so economical, too. The | myo cottages corner Second Avenue and per dent... Which: ‘DemnrOy moet Ear. Twelve Tables SEconD AVE. vow Pi divorced woman can have her} Ninth Street paid, Bers ==|wedding ring cut down to fit the] cr te ae iia candle ones sata ede saat LADY SHERIFF’S DEPUTIES | . little finger. naan ar y . es | Lots in all parts of the cit ees oe | It saves one a lot of embar-| y: Latest Innovation in New York First Ave. lrassment, for new acquaintances | FIRE INSURANCE Well-Known Now York Society Administration. Hotel Central SS end 7th Street | will know better than to refer Lo | We represent some ol the largest Com- Woman's Recipe. ite : ; oro “tates j‘your husband,’ and old friends | panies doing business in the City. ie Three women, well known in $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : |}who have not heard of the divorce | |} The following directions tell}|the social life of New York, have Peter Black : Proprietor . or é The best NEW will save themselves many awk-| D RAND how a well-known society woman |been seiected by Sheriff Harburg- f | ward: enquiries. . . in New York makes this famous &' Of that city to be his deputies. Y E A R present erates | Second Ave. Phone 112 : é They are Mrs. Charles H. Truax, | Chinese dish; Cut the meat from] vai of a Supreme Court jus- is a ear’s sub- LRROR ARTE. ae F ee re 4 5 oa eae a ae ns tice; Mrs. John 8. Crosby, presi- REAL ESTATE ¥y NOTICE used, though it rarely 1S) IM'0| Gent of the Women's Democratic scription to... . at Home ™ WEEKLY NEWS It has all the news of the week’s progress in the city and district. It tells ie more about the place than 5 you could write in a month. | } | | |: It will come regularly each week like a letter from you. “We feel as if we know everything and everybody i in Prince Rupert through i reading your paper. It’s ‘ the most interesting paper . we receive,” writes a sub- scriber from England. —POST PAID TO ANY ADDRESS IN— Canada $2.00 TUR II see subscribe For The Daily News United States or Eng. = |BESNER & | Toronto Trades and Labor Coun- oil Against Hinde» Immigration, | Notice is hereby given that an applica- | tion will be made to the Legislative As- r sembly of the Province of British Columbia | org » ehurches of anv kind | 4t tts uext session for an act amending If the churehe P ne | Section 3 of the British Columbia & Alaska Mwhatever in this country are g0-| Railway Act, 1910 (Ch. 56, Statutes of : i a 5 British Columbia, 1910), by striking out ing to advocate free immigration | ay the words after the ‘word ‘Columbia’ of Hindoos and their wives, we | !® Line 10 of said Section and substituting therefor the following iwill fight the churches, because} “And or from Fort George tn a north | _| easterly direction to the valley of the we think it is impossible lo main Parsnip River by way of Fort McLeod, tain a high spiritual life with | thence along the Parsnip River to a junc- * tion with the Peace River, thence along | low economic conditions. | the valley of the Finlay River through | Ty i S ¢ Trade ‘ Sifton Pass, thence down the Stikene | Jame s Simpson at Trades and | | River to a junction with the main line at iLabor Council meeting in To- | Telegraph Creek; also powers to build } branch lines either through the Pine River ronto, | or Peace River pa 8 to the eastern boun- | | dary of British | the most feasible rx | tive by the most | Lytton and Teslin Lake, |} a point on said line of railway to the City umbia, or by way of or in the alterna- between also to build from ite, feasible route of Vancouver or from the City of Van couver to a point on sald line, by the most feasible route And further, for an act extending the time within which the company has to commence construction and expend ten per cent of its capitalization. Dated at Victoria, B. C., this 5th day of December, 1911 ROBERTSON & HEISTERMAN, Solicitors for the Applicants, the British Columbia & Alaska Ratlway Company. ee BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is runon the European LAND PURCHASE NOTICE plan. First-class service. All the pate morn pommpeoneraense ag Prince Rupert Land Distriet—District of FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER}! : Coast Y fake notice that ‘Lemuel Freer, of Vancouver, B. ( ceupation broker, in — ee fiend to apply for permission to purchase | the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on the shore in a northerly direction from Port Nelson Cannery, marked L. F,’s S.B. corner, | thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, ————— thence east along the shore to point of, ~ ee commencement, containing 40 acres, more Clean, bright and wholesome, low or less, be Ret in water and carbohydrates, but con- Dated Dec, 7, 1914 LEMUEL, FREER taining nearly double the amount of Pub. Jan. 5, 1911. fat ana protein, pound for pound, : / ; ste cae ‘ied than the ordinary feedstuffs tn local Skeena Land OE ae patrist of Gos use. It Take notice that I, CAROLINE JOHNSON, : of Vancouver, bh. C., oceupation married Meets all the Requirements of a) f) Woman. intend to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed lands Profitable Dairy Feed Commencing at 4& post planted at the and compared tn price with what is southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south asked for other feedstuffs is triple 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence protein value for your money. 8 north 60 chains to the southeast corner of superiority lies in the fact that feed- Lot 3062, thence west 40 chains along ing tt increases both the total di- south line of Lot 3062, thence north 20 gestible matter and the amount of chains along west line of Lot 3068, thence fat and protein in the dally ration west 40 chains along south line of Lot 8065 to point of commencement, contain AND SAVES YOU 40 TO 60 ing 560 acre more or less JOHNSON, Agent, CAROLINE PER CENT ON FEED. Rh, Carr, i i fried in hot olive}, : smal! lumps and fried it ot olive] Gib of New oil until well browned. To the ,| Patterson. meat then are added two cups of lha ' as York, The duties of what considered strictly a mushrooms, ‘two large _OMORS, | an’s job have no terrors for the chopped fine, a stalk of Strong | iady sheriffs, and in a few days aelery, also chopped, and eoup 0! they will raise their hands and Wises SDEOHI. hese may be|nave the badge of .authority omitted if they cannot be sprouted {Pinned o AT ERR Avoaaae: in a Chinese quarter or sprouted at home. Before the meat ts Ee Rea er ht eget fried three dessertspoons of corn CALGARY GETS HEAD OFFICE stareh and two of sugar should| reeerere be blended in a cup of warm|arge English Lumber. Corpora-~ water, to which are added three tion Will Locate There. tablespoons of Chinese or Wor-| The Dominion Saw Mills & cester sauce, This* should be | Lumber Co., Ltd,. the large Eng added to the mixture just after} lish corporation, which within the the celery, onion and wheal/las# year or so has acquired ex- sprouts. The whole should be/tensive lumber milling interests cooked over a very hot fire and!in British Columbia, has decided constantly stirred. The mass will|to locate its chief offiee for the thicken and grow smooth, It}manufaeturing end of the busi- should be cooked half an hour. in the city of Calgary. ness cas SESRESEHeseeae EN ENEERHE # Qur Vancouver ssoies sox wun eve anings Jewellery Store Store DS si¢ Supplies you with the things you need through its MAIL ORDER SERVICE—a system organized to cater to every populated district in Canada. This the sister of our great eastern stores, car- rying the same goods at the same moderate prices at the Montreal, Ottawa and Winnipeg branches, bul giving the westerner a quick- is er, more satisfying service, Our 5 illustrated Catalogue is a book that will interest everyone who 72 ° 4 dais Sale Me _s—sreads it.” It is the Canadian buy- ; re oe ers guide to quality goods and * H Bi k &S moderate prices, It puts you in 4 enry ITKS Ons touch with the importer and -Limited— Jewellers and Silversmiths Geo. E. Trorey Managing Director Vancouver -:- manufacturer, Study this book, through it from our stock, thus insuring satisfaction in your purchase, BG. = SEE EEE select You should not be without tt. 1c, 93, 1944 Maited grains, fresh and sweet from Dated Dec, 3 Lovett the brew kettle dried in a continu- Pub, Jan, 18, 2. | ous vacuum process by —— } IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | THE ROVAL STOCK FOOD Co COLUMBIA, | . Limited IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- TION ACT, and movers ef gud Pasiens':tn Paws IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF | | SCOTIA AND FRONT STREETS LUDUGER ROY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. | VANCOUVER, B. C. TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His} Honor, Judge Young, made the 28rd day | of November, ministrator of Deceased, !ntestate, 1911, | Was appointed Ad | the estate of Ludger Roy, and all parties having claims aeainst the aor estate are meer required to forwar né same to me a Servian Labor Benefit Se Prince Rupert, B. & raproper| verified, oe or before the 12th day of March, A. D, Ne, 105, 8.88.5. 1912; and all parties indebted to the said | estate are required to pay the amount of} their indebtedhess to me forthwith, Meetings held every Ist and 3rd Sunday of the Dated this 5th day of January, A. D. 1912. month in the Carpenters’ Union G. VUKOVICH, {. MAZLUM, Secretary P.O, Box 991 President THOMAS A, ROY, Administrator, Feb, 3, Prince Rupert, B. C. DIVIDEND Would Make 80 PER CENT. You Run, Wouldn’t It? It’s just aS important to get good returns from your gun as it is from your vs and stupor both when you invest in a GREENER GUN, No other gun in the world can equal she. Greener for regularity and close- ss of patte combined with striking force, sf The See ode was the first perfected choke bore and the system of boring, with which it won the Great London fleld gun triais of 1875, etc,, is still the best today, and, in fact, the only one guaranteeing @ pattern of 80 per cent, of the charge in a 30-inch circle at 40 yards. This means hard hitting as well, and is but one of the many features covered by the Greener Guarantee, ls worth thinking and acting upon, Send for catalog, mailed free, It will be sure to interest you, W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL and Miss Ada = LINDSAY’ Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM . R.C, Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning Prepare for winter by getting ren fnr- naces and flues put in order by C. H. CUTTING Practical Chimney Sweep Address: Knox Hotel, or PHONE 71 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE DPEN DAY AND NIGHT 356. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors $rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No, 86 PHONE 301 P.O, BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 Grand Hotel. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection | Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor, CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled, Prices reasonable, OFFICZ—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave, Phone 174 Workshop 2ad Ave. bet, 7th and sta Sts Savoy Hotel Cor. Fraser and 5th, Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT