PAOE TJVO Super Style, Wear And Comfort In These New Lines Of Men's Dress and Street Oxfords We can absolutely guarantee this line is best $ for $ value in footwear Ave have had the pleasure to offer. Priced from $5.50 T0 $6.50 Agents for Penman's Hosiery and Meltonian Polishes Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Calculation Telephone 9t Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulation! DAILY EDITION Monday, August 8, 1938. SOVIET ELECTIONS The other day there was an election in the Soviet Union. There were ho opposition candidates. Everyone had to vote or be in danger of losing their jobs. The result was that 99.3 of the total electorate voted and 99 1 expressed approval of the candidates put up by the partv. LIVE FOR FUTURE. M. I. Kahnm, chairman of the presidium, official head nf rnp Snviof TT5mi : i. ai i , wiuuii, ocaiMug jusu ueiore me election to a large Catherine- of voters sairl "After all, we live, not only in order to exist, we live uie xuLure as wen. vve live tor the complete victory of Communism the world over." These words were greeted with stormy applause from the factory workers. I KECORD FOR HIBLES j t ixru., While there u have been wars and rumors of wars during the past year, the Gideon Society announces that their, distribution of Bibles during the past year broke all previous records. The total distribution was 81,000, the yearly average for the previous thirty years being 50,000. Men' and women in these tempestuous days turn to the Bible" where they read of other tempestuous days and of the. coming of the Prince of Peace into a world of turmoil. AN INTERESTING QUERY ! A reader of the Daily News has asked us to propound the following problem for solution, the person answering' correctly to be given a diploma of award of honor: ' How is it that in Britain the Liberals have just about disappeared and in this country a smiliar fate has been suffered by the Conservatives?" Answers should be sent to the office of the Daily; News butthe writer, if it is to be published, must Hot uS the Question asan pvfnco fnv Ylfi,T-.m . si ii ' . .v. uu.uvauiig aii owetiai political party or cult except such as is necessary in ansAverinb the question in a fair manner. p GREAT PREPARATIONS Great preparations have been made for a proper celebration of Port Day this year. Committees Tiave beeh working on the details of the event and it seems likely, that it will be the first of a series of similar celebrations to be held at this time of year. The full co-operation of all citizens is asked and that visitors be given a hearty CANADA AT "WAR ! (Continued from Pane One) thort, chiefly through narrow , lanes, nd lor the most part flown-hill, drawn by gaunt horses and 'driven by sleepy poilus. This Indicated we were at the southern txtremfty of the British line. , "Boves Wood was an extensive clump of brush and saplings, still very wet from the flight dew, and already containing many various units. All were concealed. About an i acre of brush was apportioned to us and there we were told to make ourselves comfortable. The warn-' lng was given that there must be no movement outside the wood 'Inday-I time. Fires must not t lit, lest the ' smoke betray the .presence of troops, -and at hint no lights tvere to ibesshown. In -other -words, -cold bul-ily beef and water were to be our portion during the stay In Boves Wood. But,we were told cheerfully that stay Would not be protracted. We were "going somewhere else.' "The next move cami quickly, i During the day orders were re- ( ceived to send a party 'of guides to Gentelles Wood, just off the Amiens URoye fcoad, a few miles Southeast of Boves and to move the battalion forward that night. j "Nearer the line! Something was surely happening but what? The, THE DAILY NEWS Monday, August 8, EDEN ATTENDS FOURTH OF JULY FETE Anthony Eden, former foreign s- cretery of Great Britain was fcuest of honor at the fourth o July dinner given on that anniversary by London's American society. Ambassador Kennedy, Just returned from th United States, was also honor--ed. The "Lions" of the accaslcn are pictured together. Wilfrid Kicks Is Given Party Miss Edith Connery Hostess at En joyable Affair Friday Nljht Miss Edith Connery was hostess last Friday viening at th? home o1 her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Connery at an enjoyable party in hon cur of Wilfred Hicks who is leaving for Kamloors. During the cvenjng J a presentation was made by Ken Green who wished Mr, Hicks bon vovage and success in his new position. Th 4nvitt quests were Mlxse Elsie Davis. Edith Wilkinnn Plr-mi F n'oy F1'e Finlev I ydia WestobV Sophia Macloren, Doris Houlden' VrnctHi Ft rr and Isabel Connery rnri Me3rs. Ken Green Cliff Ma-H)1 George MdiU. Rupert Fultor Bill Murray. Maurice Davey. Wilfred Hicks and Martin Van Cooteo LEGION I.lNE-tJP The Canadian Lelan teim for tomorrow 'venlne Gillmlv Cup foctball piome against Hoval Cem-dlnn Naval Volunteer Reserve will be thosen frvn 3monp the follw-!ng nlayers: Krause: Murray end Currie: H"jwe Currie nnd M-K'v-Scherk. Baotie. Campbell. Snilth whole business was still shrouded! troops and material." the historian tiens, time schedules and all the and Comadlna. Snares: Bremner in mystery. Obviously we were go- continues. "But engaging the clo-1 other particulars of the coming bat- Slmundsen and Vancr Ing into a 'big show,' but when? jsest attention 0r the infantrymen tie were detailed. ; "At nightfall the battalion par- j were tne tanks nuilJ steel-clad ' Await Zero Hour cated as the assembly point. In the aded, swung out of Boves Wood to! monster tlvey were surrounded at1 "Ihe ambitious nature of the op- greying twilight of August 7 the a roaa cnoked with troops and ve- a1i times bv. awe-stricken "Mat-xratlcns evoked their admiration, battalion moved out of Gentelles hiclesof every kind. Guns, ammunl-' sioggers to them the tanks' crews , The perfection of the preparations, Wood, its companies p:ogre?a'tng tion limbers, transport wagons, with not a Htti fppiina nf wuifW- T which thev hud Vwpn fcpnt in lndeoendentlv. With the aDDroaeh - engineering supplies, motor lorries, censlon, poured into credulous ears' complete ignorance bespoke. the of night everything else began to men-all were packed nto that extraordinary stories of the ccpa- highest efficiency of the Canadian move. The light artillery Jingled out narrow ribbon or road leading bllities of their machines. Embow- Corps staff. The scheme was noth- t; their open emplacements in the through Boves to Gentelles Wood. ered with branches, the tanks were ing short of a 'break-through' fields; the tanks began their tun-It was not a march but a crawl, carefully concealed from aerial 0b- that break-through which had been ing up. Across the open country, Hour arter hour this endless col-1 se-rvatlon. promised from the days of Neuve vague shadows marcht-d wraith-' umn wormed its way forward. Not; 'Heavy guns, equally wellcamou- Chapelle in March, 1915, on. Many like In the gloom-all moving for-' "mu lw mmnigni aia inejfiaged, pushed their muzzles times It had been attempted; al- ward. Zero hour for the attack was straggling companies pick up their, through the fringe of the woods, ways it had failed. At Loos In Sep- 4:20 ajn. on August 8. a! ! nJ if m a an beside them Immense stores of large teraber 1915, atthe Somme In July, "We found our assembly area u!1 , "Boves callbre shells. The Canadians had 1916, at Vlmy -Ridge In April. 1917 occupied by an Australian unit of urZj, , ,v , I mg never before seen so many guns -all had fallen short. But this- the 5th DlvUion. Sourly the diggers; intr noint fnr Vh ' , t, i, . assembled in any one spot. Light "The confidence of the officers viewed the invasion of their domain Amlins w - rp!BigHa of ; artillery stood ready for a further infected the men. Pursuing the by the Canadians. They had had; UIHCIia, was a revelation. Imnw fnrrori All i flmo.toclo 1 nn nrHsra f.,r roll of Atnw.n V." 'ever foreei Th ,. nZZ l ' tarJy ln tne day tne wnole veil corV' tne offlcers explained the wnile their problems were solved. It seems quite natural that some nnlirjpinnc ehm.W'u.. of secrecy was drawn aside. Ths detail, and assistned the various Their headquarters mereJv lssupd yearn for an electorate as simple and easy to manage as tailon in describing theTelimin i Cmmandlnl0f,nfr assemb!ed hls dutles- The reaction of the troars orders for them to 'get out' and not they have in the land of the Soviets If cVeathit commanders was immediate. Confronting them lo bother about what the Canadians "vieib. a e Bat-, a new! creating r, . and unfolded a scheme whose mpg- was the prospect of battle were doing. The diggers Wnrh a i oc e,,l t A on a got Tnr)A "fflP a tha. Who would not have a lST 3nd scale! frlUer! grettly L if f, new ,taecd st-?- gigantic not a mere out. happUy but still mysU- world, a world without any political in which! ,sr e campaigns GwiSeiredJf hea4 ; ,ng away of ey m trench-nib- all the politician has to do IS tell the citizens to Vote ami 'about e5ht miles to Jout? ' 'e, la?e dhconS era Wing. Beyond the rolling hills to "Their departure left the stage See that they vote rieht? It is as simnlp loni fU!Am, f,Vl ?1 , A ot defeats and retirements was which they could freely operate- Mtlxely to ourselves. E-Orvthinc alphabet. r ""'August: rL"7 W3S ing to leaP ad there was actually some talk of was now ready for the great - But it Seems that there must have been a great many ' -rally.llustrative of the experi-f whatTad the ZrZ Z.y some attach ol the perennially dissatisfied people liquidated beforelS!; out t0 be the most shattering mentr were made to the tank units such a millemal conditions could be arrived " at. How lv many The Ttmtrl artillery did 6ifZ not share SSSp them Tl to' Front w.ever dCv.llvered on the Western fantrymen being assigned to act npnn p whn .nrp nflron;nl t: . was the Canadian Corns. RP- a lialn with w vxiiinai nn.icis in x mice nupert WOU1U 5Ucn a mysterious extent for the neath th. hoHinr ,C . ,;L ' " . " u. certainly .have to be removed before opposition could be', tmelled by road wlth a des! mS cJSS" enmmntPfl- W i. . tlnations nntprt fmm h,,. delicate :. """co m c-naissance W " V oi tne ",fc forward posi- .... ,,v. uma.ij uavc a w" a leau.v-iimue onnosition mi . .. anything. Life would be nothing to them unless they had something to oppose. They would not want to live in Soviet Russia. nntt-rn. . On the qo all clay, but she keeps her winsome smile -leeth briqhtctnof clean fyusiiuf WRfGllYS GUM after every meal The regular use of Wrlgley's .Gum helps keep teeth strong, White, healthy. It cleanses teeth by removing food particles that lodge In the crevices after eating. At the same time, the delicious flavor sweetens the breath, Improves your personality. Aids digestion and relieves that stuffy feeling after meals. Helps keep you healthy! Four unique, delicious flavors of Wrlgley's Gum . . ; Spearmint, Double iMint, Juicy Fruit and P.K. Aflayorfor .. every taste. Every day millions enjoy Wrlgley's I Get several packages of Wrlgley's Gum now at any restaurant, grocery, confectionery, tobacco or drug store! Always keep It handy in purse or pocket, and in the home. fine forleefh ! fault." 1938 .fUKadioI jcences Due and Payable G. CLAVKING For Appointment Phone Red 787 or Black 733 For Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE KATES I'lIONE BLACK 712 rnon 13 & 81 p,o. Joi j.j Money-saving Values Er) Day At . MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Wliere Dollars Have More Cents Quality The Tiest Service The Best Opposite Canadian Legion The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be jtm, as done with the "Kesonoscope" by G. C. WALKEK I'hone Blue 389 til (th It I THE SEAL QUALITY Cl-U GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iilad canning company with to & the year round payroll a Prince Rupert