r Hotel Arrirals X f if T .OT A I . NF.W.S NOTTS iSnm & top to Sfenace Vs vast Ms A. tofied rnHiirdnr n PAwe Itopert far s l-ii Tii niii rnrtmii sIM fiatarstoj- wsw anc Matoste. 09 tf Pnone IK Tad: day and aagi. toto to Ca&oUr Church ie ifc ItgWa. Gt 4tb Aniic Aligns: K. aatesooa es lny-gtor Joan jgacnonaiC re- lis- c tap to "War- toaed to 4be etej on Satorizj s5- -toma aatox, Ooafc sue- -HWrtenoesg. saKed ratotifr Mr and Mrs. T. 3B- Johnson at-; jtfsg a 4e Prtws Bocks tor aj-toed j the on -fee P'inrTTHaoims n to tainmw w4 is-w4e to jC&arfcn&e Ibis morning lrum Tie-be suw jteria fur vZt rksA ti RaMwe&s tt&aei at Jtmtsc. vac Teisntpb CSreek, vbe iu PRINCE VXVhKl HOKTIrLTI EAL SOCIETY' ANNUAL EOWER SHOW ' MOXWar. AtiOL'KT a. isst Prite List Ubt Bfcd 2t, D)r vatif . 2- Uarw Ptofc JW. aaf arirlf Z-Thme YeSkn Bow, aof vacfcsjr Tbrt Wtev- Bwtt aaf Tartrtf S-Tm rU. sf tw. aaj- rvsirif 1st liiO .... LW LOO cs laar tsabJWtod -a ttapofi iwac aM&ffeed. - Cl$c 2. tWrriiTwm. y,cyuaaayunj't.aty-raitjy HW) -OaVafiato. int&ae r teay. une&wr, CtAowas Ijw 2-JJssfc4a4a afxfi.&e -at ttiwiss it( ABjr 4ar an I sm ctaraWtrfi, co tsm: G W StoGMM tJfQ Bat nwtoajt bwiatt LW( Pm. i fl art. C jatbc J each ia Mz M9vae aw iQtuwt tote SXrt 2nd.. 36 l-ii iteee of Parens!, any -artety, ?lrt prize $10 of ietda r tattc; 2nd prtoe. W of &eedc or balbe. 2 Bat rae or bwrt oi t flwe aatUble Joriatrte centre iirttetkaByj jxraa&xi. rmm. ymK. szsu M 4eea or bifflo; 2ad prfee, ilw tr-Yts, ose BSe or bwl 6 Wvaat -altb wtt fiftage TA isiivA general dtoalar f gardes fkwen arrarged for etfeet. 80 Aato tor ovality, 20 poiots tor display 3 XX) 1st and 2nd prize mjcOvbI donated by James Brand 2c Co. tot prize Mdtoa 2 donated by rovc Eros U Company. tot afid 2nd prk section 4 d'joaied by Mrs. R. M. Vl'kutow CUm C, Kvine rlaaU 1-Oeranivo) or Petaxaontom lXK) 2Begoala, Tnberottt rovted m 2 Begonia, hanging or pesdula ... li0 4-Floertog ptont. any other tariety ljw 5, Coleut, any yartety ...... . .. lift C-Foaatf Plant, any otfcw rarkiy IXio 7-IIanglng Baaket, any Yartety UW , l-Bect general dtoatay of named rock plants, not neeargjr bkiom. arranged in earth or pote in a space or tray measuring 30 inches square 3jW) Prizes in Class 7 donated by Arthur Bayne. A "Go Dazy n er Holder" donated by the Western Wholesale Fior lts W be prntd to the person winning the greatest number j oi prize to the show, , Claw I. Jhtdal. Oarden.oytr 25 ft; first prizesUver medal-2nd prizejronze 2-IieO. Gardens, under 25 bronze medal. 2m J50' -50 JO J50 -50 0 2X0 It; first prize, rflter medal; 2nd prize 3-Bst Lawn. orer 25 It, 440 4 Bert Lawn under 25 It ana Ut and 2nd prizes in Sections 1 and 2 were donated by "Home Oar- deningT the weekly paper on gardening. The prizes in Sections 3 and 4 were donated by Col. J. w. Nlcholls. Vance Home Art are ollering a prize ol a centrepiece mirror lor the beat novelty at the show rwt Included in the prize 11U. All entries to be in Sunday evening after 7 or Monday morainr before 1:30, No lee for entering. this, ssmgc aaasTSsf tmb- 1 1 ij Htm hsigj to tatMra. irwfc las S I. Ftoae and Waiter.. JOBB A. ?He l wwii & to ni 3 1 1116? 2MBfft flBSBfQ 1 6 T Mctonw& 1 pcsw?- atwarci tbe Friw sjkwJiqt ikiom- Sizar at BeS keb tfe- aawtor JieVxTi yee7tter tteg tbnnjgt to cni Hot Spnost sear Iu&ftan.li230cfc eaa fes liac ea arrivr-d in the t&j on tiir Prinwl toe Sot! tS Bdafortone tc br bn betort returntot to liie S3- wea ami m Jnw-ri Bata tonwa to at- toaeveatkm of tbe nmiAiar, WeekH fajaf atcfttrflay ti'PfUl! til aTOeS53i$er' AriiuB C ukitW ihe re. 2gu Pt. aamrr'd wk splits of es.cJ to stx fepsLiztefbe a director Ter were esAer-' IrtiaiE; Itost ssize. v-t4e at brfit ; 2sA pok. tim ede r tnrtbn. 2-e( Pea. a te. 18 Mtft trrasRemeat iTtla eet pea. XaltoeeBe to rtrat sat, S2X Atfi or bilk: 2a4 ari Stm '-,6to-1 aaft. cy eetor. acy vartety. Frist pnz M iafiiG batos: 2nd ajtoe. am 5'c4- J aafj.. ey eutor, aajr variety. Find prtee SB acSsAi batbo; 3toC artae. nJM. tot )Mtee wetton j finatefi by Wm. Gair norfsi. lat aad 2nd arise taction 2 fionatefi by Crosslin ! Brw. j tot sto? J fiaaatefi by "VT Eennit Seefit. totjotee iwdtoa 4 tisafi by Jl ULxaH, ottaw. Jwae Mssttfw S ikMaacfi by JOhoa Jack, Clii 4. fy DfAfiaT. Pacapoa. 3 tiwna. one color or jnirefi, 1JB9 2-ataila. Cetw J bksas. oae orfwr or csixefi Ijw SDatatoa. 30ratte. 2 Wjxst. one color or zsized. X.W OaWte( Cattotac C iflws, ne eokw . jsn 5. Zaea. CeltoeM. C bVwjtoi, aUtefi uAvrt lxrj C-Oaidlw. any befidtec Jflwitfia. other t&an Coldest, 5 1UQ MiMji0:f JWtobaKorieedstobe&eieelefi 1mm m: CaUlgue the best Slto to ae aaaw to be Meted froai estrie in smm be dtajdiiyi 1 -o one r sre eefi toKk attacked. Card of Thanks FJrat Tnarwday j' to' mtsl Lvauia saxa lanwy -vtoa il Port Irttr Bull. Aunuet 2S Moj6e Hall. HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE" MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 i w Biewan. fiaat aasiat vain .Mr to the SwjatoJa ie ttf M- at aaaraeM -wttfa .vuaat irtaaiiiac tBwAaMaaaaaj at HtVaac pto-rr seeing cbv and M aweto Mt atoaK to tiaiim toawar-W Stnnet t aajat. j C Siaaly Uw Anaar K. Uaaw of aa tbf pjntoxM rxuaomom. wot mamet as fttaatTtt mu, aafi n -tr jew wat tef abaaafl Hiafi aapxatflat 1 ta Prinot- Hubert anatmdajr nvtelBt. nssfi to W tominc auadi after toxrixa; apfaavipTtemB leate- fietara A "W Mar, of trx, 'Ootorto Betae. arsC lato alater. Mka Seles Marda. were fiae tato an Datoudai afterwnD tee ay to Vaneeaver irtr? Mr Xacaa viH attoad Che imn! fOMteAe ea tbe Dm iw IBwac aa1 I j lan lmm aai of at at Ja- i to Jdar IX at tefi job niraa at a aaa vaoaate bar a fcfeed d tor of pita V aaat jaooft jd Alaafea and tfcfifawn & ttto Tkm-aah Ow ITatea. liaatoe tawMimi as ar anfl Dea Lair a atffiaal dataec ftote test atigat te tox lwfttfaaervnJ max7. iraaiHin ntar.BD stpwari. aT be Cnaf iian 7avrman. -swiii -iftwa lnttaJ trade svafiEafioii.' a aaato.- to tive city After eai4- .Wltot awfr trf tfay at Baietelp 91 Jbe araaed or. tfe Canksa Friday CCaubt. 2e t toatoag totaar al Oar -3ltoe r.mmuf b the wm ir. Man in the Moon P fU A 02 ae sack to tows uaaor-J M xMriidaas vi im On Wcjaneaaay eveaanc se.toto ear sr me I IsU leave by tnus on uc retano etoe took ItrtoSML vi.la aaMctaj- Ih j be tosT feetofc wU to heiute? resact farT and rest Be aaas tfaat ttae fsep lkri vn 4Wb A 1 ki. . w asms . I mim k M7 i kteate aaC easting noBe tbe vi tames wnae bere sy Mr and Mrs I a ic fosay or traa. Mcordii auex Msae Mr MeK&e Juvtoaf mar wint f w 1m Mw.ttowa Ontarto. A W. 2,rab b s4oeoAle lea; anre a8 yar to nr enoHth raa&ey tor twa eek or t (nxiats away tra btoe itw .tbey alare larfier tkss mr to the eliort to Jtod estortoeot. leave my sappy And itbw4 lr awav ank all those vbo &ent nevers ur in hooe of &dtoc str im knrwtee ereasefi jympatby at Ate aixk-x-fiar te ame of their reoem bereaT rhe rato eodow m stream EBem anc especiairr U. Mn J J Hoxpatoes fcritaV Announcements AS afirertlNeaentc Is tiiie c&t-emn 1fi be charged for a lull xzsjaLh at 25- a vorfi. JTbe oHaer tnppen t tee ton Ii at at an aXtemow tea a1 miiei I vas-noi present, a tody in- qaued: "Wiai do 7M find bei for eSesateg innxivv7" The re pjy vzt ufeat pleased e: 1 h- rxd tola af toas bat find m ihucbanfi bwt." ""KteaX saodel Is paar carT" ir onired the sveet panne tkaag. He 1 - gwweren son repneci . taT y itoodel it k a. horrible toventyn; Catbedra; Chmtoia fajiraf 4esjgBea S zee &af bho vfy .1 fsrne a poor. .Old Oa raodl bird m nraJH tuu wm. I've assen 1 ' heard, .Tbey my he 1m aatog t at Ad give joaag Severs saaay a fright: But M'hfi. Jheua..iihifies o'er thd H- sMs ad bteks istot ear jAnd valu until once more "t! .dark To ee oat.ftc a -bit of lark - Funeral Notice The fttnera t1H take place to morrow from Grace United Church Port -Simpson of ElMe Cooper oangnier 01 Mrs. Maud Cooper 0: port Bimpsflo. , NOTICE Tenders lor the eonrtnirtlfm nT dwelling bouse at Burns Lake wlJ! be received by the nndersiaed up to 12:00 O'clock noon. Monday. Au-1 gust 29, int. j Plan and aperifleations mar be secured on application to District Forester. Prince Rupert or the Forest Ran?er. Bums Lake. Deposit of $10.00 for same will be required refundable on return In good condition. Lowest or any tender not neces-. sarily accepted IL CATHCART. Deputy Minister.' department of Lands. aiKZ Jar aad am F C jam 2kao&. T. jCai.iBJJe: 3r aatf Ssk. JCBsaaao. Batiaj OaL; S. IS. temiriiaw aa 2. lamiab. Triniaani- , ilr a o s Oeotna Meg tw 4aaatees. Pactftc . TObBbk. Vast . Baatte. CJf2.. P. .Satpfci Oh lb.. "Vuubujvk. aafi S. Tuaafi. dar: T taafc ttt-t S. A Tlinni . Strait; Caa OT- Jefi and M. Kta. otor Brral and 3fir. aad tt asd Ma. atseft. Pert Slapaes: 9 Ms&reafi. CetB-M Wa and r. Clare rsats A GtodvtB. (toief dark to tot recwavi aadrtor of fee Caa&dtor Kattooal Saflsaac at tTaaameE harixjf suae tbe rcmni -xi: c.it abtxtfc tbe Prinoe Baperr S -urfiE? erenir,E retunuriB srutb THRIFT MONEY-SAVING VALUES SOAP Fell, Saptha 4bazs 25c PI CKIXS Happ -TaJe srree'. or mmaard n" Quart boTJe PINEAPPLE CUBES Bartx IC-oz. tm 2 for SALAD DEESSIXG Safed Tkne 12-oz bat ?TKA M"BEEE V Kew pack. 32-ez bottie SHRIMPS Black Label fancy; tin 2 lor MATCHES Eddy's RedBlrd. Pkt FRESH GREEN BEAN'S 2 lbs. NEW POTATOES 10 Ibf Phone 179 17c 19c JAM Nabob 34c Mr -THRIFT BtTTEK FSrat Grade O 3 lbs PIAEAPPLE JUICE Lib by s 12-or tic CPOXULATED SUG AC 10 lbs 12c 08c WHEAT PUrrS : RICE PUITS Ceiio pku OJTrt 3 tor CORXED EEET 12-or tir. Sailtg An Empire product GRAPEM.T FLAKES Regular packet 15c 10c NABOB COFFEE O ? P lb UC Coffee hat sdraneed. Stotk up at lhh price- 22c PORK AND BEANS Royal City, ic-or. tins. i ff rt 1(IU SANDWICH BISCUITS 6 Varieties, assorted. OOn Lb. cello SALT Plain or iodized 2-lb. cartons. 2 for lie 25c CHRISTIES RITZ Fresh Swnl 16c OUTDOOR TOMATOES No. 1 Quality 200 bask ets to sen at 24c 13c 19c 1 J Vnrawffl Jersrens French Milled Bath Soap Assorted Oers SPECIAL 3 CAKES FOR 23c Ormes Ltd. "3h Pioneer Dnuzpists Tbe .VtxH Store J-bfrner; DID Open ZaCj Ttbtb. 1 ilsb. a II y 6atey and BttUdayi frem 22 tiot td x 3 jn. tSI I eje. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Avenue GREY WOOL BLANKETS Size COxSQL Pair . GREY WOOL BLANKETS G4 x 84. Pair Size 71-2x8. Each . Size 9x9. Each ...... Size 9x10 1-2. Each Size 9x 12. Each .. C?C I mil . Phone Crrra f. II BED-C-orrjs4ete rrth cable tring ad Q97 f( ottlm feJt mattress. Sfce iO an a p. uw .UU Sprinir FiHJ MATTRESSES $17,820835 Trade in yir used furniture and stove in part payment on new. ALL FEATHER PILLOW'S each 75c, SI, 2 and S3 57.00 83.00 BABY CAItltlAGES 823, 825, 829, 832 Floor Covering C0NG0LEUM GOLD SEAL 86.75 88.50 89.65 810.75 c?;VNSTER RUGS CQ9, tach yu We Deliver lf you ,ole anytliinjr, advertise for it.