Japs Are Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Broken clouds, High 9i22 a.m: 16.5 ft. northwest wind, two miles per 21:35 p.m. 19.2 ft. hour; barometer, 30.04 (falling); Low , 3:05 a.m., 6.7 ft. temperature,' 50; sea smooth. 'it 16:02 p.m. 7.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXVIL, No. 131. v O PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS panish CZECHS ARE APOLOGETIC I Of Sudetans Will lie Punished FRAHA, June 6: The Czecho- nUlUKluCU w v j ut uuiui - for Ill-treatment of Sudetan ...... Li O- " ---O " i responsible would be arrest- Premier Milan Uodza announced Slovaks Demand BRATISLAVA, Czccho-SIovakia, autonomy Sunday as they at a time when the Sudeten : nrpssine autonomy demands. The ik minority of two million de- ana i.u imtc liici iiw n Kuviiii- U To R r VIA AW IAA lill I nnfinnnrl trnl.na anil f.'inrl Part M ITnntin. ne Quest For Missing Plane on West Coast ZEBALLOS, April 6: (CP) Three nil inn f n trni i r i riM ww mm. i .iim.m. iii ancouver isiana ior me uinger n Waagen and three passengers board, but so far without suc-s In flndlne any trace of the nlssing machine. Wu-Ecuador faking Faces Mutually Charge Each Other With Trying To Start War Troops To Frontier LIMA, June 6: Peru , and Ecua- jlor contlnuc to make faces at fach other with reciprocal charges jf endeavouring to start war. Both rountries are sending troops to the corder. I Weather Forecast General SvnoDsis Pressure is - . . . tuia over uentrai uniisn uoium- ... .... . iMio, wiiii s nisLurDaiice uii tut; 1 H tU. hamIW rnllcr fhn in thnt Vine hnnn ftllf Prince Rupert and Queen Char lotto Tflnne TTVnc-V anct .tirtnri ftla Creasinir tnnoht. Pnrt.lv rlniiriv And - via v a u l.e: i v nun in. uiiobumwu mw night. West Coast of Vancouver Island- Moderate to fresh northeast winds today. Cloudy tonight. Rt. Rev. J. L. Coudcrt. co-adjutor Bishop for Northern British Columbia and the Yukon for the Rowan Catholic Church, arrived In l.. ... . ... k f "ie cuv imm Km triors nn tsaiuraay night's train and sailed aboard the ihe Frlnccss Louise this morning wr Telegraph Creek. On the same M left Father Claude Carpentier, nh ,Creek In missionary work, and Father Louis Delarue who will take charge of the Atlin and Whltehorsc tmrlsh Mrs. Victor Mcnzle, 127 Hays ove Circle, won a prize of $50 in e recent essay contest conducted by the Canadian General Electric Co- on the subject of "The Elec--wical Standard of Living.' Looking At Hong Kong I TOKYO, June 6. A demand for Japanese control of the British crown colony of Hong Kong voiced by Suglyama, member of Japan's House of Peers, was reported Sunday In Domel despatches from Naga- sakl, Suglyama said he would urge his government to take measures toward controlling Hong Kong as quickly as pos- slble bnth militarily and dlolo- matlcally. LIMITING SHIP SIZE France, United States and Britain to Build no Larger than 45,000 Tons PARIS, June 6. France has Joined the United States and Great Britain In a decision to limit the size of new warships for the time be ing to 45.000 tons and restrict gun calibre to 16 Inches was revealed tonight. All Hope Given Up Of Cash Boy Being Yet Alive PRINCETON, Florida, June 6: All hope has now been abandoned, even by his grief-stricken parents, of jllttle James Bailey Cash ever being found alive. Despite an exhaustive search, Uiere Is not a single clue as to the whereabouts of the five year old boy or hU abductors. Authorities tonight pinned their hopes for early solution of the kld-nannlnz on appearance of bills In the $10,000 ransom paid In vain by James B. Cash sr., for return of his ionly son. Federal Bureau oi investigation agents under direction of Head O-Man J. Edgar Hoover 'concentrated efforts on apprehend ing the kidnapper, or kidnappers, through the ransom money after a fruitless eight-day search or me southern tip of Florida for. a clue to whereabouts of the tow-headed youngster. Transferred To Sechelt A G. Bowie, Manager of Government Telegraphs at Smlthcrs, Moved South SMITH ERS, June 6 A, O. Bowjc, manager of the Dominion Government Telegraph service at Smlthcrs, has received notice of his 4-onifpr to a similar position at Sechelt and will leave very soon to I . . . Maim nn nis new uuuw. Mr. Bowie has been an efficient and popular operator at Smlthers f0r more tnan ten ym departure will be regretted by a inrn Mrp.lA'of friends. He has been in .i number of the organlz 4 ln c arnlinri tnwn and was last year president of the Smlthers Chamber .of Commerce. He was also an active member of the Smlthers Brass Band and the golf and curling clubs. His family will remain In Smlthers for a short time before mov- . ..tV. n tnltn UD icoi- jnK BUUVll J - dence at Sechelt. Planes Raiding France KEEPING UP ! AIRRAIDS Virtual Aerial Armada Spreads Death and Destruction On Canton Chinese Retreat Beginning of the End For General Chiang Kai Shek Appears"! in Sight CANTON, June 6: Seventy-five Japanese bombing planes are esti mated to have taken part In the devastating air raid on Canton Saturday when more than two thousand persons were killed. Fifty planes conducted another raid yesterday when an estimated 200 were killed. Hong Kong is "becoming congested with refugees from the Canton air raids. The air raias on this south China city continued today with the Japanese war planes killing or wounding 150 persons and damaging more than a thousand buildings. The war planes scored a direct hit oh the French-owned Doumer hospital as they subjected the met ropolis to terrific bombardment, for the tenth successive day of attack on Cancon and vicinity. One side of the hospital building was blown out and a French surgeon was wounded. Two Chinese patients were killed and many wounded. Evacuating Hankow The vanguard of approximately 300,000 civilian inhabitants- began evacuating Hankow early today streaming southward as Japanese armies In the north rolled along the Lunghai Railroad in a rock-crush er drive on Hankow. Chinese forces defending Lanfeng, on the Lunghai Railroad east of Cheng Chow, were In full retreat and communication with Kalfeng has been cut off according to Chinese headquarters. Neutral observers believed It was he beginning of the end as far as Generalissimo Chiang Kal Shek's defense of Hankow and the middle Yangstse Valley is concerned. Shanghai reports today said that the Japanese had captured Kalfeng, one time capital of China, and had begun the envelopment of Cheng-chow. Not Changing Policy TOKYO, June 6: Protests made by Great Britain ana uniica States will not result m any change In Japanese policy of warfare In China, it Is announced by Domel News Agency. The two nations had protested at ruthless aerial warfare on civilian populations. Halibut Sales Summary American 90,500 pounds, 7, and 5c to 8.4c and 5c. Canadian 7,800 pounds, 7.1c and 4c and 7.2c and 4c. ; American Coolidge, 24,000, Booth. 8c and 5c. Oceanic, 14,500, Atlln, 8.3c. and 5c. ' 7 3 and 5c 'Betty, 18,000, Pacific, 8.4c and 5c. j Arcade, 14,000, Royal, 8.4c and 5c. Canadian Teeny MlUy, 2,000, Atlln, 7.1c and 4c. Jupiter, 1,800, Atlln, 7.1c and 4c. Cynic, 4,000, Cold Storage, 7:2c and 4c. j Roosevelt Enjoys Week-End Cruise United Stales Chief Executive Was Quiet On Potomac WASHINGTON, D. C, June 6: President Franklin D. Roosevelt spent the week-end on a cruise of Chesapeake. Bay aboard the ..yacht Potomac. He returned to the Capitol last night.',' ' ' Insurgents Are Blocked I HENDAYE, France, June 6. A back-to-the-wall defense ol Lucona del Cld, an Inland gateway to Castellon de la Plana and Valencia, appeared Sunday to have blocked an at- tempted shortcut to Insurgent conquest of those two coastal cities of Eastern Spain. .l BULLETINS CONSTABLE MARRIED The marriage took place quietly here Saturday evening of Miss Mary Hipp and Constable II. L. McKenney,, both of Terrace. The wedding was solemnized at the Priests' House by Rev. Father James Garrity. Witnesses wen Miss lrma Bussanich and John Hipp, brother of the bride. The couple will leave on this evening's train for Terrace. KILLED ON HIGHWAY NEW WESTMINSTER Mrs. W. B. Shadley of Vancouver was killed Sunday when a ;car in which she was riding overturned south of here on the Pacific Highway.. Jler...husband jijas also injured'in. the car which 'was allegedly driven by a son. PIONEER IS DEAD Capt. Alfred Swanson, Here Since 1910, Passes Away on Sunday Morning Another link with pioneer days in Prince Rupert was removed with the death yesterday morning in Prince Rupert General Hospital, where he had been a patient for a week following a severe stroke, of Captain Alfred Swanson, veteran service Doai operator oi mis port., The sum or $95r was realized as Funeral arrangements are In the;a result of Hill Sixty Chapter, Im- l, ,1 - O r T T- nrtnl-n.P ' I 1 T- l . 9 4 1 jiauua ui u. j uimtuuiuo. Capt. Swanson came first to Prlnce Rupert on February 2, 1907, when the population of the place numbered only about thirty men. He was employed as a carpenter in those early days and worked on'E. Moore, Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby, the cbnstructlon of the old Anglican Mrs. John Mansori, Mrs. J. H. Ma- Church bulldine near the head of Centre Street as well as other old squatters' buildings. Soon, how- 'ever, he went Into the boat business and his casboat Retta! foryears was la wpII known charter vessel.- Later he branched out into more exten - sivo mnrlnp hnsiness as "manatrer of - - " ;--" l. t Uaiim nrVitstl Tt"o crtlfl rii f r the Paclfic SalVage C- End U n?Wi Known as the Armour Salvage Co. Mr. Swanson for some years en gaged In fox farming oh Klnahan Island but more recently lived In town on First Avenue. He was also Interested for a while In the hotel Capt. Swanson was born at Holm-Stad, Sweden, and came here from the Kootcnays, becoming a British subject In 1910. He was nearlng his sixtieth year. MINISTER IN DISTRICT DR. WEIR AT TERRACE Hon. Dr. George M. Weir, provincial secretary and minister of education, Is a visitor In the district. He arrived at Terrace on Saturday evening's train, coming direct there from a trip Into the Peace River country. . ' JAPAN IS COURTING GERMANY Nippon Promises Reich Important Share in China Exploitation LONDON, June 6: Reliable informants told a United Press correspondent tonight that Japan has given Germany "sweeping assurances" that, when hostilities cease in China, Japan will be ready to grant Germany an important share In the economic exploitation of the conquered areas. The informants said that the Japanese assurances were given in return for Chancellor Adolf Hitler's action in ordering home some German military advisers who had been instructing in the Chinese army and in cutting off German sales of munitions to the Hankow government. It also was stated that Hitler and Italian Premier Benito Mussolini reached an agreement during Hitler's recent visit In Rome to pursue a joint policy in the 1a Far East affairs. j Waging War On Kidnapping In United States WASHINGTON, D. C. June Gr in view of the recent new out- break of kidnapping in the United States, the House appropriations commiuee is considering a recom-'mendation to make more funds 'available for the use of the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation In combatting this type of crime. Hill 60 Charter Tag Day Success .Gratifying 'Rum of $95 Realized As Result of Rose Day Canvassing penal uiuci, LiiUBlllcia ()l uie r.iil plre, Rose Tag Day tagging on Sat- urday for child welfare funds. Mrs H. A. Breen was convener and (taggers also included, Mrs. H. L 1 1 andry, Mrs. R. J. Keron, Mrs. G. cey, Mrs. B. Walker, Mrs. Robert Frizzell, Mrs. David Taylor, Mrs J- A. Frew, Mrs. C. J. Harmon, Miss Hose Cox, Miss Margaret Manson Mlss Molly Frew M15 Rosemary Kilpatrlck, Master Kenneth Brock- iIesby .and Master Thorpe Landry. i r Leslie Downing Dies Suddenly Hansard Youth, Well Known At Terrace, Is Victim of Pneumonia The death of Leslie E. Downing. 19-year old, son of Mr.- and Mrs. A, J. Downing of Hansard, od curred suddenly in the Prince George Hospital following a short illness with pneumonia. The funeral took place from Assman's funeral chapel with ln torment In the Prince George cemetery.'the Rev. W. E. Fullerton having charge of the service. Leslie Downing was well known In Terrace and district having lived there for about six years. He Is survived by mother, father, six brothers and four sisters. .Mrs.' E. Osberg and William are at Stewart, the others at home. llnsurqent Bomb Shies Drop Missiles Sunday . But No One Hurt Made Appearance Again Today But Soon Flew Away Aiming at - PERPIGNAN, France,. June 6: (CP) French territory was invaded again by bombers from Spain but prompt warning shots from French anti-aircraft batteries sent them back" across the frontier after a ten minute flight over France. Nine gray planes,t unmarked as was a squadron which bombed French territory yesterday, . first appeared over the village of Indicted For Counterfeiting CHICAGO, June 6. Bugs Mor-an, notorious Chicago gangster, and number of associates were indicted Friday as members of an (extensive counterfeiting ring. ( TODAY'S STOCKS ( j (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) ' Vancouver " "" I - Big' Missouri, .31". , I Bralorne, 9.30. i Aztec, .12. Cariboo Quartz, 2.20. bentonld, .05. Minto, .03?4. Fairvlew Amalg., .03. I Noble Five. .02. Pend Orielle. 1.45. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho, .02 Vz-Premier, 1.98. Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno, .53. Relief Arlington, .15. Reward, .03 Y2. Salmon Gold, .06, Taylor Bridge, .02 V2. Hedley Amalg., .02'4. Premier Border, .00. Sllbak Premier, 1.70. Congress, .01. Home Gold, .01.. Grandview, .04'2. t - Indian, ;01V2. ' Quatsiho Copper, .03. Halda, .05. Oils Calmont, .32. . .. C. & E., 2.10. Freehold, .05: -' Hargal, .20. McDougal Segur, 17. Mercury. .08. Okalta, 1.15. . Pacalta, .08. Home Oil, 1.03. . Toronto Beattle, 1.00. , . . Central Pat., 2.63. Gods Lake, .43. Little Long Lac, 3.90. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.00 Red Lake Gold Shore,- .17. ' Pickle Crow, 4.90. ( San Antonio, 1.26. Sherritt Gordon,. 1.00. ' .Smelters Gold, .02. , McLeod Cockshutt, 3.40. -Oklend, .20. Mosher, .33. Madsen Red Lake, .35. Stadacona, .47. vs Francoeur, .31. , Moneta Porcupine, 2.00. Bouscadillac, .22. Thompson Cadillac, .222. Bankfleld, .70. East Malar Uc, 1.69. Preston E. Dome, .75. Hutchison Lake, .04. taws6n White, .04. ' Aldermac, .44. Kerr Addison, 1.81. Uchl Gold, 1.50. Int. Nickel, 44.00. Noranda, 635. . ' Cons. Smelters, 493a- v Athona, .oaiJ. , . ,-t Hardrock, 2.20. . -Barber Larder, ,41. Rand Ma'lartlc,:.36.'- Railway Line Puymorens and then flew southeast more than six miles oyer French territory. The warning shots were fired and the planes returned to Spain. French newspapers expressed the belief that they were probably insurgent planes because supplies for the Spanish loyalist government have been moving along a railroad near where the planes appeared Some damage was done to a .rail-' way line by yesterday's bombing but there was no loss of life or Injury. The planes yesterday were said to have flown a distance of fifty miles Into France. Another British Hit "MADRID. June 6: (CP) Insur gent aircraft left twenty-one per-Jsons dead and 100 wounded and an- other British ship ablaze In a fierce foray over Alicante, seventy-five miles south of Valencia on the eastern coast of Spain today. The dead Included nine- women,; two members of the crew of the British ship and two stevedores. Spend And Save Is American Plan With Spending and Lending Program Endorsed, Effort Will Be '.Made To Cut Ordinary Expenditures WASHINGTON, D. C., June 6: -Now, that the spending and lending program of the administration has been approved, the government will endeavour to save $400,000,000 on regular expenditures by 'using only ninety percent of appropriations. Today's Weather . (Government "Vlegrtpim ! Triple Island Cloudy, calm, sea smooth. , Langara Island Overcast, southeast wind, two miles per hour; barometer, 30.00; temperature, 49; sea smooth. ead Tree-Point Overcast, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.92; temperature, 50; light chop. Bull Harbor Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 29.04; temperature,'' 52; sea smooth. Estevan Fair, northerly wind, eight miles per hour; barometer, 30.10. " Victoria Clear, northerly wind, eight miles per hour; barometer, 30.12. Vancouver-'-Clear, calm; barometer, 30.12. Prince, George Clear, northerly wind; four miles per hour; barometer, 3030. Terrace Light clouds, east wind, temperature 56. ' ' Aiyansh Cloudy, calm, 54. Alice Arm Light clouds, east wind, 60, '.Anyox Part cloudy, calm, 56. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, 55. ' Hazelton Clear, calm, 57. . " Smlthers Clear, calm, 64.- , . ' Burns LakeClear, calni, 55; ' ',' -. . '''."