1 t t 1 it. PAQB TWO Onyx Arch Grip Shoes -OAILV fiDillON THE NEW SPRING MODELS IN.... mn c &WMk BY- BLACHFORD ONYX! The very name suggests the brilliance and elegance of Onyx Shoe styles for Spring! The dainty tie (sketched above) is typical of the luxurious footwear we are snowing to harmonize with your new suit or afternoon, ensemble. But, a word to the wise, come in early while size ranges are complete! If You Are Having Trouble With Your Feet Can Help You TTV FWe AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoea THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Aysnue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES . City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ee iuu AuvaiitCf per WCcK ' ' Paid in advance, per month 1 ... By mail to an. parte of British Colurirtta.lthe' and United States, yearly period, paid in advance Ntws Department Telephow Advertklng and Cnculation Telephone . 9a Member of Audit Burwiu ot Circulations $5.00 .12 .60 I 3.00 Tuesday, March 15, 1938, EUROPEAN CONDITION Fear seems to be prevalent everywhere in Europe ex- ?nPtw riTy an,d lty and P0S8,Dy there may be fear in those countries also The condition is such that it would not take much to set alight a conflagration that, no matter VVho wins, would be to end in disaster. So far ndS of the dictatorship countries has been involved in a serious1 Th d,ff!Ve,fh?pe that thty WiH not f0 i case they do it s difficult to what guess other countries may be involved and no sane person wants war. Certainly no person with ybung sons wants to see them go off and take part in any wir. Only a realization that war cannot be avoided and that the cause is absolutely just will Reconcile econcne the average parent to it. Fnvnn?SinS WiH haVG 1 haPPen t0 the wiW men of Ltuope before peace can be guaranteed and, even then, there is doubt whether there is a sufficiently strong com! bmation of nations to prevent war. Britain is evidently preparing for a great struggle. France is also preparing neighbor natlnS arG preParinK t0 atteci their Kosecrueian Forecast Ua,wCaiSt made by the Rosecrucians last autumn anhmm stated that, during 1938, Great Britain and France would have to fight for their rights and that the Mediterranean would not be a safe and happy place for pleasure cruises. Italy, it was said, would become involv- In Palestine a serious crisis is close at hand the forecast says. In Egypt the young king will triumph over opposing forces and increase the prestige of that country. The United States, it is suggested, will be drawn into .foreign conflict across the seas but only the navv and reir- -ular army will be involved. J apanese prestige, which is already on the wane, will continue its downward course and her power will be weakened arid deplorable conditions will follow. The interests qf ' China will improve during the year despite the national , suffering as a result of the war. That country will receive the support and co-operation of many countries that have heretofore offered merely a casual and friendly J at- titude. ( The writer of the prediction sees the power and influence of President Roosevelt waning and says the President will become biterly disappointed in the support hej Will receive. t The strong friendship between Great Britain and United States will continue to evolve and this will have a strong influence upon nations that are too anxious to enter war or continue war. , . Business conditions will improve very considerably during the year although the stock market will be subject to many fluctuations, largely as a result of war scares. Defeats Portland 3 to 1 in Pacific Coast Hockey Semi-Final Opener THE DAILY NEWS Match ii. PORT VANCOUVER WINS FIRST EDMONTON in ii7iTTrrfc inninr llorLpv VANCOUVER, March 15: (CP) EDMONTON, March Tr tYn t-.1i trrf f loct nltrtlf fnr T.flH NATIONAL jNo Social Life 'Archaeological IS TOUGH In Radium City jSpccimens First Century Old Chase Has .Many Thrills For Entries And 1 Si?ctalors AINTREE, Eng., March 15: ICP) -in the. focus of a wldeiy-suo ers finished that year. However, the first race referred to as the Grand National Steeplechase was run in 1847. i Utile to do In Miiilnjr Centre Ex- RalnriQr Tn Ci 1 u ccoUWork. Says Gilbert LaUine t VJO won. Gyro Club, North Star and are as follows: tne race in 1897 and 1899, he fin- For Anyox and Stewart-Electrical Workers are now tied fort Johnson Cup. emblematic or city Ished third in 1900, 1C02 and 1903 j Sunday ss. Catala ..- fourth place in the league standing, championship, Musketeers. I The best record of any jockej f Wed.-ss. Pr. Rupert Last night's high average scorer Tip Top Tailors' uup ior runners- w.at ui juck Anmon From Stewart and Anyox was l Krimnnion. 'me nunicnnuses. in nrovinpn ho So far Canada has never sup- por Vancouver plied a winner. Rock Lad, one of Tuesday Catala the oest jumpers in North Amcrl-i - ca, has given Canadians hope foi Canadian National VYins Trophy for this year. H. R. Bain, Toronto l Kunner-Up Honors in League broker who owns tho entry, ha' accepted H pounds assigned Rot'ii ing League by scoring a clean sween runner-up trophy in the Prince Ru- While records may not he defin- I'rom, Vancouver- three game to nil victory over the Pert Bridge League. Canadian Na- ite on the date of its inaugural league-leading Rupert Motors. In tional Recreation Association won 'hey disclose a wealth of colorfu. J the second fixture last night Can- over Grotto 12,589 to 7.818. This sport facts on the race. Manifesto adlan National Recreation Assoc- concluded Bridge League activities has been selected as perhaps tlml latloh two to tor the I937-38 season- greatest Grand National horse tf . won games one over Mm-fh Qtnr Tn rmmhp- f Trophy winners for the season all time. In addition to winnint 1:30 p.nv Thurs ss. Pr. Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Venture . 9 p m.! ' ss. Prin. Louise ltt p.m. March 7, 17 and 2a ss. Princess Norah 5:30 p tn Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Pr. Louise 4 p.rn. Ss. Venture p.m. March 3, 13 and 24 ss. Pftn. Noran, a.m. 8 p.m. 4 p.m. Maurice Irving of Canadian a"a ,wl,wuu" y . " - 1 Tuesaayss. cataia .. .11:30 a.m. National Recreation Association No, ' Association. 1 with 174. Individual scoring: Gyro Club 1 2 Brocklesby 128 154 Large 179 139 Morris 152 168 Bulger 185 147 Low Score 124 132 Handicap 22 22 Totals 790 7C2 Rupert Motors 1 2 Jack 124 148 Menzies 126 132 Wick 125 150 Hibbard 145 161 Houston 157 142 Handicap 24 24 Totals 701 757 C.N.R.A. No, 1. 12 Rutter 124 115 Franklin 149 132 West 112 147 Irving 16C 191 Paul 131 165 Laurie Handicap 2G 26 Totals 708 770 North Star 1 2 3 TotaH 144 426! 146464! 170490 . 138470 122 22 742 3 McMeekin 155 154 122431 D. Wick 156 147 125428 M. Young : 137 172 177486 B. Wick 113 .94 176383 Low Score 112 115 97 Handicap 42 42 42 Totals .715 724 739 The Commercial League standing to date is as follows: Won Lost Pt.T. Rupert Motors 20 13 20 Printers 19 8 19 C. N.R.A. No. 1 17 16 17 Electrical Workers .16 11 16 North Star 14 16 14 Gyro Club ', 14 16 14 Biological Station 10 11 10 C.N.R.A. No. 2 9 18 9 CONVICTS. GOOD SPOUTS CALCUTTA, Marph 15: (CP) Five long-term convicts took part m the Indian Olympic Games held here. cent race meeting here. Three thoroughbreds, sired by the great horse, romped home first China Sea, Pet Son and Manchukuq. TALL BUT ANCIENT LONDON, March '5: (CP) A; 52-year-oUl "penny-farthing" bl- I flee but broke no records. SPORT FOR DEFENSE CAPE TOWN, March 15: (CP) j Tip Top Tailors' Challenge Cup, Grotto. SPORT CHAT Despite .Stanley Matthew's pro- Total tests he was not happy ul Stoke 127399 6,000 supporters at a public meet-129387 ing declared the brilliant Stoke 182457 City football club winger "mus' 136442 not go." He will stay. 122421 ' 24 ; R. H. Moore, Hampshire crickc: 720 ! captain 'the past two. seasons, has 3 Total ' resigned, saying business will pre-23? I vent his regular playing this sea-153 431 son. 143-40? - -165522! Sir Charles Barrington, whr, 146 442 1 claims to have given Ireland "rug-97 97jger" celebrated his 90th birthday 41 rat Botlcy. England. 'Only a kind 745 'of football was played when I went 3 Total 10 Trinity College, Dublin," ht said. "I for;ned my own team drew up rules, and designed th. uniforms." Here's a weighty problem the Royal and Ancient Golf Club was asked to figure out. On the course at Worcester a ball lodged In the folds of the wet flag and when this was unfolded the ball rolled Into the hole. Enlargement of Wembley Stadl urn, scene of Football Association (cup finals, for the next 26 years calls for standing room accomoda tions for 33,000 persons and a totaV of 156,000. FOOKD -MEETS NEUSEL HAMBCRG, Germany. March 15: (CP) Rpn P.,nrrl fnrnior Tlt-IHch Four played basketball for'nnd rtriHch trmi, i,.o..,i,f hllh11' .bf 1 ieam, ln, e un-' boxln champion who recently held ;,r -ri ,1 ' 7, w oen- Ma Schmellng. former world's' gal. The fifth was a wrestler. tltllst to a 10-round draw, will meat's THREE OF SAME SIRE ! "uuer usel AP" NOTTINGHAM, England, March! " ' ' 15: (CP) Sun Yat Sen's place In ry ,. the turf world was shown at a re- LOSnS LontHIUfi In H,LP, Scheme Total Over Thirteen Million pilars cycle was presented to the National , Cyclists' Union on its diamond ju-' OTTAWA, March 15: (CP Dcs- bllee. C. A. Denny, former Olym- imu Ci0?'ng or Home improvement pic rider, rode It to the Union's of- plan campaign offices and uncer- tainty as to future direction of op erationj under the plan, total of loans made continues to grow. According to the latest bulletin .Looking to gliding clubs producing . Issued bv tha deoartment of fin I balance and steady nerves useful ance housing division, granting of 1 to the country In pilots for defense ' 085 loans for $430,969 during the the Union of South Africa has month erided February 15, brought granted subsidies to such clubs on the cumulative total of loans under i that ground, I H.I.P. to $13,626,698. Vh " 1 , . : 1hurs.-ss. Pr. Rupert 8 p.m. m times Three times u he rode win- a For Naas Rlw and Port slmpn an'tiT r"nner'up and oncti Sunday-ss. Catala 8 p.m on the third horse. , From NaM ver am, When Slow Horse Won Tiesday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m: Tlie most unusual race was that For Ocean Fall of 10 years ago when one of th.- i Thurs.-ss. Pr. Rupert 11:15 p.m, leading horses ran across the top Friday-ss. Prin. Louise 10 p.m. of the fence at "Canal Turn" and 1 a melee resulted involving a scor Of horses. SO mailV COnd horsp. I lumnpri Thnrn nrp IS tnmril. nh. were put out of the race 1 that the Istaclea and all but two are jump slow Tinnprnrv T!m nmo iV.. t. I a ... .. ..... rr lo MIC U HI. V U bWitC. one to complete the course in safe mmmmmmmm ty. His slowness won him the rao , " lie was far behind at "Canal Turp" i and his jockey had plenty of tim : to steer clear of the trouble on the , 4V'2-mile course. i Even the least difficult jump j on the course would be nightmares to the ordinary hunter. And. the:, there are extra specials. "Beecher'f Brook" c a thorn fence four faetl ten inches high, thrt icet thrct ! inches wide, with a natural brook on the far side five feet six inch?1 wide. "Valentine's Brook" Is a thorr. fence five feet high, three feet three inches wide a.nd with a na tural brook five feet six Inchet wide on the far side. Another tough obstacle is "Th Chair" which Is five feet to in ches high, three lcet nin,e inchc wide with a slx-(ect ditch on the take-off side. The broadest watei jump is 14 feet nine inches wide Altogether 30 fences have to bi A vm T.OVKUXJIEXT UljCOIt ACT" .. ,. . (Snilou 28) Not Ire of Application for Consent tb NOTtrr 7 "'"" Licence s-n day of March next, the under, signed intend tn nm. VL. jOontrol doom for-SM to taSSw of beer licence No. 4374, lued TJi pect of preml being pW of a buHcN Inc known ft Sprue crek Hoil, tUu So Far Grants For Home Building PiaaX-S '' " i S'nJf.1S J?. 11?. . bovine, rW r rw5T "urord Oct Hotel iSSTtii ttZZr Brulsh Col UlU ULh da7 193 Fobniwy, SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL UMITTU Applicant aj -rrariime REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchang Block PHONE 658 vt IlJ YYlnllEilV r'b sweepstake and general ado Minc QUhert LaBine. pros-.sttadf bdng rrlrd Iff 1 , racing interest, the drand Nation- ldeiU of Ei(iorado Gold Mines, Llm- tumef over to th, rwi. ",' Defeated Trail Last Niiht in lie- u ouvinn-". . - Uen, aunng a vmt Here Ihaps iiuus the me world's wuwu o greatest Kicmvw chass wiNKii'tu. Marcu id. l OT-raur .. Thprp's llttlp to do hut work In rfn. ...... 'vr'-fc Radium City, north mining outpost at the Eldor- -- X 1ICW 1 I II I'l .11 fMmrtn's fnrthpct ' int.Ai - i ' ' u" Wlt . i " ... I'viuini in rv- tips. Those xpecimc: Thprp ! nprp nrf nrr 195 ix.i mpn mpn pmnlnvpH pmniovpri nt'fnr nt.:mr ta. hip mi1,i mn,,i . nut mi, !. .!. 1 i"" hnf rlolif nnw its oriaill is "ivinii a u i un i. ,n. .u i,,..,. i .. 1"CJn MJ - - - - ' LI1C 1.1LII1IJ. 1.I1U ail 11U1L11 Ul . hUllltll 1J.11 I. 11 Ihfl. Vancouver Lions dereateq Portmui Edmonton Athletjc Club Juniors pu" olc':, 'cv ' "y i warm throughout the Arctic winter. Buckaroos last night by a score of made it two straight victories over known- was irst ru" ,r:? ! But there is no social Ji(e. nq 2 to 1 in the first of a hest twe Trail Tigers by a score of 8 to noth- 1839, with Jim Mason riding Lottery mQvles ftnd no ,ances for ony home to victory, nut in his A:1 n i v, i..i series for the right to meet Seattle interprovinclal playdons in the "?ndfd J5 that til'. ' CoWW officials hayc dlscour- are ! should thev hp dir. HYDE ep . . , i. i i j ... ,jL ai n.i 10: lull auiaicu aiiu dicaiu-iitaicu, sea nawKs in me cnampionsnip Memorial Cup Junior hockey ,, ' ' , ' 7 : , . " " ! aged the men taking their wiyei imai qi tne facjnc uo.-st itocKey champiomhiR competition. Ed- XL w there as conditions are not yet League GYRO CLUB ;Finaj Troph In Scored Clean Sweep Victory Last Night Over Leajue Leaders in Commercial Bowling" Gyro Club registered a surprise last night in the Commercial Bowl monton had won the first game ", , "V" suitable. . . iwu u uic wuj aiau , , , i 4 . r I'UIUS. winy Steamship Sailings Try a Dailv Npt. i . .rin.iciiiciii ior upst results Transfer 315 SECOND AYR, -I IN SUMMER I1URN Dry Wooi BIRCH i a rv DIMC CEDAR ' Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph one A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digest'bUf palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO, LTD. Prince Rupert, R.C. Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of ltulkley Valley whsat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed CompanT Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelK. Proprl'tor "A 1IOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rated f l.M OF JQRpoms Hot Cold W w prince Kupen, u 3. 281 281 P.O. L2. rhone The. Central Hote) ROOMS and CAF 1 Phone il for Best Household Cow MRS. C. E. BLACK