PAUS fOUB For Lovers of Fine Tea SALADA m TEA WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront It is reported here, although not as yet confirmed, that the American pharmaceutical .firm of Parke-Davis Co. nas agreed to pay the same price for halibut liven to the Pacific fishing fleet as pre vailed last' year. Some time ago a reduction from last year's price was offered the fleet but they de clined to accept. Negotiations have been in progress in Seattle How this bank can help YOU MONITOIOEIS S MAIL LOANS HXP. LOANS DRAFTS, Itc THE E5 102 for ar. increase back to last year's price and these, according to the report here, have met with success. New negotiations for the disposal of viscera are also in progress, it is reported, along co operative lines. Union steamer Catala. Capt James Findlay, returned to port at 9 o'clock this morning from Stewart. Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 p.m I for Vancouver and waypoints. I i Reach the most people m cit and district with ax. advertisement n tne Dally News LITTLE BANKERS AND BIG BANKS (A trv story) , Buony'i falbrr grls his pay cbrqu? twice inuolLly, and liunuy'j mother drjw'to il in one of the Lrant-hcs of The IV.) al Bank. Along i'th his mother trots four-yrar-old Bunny with a little iron Irani tucked under his arm, into wbidb be carefully put his savings. While his mother is nailing for her 'X the Lank manager lifts Bunny on to the Counter, opens his Lank, and counts his money, and then enters the amount in Bunny's tarings Lank Look, To Bunny these serni-fnonthly visits are but pleasant interludes in the active days of childhood; Lut to his father they have deep significance, for he see, in the light of his own mature experience, the cultivation of a habit of thrift that will prove of great value to the boy as the years go on. ROYAL BANK of CANADA OVER S00 BRANCHES IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA Spring Is Here Agctinl 1 Start your spring cleaning now by improving your home. Make 11)38 bring you more conveniences. It is in your kitchen, dining room, living room and ; bedrqom where ypu put in most of your time. Have them pleasant and' modern. Trade your odd pieces of old furniture. See us "for 'an appraisal. Phone GREEN 916 ELIO'S Hours !) a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. Third Avenue. prince Rupert, B.C. Child From Port Edward Is Dead Two-Year-Old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thorvold Johnson Passes Away In Local Hospital ! Thora Marie Johnson, two-year-old daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Thor- void Johnson of Port Edward, pass-ied away early this morning In Prince Rupert General Hospital? where the child had been a patient for the past five days. The father Is an employee of the B. C. Packers reduction plant at Port Edward. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of B. C. Undertakers. Brought Out Over Bad Ice Errand of Mercy Safely Accomplished by Verne Taylor of Barns Lake - BURNS LAKE. March 15: CP Willie Christie, lad from the Lakes district south of here, has undergone a successful operation for appendicitis in the Burns Lake Hospital. He was brought across rotting Francois Lake Ice by Verne Taylor, well known mall driver. Twenty -Five Years Ago March 15. 1913 The Prince Rupert Liberal Asso :iatlon, at an open meeting, pa&--d a resolution expressing sym--.athy and support for the fight Sir Wilfrid Laurier is putting up against the Borden naval bill. A resolution to this effect was mov- Church, Rev. W. H. McLeod upheld the right of the press to cri-lcize the pulpit. Hon. Dr. H. E. Young, provincial secretary, was in the city aboard he Princess May on his way to vls-'t his constituents in the riding of tl!n. SELLS IDOL TO AID CHINA MOOSE JAW. Sask.. March 15 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The nonse Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX H0TEI, R. Brascll N. M. Brasell rr..J . TEB DAILY KIWi Want to Know Why You're Constipated? Would you (ire a c.-ion to shale oS that dan, dopey, plarcd-out feeHng that often comes with common constlpsuco? Then stop a minute and thick. Whet hare you had to cat this veekf Just meat, bread, ens. potatoes? Probably the reason jouYe constipated is you don't pet enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesnt mean hoto much you eat It means a Had of food thai isn't entirely consumed, but leaves a soft, bulky mass in the intestines which helps a boirel movement. What to do? Eat xxne KeUoggs Alt-Bran for breakfast every day. This crunchr toasted cereal is not only rich in ' bulk ""-it also contains both the intestinal tonic MUmin B,. and iron. Eat All-Bran every day and drink plenty of water. See if you dont get off your heels and on your toes! All-Bran is made by Kellogg in London. Out. Today's Weather (GoTrramnt "!(rri'W rrcacning in first Baptist '32. hour; barometer. 2930; ture, 33; heavy swell. Langara Island Cloudy, sleet showers, southerly wind, five miles per hour; barometer. 29.30; tern perature, 33; heavy swell. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 29.37; temperature, 33; light chop. Estevan Cloudy, southeast wind, 8 miles per hour: barometer. 29.76. Victoria Fair, southwest wind. 8 miles per hour; barometer, 2955. Bull Harbor Overcast, rain squalls, southwest wind, 8 mlls xr hour: barometer. 29.52; temperature, 35; moderate swell. Alert Bay Overcast, easterly wind, 12 miles per hour; barometer. 29.05; temperature. 33-light chop. Vancouver Fair, easterly wind four miles per hour; 29.86. Prince George Cloudy, souther ly wind, 8 miles per hour; baro meter, 29.56. Hazelton Clear, calm, 34. .Smlthers Part cloudy, calm, 22. Burns Lake-nClear. calm, 23. TERRACE Harry Bowman, colonization agent for the Canadian Nntinnnt I Railways from Prince George, has been a visitor In the district in (CP) A Chinese Idol, more than i connection with the Hornby Settle 99 years old, will be sold by Charles Chow, Chinese merchant here, and proceeds will go to the Chinese Red Cross. The two-foot-high idol was brought from China by Mr. Chow 15 years ago when he visited his native land. MEM0RAL FOUNTAIN DAVIDSON, Sask., March 15: (CP) General A. D. McRae, Vancouver, has written Davidson town council he will donate a drinking fountain to the children of Davidson In memory pf his sister, Mrs. John Eddie, who died last year. She lived many years In Davidson, 70 miles south of Saskatoon. REFEREES IN SCHOOL LONDON, March 15: (CP) would-be big-time soccer ref erees are learning the finger points of the game over model football fields at the headquarters of the London Society of Association Football Referees. RECALLS "BIO- PAY CALGARY, March 15: (CP) Rev Frank Hoffman, United Church missionary In northern Saskatch ewan outposts, told a meeting here of being paid half a million rubles a month when he was a camel driver with a band of Tartars In northern Mongolia, The- salary, he said, amounted In Canadian currency to $1. ment Plan. Mrs. I. Bridgeman of Seattle Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Annie Ross, of Terrace. Friday night's train from the coast was delayed seven hours by a rock slide near Shames. The local C.C.F. held a bazaar in the Oddfellows Hall on Saturday. The same night they put on a dance with special music. Both affairs were well attended. Short Kibs With Vegetables Brown desired quantity of shor ribs on all sides In hot frying pan. Place in covered casserolfe with a few slices of onion, salt and pepper and cook slowly for about 3 hours. When cooked, re move ribs, thicken liquid with flour, reheat and serve together. If desired, boiled potatoes, peas,i onions, diced turnips and carrots) may be added to the gravy, orj served separately. Man in the Moon The Dominion Imported nearly three million dollars worth of nuts In one year. That accounts for our present condition, 1 C. N. R. Trains For Hie East-Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays 0 p.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays . ...; , ' 11 p.m Be wis. Read ui want ads. LEFT RICH FOR POOR Clarence Harrow Chose Criminal Defense Work Over Bclnj Corporation Counsel Many Noted Cases Defended Ku?ene Debs McNamara , Brothers. Tti Bill" Haywood, Leopold and Loeb ! CHICAGO. March 15: AP Clarence Darrow. who is dead here, at the age of 37. walked out as general counsel for a great railroad and assumed the role the world knew best: attorney for the defense. This was in 1834 the year of the J American Railway Union strike. headed by Eugene V. Debs, socialist Triple Island-Cloudy, showery leader a federal court injunction southerly mtherly wind, five miles per,.--,-.. ,h. flptivitI,.s hari tempera- ?a Dy ri. a. campbeii and second-1 Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera-id by A. H. McPherson. A. M. Man- ture. 31. -on presided over the meeting and J Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 31. the principal speakers were Dr. W . Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 32. T. Kergin and Fred Stork. Anyox Part Cloudy, calm, 33. I Stewart Light wet snow, calm been granted upon peUtlon of the railroads, and Debs had been Indicted for conspiracy. Darrow sympathized with the strikers. His views political and social were to the left. He felt embarrassed over the Incompatibility of these views with his position as general counsel for the Chi cago & Northwestern system, many of whose workers participated in the strike. When Debs persuaded the young corporation lawyer to conduct his defense. Darrow re signed his railway Job. The government dismissed the criminal conspiracy charge against Debs. "The decision to defend Debs, Darrow once said, "led me away from the world of wealth to that of barometer, wr "cneaness ana misery. or mail ing it, i ve naa no regrets. It way. a decision that brought to the soft-voiced, twinkle-eyed humanitarian many renowned victories in the defense of his social views and theories. Darrow hated capital punishment. In an Inflamed Chicago, amid the ilamor for the lives of Nathan Leo-lold. Jr.. and Richard Loeb, he ileided for a time "when hatred ni cruelty will not control the hearts of men" and gained sentences of life Imprisonment for ' thr 'tldhappers and slayers of Bobby Franks. Defends Freedom of Thought Darrow strove for freedom of thought. Against William Jennings iBryan when "the commoner" was a I pcclal prosecutor upholding fundamentalism, Darrow defended evolution In the John T. Scopes "monkey trial" at Dayton, Tennessee. The Dayton high school science teacher was found guilty of violating the anti-Darwinian laws of Tennessee, but the state's supreme court reversed the verdict. Darrow was an agnostic. He regarded Christ as an ancient philosopher and benefactor and was an earnest pleader for the Christian virtues of mercy and charity. In his writings and appeals to Juries he frequently spoke of qualities given by God,. By this usage of the name of divinity he meant the forces that motivate man. The existence of Cool, cloudv weathor with nht !5Ucn fors he readily admitted. Darrow crusaded for the of snow flurries, continues In Terrace ' cause labor. Few men were so unfllnch- ing. He won freedom for "Big Bill" Timely Recipe i Haywood then a socialist, later I the molder of the I.W.W. who, with other members of the onetime militant Western Federation of Miners, was tried for the murder of Former Gov. Frank Steunenberg, of Idaho, during a strike. William E. Borah was a special prosecutor. Samuel Gompers sent Darrow to the defense of the McNamara brothers, charged with murder In THE SEAL ' QUALITY teg) GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iidmon canning company with in all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert the dynamiting of the Los Angeles Times building in 1911. Darrow succeeded in settling the case on the basis of prison terms. In his seventy-fifth year, Darrow abandoned retirement and, against the advice of friends and physicians, Journeyed tq Alabama to offer his services to the negro youths In the ScotUboro case. The International Labor Defense, under the dominance of communists, had entered the trial. It insisted that Darrow and his associate in many cases. Arthur Garfield Hays, abide by its decisions as to conduct Darrow refused to do so, thinking the I1.D. was using the trial for propaganda purposes. The next year, he was again the focus of the limelight, guiding the defense In the Hawaiian Massie case. Darrow, always Interested In the sociological aspects of political is sues, took part in many campaigns, as an Independent democrat. But he held only one elective office. In 1902 he was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives, serving) a single term. The following year he declined a labor party nomination for the mayoralty of Chicago. While his greatest reputation was gained In the criminal courts, he also was an expert in corporation law. In .politics he denounced "big interests" and one of his notable civil suits was litigation against the Chicago "gas trust" which resulted In a substantial lowering of rates. Boyhood on Farm Darrow was born in Ohio in 1857 and spent his boyhood on a farm He was admitted to the bar when only eighteen and opened his first law office at Ashtabula, Ohio. His first wife was Miss Jessie Ohl of Ashtabula whom he married In 1879 and divorced eighteen years later There was one son by this marriage. Paul. In 1905 the attorney married again, miss Kuoy oamerstrom, a Chicago news reporter. Vancouct.r Wheat VANCOUVER. March 15: CP Wheat was trading at $1.27 xn the Vancouver market yesterday, advancing to $1.27'2 today. LAST SHOWING TOXKjmT Good New for s Jack Benny fn -.utht, Mi Models" (At 7 32 and (Last Show 9; 15 Starting Wednesday for?i),yj THE MURDER OF "THE MAM WHO NEVER EXIS1ED!' rsioici SEOICi RITA VUJRPHY JOHNSON '.'irginia FIELD Uo G. CARROtl ("forge ZUCCO Montagu lOVi PLUS Joan Bennett, Henry Fonda In u I .MET MY LOVE AGAIN" From the novel "Summer LUhteninK" Stamp Collectors We Have Keen Appointed Agents for STAM.KY STAMP COMPANY and Will Carry in Stock a Choice Selection of Approval Sheets Containing Stamps of All Countries From lc to $2.50 or More Each Thpse Approval Sheets Will Uc Exchanged or Renewed Every Two Weeks COME IN AND ASK TO SEE THEM Also we have a number of stamp packets for beginners. Special Values at 5c, 10c, 15c ,ml 25c Dennison's Highest Quality Stamp -J Hinges Per 1000 JL' Tw o wives gossiped the other OdSo ' faoWS f y 'a toinaor two, a i i,.,,.t ..... i.. ii. , ".My old hub is a dear old m(iiI, He always buys me' Evitt's coal." A U. For The Rest Coal in Town PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES G52 If you lose anything, try a classified ad.