1w!day March 15. 1938. Each Phone RECIPE John Howard and J. A. Mclsaac tily R Howard, Vancouver. j RESTORING ; OF ISRAEL Iritish-Israelltcs Reconcile Present Day Happenings With God's Plan At the semi-monthly meeting of the local British-Israel Society last tvenlng in the Toe H Rooms under the leadership of president P. H. Linzey a study was made of the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezeklel, These chapters show God's judgment on Gog acknowledged by alj expositors of the Bible to be Russia, According to the lnterpre- The New Halo Permanent Our hair styles must change to suit the 1938 spring bonnets. Let us create for you a more charming and stylish irf ure. Only genuine oil solutions used on all permanent. PUKE JAMS There r mujr tarirlir ttlilcli may x- uacil In a boot uf diHerriit waya. Drlightful ncl.liliuii to rualartU, juuLrta, Mane manyro, anl au Uty In tarla, TH, l)ec taVct, lurnwma, Triflta and aauJwklitt. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S5. CATALA EVERY TUES- T- S. S Hotel Arrivals Ccnlral Oscar Dacklin, S. Grodem and P Davis, city; A. A. McCrea, Bill mor O. Hunt CNR.; LoU Sand-berg Port Edward. Kno Mrs. Manlove. city; D. Roche, C. Nil. Ernie Dorreen, Vancouver. Prince Itupr-rl Dan Matheson. Anyox; F. Mas-ttll. Telegraph Cove. Royal A. Wennberg, Vancouver; A, Brown, Anyox. Savoy Bernice Palmer says . . . We are in the middle of another strike and this time it is very close to home. Pickets have been walking up and down In front of Hagstrom's Store No. 1 for over a week now and the shelves are becoming a bit depleted as the warehousemen refuse to fill any orders assigned tc this store. Arrnrriln!? tn Onkl.md'K ni(lcpilrt? William Jones, Port Esslngtom ; ..nnnt (n frnn( of a place of business but must keep moving and so the striken just walk up and down the block covered by this store and seem to be making a circle. As this perpetual human, chain, seems to be constantly movlrjg, they must be goad and tired hy closing time. They, are on the Job around 7 ajn. Frankly. I'd rather put in a good day's work than walk aim lessly up and down and round and round all day! However, 1 guess there's no accounting fpi other people's tastes. CHEERIO! Oakland. ent day happenings showed that the world was rapidly approaching the end of the Christian Dispensation when Israel would be tation. there was no secret about restored In accordance with tne ppg and his aspirations for Gog Divine planeare united nation as himself has glorified in broad- In the days ol boiomon ana ui. casting them and has openly 6,.- nations shall see the glory of the clared war on the Almighty. Pres-.Lord, "the Holy One in Israel." MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 1G Only STOOLS Richly upholstered in tapestry. All different patterns and combination of colors. A special price while they last. 3.50 327 THIRD AVENUE Modern Beauty Shop Phone 947 HnUIUIl AVENUE Mm STEAMSHIPS LTD. CAUDEiNA run"". DAY, ur, 1:30 i;jo p.m. p.m. .,- Sun. Midnight Pot Vaicouver, Thurs. p.m. Que Va If tickets at office - vvuyiucmv p en" iimv?- -OektU ns.v.fji From From further Information Regarding Reservations and A. W. NEWltf V Irln itnnprt Aient, Third Ave. rnone IN MEET The annual meeting of the Alice Arm Liberal Association was held on Saturday, T. H. Payne In the chair. The following officers were elected: Honorary President, Rt. Hon. V L. Mackenzie King. Honorary Ylce-PresldtntSr-Hon T. D. Pattullo. Olof Hanson, M. P and Hon. W. J. Asselstine. President, T. H. Payne. Vice-President, 3. Fiva. Secretary, J. Wells. Executive A. D. Phail, S. Davis M. Granley and W, B. Bowers. The President, in a brief speech gave a resume of the past year's activities and outlined many of Ihe Important phases of legislature passed by the present Sliced Bread We are now In a position to supply wrapped sliced bread, ail varieties at 10c a Loaf Sold by all grocers or to out of town, customers by express Sliced bread Is economical, convenient, makes neat sandwiches, good toast and Is sanitary. Housewives Arc Asking For it Van's Bakery Prince Rupert, B. C, Announcements All advertisements In this col-dtnn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Patricks tea and social evening. Catholic Hall. March 17. S. O. N. Fishermen's Farewel' Jaiice. March 17. Members ant' scorts. C. Y. S. March 18. Band Parents' Vlarch 23. Dance. Oddfellow Association Tea Anglican Tea, MrsS.-.C; Thorn r ;on, Marcn Orange Spring Sale March 25. March 25 and United Church. 28. United Sale, May 5. 26, CIRCUS, S.O.N. Masquerade, March 28. Basketball Dance, April 1, Bos ton Hall Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 0 Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18 St. Peter's Bazaar, May 5. Phones 18 and, 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion To? PATLT WWi PAO?'THrtr5 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Judge W. E. Fisher left on last Rev. Oliver Thome of Klncojlth evening's train for Smlthers to U a visitor In the city, having ar-conduct a session of County Court, rived from the Naas River villags on the Catala this morning. Tonight's train, due from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported Mrs. H. Halllday of. this city this morning to be running on after a visit at Stewart, wen: time. around from there to Anyox on LIBERALS the Catala yesterday. I Hugh McDonald, road superin tendent for Atlin district with headquarters at Stewart, was a i passenger Jrom Stewart to Alici ,rT l. nr!Arm aboard the Catala yesterday t T. ii i. i. President n.i II. Payne Reelected Of, Alice Arm Association I A- Skinner, who recently under went an operation at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Is report ed to be making satisfactory pro gress toward recovery and is expected to return home this week. BLACKHEADS BUrkheuU go quiiklr by a itmpl method ttuftl JiiMt dttuaolvet thrm. fct 40 ounces of peroxlno imwdf-r from yodr liui!Klt, rub tbU with a hot. wet cloth trently over ho bWkhead and yuu will wonder wtere tnej have gone, "svt; a Hollywood eomttlrxt'Ti, W. J. Crawford and daughtei Jeananfie-, were passengers aboard the Catala today going through torn Stewart to Vancouver where '.hey will meet Mrs. Crawford whe has been visiting at Relief-Arlington near Nelson with' her daugh ter. Mrs. Brad Watson. All will be returning to Stewart a week from next Sunday evening on the Ca ' ' tala. MARKETS AFFECTED Lettuce Prices Are Up Owing Flood in California Citrus Fruits Firming to Recent floods in California are already beglnnififeHo affect the lo cal retail market. One result Is that the wholesale price of lettuce has almost doubled although the retail price has not gone up In pro portion as yet. Hall and rain In California have also damaged the orange crop extensively and prices are already beginning to firm up as a result. Jamaica grapefruit, a fine fruit, are just about cleaned up now. Apple prices are lower due to heavy stocks In storage. The first new potatoes of the sea-; son are In from Florida and are selling at the fancy price of three pounds for 25c. Retail prices current here today are as follows: B.C. Fresh Extras. Grade A Large, cartoned, doz. 32 Local, pew laid, doz .3? Apples Yellow Newtons, fancy wrapped $2.50 Rome Beauties ..: $2.2$ Wlnesaps, fancy wrapped $2.50 Fruit Lemons, Doz. 25c to .40 Oranges, doz. 12c to 40 Grapefruit; Cal., 3 for. 3ananasv lb, Avacados eacji KnUDarD, iQ. ......... Butter Fancy, cartoned, lb. 50 No. 2 Creamery, lb. 44. No. 1 Creamery 45 Lard Pure, lb 2Q Vegetables Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs 25, B. C. Potatoes, 10 lbs 25 New Potatoes, 3 lbs 25 B. C. Onions, 5 lbs 25 Garlic, Imported, per lb 35 Cauliflower, Cal., 15c to 30 Parsley, bunch, 07 B.C. Carrots, 6 bs 23 HnHptv I Burcfl Carrots, 2 for Prince Rupert Operatic present the "Pirates of Penzance Capitol Theatre, April 27 and .10 .12", n Back In Business Re-entering the transfer business equipped with a heavy duty truck, stake body, hydraulic dump. Prompt and efficient service. Any Patronage Appreciated Also equipped to do any form of excavation work or building wrecking Can supply any amount of real first class garden earth-no muskeg WOOD and COAL Casey Transfer Phone GREEN 527 B. O. Beets, 8 lbs. ,..y,.y...j .23 Mexican Tomatoes, lb .20 Cal. Lettuce, head . .12 Green Cabhage, i -.. .0.7 Celery, head, 10c to .25 Spinach, Texas, lb. ,. 10 .15 reea Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy 100 lbs 1.35 Wheat 2.65 Bran - 2.45 Middlings, - 2.75 Shorts 2-50 Oats - 2.60 Fine Oat Chops . 2.70 Barley 2.60 Laying MasU 2.?5 Oyster Shell 1-35 Jtrats Fowl, NO. 1, lb - .25 Roasting Chicken, lb. .35 Ham, first grade, lb. .. 35. Bacon, side, sliced, best grade ...50 Pork, shoulder, lh. .20 Pork, loin, lb. JO Pork, leg, lb 25 Pork, dry salt, lb .25 Veal, loin, lb. Veal, shoulder, lb. 15c to 19 Beef, pot mast, lb., 12c to 15 Beef, boiling, lb. 8c to 1Q Jeef, roast prime rib; lb. . . .25. Beef Steak, lb., 25c to 30, Lamb, shoulder, lb .20 Lamb, leg, lb .3Q Lamb chops, lb .30 Fish Halibut, lb. 15 Smoked. K'PPtrs. lb 15c. and .20 Salmon, red spring, fresh, lb. .30 Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat. .. 2.60 Second Patent 2.40 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 60 Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 40 Walnuts, shelled, halves, lb. .45. Almonds, shelled, lb .65 Dried fruiu Vhtte Figs, lb. .12 V, Jlack Cooking Figs, lb Nj Dates, bulk, lb., 8c to .1 Lemon and Orange Peel 21 Citron peel - .35 Prunes, 30-40, lb .15 Prunes, 40-50, 2 lbs. .25 Prunes, 60-70. lb .Us Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .14, Raisins, Cal., seedless lb. .15 and. .16. Currants, lb. Apricots, lb. . Apples, dried Peaches, peeled, 16c to Smyrna Figs, 2 lbs, 2omb Honey . Migar Cbees Ontario solids, new, lb. Edam, lb. Ontario, mature, lh. ?tllton. lb. Roquefort, lb Oorgonzola, lb. .15, 25. .19 0 .25 White. 100 lbs. 6.3$ Yellow, 100 lbs. 5.85, noney Extracted Honey, per Jar 22c to -30 .25 .50 .35, S? .80 .69 The examination for forest ran-? gers to be held at Hazelton wilj take place on March 30 and not March 31 as originally announced. ClAiFltO JFOR SALE eiqht-room Mouse and lot S500, half cash. Capitol Shop. (621 FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, block 20, section 6. Attractive building site . (6th Ave. East) all cleared and basement dug to rock. Will sell i; 1 2 or 2 lots on terms to suit purchaser. You cannot find anything to equal this so Investigate quickly. Apply 608 6th Ave. East (adjoining lots). (631 UPRIGHT Piano for sale. Cheap. Also 8 volumes ot "Elson Musiq and Musicians." Apply Mrs. De Carlo. Phone 567. (651 WANTKDTO TRADE WILL TRADE two-room house for boat. Capitol Shop. (62) WANTED WANTED Small furnished hous. or apartment. Apply City Com missioner. (tf.l PERSONAL MENI To get vlgoi, vitality, try rawl oyster Invigorators and other' stimulants in New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, exhausted, weakened system, If not d lighted with results, maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Spld by all good drug stores. (U) Ml. lusrice KRUSCHM IN THt HYCItSE COURT Of JUSTICE. Typist's Remarkable Reformation MARRIAGE AS SEQUEL "If I did not know from first-hand experience the wonderful effects of Kruschen Salts, I would not. believe you to be the same joung woman that stood before me in the dock three months ago accused of headaches." "I am not, my lord. I have changed my name." (She . ,. smilingly shows her wedding ling). ...... . "I congratulate you heartily." "Thank you, my lord. And may I thank you, too, for that timely advice which Hook back upon as the cause . of all the happiness which has come tp mc lately. The : little daily dose it has worked wonders. I have forgotten whar a headache feels like." "And never again shall you remember. You have found" good health for less thajh If a day. Stick to it!" KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Kruschcn is t combination , of itvwU uioeral talu which, yov.r Uody must gett in omt wiv. In kftri ttif blonH nure. TASTELESS IN the inside dun, nd the ). vVWfOKT" dos". Every drug counter elli tem generally toned up, but whiclj you uo't get in Natutf'i o wy without abundant exercise ind fresh air. You should have those aalta ivtryt fay; hence the im portance ot the, "Utile daily Kruschen in JSc, 4.5c ai 7$; bottle. lt's.th ItlUt daiiy don il ten ti. T- Attention Fishermen ! With the Fishing Seaorj Opening in a Few Short Weeks Remember Your First Aid Supplies We Carry a Complete Stock of First Ajd . . Cabinets and Supplies , Call today and let us help you. compute your requirements. :, '.. , .:" VeTfespectfully Solicit Yoyr Business OrmesLld. 'Jfie Pion eer DruQp tats The ,leU Store Phones: 81 & K Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m, Sundayi and Holidays From 12 noon till Z m, 7 p.m. till I p.m. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS . will come Jo your "koine Yery day through 1 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An lnitrntitnl Dtily Ntviiptptr t ' It ricorlt for you Oil verM't elun. canitnietWt dolnii. Tin Monitor doi not uplolt crUnt or nlkn: ntltktr doei It Unort tliim. but detla corrntlTtlT wttb thim. futurtt for bu tin u th ttotUr, tncl4iD U Wiel u(t)t 9(U9a. Tho CtirUtlia (citato rubllttilnr Soctttr I Ont, Norvtr Krttt; oito, UithuwUt ritMt t.tr mr totKrlitJon to Tbo' ChrltUoa ItloMt Uooltor laf ' a (l4 o , 1 ui at OA I woMIm M M wonUit 13 II 1 monUi He ' Wtoutidar Imim. kMlvdlnt MMlat Voctloa; 1 FOU I.M, I Imum u ' iOOTMl .. I . . , - - ua - If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soop let you know if there is a buyer in the city.