imvttmz iinnaltcrt thrlr march can v inn a v in nr nm iniriv A vital highway between Valtn- nunani inunc hrinr rnnitirn. It was asain reported last nijht hi Ik. 1 I ' . r- i t t iau itjnn inn tnni a'nmana n a 11 rrn mii..i OUTLOOK CRAVE The military situation for the r-ii.mi Kovcrnmcni is now au- MfnJ IL. . n . i tiiiag ui littiiiiuiiuu ""injthe main inland hichwaj mm I n ....!. A . am . . I Frame has dispatched three in ! inn i' pntiKii a m nacca inw spam to protect French citi- HOMO n .1 I . J 0 RESORT LANDS YET "'Miicial Government Decides division at Present demand fnr snmmrr -vu renrespntfttinn wrrf . v. tllUUC Hie l-'U w" oi lianas at victoria to vu una onrrpfl nt. nnhlln snif. luveiupation of the matter Lnp TinnHmnnt HonlrlArt i'onjUne act on until siurh time "uiiway ennKtriirt nn lc fur- uuvi uinnn . ne Apartment has instructed Imslne - aS Smlthers 011 "fflclal Fcuhrer spoke before a cheering assemblage of 200.000 people. German airplanes soared overhead. Everywhere, swastika emblems of the Nazis were In evidence. Hitler proclaimed to the frenzied Viennese throne the end of Aust Vin pmicn." i MUNICH, March 15: (CP)-His triumph in Vicn- Wrinai Pvnc aromnlete. Chancellor Adolf Hitler returned to Gcr- TT11Cdl 1 rieJ H I llfllU V UI III U T IILLIUI IJIUIIU A 1 Will II 11111 it i ca u l i ii rr r 4 j VIENNA, March 15: (CP) Chancellor Adolf Hit- rian independence and his entrance ! Into his native land - - - "Into the German Reich." Hitler referred to the natural affinity for centuries of Germany and Austria. Had:Ohe-Natlsnotttaken decisive control, bloody revolution might have broken out in Austria within a few days. He assured 63,-000,000 Germans that "this, country Is German." The intention now was to make Austria a country of National Socialist Ideals. The bloodless revolution. Hitler declared, had brought to an end years of misery In Austria. He gave credit to those xihn had tnkpn nart In the events of the past few days, especially to' I Dr. Arthur Sezss-Inquart. the new Chancellor. For himself. Hitler said, it had been the "crcatest event of my life." It was. undoubtedly, the greatest triumph of his career which seem ed to reach its zenith during tne day. Hitler made no reference to Czecho-Slovakla or other countries. Chancellor Seyss-Inquart, Introducing Hitler, proclaimed to the world that Hitler had come in this significant hour as "Fuehrer and Reich's Chancellor in place of the :old Imperial capital, guardian o . i- iui n c n Vitnt. 1 . Drop Sharply At Winnipeg t aUUI tOJ kJ kilW VL kill, WVliiJClii 111 Hi nUCll ICXH 1 w inai Ul 1 J" TT t l J If! i. i. 1 , X.rVio t rffnnnari in 1.t .inn t rnm ri J if iiw 1 i i "j w-i 1 11 , mriii'i i n 11in t w i iir t t f i iL,au ua. illa uiiu ljiu hi. iu u .. . 1 1 a xt! on the Winnmeir market vesterdav. urer. uevoiu 01 any biaieimm 01 imure iNazi expan- cosed - - ,,n m ii onthr IT hon rioon critrlimic tr nrranrrnr tn ha rren m liiul le.vuctL uuiuuuus w eauiei ui evaueu ami. SUKGcNio MOVING ON Mtditcrrancin Outlook Tot Government Is Had flDDAYC March 15: (CD . u A I .. - 1 1 1 j - . . 1 t- ; mc tiij was 111 uuuuaj iiiuuu aa uci WINNIPEG, March 15: (CP) I Today's Weather omorrow s Tides (I AJW.) Che rr.; Rupert Overcast, snow High 1:15 a.m. 21.1 ft. southeast wind. 10 milcj 13:35 pjn. 21.8 It. OCT h2-r barometer, 29 22 (fall- Low 7:34 a.m. 2.9 ft. tcCTperature. 35; sea choppy 19:49 pjn. 2.9 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 62. TRICE: S CF.N'IS No XXVII PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1938. a. DER FEUHRER'S SPEECH IN VIENNA DEVOID OF HINT OF FUTURE PLANS Speaks Before 200,000 Nazi Enthusiasts Crowning Event of Hitler's Career Even Suggested He May Make Himself King Is Not Very Definite KILLED IN SETTLING EXPLOSION QUESTION Forty Miners Lose Their Lives in U.S.-Japanese Negotiations Over Colliery Blast Near Hyderabad, Alaska Fisheries Have Tempor- a India j ary Setback 1 HYDERABAD CP Fortv Forty India, March 15: tokyo March 15: 'CPt It was miners, Including I stated today that complications had IHIloH In . a j -i a.iama. 4-V. three w Britons, v..vwsw, nnc Vtavo have uw htton been "vu an sen to aciay mtiwciuciii ui an exDlosion in a cnllierv near here. I uf . .v Aiuiiiw&A iat. icvu uijui cu, States regarding fishing 0" the Alaska coast. However, it is ex pected that negotiations will be reopened at once on a new basis. The exact point which causer; the eleventh hour disagreement over the Alaska fishery problem vas not disclosed. The problem arose over United States protests that .Japanese fish boats in Bristol Bay would soon deplete salmon fisheries built up 'by Canadian and United States conservation. August Judge Is Good Shot With Peppermint; Prevents Riot Of Ladies In Meeting .. i Mnroh 15: (CV) Chief Justice Aulay Morrison of the Supreme Court of British OiUIUDia WHS aiUUlUlg pepiJCXHiiai.a uuiui tiit-i fng'here at 'which, the speaker was" Jolin VTDaf oe, u-oii 1,-nmvn Wiiminpfr mninpfr n'fiwsnaDer lunvsnaijer uuoii uublisher and member of the Howell Royal Commission on federal- provincial relations. Ladies at the meeting became restless and. fid-getty. The learned judge perceived what was the trouble. It was a mouse scampering along the floor. Before any of the ladies started screaming or standing on the chairs in terror, the judge took good aim with a peppermint and hit the mouse which IHE DIED PRESIDENT German treasury. Hitler s ior rn , t'XnlTf- Off Nanaimo ON TRAIL AGREEABLE Kootenay Man Perishes When He Lost Bearings Near Hallway Track trla merely became a aw.h - the German realm. Chan;Jr . Mcn TaUcn rrom Gasbat in Seyss-mquart is iuvhh & -- Austria. He was so addressed slg-l.,i.n hv Hitler himself. T..ti. Rtrrlchpr. Jew baiter oi Nuremberg, Germany, Germany, Is Is on on m his way to Vienna as Gulf of Georgia by Steamer Princess Victoria VANCOUVER. March 15: (CP) menR Carter, N, Beaman. Nazi sources are silent :, Gord smith. Tom Dtojfle.ndK,. and acalnst Jews continue to w- , . 0 Nanaimo Sunday i Quezon Feels That rhilliplne Inde- I r- 1 1 i I. .!J by posed and thousands are licems i. Canadlan Paclflc steamer Prln-country. na The new Bovernment : vlctorla, party was.on the announced that Jews can no ionb , malnland to Valdez ""Former Chancellor Kurt yon Schunnlgg is stlii UnpjJ try. broke" rf suffering from t sustained In. an, acc.cem y S-SeraSathishome in the city a yu ago. Island when their boat broke down. They had been adrift for sixteen hours when the Princess Victoria answered their distress signals and picked them up. IIAK SlLVEIt NHW YORK: (CI) I5ar silver wu unchanged at 4ic lr fine oiincO V,ti the New York met al market today. penuence anvum uc nccunsiu-ered in View of World Events NELSON, March 15: (CP The MANILA, March 15: (CP) Prcs- body of Cornelius Frlesen, Renata ldcnt Manuei Quezon agreed tp- trapper, was found yesterday by da question of mdepend- ff-Ch"!, 5 h"d ence of the Phllllplne Islands vauey xvauj- v - . , , ,u that that crown. crown. L.i.u 101 , .. tJnotQ nn the v, shore cw. nf Of rf rpppnt dlsouletinc world events. tt.j.. u. T..inn..innrn i Take Over Completely hhhmu - - . ., ..... . - fVio imi'Pr Armw Lake. It is benevea i . while Hitler presiaea m . "- - - . iwjjuius uic tuatt""i-v" u'uuu Creat display of his triumph, his that Frieser naa k "" Cnce from the United States In 1946 ...,t.n,nt. took over all functions gone aromm m government. The Aus- " of Austrian trian treasury was absorbed by the) RpcnipH Last night Paul McNutt, United States High Commissioner, asked for Immediate co-opcratlon of Filipino leaders and Americans In a "realistic re-examlnatlon of their long range Interests and our own." SUFFOCATED , IN COLLIERY! measures. Two Men Lose Their Lives in Mine TOtlng on Crown land. L1II1C lme further restrictive . , the Gulf of , kiu ue oi mc nignway is 'rombttcd and thnt strns win. if tfn ' ' ' takcn t0 Prevcnt uch LONDON GOLD I'HICE uon, March 15: (CP)-The w ui ROW in Lnnrtnn vpstprrtnv up oc at $34.91 per fine ounce. iwu. v;.wat. divisional su ttl ireight and passenger o ii inn mvit i.i LUSCAR. Alberta, March 15: (CP -Harrv Buttcrman and Eldrcd Am- bury died yesterday. They were suffocated from gas In a coal mine. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late James Malrs will take place on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers. No flowers by request. Warning To Germany Regarding Further Incursions In Europe Is Given Only In Implied Way BRITISHER IS BOMBED Steamer Stamwell Victim of Spanish Insurcent Attack at Tarra-gona Germans in Kebel Dane liAKCELON'A. March 15; (CIV A British seaman was killerT and four others wounded when the British steamship' Stamwell vas bombed and set afire t) tnMirjent planes at the Spanish rrt of Tarragona between Val-rnria and Barcelona. A Danish iion-intervrntion observer was aln wounded. Half an hour before the bomb-In- Incldrnt. n insurgent seaplane was brought down and (Wf oreiipants were Jjtirned to iWth. Government officials said they were all German.. TODAY'S STOCKS (OiUIW. a. D. JolllkilOU CO.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18. Big Missouri,. .42. Bralorne, 8.75. Aztec. .09. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00. Dchtonia. .10. Golconda, .05. Mlnto, .03. Falrvlcwk.03Vj. Noble Five, .03. Pcnd Oreille, 1.85. Pioneer, 3.00. Porter Idaho. .03. Premier, 2.07. Reeves McDonald, .35. Reno, .50. Reward, .04 Vis. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .042. Hcdlcy Amalgamated, .05. Premier Border, .01 V. Sllbak Premier, 2.00. Congress, .007. Home Gold, .01 V4. Grandvicw, .02 Vi. Quatslno Copper, .03 Vi. Haida Gold, .08?,;. Oils A. P. Con., .21. Calmont, .40. C. & E., 2.50. Freehold, 05. Hargal, .19'-?. McDougall Scgur. .19. Mercury, .14. Okalta, 1.61. Pacalta. .10V?. Home Oil. 1.10. Toronto Bcattle, 1.29. Central Patricia, 2.C0. Oods Lake. .42. Little Long Lac. 4.70. McKcnzle Red Lake. .88. Pickle Crow. 4.45. Red Lake Gold Shore. .23. San Antonla. 1.28. Shcrritt Gordon. 1.40. Smelters Gold. .0U'2. McLcod Cockshutt, 3.10. Oklend, .22. Moshcr. .19. Madscn Red Lake, .30. Stadacona. .24V?. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur, .38. Moneta Porcupine. 2.05. Thomnson Cadillac, J2C. Bankflcld, .82. East Malartlc. 1.40. Preston East Dome, .99. . Hutchison Lake. .07. Dawson White; MVz. Aldermac. .51. Kerr Addison, 1.80. Is Said to Feel That Britain's Strength Must Match That of Reich Hcforc he Can Take Stand, Even in Regard To Czecho-SIovakia LONDON, March 15: (CP) Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, according to the Associated Press, is determined to match the armed might of Germany before publicly pledging Great Britain to support Czechoslovakia against German aggression. There are indications, the Associated Press learned, that Britain has privately told Germany she may be compelled to 4 1 Jap Probe Board Now Appointed I OTTAWA, March 15: (CPl Dr. Hugh L. Keenleyslde of Ottawa has been appointed chairman of the federal board of review which will Inquire In- to alleged Illegal entry of Jap- - anese into Canada. Member- ship of the board of review, which will hold Its first sitting In Vancouver on March 23, was announced yesterday. The other members are F. W. Tay- lor of the Immigration depart- ment at Vancouver and In- spector G. W. Fish R.C.M.P. MASSING UP PR. RUPERT i Tase Hideout Speaks at Peace River 5 On Railway Outlet Question J PEACE, RIVER, March 15. Page Rldeout addressed a crowded house here last Tuesday night on the. ' railway outlet question and Prince Rupert as the port for the north.' 'He exhibited many Interesting. ' slides. J Among the highlights of the address was the statement that ves- ' scls from Asia sailed 500 miles extra to Vancouver In order to do Prince Rupert out of business that I justly belonged to her. I Then he pointed out that there were 904 more sailings in and out ' of Vancouver in 1936 than there were in 1916. "But who gets the railway busln-ess? he asked. "The Canadian National sends one train away from the backyard of Vancouver dally while the Canadian Pacific last! summer sent five all as large or! larger than the Canadian Every vessel making a round trip; to Hong Kon? and back sailed one thousand miles extra In order to pass up Price Rupert and there were 416 of such railings in 1936 which meant that there were 416.-000 salllntr miles covered and bon- uscd by the government In order to put Prince Rupert o"t or the business that Sir Wilfrid Laurler figured on for his new port. Uchl Gold, 1.40. Martin Bird. .41. Athona, .11. Hardrock, 1.80 Intcr'l Nickel, 49.50. Noranda. 5900. Con. Smelters, 57.25. act If Hitler seeks to bring the Ger man minority of Czecho-Slovakla Into the German nation as he has absorbed Austria. Thus It Is felt here that Great Britain has given an implied warning to Germany of her determination to uphold the remaining central European boundaries. Exactly what action Great Britain would undertake In the event of a German push into Czecho-Slovakla Is not apparent. The Prime Minister, In refusing an inquiry Into the British mlll-tnrv and air croaram. told the House of Commons today that he was opposed to ImltatlngGermany by regimenting thVnStlon'forarm-r aments production "until It Is the only way to serve our purpose. This was the nature of his answer to speakers in the House yesterday, including some government supporters, who had urged an even greater speeding up of the preparation for war than was now under way. London Restless LONDON, March 15: (CPl Members of both sides of the British House of Commons demanded yesterday to hear a clear cut statement of government policy In regard to the spread of Nazism In Central Europe. Lord Amery declared a continued policy of wavering could mean nothing but war. No Active Intervention BERLIN. March 15: (CPl Three million Germans In Czecho-Slovakla can be taken under the wing of the Reich without active intervention in the affairs of that country. it Is said In official circles here. France Ready To Act PARIS, March 15: (CP) Premier Leon Blum gave assurance last night to Czecho-Slovakla that France would take military action If she Is Interfered with by Nazi Germany. Weather horecast (Furnished through the uurtijr tl. Domlnlou Meteorological Burcuu t VictnrU and Frlnoe Rupert. TliU "re-east U compiled from obveriialloiis ken at S im. today and cover the 16 liour ixrlod ending 6 p.ra. tomorrow i General Synopsis Pressure remains low off the British Columbia and Washington coast with unsettled weather and It has been mild with light showers In the Interior. ! Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh to strong southeast and south winds, cool with occasional showers. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Southeast winds, becoming strong at night. Mild with showers. VANCOUVER EGG PRICES STEADY VANCOUVER, March 15: (CP) Egg prices continue steady on the Vancouver market. Farmers are receiving 18c for grade A, 17c for medium and 16c for pullets. City delivery prices are 22c, 21c and 20c.