) t II "A 3 n Mr PAQI TWO tot daily pzyn GROWING GIRLS Black and Brown Oxfords With or Without Tongues. Good Dependable School Shoes . . bAlLr EDITION Specially; Priced $H.45 and $.45 3 IB Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H: F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce - Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance. " f ..hi Hr mall rv nil v.,.. Mi rii..' .. . . - "' - ?. w " u Dimsa ine :-.. LKiiumoia, British Empire and '" .Un,ted States, yearly period, paid in advance : 8y mall to all other countries, per year . m : . ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ; 'local readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and' Cumulation Telephone News Department Telephons ..... . , Membtr 6t Audit. Bureau ot Cireulatiom If you lose anything, advertise for it. 9 86 J5.C0 .12 3.00 9.0C .03 .25 Monday, January 24, 1938. HAinO LICENSE INCREASE Jh,?re Js to fae an increase in the radio license fee from . two dollars to -two and a klf dollars. To that there should ! .ectl0n as long as the people get service in re-! ; turn; for the money paid and as long as the license is col-' sleeted from everyone. t ,Uj .t0 thLe P.resent tm's matter of radio has never been ' jtackled m a businesslike manner. The system of havintr a .local inspector seems to have failed and the visitihff inspectors have been only spascodically active. What we seem to need is more frequent visits from an outside official who should be clothed with power to enforce the re-S,of interference and a system of Collection under tthich every person using a radio should be forced to pay the fee or have the radio sealed until the fee is paid Most people object to paying the fee when they know their neighbors get by without paying. To make payment optional is to makfe a joke of the whole license system. Prince Rupert cannot expect to get unfailing reception from. the south. We are simply out-of range. What .we want is to be able to get reception when conditions are fairly good. We want to have such reception that we can , make use of the' waves when they are arriving in the city Most people would have no objection to paying the fee' if they could be assured of reasonably good reception. Those , who object then should not be allowed the priviletre of us-v.mg the radio. , The Vancouver station CBR has been a great aid to the northern part of the province. The programs average imuch higher than American stations to the south but of- teri the waves are not strong enough and the local interference is too strong. The result is that evcept for the local station many evenings are blank. ! LEAST POSSIBLE INTERFERENCE j Dr. Clem Davies, who has just returned from a visit to England, urges that British Columbia should develop thenntry as rapidly as possible along British lines with ,as little interference from the government as possible1. The people in Britain are speeding up, industries and working as a unit he says. There is a feeling of unity and patriotism that is solid and real. Geo. Coffin D.C, Ph.C Sp.C. Chiropractic Specialist N6 4 LEEDS APARTMENTS Prince Rupert, B.C. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. John Muir, arrived In port at 7: 15 last eV- ening from the south and saitedf at !8:45 for Stewart, Anyox and other i northern points whence she will re turn here tomorrow southbound. Capt. John L. Malcolmson, pilot of the steamer Carderia, was obliged to leave the vessel on her arrival here" Saturday morning1 from the south to enter .Prince Rupert General Hospital suffering ttoih a severe attack of torisllltls. Latest reports are that he .Is tlping nicely; Chief Steward Beft'Ebden of the steamer Catala Is now. ashore in motorship liner Northland. Capt. Len Williams, arrived in jiort at 12:50 midnight Saturday morning" from Ketchikan and. after dis charging ten carloads of rozen ish' for transshipment East over Can adian National Railways,, sailed Sunday morning in continuation of her voyage to Seattle. There has been no further information in regard to the visit to this port of the United States Navy aircraft tender Teal which, according to announcement, was to be here between January 20 and 26. The Teal was at Ketchikan last night. The Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association was In session here yesterday in connection with curtailment and conservation measures for the coming season Further w6rd is being awaited from Seattle and nothing was done. TODAY'S STOCKS ( Courtesy 3. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .19. Big Missouri. .46. Bralome. 8.90. Aztec. .07 Vi. ; - Cariboo Qaartz. 1.82. Dentonia. .11: ; Oolconda, .06. . Minto. .04. v Fairview, .05 W. ., Noble Five. .04. Pend Oreille. 2.10. Pioneer. 2.95. Porter Idaho. .03. ' .- ., Premier. 1.92. Reeves McDonald, .42.-Reno, .45. , Relief Arlington, .18. . . Reward. .06. Salmon Gold. .07. Taylor Bridge, Ml?. Hedley Amalg., .05 (ask). Premier Border, .,01?. Silbak Premier, 1.90. Congress, .02. Home Gold, .01 . Grandview, .09'. "... Indian, .02V,. Quatsin'o Copper. .OSi. Haida Gold. .05: Oils A. P. Coll.. .30. Calmont, .53. C St E. 2.C5. Freehold, .062-. . Hargal. .25. .1 MfcDougal'l Segur. .i5. J Mercury. .17 'A , Okalta, 2.15. ' ; Pacalta .i2. Hdme Oil, 1.30. ' , Toron id Beatlie. 1,35. ' Central Patricia, 2.21. , Gods Lake. .59. Little Long Lac, 5.45. McKenzie Red Lake, .92. Pickle Crow, 4.90. Red Lake Gold Bhdri; .33 (4. San Antonio. 1.4l Sherritt Cordon. 1.49. Smelters dold, .01 J. McLeod Cockshuti, 1.35.. Oklend, .1 Mosher, .13. Madsen Red Lake, .40. Stadacona, .27. r v Frbnlier Red Latg, 07 Ffaricoeur. .44. ' , :' Moneta, 2.23. ' r -Thompson Cadillac, .24. Bankfleld .64. East Malartlc, i.U; Preston E. Dome, 1.20. Hutchison Late, .12. . Dawson White, J02 (ask). . Aldermac. 3. Kerr Addison. 1.86. Uchi Gold. 1.31 Martin Bird, Ai. Intern! Nickel, 40.15. Nbrahda, 59.00. Con. Smelters, 61.50. Rach the most people m etty and district with tu QYertlsment In the Dally Newt. 1 Moose Royal Hotel Grotto Three Five Maroohs Taxi ,13 iii to' LADIES r BOWLING a v II iS CLOSE which these two' teams are for third place. Klnslor and Paul of Three Five Taxi tied for the honors, eacli with 184. Individual scoring was as lows; .GIOTTO 12 Bury 135 175 A. Comadlna 159 160 Zeiman 188 167 Irving 148 Morin 164 206 Totals 646 856 : . 35 TAXI i 2 Cic'cone 163 i59 Kinsior, ..205 188 D. Houston 166 176 Paul 170 190 Wendle 122 Tdtals 704 835 ROYAL HOTEL 1 2 Schriaberg 192 189 J. Comadlna 144 190 Donald 188 165 Todd 177 122 Smith 182 166 Totals 883 832 MOOSE 12 Royer 159 172 Gunderson 151 154 Haiidenschlld 150 99 Stiles 9 17fl Asemissen 187 136 i Totals .. The standing of second half, of he season Is as follows,: Woft Lost Pts, 7 10 li '16 5 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 Hockey Standings Toronto" NATIONAL LEAGfJfc International division' W 'D L ' ;.,,CahadIen i Americans 81 76 63 57 Afnericafi bivisfim boston 18 2 7 76 Rangers 15 6 8 84 i'Chicago 8-6 14 51 ,-;Detr6lt 6 7 16 50 A 87 75 53 75 53 "50 74 81 W.. - - -'l Following are lists of the 78 Royal Hotel' anA Moose "ied Fot athletfes who will represent. Ca-First Hace itf fen Pris With nada at the British Empire Games Three Five and Grotto Close In Sydney, Australia, February 5-On heel's 12. Royal Hotel scored a three gamn Track and Field, Men Eric Coy, to nil clean sweep victory over Winnipeg, shot put; Pat Haley, Moo.se. In (he city Teh Pri Cowling' Trait rf.C.. filgfi tiMp", 440 relay, League list .-night and Ut two 100 yards; Joe Haley. Trail, B.C., yards; 877. BOWLING January 25 Merchantettes vs Great Liner Leaving New York for Scotland" Where sfie is to be Broker! Vp NEW YORK, iah. 24: fhfe Once great tran-Atidnllt liner Leviathan li UJ leave (odsiy 6h net finai voyage, she Is going to Sc6tiand t0 be broken up. Trouble iri C0hhectI6n with the signing on of a crew was expected, to be ironed out so as not to delay the. vessel's departure. LEAFS WERE BADLY BEAT Lost 9 to 1 to' Boitofl Bruins Saturday Night Canadlens Take Kunner-iiii Position TORONTO, Jan. 24: CP Boston Bruins, leaders of the American Division of the National Hockey League, and Toronto Maple Leafs, pacemakers In the International teams are now tied for first placp high Jump; Sigurd Nellson, Saint ' Division, clashed at the Maple Leaf iin thi IfflETiip stnndinp In the Tnhrr N H . 4411 relflV. 1UU ana I nnrHonp horn Snhintov nlah nrt It Vancouver 6ri his ahhtfal vacation, jsebnutt fixture? ,.,'of the evening yards: Walter Young, Verdun, 1 turned oit to be an ignominious iThree Five Taxi won two games to Que., marathon; Larry OConnor.J r0lt for .the Mapb Leafs by a score Northland Transportation Co.VS one ver Grotto as a result of Toronto, half mile: Jonn Loanng, 0f 9 to 1. Playing in Chicago Snn tied London. Ont.. mile relay. 440 yards day night. the Bruins were defeated 133 137 and 440 hurdles; Max Lenover, Chatham, Ont., mile relay anfl half mile; James Courtright, Ot-fol- tawa, Javelin; Ilaroid Brown, Meadford, Ont., broad jump: Wal-3 lace Brown, Meadford, 0nt7 broad 158 Jump and hop-step-and-jump; 162 Stewart Frid, Hamilton, Ont., pole vault; Lloyd Longman, Toronto marathon; James BartleU, Osha- 176 wa, Ont., marathon; Robert Rah- kine, Preston, Ont., three arid six 766 mile; Bill Dale, Victoria, mile re-3 lay and 880 yards; Jack BrOwn. 167 Toronto, 440 relay, 100 and 220 158 yards; George Sutherland, be 166 Winton, Alta., hammer throw and 192 shot put; Bill Fritz. Toronto, mile" 157 j relay and 440 yards; Art Clarke'; 1 Toronto, one mile, two mile and ! 840 steeplechase; Milton Pa n ton-3 ; North Battleford, Sask., broad 160 Jump and high Jump; Jack On,; 191 Vancouver, mile relay and 44C 131 yards; Jack Harrison, Vancouver,' 188 , 100' and 220 yards; Jack Fraser. 193 Vancouver, 440 relay and 440 3 to 2 by the Black ilawks in a close contest. At Montreal Saturday night the Canadlens defeated the New York Americans by a score of 4 to 2. The Americans were beaten again Sunday night at Detroit when they lost to the Ded Wings 3 to 2. The Canadlens are now In exclusive possession of second place In he International Division after haying tied with the Americans for that position. National Hockey League weekend scores were as follows: Saturday Games Americans 2, Canadlens 4. Boston 9, Toronto 1, Sunday (lames Maroons 2, Rangers 8. Boston 2, Chicago 3. Americans 2, Detroit 3. 3 I Track and Field, Women Alieen 1 ' " 87 Meagher. Halifax, ioo and 20J rietre diving; Lynda Adams, Van- 15: yards; Jeanette bolson, Toronto" cowver, three-metre and tower div- 144,100 yards; Isobel Bleasdeil, Mont-Jhig. 179 j real. 100 and 200 yards; Evelyn! 16" oosnawk. Winnipeg, 200 yards and'. 21' 38 36 22 19 1 1 medley relay and 440 free stvle Bobby HooDer, Vancouver, free style. 880 relay. 440 free style and one mile; Jimmy Prentice, Toronto breast stroke, medley relaj and 220 breast stroke. HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Seattle. 4; Spokane, 2. Boxers Joe Gagnon, .Montreal broad Jump; Robina Higgins ""yw(e,ght;( ?(lly ,?rade- tyVlnn'P 743 737 723 Winnipeg, Javelin and di.sVuss: a?mwe,8h,t:, ""r,StTSt . ThPimn vnrwc 'n nn Catherines. Ontr, lightweight; Nor- to date ,sna oroaa. jump; yyonite DIngley, Duncan. B; p.. high jump and hurdles;, Margaret Bell; Vancouver, high Jumn; Barbara Howard Vancouver. i66 yards: Isabella Mil. man Dawson, Vancouver, .veltcr-weight; Rex Carey. Victoria, middleweight; Tommy Osborne, Mont real, heavyweight. Wrestlers Vernon Blake, Mon- er, Hamilton. Ont hltrh Jump and real, bantamweight uiuau imam vioiei Aionwomery Montreal Winnipeg, 100 and 220 yards. Swimmers, Men Gordon Kerr Wind.sor, Ont.. backstroke. medle relay and ioo yards: Jean Marc Demers, Mbritreal. backstroke. 10C yards: Gordon Devlin. Toronto Lafry Clarke featherweight; Terry Evans, Toronto, middleweight Jack Whalen, Vancouver, heavy weight. Oarsmen Kenny Jaggard, Van cpuver, coxswain; Jack McDonald Victoria: JImmv Tern Die. Victoria Pts c siyie' oou-yara relay and one- v.,ax wmmer, victoria: von Davis 33 mile swim; feeorge Burleigh, Tor Victoria; Dan Moses, Victoria. 2.u,.i.u. 4,cc aiyie. ceu-yara relay 25and 100 free style; Bob PJrie, Tor- 01119. iree style. 880-vard relav bowlers bob Gray. Vahcouvei (Captain); John Fleming. Van couver: Ab. Reid, Vancouver. Dick Adam, Vancouver. Cyclists- Morris Robinson, Van couver, five to 50 miles; Geore Graves, Montreal, sprints, V2 mll l mile, etc.; Ishwn fizzy) Lampard ri , Z. 1 Toronto, distance, 50, and 10C .ncjo. men ueorge Atnans. miles Vancouver, three-metre and tower diving. Swimmers. Women Phvilis no war. Vancouver; free style, 440-relay. 100 and 440 free style; Noel1 Bluebirds; Anrfettea vs. Knox Hotel; uxenoury. 55) New rZ, Westminster 5 I Telephone Girls vs. Our Gang fon5 m! backstroke; uS i mlcy Lyon' and , Rangers til-100 Big Sisters, Dorothy ys; , i.ivwrc uuis; cng oiirs vs. uiue 1 Birds; Merchantettes vs. Rangers;) JOur Gang vs. Knox Hotel. J .VF'ebirtlafy 8 Knox Hotel vs. Mer- rchahteltes; Rangers vs. Our Gang'; IBIS Sisters vs. Telephone GItl5; . Blue birds vs. Annettes. i fttrifary' 15 big Sisters vs. An nettes; . Blue 1 Birds vs. Telephone Gifts; Rangers vs. Knox Hotel; Merehantetyes vs. 6ur Gang. Leviathan On Final Voyage ioronto, iree style. 440 relay, med 220 breast stroke, Joan Langdon, Vancouver, breast auuite, meaiey relay and 220 breast Stroke; Florence liuinble ' Montreal, free style, 440.Teiay 100-yard free style; Dorothy ifobson,' Toronto, free style, 100 and 440-' yard free - style; Mary Baggaley Vancouver, free style, .440 relay, lot arid 44& iree style. f Divers, Women Marie' Sharkey, Calgary, three'-rrietfe diving, Barbara Rfchards, Winnipeg, three- REX BOWLING ALLEY Bisement of Exchange Block PHONE G58 A ftew telephone Numhei 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service Badminton At Ocean Falls Kteeut American Tournament w, I OCEAN FAILS. Jan 24 couples contested an America Ladmintcn tournament which held in Ocean Falls Q .Martin and O. Woodall were wiring jtli" men's doubles and Mrs it I wmra ana Airs. u. Woodall, tfe lacnes aouDies. DUALITY PRICE SERVICE ! Free Gift Tokens L At USSALLEM'S . Groceries Confectioner; i resli I-riiits and Vegetables' NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Propritor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate J1.00 up 30 Rooms Hot & Cold Wt Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box HI THfe SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert COAL TO PLEASE KVERYnODY Satisfaction auAr&nte4 Fflinoiu Kdson Alkfrta Coal Ilulklry Vallry Cuat Vanoouirr Island Coal Prince Rupert Feed Companj . ... PHONE! 68 and 658 Hyde Transfer WOOD! COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE.