U v H yu lsc anylliiriff, advertise for it. , . . EUO'S JANUARY CI earance SALE 1 Only Beds Complete Cable spring and felt mattress, size 1-6 and -1-0. January Clearance Price, each 23.00 2 Only Seamless Axminster Rugs Lovely designed have deep wool pile which gives lasting wear and durability. Size 910-G. Clearance $32.00 USED Furniture Here arc a few of our many January clearance specials. All goods are priced for quick clearance. 1 Only' Bed Complete With cable spring and deep sleep Simmons spring filled mattress. Size 1-6 ; . $20.50 1 Only QucIkc Heater Fitted with C. B. Parker oil burner ' $23.50 1 Only Occasional Walnut Table The very thing for the living room. Size 22-12 $12.50 Phone GREEN 916 Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. THIRD AVENUE WEST PRINCE RUPERT STOP THAT COLD Dominion C.B.Q. Tablets The Little Red Box Known the World Over Twenty-Five Cents Ormes A.S. A. Tablets Per Vial of Thirty Five-Grain Tablets Twenty-Five Cents Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules The Ideal General Tonic for Winter Months 50 Capsules - $5c 100 Capsules j J gQ 250 Capsules , Ormes Ltd. Dfie Pioneer Drue&t'jts The Rtntl Store Phones: 81 & SZ Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. NEW DEALS FOR WOMEN Metropolis Marks Mental Effects From Fashions in Institutions And Makes Reforms LONDON, Jan. 24: (CP Hot? much the care of woman's appearance contributes to her sanity Is under Investigation and by no cold - blooded psychologist thi time but through the London County Council. Schools, hospitals and public institutions of every variety In this world metropolis come under the 'jurisdiction of this group which. I far from being conservative and 'averse to innovations, has most , advanced and up-to-date views and methods In one of the London County Council's mental hospitals two wo men nairaressers are now permanently employed giving beaut? treatments which Include water - i waving and henna applications, scalp massage, face massage, face packs, eyebrow trimming and wax I treatment for removing hairs. Nor does the Interest of the august and humane council stoo there. In several of the Old People's Homes previously called workhouses there are aged wo-I men time has bereft of all hair ! These the council provides with I wigs and of their own chooslnsr. I Visitors to the institutions are fre-jquently smprised when they ! glimpse a proudly-held golden- i yellow head among the hundreds i crowned with more than usual er. The wigs are sent to the hair dressers and given up-to-the minute coiffures several times a year at the council's expense. j Fashions for Inmates Fashions in the Public Assls'-lance Institutions (ex -workhouses have been occupying no little attention at council meetings latc' and the distinguished men and iwomen who run the public af-I fairs of London have had theh little difficulties when they tried I new styles on old figures. A fash-i'on note specially written by ar. ! institution matron occupied a i prominent position in the council' j -ecently-lsnied annual report ard in lactiui language gave an idea of slight hitches. One paragraph mentions "the traditional women's shawl, st prominent In institutions previous-'v. has now been replaced by colored cardigans although a good many of the old women prefer the shawl. As the cardigan Is com- naratlvely a modern innovation for women's wear, considerable, time must elapse before the cardigan will completely replace the shawl." Which means the council will have to go on buying shawls in spite of the best Intentions. The fashion difficulties of the London County Council even ex tend Into the realm of unmentionables. "Efforts made to modernize the old women's underclothing have not always been received with acclamation. But with continued patience and frequent gentle persuasion the majority of women now are wearing well- shaped 'interlock' stockinette gar ments and sateen slips Instead of voluminous flannel and calico garments." The matron's report closes, however, on quite a frivolous note "I find the girlhood wish for a new hat still alive in the bosoms of our old girls." The matron then describes how hats are chosen by lottery, the Inmate drawing "No. 1" having first choice among thos sent In. There are 14 women members of the London County Council which numbers 144 members all told. One reason given for its progressive ideas Is that women have taken part in Its discussions since 1909. Politics Lose Appeal Other aspects of politics must be losing their appeal to women in England or perhaps the possibili ties of advancement are not suf ficiently advertised. There is a shqrtagt of candidates for nosti as party organizers and a special examination is to be held early In the year. Women between 23 and 40 are eligible and the averafr? salary is $1,000 to $1,250 -per year. in tne Conservative offices many responsible posts are held by women who began as organizers and at the present time Miss Marjortc Maxsc Is second in charge. G. N. R, TRAINS For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays g p.m. From the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. a p.m. THB DAILT NSWB : I District News it ' I Creamery For Smithers Now In Prospect SMITHERS, Jan. 24: Alfred Miller, owner and operator of the Interior Creamery at Prince George, visited Smithers on Thurs day and Friday for tne purpose ol looking over this field with a vleu to establishing a plant at thl; point. He was favorably Impresses with the outlook and, In address ing the Chamber of Commerce or. Thursday night, he announce'' that he would establish a creamery here If he could get the full support of the merchants In handling the local product. Burns' Night By Young People Excellent Program at Terrace Mark Memory of Bard to TERRACE, Jan. 24: The Young People of the Terrace United Church held a 'Burns' Night" on Thursday at the Manse. F. G. Cook gave an Interesting address on "The Life, Works and Influence of Robert Burns," quoting voluminously from the gems of Burns' poetry. Mrs. Ivan gave a reading of "The Cotter's Saturday Night ". Scottish contests, olos, duets and jokes were the ord- r nf tho pvpnlnr Mrs .T Rnrk-nc OFFICERS ELECTED Terrace United Church Has Annual Congregational Meeting: TERRACE, Jan. 24: The annual congregational meeting of Knox United Church was held recently with a good attendance in spite of Inclement weather. G. F. Cook acted as secretary for the meeting. Reports were submitted as follows: Treasurer, T. E. Brooks. Ladles' Guild, Mrs. S. Brooks (secretary) and Mrs. E. Brooks (treasurer). Young People, Mrs. Stanley Brooks. Junior Choir. Mrs. Adam Crisp. Cradle Roll, Mrs. J. H. Smith. Sunday School, Miss Freda Hall. Explorers. Miss Alice Finter. Boys' Group, Rev .Adam Crisp. C.G.I.T., Miss Jessie Llewellyn. Officers elected for 1938 were. Members of the Official Board J. H. Smith. Ivan Frank, E. Brooks, JVemon Glass, R. Harris, Mrs. R Christy, Mrs. Ivan Frank and R. W. Riley. Treasurer J. H. Smith. Secretary Vernon Glass. Delegates to Presbytery and ConferenceMrs. Victoria Moore. AlternateMrs. Stanley Brooks. During the evening selections were rendered bv tnc Junior Choir Frank ana a reaamg eniuiea carload of Goodwill" was given by Mrs. Ivan Frank. The reading was written by- Mrs. Edna Jacques and told in gra Mrs. S. Brooks and Miss A. Long-1phlc deta',s f the ""PU0" of fruit worth contributed vocal numbers. Following the program refresh ments were served. Burns' Dance Is Held At Terrace Almost Kntirc Tijyvn Turns Out To Observe Event in Honor of Scottish Bard TERRACE, Jan.'24:-Friday night' Burns Day was celebrated in ad-: vance at the Orange Hall with a' dance to which almost the whole town went to enjoy themselves. Mrs. Black's orchestra supplied the music and the event, which was a great success, was kept going until three o'clock the next morning. Quick Change In Terrace Weather Heavy Snow and Kain In Same Day With Fluctuating Temperature TERRACE, Jan. 24. Thursday last brought some quick changes in the weather here. About 9 a.m. a blizzard began and, by noon, this had increased to a heavy snowstorm, many of the sideroads being filled with drifts. Temperature in the morning was 20 above zero. About 5 p.m. the northeast gale calmed down to nothing and soon there was felt a soft breeze from southwest and the snow had changed to rain, the temperature rising to 38 above. Friday it was mild and sunny with the new snow rapidly and vegetables sent from British Columbia recently to prairie drought areas. Words of appreciation were expressed to the minister and his wife J for work accomplished and an Invitation was extended for them to I remain at Knox United for another year. A social hour followed the conclusion of the business. Telkwa Boy Is Dead In South Donald Chettlebursh, Aged 23, Passes Away in Victoria Sunday Xiffht VICTORIA, Jan. 24: (CP) Desmond Chettleburgh, aged 23, a of Telkwa and son of F. B. I Chettleburgh, well known former jBulkley Valley coal mining man, jdied In Victoria last night. Miss Ella Wilson Of Vanardsol Dies Passed Away Saturday Ni;ht At Prince Rupert General Hospital Burial at Terrace I Miss Ella Wilson of Vanarsdol passed away Saturday night at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, Miss Wilson was thirty-two years of age and was born in Scotland. She had made her home. at Vanarsdol with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. George Somervllle Mr. Somervllle is section foreman at Vanarsdol. The remains will be sent on this evening's train to Terrace where the funeral will be held. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. ; i Prince Rupert, B.C. COMEDYAND DRAMA HERE Tyrone Power and Lorctta Young In "Second Honeymoon" New Type of Mystery Picture Rounds Out Bill Tyrone Power and Lorettai Young head the cast of 'Second Honeymoon," a lively comedy dra ma which comes to the screen of1 the Capitol Theatre here as onel f the features of a double bill at 'he first of the week. It replace 'Live, Love and Learn" which hat! been originally booked. The other end of the first of the week double bill Is 'The Thir teenth Chair," a mystery picture lullt up around spiritualism. A seance Is used In the effort t. solve two murders In India and he picture has many novel turns j Madge Evans and Thomas Hwlc nlay the leading romantic rol-SI vhile Dame May Whltty famous i English actress, Lewis Stone. Ells Landl and Ralph Forbes have' mporant parts In the eerie stoo l of a killing witnessed by twelve people all of whom are suspected DAM GATES ARE OPENED "irst Time in Over Year This Has Had to he Done at Ocean Falls OCEAN FALLS. Jan. 24: Heav alns of the past two or three veeks necessitated the opening o the dam gates In connection with the Pacific Mills for the first time since November 1936. For the week ending last Wed- nesday. the precipitation totalled J.43 inches and the maxlmurr. temperature was forty-five above i CI .1 .. .. ' ouirc men mere nas been a great variety of weather including thunder, lightning, snow, hall ano heavy westerly gales. Monday. January 24, 1938. nrra ff f a TONIGHT and TUESDAY Last Complete Show at 8 18 MURDER AT A SEANCE! J WHO...MUd-Th Mon That 1 Ho,d" I I ' WHY...wai a btov. if v.WV KfulbrioVto-b.h.ld' t-J oi "Suipet No. l"l i . i ...... I now"' y "' -AW itjf Broadway .foO At 8:31, qH, Once Only j-'' PLUS Tyrone Power and Loretta Younj in "SECOND HONEYMOON" (At 7:00 and 3:37) WOULD NEWS (At 8:18 Only) BRIDGE Still Leads as The Popular Pastime See Our Selection of Bridge Essentials We Have A Complete Range. CARD TABLES The highest quality card tables with diagonal brace. Best Canadian hardwood frames. Bolted construction. Choice of green felt or black fabrikoid oo A A top ?o.UU De Luxe Models at $1.50 and S3.5J PLAYING CARDS Good quality single or double decks. Singles from 45cl0S1.25 at ; 81.75 and S2.50 Special Price For a Few Days Only On SCORE PADS Large size. Regular 2 for 25c. Special 3 for Small Size. Special G for TALLY CARDS ,; Attractive Shapes and Designs. 10c per table. Per dozen 25c 25c 30c IIOYLE Up-To-Datc The complete card game book Incl uding the latest CJflp Contract rules. Price Ovl (sMflaeMvsMd Says Old King Coal I know a clever little trick To keep you warm if well or sick, Just phone 051 and say Please send a ton of coal today. 'to fee SA iLlilllllliliillillj;! PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Foothills Alberta, Nanalmo-Wellingtoii and Ilulklcy Valley Coals If you lose anything, try a classified ad.