M, .urt sy . Jan uary ?41903 THE THRIFT CASH & CARRY OUTSTANDING VALUfcS Iri ttttti AII.Th.yvfk , RirtsO Large package.. . Ayimer Pure Jams-.'2--o. Class 29C Jar Strawberry, Iiaspberry, Peach , . . Pearl Harley stock. 2-lb. cello pkjf. 1 lb.., ,. Fresh - - 15c Jelly Powders Nabob. All flavors. Qp Egfcs-flrade 'A' Large Scott's or 90 Rr66kfield doz1 Crabfriedt liig 99f May Hrahd 's Froni the l6cal Cannery Chateau Cheese , Spreads of -f 32c Small White lieans 3-lb. cello 4 fp package , PcanUt Butter In Jhe Mickey Mouse f (ip tumblers ... Carload Sale of Oranges Family size. 4 7 Doz 1 3 dozen 49c Medium size. Do 3 dozen , . G2c Large size : I)OZ. .. )Ut 3 dozen 85c Juicy Sunkist Lemons Large size 29C Tomato Soup Campbell's 25(5 Rolled Oats Quaker, Victor Brand. 6-lb. sack .... Fry's Cocoa O p '2-lb.tins .... AJ- Thrift Cash and Carry Special Attention to Out-of-Town Customers Free Pants! During January The House of Hobbcrlin Is making a Special Offer for this month only of a free extra pair of pants with each suit. Make a deposit when ordering and have the suit delivered at any ilme ybu wish up td as late as Easter. Ling The Tailor SECOND AVENUE Phone G49 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Kates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL it. Brastii N. M. Braseil li Clory Of Qefeat .1 The Dally New has an audlUd circulation. Play safe! Sermon Subject Impressive Address bv Rev. J. Ci. Jacksort In First United Church of the First United Church. There are many "Build B.C. Payrolls'' A Good ' Cook's Choice 0i dne of the writers In the contest speaks of her reputation las a cook. Her dishes receive spontaneous jjralse. But In ,all the nice soups and desserts that stir the enthusiasm of her friends, she says-, she uses Pacific Milk and says frankly If she knew of a better milk she would use it. Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course FOR SALE 60 Piece Layettes, compile ij hnhv. J25 ud Drepaid. Alsd W nintr RfTvlc'e. chare:e,.2Qr. P. .O. Box 381, yictorla,, B.c:; (20. PIANO For Sale. Iri good condition. $75 cash. McLean, Rupert1 FOK REflT . MODERN Apartment for reni Close in. Phone Green 698. 21- Apply Jos. wU.fu'rnlshed modern .J.r,ia Phone Red 444. (19) UU""""' 7 r -r dttmtS room modern flat Garon. izuj nm. v (23) FOR RENT for six weeks durlhg nhsnce. new fumlshtd !,.,.. Phone 14. Evening Hed 911. (10) U biter puYch J. fct on Jit TimtxT Lie- nt Rivr tki itu removal ol nt the CWf puruwr v c DUtrlet LOCAL NEWS Indian. Agent W. EL Colllson is at Metlakatla today conducting the ' annual election ot a native council i i i k iul ToUn. ut- .uu.f Mrs. u. iseison reiumea u ww M tne.Catak last evening from of the Defeated." Rev. J. C. Jackson: gave another InteresUng address a mp Vancouver. u i miss N. noma, wiio iias iccii un a a. . i' trip soy th. returned ib' the city frori with defeated ,, . .1,1,1,1 hopes these days as there have been In the past and there are many na tions too with defeated hopes. But there were people in the past whom their contemporaries considered de feated and,y.ctin-Jhe course of time these defeats were shown us mere Incidents. Christ's life seemed t6 be a series of defeats but Calvary, the greatest of all "defeats," has been the salvation of the world. Even His disciples seemed to he de feated. Nowadays there are many scoffers who ask If there was an Al- mlghtly. To tile mind of every hungry person, every unemployed th strife and despair of the world were defeats. But people, like nations, were not always rjfispdnslble1 Ipfthelr. seeding defeats. Environment had been too much for an Individual. But as long as" defeat was hot admitted there was no defeat. It, was but an incident. Admission of defeat was defeatism and this attitude was real defeat. So the question was how to stand up to this apparent defeat. The victory of Judas was a great er defeat man me Deirayaj m Christ. Paul, defeated, was a greater conqueror than Pilate victorious. Christ crucified was the greatest victor of all for He was the Saviour of the world. The special musical number wis the duet, "At Even, Ere he Sun Was Set," arrangement by W. H. Jude, which was Impressively given by Mrs. H. T. Lock and J. S. ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Kustras of Stewart; whb have been On a trip W Vancouver were passengers returning fforth oh the Catala last ev ening. Annua! Special! tJntll February 12 any garment dry-cleaned for 65c or 2 for $1.25 and one-thlrfl on other articles. Pionter-Canadlah Laurtdrv. (19-24) fortv ChrkUah sailed last night rm ho 'Painf fhr Port SirflDSOh where' he will be for the. next week or sd engaged Iri work on the hew school which is hearing completion William Stone, after a brief trip to Vancouver, returned from the south on the Catala last evening and proceeded throught tor Stewart on business. Capt. Dan Archie, who has been hi ill health for some time, was re- movea irom nis nome on nuiuiuc Avenue to the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hosfaital Iri the ambulance yesterday morning. The regular fortnightly meeting of the local British Israel Society, whkh was to have been held this evening, has been postponed for a week on account of the unfavor able weather. Father Of Mrs. Cheesinan Dies William Washington Passes Awa? Iri Victoria at Age of Seventy-Three Tears VICTORIA, Jah. 24: (CP) Wil Hnm Washlnctoh. aced -73. who lived In Victoria or seventeen years and In Canada since he wai two years of age, died faaturaay Mrs. G. Cheeseman of Prince Rupert Is a daughter. Navy Takes Over Own Air Force LONDON. Jan. 24: The Royal Navy today took over administration of the British naval air force which had previously been operated, under direction' of the Royal Air Force, Aiurioitacenieilte All advertisements in this column will be .charged ior a full month it' 25c a word.; Presbyterian Burn's Banquet January 25; . Catholic Tea, Mrs, McCaffery. Jaii. :27. ' '.;..' . ' i Baptist sup'psr,, .February. 3. Women's Hdspitai' Auxiliary Ball; February 4. " . United ary 8. Missionary Tea, febru- Ridley Home Sale,, February 10. Valentine fcabarft, Benefit Boys' Band, February 11. Cambral ruary 14. Masonic ruary 17. Valentine Dance, Feb- rialli Thtirsd'ay, Feb"' Ffeb'riJify i7 ahd 18", "Ohb DVilr lous Night," United, Church. C. N. R, A. Annual Dance, March Cathedral Edstir sale',- April 21 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 57 TIT2 D&tkT NEWS War. THRFi DON'T BULLY CONsTiPAftON If you suffer from common constipation, due Xo lack of bulk In the diet; harsh cathartics dent get at the cause cf your trouble. You can avoid this kind of con-ttlpation iy eatio Kel-logg's All-Bran. This tasty cereal pot only contains the intestinal tonic vitamin B but also provides tte bulk you need. It absorbs moisture ... softens like a sponge Into a water-sol-tened mass that encour-aees and aids natural elimination. Use Kelloggs All-Bran in muffins. Or as a breakfast, cereal But eat All-Bran every day and drink plenty ol water, j Made by Kellogg- in London, Ont. Bernice Palmer says . .... I have been doing sb much chatting lately, recipes have been relegated to the background. We will igaln discuss fish. In California meat prices are soaring 'every day and, until the harrassed housewife discovered that fish offered a sn- 'ution to her problem, what to hi ave for supper took on the mag nitude of a nightmare. Fish is Pririte Rupert's main Industry. There you have delicious salmon, halibut and other fish in season, :iniight from the waters to the markets and, if you are not yet confirmed boosters for this grand irdduce, start serving fish as a jatrlotic duty and you will soon be ?atfng It for your own pleasure Fish, like meat, Is a complete pro tein food and there are Just as many different ways to prepare fish as meat. You will be delighted with the way It will help solve the budget problem. Here Is another variation of the fish loaf and oris that is easy to make and good to cat: Salmon Molds Rub fine with a wooden spoon one and one-half cups of cooked salmon. Beat Into this.. one cup ful of soft bread crumbs cooked to a smooth paste in one cupfuf of milk; add half a cup of cream (canned milk will do nicely), salt, a few grains of cayenne and thren eggs beaten light. Pour Into but tered custard clips or muffin tins and bake In a pan of hot water until light. Add three egg yolks, one at a time, beating thoroughly. Season with Salt, cayenne, and i tablespoon of. lemon Juice: add one-third cup of boiling water and cook over boiling water until thick. Turn the salmon molds on to not plates, pour the sauce around, garnish with parsley and serve. Finely chopped parsley or chives added to the sauce give it an in teresting color as well as flavor. CHEERIO! Timely Recipes Apple coaipote And rice upfi. water Spples, 34 cup c,u Add the salt cc, 2 to i 'ater. Add the rice slowly anJ ft66k oVer the direct heat for a few minutes, Complete the cookery of the first tnree Ingredients In a Joublo boiler. Put the rice Into in dividual moulds td cool. Make a ryiuji with the sugar and water. Add the apples which have bern sored; peeled and cut in quarters. Cook the apples until clear, in a covered saucepan. Turn the moulded rice Into a serving dish and surround with apples. Hotel Arrivafe Savoy J. Bereman. Dona Riven Mrs Henry Reld,and child, fort Esslng- ton; M. Mackie, Terrace. Royal . W. Johnson", OSland; Al Woie. Vancouver. Prince Rupert Harold Lann)ng .and J. C. Hanr mett, Vancouver. Central . R. O. Albertson, city; G. Somef vine, DrjvpkO arid P. J. Rolls, CNR.; W. M. Nelson, Terrace; Miss M Morrison, Ashcroft; Mrs. F. A Cheeseman, Hasport; Bert Fergii son, Port Edward. 1 "Knox J. Ralney, Bute'dale. Anniversary Is Honored Mr. and Mrs. Given Party Alexander tlujari Saturday Night : A delightful party was held at the home 6f Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Guyan, Ninth Avenue East, on Sat- urday night, it being me occasion of their thirtieth wedding annl-j verSary. ! j The evening was started oft jwlth bridge, the prize winners be- jlrig: ladies' first. Mrs. J. McGrelsh;? .ladies, consolation. Mrs. Jack,' iMunro; men's first, John McLeod: i hien's consolation, W. E. rJennlng. Dainty refreshments were served and afterwards Oscar Smith, on behalf of the guests assembled,!, presented Mr. and Mrs. Guyan with a beautiful silver casserole, the bride ahd groom of thirty years ago responding suitably. Community singing, dancing, and games were played, bringing jlo a close a vtry enjoyable I Those present were Mr. and 'Mrs. R. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGrelsh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mun-fb, Mr., and Mrs? W. B. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. W. E: Denning, Mr. ahd Mrs. Oscar Smith, Air. and Mrs. Ole Strand, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Strachan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Guyan Victor Pick, Pete Guyan, John McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doirori and Miss Agnes Guyan. teaspoon fait'kiy'" 1 cup water. to the boilln HANSON TO OTTAWA SMITIIERS, Jan. 24: Olof Han son M.P. left Smlthers on Saturday morning's train to attend the session of parliament which opens in Ottawa on January 27- Synopses of Mining Laws UisttAi ACT Fret tlatrt' CnMliitM AST ptrion t tb ' it and in Joint stock compeer la entitled la nttr upon kU t Unil of tht Crsva and upon nj other landi vliartoa th maiprilj otjifr tMin. coal arc .reserved to Uit Crown MtS iti Bcenseei 4 with tpeclfle reserratlonsi. lor the purpoe ot propec-Int ror miner locatin( clauni. and mm. Ing The fee. to aa Jndieldual.for a rrca Miners' Certificate Is $5 00 for one year. To a Joint Stock CompaoT baring a capital of 1100 000 00 or less the fee for a year is ' 130.00: If capltallted beyond this the fee Is 1100.00. The Tree ailrjerr Certlfi-cses run from date of Issue ind ejplre on the 31st ot May next after U .daU or some tubseqaent Slat of May. Certl-tlcates may be obtained for any , part M a year terrolnatlni; ,on ,31st of May for a pronortlonateiy Jes fte.. ifree Mjnerr, Certificates are also applicable to UM Placer Mining Act.l Mineral ClaTiii" Size: 91. n acres. Recording fee: 113 , per. claim. Representation: Assessment .work to tho extent of 1100.00 Blast be done each year and recorded on or. before the annlyersary date of record of the claim: Cash, In the sum of 1100 00 may be paid rn lieu of such assessment wort, ree tot. recording asiesiment work. .M.S6. H require assessment work has -been performed within the year, but not recorded within that time, a free miner mar within thirty days hereafter record work noon 'payment of. an additional fee of 10 L The actual eost of. the loney of a mineral claim to an J0""?-"0' alao be recorded exceeding 1100.00 may I. assessment .work,. As aoon as ment work to the extent of $500.00 for esh ?.ld o? a like monnti . the claim. of .made and a surrey Vh. rialm is entitled to a jCrown .Or'ant on jpaymejrf.ot a fee of 5.fH)i at.d,lrlnrjlh necossary notice. ruiccm mixwO ct rinir types of placer claims: Creek dlrgtno: bar -JWjniJ n;T " glnis; and precious; stone Jlln,- 'JJ dftalis aee Part H. Placee Minlnt AU RepresentaOon: A placer claim must be worked by the , owner or . someone oo hU behalf continuously as ' tlcable during working ' y-?i25 ind letres of absence : raaj .-' more han one year Mvr-worde before the expiration of the record or re-record. Placer Mlilag Um else ind method of Having. ; t. .KlgMy oerea oxtent. staked along a "location lint- not. more than one-halt mil., length. In Mil. "" b".0' ehange Of direction t. permitted. Where a straight line U followed two post, only 2rt necessary. It., an "lnltla po.rv and i llnal post- Where there Is a change of direction legal post must !" to mark the point of the .aid ehange. The leasehold I. allowed a width not to The locator mile. execs, ol one-ouarter """quired wiUiln thirty, day. .th' datt Of tht location to pott th, olfice of the Mining Recorder aetttng o the name it the applicant: the num. ot Mi free mtner'i 't'he'fSht and lift ot tS Toc.tlor , fine: and thi approximau area or sle of the rSr?dglnf le.sei - JlrW t ftrt mOei below low-water mar are also frtnted, Peei:1 Ann.al rental 6a placer mlntng lease l.H: annual ,. derelooment work Sq"Ve4 to bi expended. Isrt.00: annna rtSt. oe. .dredging ase I1JM per mflej annual derelopnent work Required to be SndeA lt.to.jM per mrle: Ue ralu 01 Ir.y new plant or .machlrer? employed to ?M a. money .expended In deeelopwertt PW or recording eertlflcat. of work. M Least fee. 15.01. prteMtBal rret ati.er.' Ctrtlflralet, (riaetr) At iWpartsaeat at MlaM Art Among other thlntl. thestf Acts I P" for tht ttaklng and rt,preeentlng of olacei claims without payment f fees an aiiiuno. pfotptctci by fret tstayi. A iSotaM ayBtwI. tbt.Aot cu; alto tbt "MiBtt . Dtrtlopment Act ! Miniral , iaryey . and . Delopment Act t "TrpST ikt . tountltt (let"; and -rboaphati-mlnl&t Act'U. Art AaUable at tbt Dtpartantnt of Mlnet. Victoria Com, ptM teplet of tnt AcU may bt obtained Wttm tsx Ktefi PlMtet, Vltiotlt. Be Extra Careful about often, the cold that "hangs TOO on" Is a result of neglect . .' and neglect ts always risky. Be extra careful of a stubborn cold, ot course. But the safest course Is to be careful of all colds. Don't experiment. Relieve their misery this doubly proved way. Htrt'i What To Do: It's best to stay In bed and get lots ot rest. Eat lightly, drink plenty of water, and keep elimination regu.ar. And use Vlcks VapoRub without delay. VapoRub has been proved by everyday use in more homes than any other medication of Jts kind further proved by the largest clinical tests ever made on colds. (Full details in every VapoRub package.) Only Vicks give you proof like this. No long Wafting for Relief to Begin.. Hi) make Its VapoRub is direct ex ternal treatment, jno "dosing" no stomach upsets. Just massage ll on inroai, cnesi nnH hnrlr Thmtn long-continued double Relieve Their Misery this PROVED Way action last even longer spread a thick layer on the chest and cover with a warmed cloth. Relief starts almost at once. You 'begin to feel warm and comforts able as VapoRub goes to work direct through the skin like a poultice; At the same time its medicated vapors, released by body warmth, are carried direct to the irritated air-passages with every breath. This double action loosens phlepn, eases irritation and coughing, helps break local congestion. And long after restful sleep comes, VapoRub keeps ngnt on wormng. NOTti If there Is much ot the air-passages feel clogged with heavy mu- Sal mi or nhleern. even stronger vapor action 13 helpful. Pour boiling water in a bowl, melt a teaspoonful ot VapoRub In it. ana mnaie the steaming vapors StoteT" VapoRub rNow WHITE-STAINLESS "Demers 75 ICKS Closing Out SALE Shoe Specials Priced at $2.95, $2.50, $1.95 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FHOM PRINCE UUPERT Jjjgg QQ RETURN. All meals FROM PORT SIMPSON CQC Aft RETURN. Berth tJOO.UU incluae'd. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also app'.y from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and.February 28th, 1938, Inclusive Goori to Return up to March 31, 1938. Children Half Fare, Steamers : Leave Prince Rupert:. Ar. Vancouver .JCAT, a.m. S.S. GARDEN A Friday 9:00 p.m. Sun.,Iidnig:ht Tickets and Reservation? from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave.. Phone 568 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Simmons Felt Mattresses 30 FELT MATTRESSES All sizes. While they last, for one week, ' $R.5fl each . Phone 775 - -- ' ' sWHBbMBBBBbbBbIs 1 Xar v av w 327 THIRD AVENUE THE CdNSOLIDATED (MlNIN(, & SMELTING COMPANY OF (JAiNAUA, lAMixtuu TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elcbharit Brdrid Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphoi- phates, Complete FertUlters . , Producers & Refiners.of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth.