IVol temperature, 36; sea cnoppy. XXVIL, No. 19. ,A Jap&s EXPECTED HOUl ,TLL AIR VIEWS ON POWER AT COMING SESSION Social Insurance, Trade and Discussed in Parliament Opening at Ottawa This Week OTTAWA, January 24: the constitutional amendment necessary to launching a national scheme may be the feature of the government's legislative program to be laid before parliament at the mipmnrr nn .Januarv Zi. Irade. VJv py v I cies may also be subjects of The bulk of governmental ses sional work Is customarily outlined that document Is a closely-guarded i ...tit U nni..piin..iiiinsri1 Export of electricity Is expected i. v. u.mmh im n enm o manner IV UV M4Vow 4. nate colleagues recently refused ntarlo a licence to export power tending such expression by parlia- d. Regardless of whether the new radc agreement with United States . j.. 4-. I 41,1. . ' A rpanv fir nrp.vpn Lit ill iai luia - r T .'ession- of Darllament or w-netner. dom-Unltcd States trade agreement comes to the forefront during the session, that subject Is certain to . .mawiui .mpuiuuvuav., Where Provinces Agree I Early In November Mr. Mackenzie King announced his hope of Initia- ting at the forthcoming session a scheme of national unemploy-J mcnt insurnnrf with ftnnrnval of tne nmv nrpi nn thi nprp.arv con. ALiLiiiuinn i si mpnn m t n t inr approval has come from all except UUCbPC Alhortn nnrt Npw llruns- wick. i Conferences have been held dur-t ing the recess between Dominion and provinces on old age pensions and a uniform comDanv law. Con-. nuaiuuS reacnea on oia age pcu- 'iui.u,iu uuiv wwuim w. a islatlon amending the regulations w mere is a nossibintv some iur- tner Chnnirpc In thn nnmlnlnn fnm- Udnv nu tvint. ha Other possibilities for the leg-. islatlve program Include measures. deallnir with lnnn PnmniinlPS. the . "MlHVVUi UI1U LAUUt V JA aw, tile iinmln!rr frorVilco net ncrrl- CUlttirp nnH t-lrnf rr hnnelnir nnrli -i. . . . i .M m n Ancnnn thai Yukon Terrltorlty to British Col umbia, There will be further am-. endments to the criminal code, the annual measure mithorlzlnc the eovernmcnt to deal with unem-i Ployment and farm relief and a' torge crop of divorce bills. I Transport Minister Howe's bill to enlarge the Doard of Railway Com-, missloners In the form of a transport commission governing the op erations nf oil ..irHora Virrmcrtaf nil n the Senate last vear and de- toted, may come-up again but! the subject. The general belief has been that. 'he legislative program would prove ' brief. But that would' not neces- sarlly mean a short session and It " expected this third assembly of and loose debrjs, worK on excu-the 18th parliament since Confed- Vatlon for Prince Rupert's new cratlon may not be only long but $125 000 federal building started strenuous. hu' mnmlne but was later sus- Dcfense expenditures and the eovernment's attitude toward for- eign wars, particularly with res- I ..wWiUiiO Willi 111" tlons will probabty be much to the weiront. Opposition Leader R. B. Bennett Is expected to make an is- 5ue of rumored plans to sacrifice k A May rut Defense Will Probably lie (CP) Unemployment and netense and ioreip-n nnlt- O-- X major debate but not neces- Janitor Is Arrested In St Hyacinthe ST. HYACINTHE. Quebec. Jan. 24: The sixty-eight- Jtar-old Janitor of Sacred Heart College, which was des- trnt'Drl kv flro flr1v lact. Til PS. mQ nine inmates known dead and twelve still missing, was ar- rested bv Drovlnclal Dollce yes- terday after falling to give sat- lsfactory answers to questions fv.w.. ........ 1 ... . . . INDEMNITY 1 IS SOUGHT Would Have China Pay for nar uamage nuimtu Troop Movements TOKYO, Jan. 21: Foreign .Minister llirota today demanded full Indemnity from China for all Japanese property destroyed by Chinese in the course of Ohe pres ent conflict in China. The Japanese claim millions of dollars of i their property to have been destroyed, chiefly in Shanghai and Tsingtao, before those cities were captured. In Tsingtao alone, it is claimed, there was destruction to ; the extent of $70,000,000 in textile mills which were laid waste, before the Chinese abandoned the port. The Japanese are said to be alarmed over heavy movements of Chinese troops from Outer Mongolia Into Inner Mon- frnlia General Chiang Kal Shek was repo'rted yesterday to have left Soochow for Hankow for a conference j In regard to future Chinese military operations. Scores of Japanese bombs were dropped from aircraft into Soochow yes t c r d a y, occasioning heavy damage. POST OFFICE j lfUV W A If I TT VlVIV. JlmVlu lSlinw rlearC(i by Fire Hose-Rain hki iin Excavation wllh a fire hose being used to fall of snow clear away a neavy ponded owing to heavy rain, ; " . cmnd nrpfprenccs on tne United owi..v t' Kingdom market facilitate ne gotlation or a traae tween the United Kingdom and un- ltcd States. v Today's Weather omorrow s Tid es (I A.M.) Prince Rupert Overcast, south cast wind, fourteen miles per hour: barometer, 30.18 (rising), ley NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUAIBlA'S NEWSPAPER w. Infantile Paralysis Breaks Out In Bulkley Valley With Topley Reporting Two Cases Two cases of infantile paralysis are reported at Topley, small community in the Bulkley Valley between Smithers and Burns Lake, the provincial police in Prince Rupert were advised today. The school has been closed and all meetings banned by Dr. G. G. Ferguson, medical health officer for the district. Police are not advised as to the identity of the patients or the severity of their condition. TRIAL IS ON TODAY; rcter Anders, Charged With Kid nap-Murder of Charles Hoss, I In Court at Chicago Had Other rians CHICAGO, Jan. 24 CP) John Seadlund, alias Peter Anders, l.s appearing in court here today fo was struck by a car on the high-preliminary hearing on a charg( 'way near Abbotsford. J. A. Car of kidnap-murder of Charles S. mlchael, alleged driver of the Ross, wealthy retired real estate) death car, has been charged with man, last September. According to manslaughter and released on bail his own confession, Anders also killed his own accomplice, James' 'Atwood dray. In what Is regarded as one 01 me mosi aiaoollcai crimes ever perpetrated In this . . tummy. The federal Department of Jus-l 1 j .11 ii 4 I J 4njntf! that Seadlund had contemplated kidnapping two Major League baseball players. Seadlund, accoid- Ing to the police, had talked wlthi n r, atrmnin& nf HHnflTlninp D17.7V , r. .'nnr, tr n nnn rnr.m nnH nlsr. of kidnapping a member of th-, New York Yankee team for $50,-000 but had abandoned both schemes. DEAN HAS COLLAPSED: Pears Entertained for Safety Fasting Cleric in Memphis, Tennessee MEMPHIS, Jan. 24: Physicians are endeavouring to save the flick ering life of Dean Israel Hardin?, Noe of St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral here who has taken no nourishment since January 2 h: the attempt to show that heaven lv sustenance Is all that Is neces- jsary to preserve life. Dean Nop. 'finally starved himself Into col-j lapse at the end of last week ar.d jwas removed to hospital wh.re fears are now entertained that he may be so weakened as to make recovery doubtful. Hawaiian Craters May Erupt After 'Quake Saturday HONOLULU, Jan. 24 Precautions are being taken against further eruptions of Hawaiian volcanoes which it is anticipated may follow an earthquake shock which was experienced on Saturday. Vancouttr Wheat VANCOUVER, Jan. 24: (CP) Wheat Was trading at $1.40 on the Vancouver market Saturday, advancing to $1.41 today. BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (LT) liar silver was unchanged at 443ic per fine ounce- on the New York met- j al market today. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1938 afl not KILLED ON HIGHWAYS Two Deaths in Vancouver VIclnit Over Week-end Recorded VANCOUVER, Jan. 24: (CP) iOunda Singh, a Hindu, died In hospital here over the week-end from injuries suffered when h'. of $1000. An unidentified elderly man was fatally Injured when struck by s car on me racnic mgnway souu. 'of New Westminster . v J. Auto Breaks Through Ice Five Drown ST, ANDREW'S, New' Bruns- wick, Jan. 24: (CP) Five per- ' sons, residents of this town, were drowned last night when an automobile they were rid- ing plunged through the Ice of nearby Chamcook Lake over which It was being driven. A sole survivor, Joseph Qlbson, came through the hole made by the auto In breaking the Ice. The dead are: William Craig. Albert Storr, Louis Hlvon, Ralph Howe and Carten Mc- Curdy. REEVES ARE RE-ELECTED Further Terms Given in Twenty- Three Cases Solomon Mussal lem Wins Again VANCOUVER. Jan. 24: (CP-Reeves of twenty-three British Columbia municipalities were re turned for further terms following elections In eleven municipalities Saturday. Reeves of fifteen municipalities had been returned last Monday by acclamation. The only new reeves are D. n Chapman, who defeated Reeve O. A. Tlsdall In North Cowlchan; A D. Catherwood, who defeated Recvp J. W. Doyle In Mission, and John Hunter, who was elected In Surrey where Reeve J. T. Brown! did not seek re-election. In Maple Ridge Reeve Solomon Mussallem, formerly of Prince Rupert, was re-elected by defeating James M. Cameron, a former councillor. MILI) IN CALGARY 1 CALGARY, Jan. 24: In spite of calm and cloudless skies, weather, Is mild for this time of year In Calgary, the thermometer reading this morning having been twenty above zero. i mm Up AIR RAID INFRANCE Spanish Insurgents Cross Border And Kill Fifteen Americans Figure in Fighting PARIS, Jan, 24: The French government will protest at an air raid by Spanish insurgent planes In French territory across the frontier from the Catalonian front in Spain as a result of which fifteen persons were killed and a number injured. A number of French mobile guards were among the casualties. Americans Wiped Out MADRID, Jan. 21: Two units of American volunteers are re ported to have destroyed a mechanized brigade or the m- j sureents in the vicinity of Teruel before being wiped out themselves. BARCELONA, Jani 21: Five insurgent warships bombarded Barcelona, the Spanish government capital, yesterday, inflicting casualties and considerable damage. There was another fierce air raid on Barcelona. JAPS ON , Tlinnr 111 INl VlLlllJ RF ASF l nr JU ' Their Population in British Colum- bia Now Amounts to 25,000 ( VICTORIA, Jan. 21: (CP) British Columbia. .Japanese population the largest for any province in the Dominion increased sixty-five per cent during the past fifteen years, Dr. IV. X Car-rothers, head of the provincial research bureau, estimated Saturday. Dr. Carruthers said that the increase was at the rate of seven hundred yearly with the total Japanese population of the province now more than 25,000. HEAVIEST SNOWFALL Seven Inches Recorded Here Within Twenty-Four Hours Turns To Rain Today Starting Saturday evening, Prince Rupert on Sunday had Its heaviest snowfall so far this winter. A total of seven Inches of snow was recorded by the Dom lion meteorologist at Digby Island. It seemed fully this to thu many people who had to turn out j yesterday and shovel off thch sidewalks. For a time during tie lay. the snowfall reached Wizard proportions. This morning thj snow had turned to rain with a trong southeast wind and the prospect of some unpleasant slush for the next day or so. The city's new snowplow was put Into use for the first time yesterday and today. Six Inches of new snow was reported over the rails of the Canadian National line In the Skccna Valley today. The snow plough Is -roing out this afternoon to keep the line clear. ' ; Insurance Office In Calgary Robbed tlsh Columbia. It continues mild Sum of $61 Taken When Cash Box on the coast but has become cold nlS I'ljlnf Boat Leaves For llono-of Great West Company is Rifled j over the interior. ; ,u,u After "avins Been Forced Saturday Night ! Prince Rupert and Queen Char-' IJack Last Week llottc islands Moderate to fresh j CALGARY, Jan. 24: For the sec- southeast winds shifting to north-' ALAMEDA, Jan. 24: The Pan 0nd time within a few days, offices of the Great West Life Assurance Co. In the Toronto General Trusts Building here were robbed Saturday night. Entry was made through a transom, a cash box rifled and $61 taken. ' High Low lo wanada Probe Into Incident Last Week In Seattle Discussed At Tokyo Seattle Believe That Rolphe Forsythe Had Powerful Hacking Investigation May Lead To Vancouver-More Dynamite Found at Tacoma. TOKYO, Jan. 24: (CP) Japan may ask the ian government to take steps in connection with the tempt by two Canadians last week to blow up the Japanese express liner Hiye Maru at Seattle, it was learned today. The incident, which led to the death of Rolphe Forsythe, Vancouver school teacher anu one oi two men involved, II Duce's Son On Ocean Hop I ROME, Jan. 24: (CP) With IJ. nrnnn Miiecrillnl snn nf Prpm- u.u.. Vlcr Benito Mussolini, at the " "f re" ,loru h" -! controls of one, three Italian er-ups m the ship bombing attempt seaplanes took of f today on the "t leg of a group trans- AUantic fUght t0 Rl0 de Jan. .im Rr,n ThP thrPP nlanes . u' flftoOT1 m(m aUna-t.hPr on board. ; Today's Weather (Oovernment "lifrpli I Triple Island Raining, south-: cast wind, 24 miles per hour; sea choppy. Langara Island Raining, easter ly wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer, 29.83; temperature, 38; sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Raining, strong southeast wind, barometer 29.90; temperature, 40; sea rough. Terrace Light snow, east wind temperature, 26. Alyansh Snowing, calm, 26. Alice Arm Light snow, northi east wind, 30. Anyox Light snow, calm, 27. Stewart Cloudy,, calm, 26. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 16. Pm it her Cloudy, calm, 20 Burns Lake Snowing, calm, 25 above. seiners' strike. The basis of settle-Prince George Cloudy, calm; ment between the B. C. Packers and barometer. 30.54. Tucks Inlet Packing Co. and the Vancouver Cloudy, calm; baro- seiners Is $1.28 per ton for fish out meter. 30.66. of which is deducted board. The Victoria Clear, southeast wind price which had been offered was six miles per hour; barometer, 30.68. Estevan Cloudv. southeast wind pended In Prince Rupert Harbor six miles per hour; barometer, sinCe before Christmas when It was 30-60. ordered closed down by the De-Alert Bay Overcast, strong partment of Fisheries. Early In Jan-northwest wind; barometer, 30.30; uary the department announced temperature. 35; sea moderate. tnat it had been decided to permit Bull Harbor Raining; baro- resumption of herring seining in meter. 30.32; temperature. 39; sea tne harbor untn a total of 15.000 moderate, Weather horecast ( T.iiv..1u1i..l . V. . I. . ...... u. rminioii Mt,r.)icicMi Bureau tit .Victoria mid Priiwy Rupert. This Vro- ?.n u complied rro.n obvcrsatlon.s a-j ktn a.t G am. Uxlay ud covers th fib jliour period ending h p.m, tomorrow) , General Synopsis Pressure Is falling off the coast but. remains abnormally high in southern Brl- east. Cloudy with no change In temperature and occasional sleet or j snow. West Coast of Vancouver Island Southerly winds becoming strong at night, cloudy and mild with j showers. 1 8:42 a.m. 18.3 ft. 22:04 p.m. 15.4 ft. 1:55 a.m. 10.3 , ft. 15:35 p.m. 7.6 ft. ruicc: ( wis and resulted In no damage to the ship, was discussed at the Foreign Office by Eugene H. Dopman, coun- selior or tne unuea stales emoassy. Powerful Backing SEATTLE, 'Jan. 24: (CP) Police today said they were convinced that Rolphe Forsythe, who lost his life last week In the attempt to bomb the Japanese liner Hlye Maru, had powerful backing. Detectives said . , . . , i v,iu W0U1Q w a" p""hJ ouver, BC . todsy The police point to the fact that the Jobless Forsythe was known to have spent nearly $200 on prepara-. , . . . i 1. 1 i i lions tor me uomoing as a ua&u 101 their belief that he had outside help. Fifteen sticks of dynamite recovered at Seattle and. Tacoma cost., $80 alone. Another bomb, similar to that found In Seattle harbor, was located at the end of the waak at Ta coma. STRIKE IS CONCLUDED Settlement Reached Between Seiners and Operators of Local Reduction Plants Seining of herring In Prince Ru pert Harbor for the Port Edward 'and Tucks Inlet reduction' plants will be resumed tomorrow after a two weeks' tie-up on account of a $1.10. Herrlne selnlns has been sus- tons had been taken or another 5,500 tons over and above the 9,500 tons which had been previously caught. The herring are ground Into fish meal at the Tucks Inlet and Port Edward plants. China Clipper On Way Again American Airways transpacific fly- Ing boat China Clipper, which had been forced back last Friday by gas line trouble when six hundred miles out to sea on a flight to Honolulu, started out again today with the same eight passengers on board.