ouT OF WORK TODAY? rry The News’ Want Ad. THE DAILY NE Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1912. E ARE THOSE MISSING ONE HUNDRED BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS GETS DOWN 10 BUSINESS. . ete el on of the municipal under- Employ a competent pur- Board of Works ex- | tion supplies. of affairs left * excavation and piling of and Shawatlans Narrows. thods to expedite "Eng ineering “et veneral way | Progress of works not grading of streets, | in detail not » 10th of each month recommendations nority report was brought on with this by fits recommendations run thus: Goes out altoge varded satisfactorily , | watlans passage cannot profitably board | , ‘e standard wage ASSOCIATION OF PHONE SUPT. COUNTRY FAIRS d|Premier McBride Reminds Dele- gates that Friut and Agricul- tural Products of Province Have Won Prizes Against the World. POSITION OF ity Counctl Last Night Rejecte Recommendation Committee in Favor of Reten- tion of E. Love as Supt. at $200. ommendation that the Press Despatch. as superintendent of the Association of ne department al a salar) ommendation considerable opened up by railways. » to dispensing services of the been continuously » really well paying mu » association this jme aka concerning grants to fairs, The rejection of the re OPERATION SUCCESSFUL \wirs. J. Jabour Compliments Sa » reported in this’ issue, | pert Surgeons on Her Recovery. » Rupert Dairy. - PE ete ree ret et tent Pm et | REMEMBER !! — : Daily News you are cov- tion of the Peathal treat sytem mmetemermneemnsrmmsrmmcrmsemateneet | ling CAMERON BAY ORDER beet of Railway Commission Is Filed by rid Council. ght laid before the Couneil the decision of the Railway Commis- airman Ald. Morrissey Presents a Comprehensive | *'0" in regard to the encroach- Report on Civic Works and Hydro-Electric Scheme —Minority Report on Labor Points | ment of the Grand Trunk Pacific upon lands at Cameron Bay, and suggested that it be filed, which was accordingly done. The order attached to the lengthy report reads as follows: i “Tt is ordered that on or be- [fore the 1st day of May, 1912, the Grand Trunk Paeific Railway Company remove sufficient rock fill at Cameron Bay to leave on opening at the deepest point of lat least thirty feet in width; the said company to file with the Board before February 15th, 1912, and furnish the applicants with, a plan showing the location of the opening and the depth of the girders for carrying its | tracks; and if any dispute arises as to these details the same to |Intyre Hall this «vening to dis- feuss plans of municipal public ity. it be submitted to the chief engineer of the Board for adjustment. A Hs Ft Pr Pt et Ft Pa a OA SMELLS LIKE SMOKE! In the report of the Board of Public Works laid before ! Chairman Morrissey paren- thetically makes the follow- ing startling statement: “At work on the new city fire hall and city hall we failed to receive the num- ber of men at work. Com- puting the number of men engaged at the above duties we find 104 men engaged. (Your chairman of commit- tee might here remark that the pay roll for December, 1911, showed 210 men at work, and upon enquiry |! exould find that no men had been discharged since that time except three men from Thompson’s gang.)”’ the Council tast night, ( Pe errr erred S Rupert Fish Market, BEATRICE ARRIVED and Freight from Vancouver Today. | ! Mail, | permanently. ported excellent Early Closing. business houses . every night commencing Provision d, Williams jwill close at 7 | p. Public Publicity Meeting. A meeting will be held in Me rooms over ‘ offices or P, RR, Beatrice ar- > with pas-| freight. Con- of the . Mitehell of the » & Watts two sisters-in-law » young ladies | > Rupert, Locke re- all the Phillips, Prince Frizzell Me at Ss. Wal- isif TO REDUCE ENGINEERING STAFF : City Engineer Recommends Dropping Three Men From His’ Force on \ March First Next ALD. MORRISSEY EXPRESSES SURPRISE Calls Col. Davis to Witness That He Used No Undue Influence in dation Brought Before the Council Mayor Newton Having Such a Recommen —Special Committee Appointed on jmembers of the staff may be dis- pensed with at the beginning of the month, I submit herewith ¢ statement showing the education al training and experience of the different members. IT would sug gest that a committee be appoint ed to select those to be retained There was a rumor. around town yesterday that some oflicial heads would fall into the basket at the meeqting of the Council, and the result was the congrega tiom of a great crowd at the City ruillotine and revel in the sight Hall to watch the work of the of gor Iwo or three rows of spectators were perched upan the counter, with a crowd reaching to the street peering between them. All the inside floor space was occupied, many of the of- ficials themselves being present. But it was a great disappoint- ment Only one head—that of Mr. Love, the superintendent of the telephone system was doomed to drop, and this only after a long debate and the defeat of the reeommendation of the Light and Telephone Committee that he should be retained. The Gity Engineer did report, however, that he would be able to, reduce his staff by three about the 14st of March, bul no names were mentioned, and the report was jnot acted upon, but referred to a special committee, The report in question read as follows: “In view of the nearing com- pletion of the grading of Section {, a reduction in the engineering staff is necessary, It is my opin- duce Couneil had been told again and again that more help was re | department instead quired in th of less; aso the Council had select in the city employ.” Alderman Clayton said that as the Engineer was well acquainted with the qualifications of the various members of his staff he should be asked to recommend the three to be dropped, Alderman Morrissey was sur- prised at this suggestion to re from time to time received appli- leations for increase of wages for members of this staff. Alderman Bullock - Webster said it might place the City En- gineer in an embarrassing posti- tion to select the three men to be dropped, as. if the Couneil should others, and those the City Engineer recommended for dis missal be retained, it would be | rather awkward, }gineer was defeated by Then Mayor Newton made ong speech, telling how he and the Bngineer had conferred to- | ion that the services of three gether on the subjeet with the re- was so busy the engineering staff, as the . Davis said there too many at the » brought up the Board of Works and the to a Special committee * on in the seemed to have gathered the impression that | » was charging him with] with the} » immediately placed that official upon the wit . Davis stated that conference had intro- again after the recently raised » line and the to be able asked for, » should so suddenly be found » than necessary on the was hone present time, but were ap- proaching completion and he felt 3 would be a smaller came Up. matter now m to be let out Alderman Clayton’s motion that referred to the City En- an amend- » referred composed the three According to Alderman Morris- sey’s statements at last night's City Council meeting, there is trouble brewing with the City Telephone department. ‘There won't be a single operator there,” he said, “if things are allowed to go on as they are at present.” Alderman Morrissey suggested that there was a trouble breeder in the “Hello” house and that the staff is disorganized. He even stated that a member of the real ‘trouble’ department of the phone system had approached iim to seek his influence to re- nove a certain member of the resent gang. The revelations were the result fa report by the phone commit- jtee that a new official known as |the chief operator be employed at 1$65 per month, The addition to th estaff was considered neces- sary because of the adoption of the multiple system, and to im- rve the servic | Before Alderman Morrissey | he ad had his say out the state of affairs at, the central phone of- fiee was pretty well mud-bedrag- gled. If all were true at which Alderman Morrissey hinted, there is much to regret in the way of misunderstanding, if not actual misconduct, affecting the depart- ment, The heinous crime of “listening”? was suggested, but a tangled state of affairs involv- ing reference to private letters containing cerlain charges * was partially revealed by Alderman Morrissey, who demands inves- | tigation. His statements were | greeted with considerable demur and eventually the matter of this proposed appointment was laid over, KILLED INHIS | FIRST FLIGHT First Death of the Year Among EBirdmen—Jumped from Height of Sixty Feet—All His Bones |. Eroken. | Canadian Press Despatch. Los Angeles, Jan, 23.—Foll ee ing shortly after a young couple | had been married on the aviation |' fleld at the international meet here yesterday afternoon, Ruther- ford Page, an aviator who had just obtained his license as avi- ator, was suddenly dashed death by his aeroplane from a height of 150 feet. Page jumped clear of the machine tically every bone in his body be- ing broken. This is the first! death in the ranks of airmen for theggear, New Arrivals. Premier Hotel-—G, 0, Smith ic Cowley, TO ABOLISH BOTH POLL AND ROAD TAK© © o's: 1 (Canadian Press Despatch, Victoria, Jan, 23,—The sitting bs Doolers Mi icNeil and lof the Legislature was devoted yesterday almost wholly to an ex een: | iADAtan by Attorney General | Bowser of the proposed changes of revised statutes, Finanee Minister Ellison brought ‘}in a synopsis report from the }Gommission on Taxation, This lrecommends the abolition of the poll tax, which last year yielded $513,388 to the treasury, It ree- ommends also the abolition of the personal property tax, Of a meting of the the income tax it recommends the following changes: That the ex- -jemption be raised from 81,000 | to 81,500; the withdrawal of any exemption from incomes over $50,000, and an addition of a sur- tax of 5 per cent, for that part | of income which exceeds $50,000; an exemption of $2 for each fand legitimate child under 48 years | of age for farmers, and an aver- age system for assessing the in comes rial trades, The Commissioners state their ybject to have been to reduce ihe taxation on citizens with smaller to |Gomimisaion incomes and at the same time | readjust its incidence on the pos-} sessor of larger Incomes, It further recommends the periodical reassessment of prop erty according to value as de fined, the abolition of taxation on | jimprovements, | fore ing registratio not reai estate forth the aeaataatadinn jof real estate In dealing with the cos recommends Taduced fromion the spot, Mr. Frank A, Ellis ton Chere jis no change veaaile in the mineral|did view property, Sweeping Recommendations of the Commission on Taxation are \«""' | ~ Brought Before the Legislature serl-| “UAASN ARE | legislation en purchase, registration fee of Victoria, Jan, 23,—The British the value up to s5.000 be ex estate, irre- per cent Tom and Jerry at the Savoy. al tax the that IMrs. H. O. Carr, B, M. Rogers. Grand Trunk Inn—l. Burnside, Namu Fr. W. MelIntosh, Van- LABOR CONVENTION | \Premier McBride Delivers Ad- dress of Welcome to Delegates. Columbia Federation of Labor eonvened here yesterday. Premier iMeBride delivered the address of welcome to the assembled dele- gates, Valuable Residential Property. On Saturday next at 2:30 p. m. lwill sell by public auction splen- Fourth avenue and Dunsmuir street, also choice vacant lot, Fifth avenue, wilhout iposerve, See handbills, AL NEXT MAILS ebewee Friday 8 a.m, PRICE Five CENTS TROUBLE IN MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE DEPARTMENT Investigation Demanded by Ald. Morrissey Who Hints at Certain Changes Affecting the Dept.— Proposal to Appoint Chief Operator Starts Discussion DON’T MARRY YOUNG Decide Against is detrimental * was the subject » between repre- sentatives of the byterian and Baptist debating so- taking part in the {. Williams and The awarded the de- cision to the ¢ with interest to the HOSPITAL AMBULANCE Trustees Apply to Council for a Place to House the Machine. shortly to arrive. They suggest- ed the old fire station temporarily could be provided » request was al once AWEUL TIMES IN VANCOUVER Thousands of Unemployed Parad- ing Streets with Banners—New Mayor Issues Edict Interdicting Free Speech—Police Patroling. » trial and returned is a general feeling of a serious outbreak may says that thou- falling sands of une mploye ad men are pag to jany ners stating that this is the army when sixty feet from the ground|of the and fell flat, his neck and prac- starving lealled in and there ts also a larg » mounted kept pa- » had been no rioting te Andrew’ s Society “Opens Ban- quet Season. The banquet season is now well at hand and as usual the St. / takes its place at big dinners This year the feast will ibe spread at the Premier Hotel, » preparations are drew’'s Society personnel of the com- » in charge the statement is te mp will exceed all previous ef- The dinner will be he sd on 2 . Kerr, George Scott, Maleco!m McLeod or the secretary, Manson will not » nor again until