Saturday August 8, ?833. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tf Klncollth Band Concert, North aclflc Canne'ry tonight at 7:30. hance following. 1BJI s 0. N. Picnic, Tugwell Island Sunday Aug. -Wvlne Cow Bav nenas " 0;30 and 12. 183) Oddfellows and Rebekahs cordi- uivueo wj auiu uiin Illy onor ot the Grand Master, Mon-ay August 8, at 6:30 p.m. Jimmy Anderson, for drunken- 3rd Avenue Phone 112 Taxi; day and night. Lutheran Sunday School picnic Monday, August 8. (183) Mrs. Thomas Priest and niece, Pat Moore, are sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip U Vancouver. The regular monthly meeting ot .the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, scheduled for last night, ' was postponed. Gunnar Waldak, charged with theft from the Dominion Rooms, r toe, nr,iinn was further remanded for elsht was iim-u "H""" , , T. Bess, . i in Ht. davs on nrmearlne In eltv noil." fcvcn cays uiniiv"t - Rrillce court this morning. court this morning. i ur v. o Osborne and daughter. ' A lively crowd or 125 persons at fcia Mlillcent Osborne R. N., are tended the dance staged in the Imra thl evenlne on the Prince Oddfellows' Hall last night by the tupert for a trip to Vancouver and Serenaded Orchestra. Dancing I . ... it.. iu tt'ou In full Rwlnir frnm 1fl n m 111-1. fl.;enere in we nuuui, . - - trA Vfi-o TamM ffTnnl find 111 i it .III. I All aHU . Ifpo A CI TIMtttA nn frtmlli, n.Kr. Ln.. ,m rail pvon nir rm the " r uiujr o ""'OPA mnvlni7 fi-nm ?mIthor n Roi n. ..,.-( fni- irnnnmivnr r n wlll'Jflt. will sail this evening on the Me to Princeton where they future residence. y kf 11 up H Bowie was transferred recently , from Smlthers to Sechelt as agent Ben Dodds of Ormes Drug Store of thp Government Telegraphs. ill returned to me cuy un we i rdena last night from a vacation n. R T qmh nrovn(.ini chest p to Vancouver. Mrs. Dodds and ' . . . . .... mlly will be back later. .u u., , ai, Ticium jv, n.( wiii can mm. Mrs. Karl Dybhavn is leaving - .uutw xt Wednesday on the Prlncesi Prince Rupert tomorrow morning ice for Vancouver to take up They have been holding clinics at sidence Mr Dybhavn will be go- various points along the coast. It .g south at the end of the fish- Is reported that Dr. Lamb suffered ,jr Reason. a stroke while at Ocean Falls. D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE l'hone Green 91G THIS WEEK SPECIALS 4 Piece Bedroom Suite 4-piecc bedroom suite including cheffonier, full size bed, vanity and upholstered bench. Regular price Special $69.00 Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new Dominion Inlaid Linoleum 6 feet wide, regular price $1.40 sq. yard jJJ25 Special square yard , 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite . 3-Picce chesterf ield suite covered in KM"1 lmm pestry. Regular price $98.00. spccim $83.00 This afternoon's train, due from the East at 2:30 arrived on time; Harry Cherry Is sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancou ver. C. G. Minns sailed last night jn the Cardena for a business trip Jtb Vancouver. Mrs. C. W. Swanson of Butedale, who is a patient In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, will be re maining In that Institution for an other week. Miss Annie Walker R. N. and Miss Helen Walker are sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert fr Vancouver. The former 6 going through to Montreal. Tom Johnston, who has been at tending the University of Wlscon sin at Madison, returned home on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Ernest Fitzpatrlck of the West Kootenay Power and Light Com pany Is holidaying in the city with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrlck, Palmer House. George W. Cripps, provincial as sessor, left on last evening's train for a visit to the Northern Pyrites mine on the Ecstall River. He wDl return to the city on tomorrow night's train. Angus Macdonald sail this eve' nlng on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will take part next w,eek In the British Columbia 'awn bowling championship tournament. , Mrs, M. A. Prudhomme of Mont' real, who has been visiting here for the past couple of weeks with hpr father-in-law. A. J. Prud' THE DAILY PAGE TOREJ inf ADDI Af!K Mta Frances Srnlth Becomes Bride Of Steye Tomecek Party Thursday rilght The marriage took place very quietly in the Manse .of First Pres byterian Churcn on iwonuay anci- noon of this weeic. Kev. n. u. r uius- ton jofflcjatlng of Miss Frances Smith, youngest aaugnier pi Mr and Mrs. C. A. Smith of Rosswood to Stephen Tomeck, also ot Ross-wood. The bride 1$ a sister of Mrs. Samuel Haudenscblld of this city. Mr. and M-s. Tomecek nave leit for Rosswood where they will make their home. ; On Thursday night Mrs. Hau denschlld" was hostess at a shower and reception in nonor o Mrs Tomecek. Hie early part of the evening was spent In playing of bridge which prize winners were Mrs. F. M. Crosby and Rlcnard Long, after which the presentation was made to the bride of a prettily decoratecL basket containing many beautiful and useful gifts. The basket was carried Into the iroo'm by Mrs. Bert Cameron ariq MBS uorp.iny uainnger. Aiier trie parcels had been opened and the gifts admired, dancing and music were' enjoyed. R.ereshmenti were- served at midnight; the hostess being assisted by Mrs. Bert Camerpn and Mrsi Fred' .Cameron, Jr. The rooms, were prettily decorated for the occasion with sweet neas. asters and roses. Pink and white" stredme'rs were Used to adorn the archway In which there was a White wedding bell. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Richard' Long, Mr. and Mrs. Ber- homme. sails tonight on Prince .hard Fennlngs (New Westminster) Rupert for Vancouver. Mr: and Mrs. J. J, Maroney 0j, Bablne Lake, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived in the eltv on the Princess Adelaide yesr terday afternoon from the south and proceeded to Topley by the evening train. ' Mrs. J. T. Harvey and son lef rn yesterday morning's train for Smlthers ,to spend the week-end; Joining Mr. Harvey who has beerj attending the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade .of Cen-i tral British Columbia. j Miss Alice Houston of the staff,1 of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Trail and staff of the West Kootenay, Powerj and Light Company also of Trail, ore passengers aboard the Prince Rupert this week-end making the round trip to Stewart and Anyox. , Miss Myrtle McGregor, formerly engaged as community worker in connection with the United Church in this city, arrived lh Prince Ru-; pen yesterday from Carlyle, Saskatchewan, .where she has .been: 'similarly engaged. She will holiday I in hi! rit v for a couple of weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed 55! HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITUgT ' MOVING Cartage Light Pelivery Coal Wood Phone 589 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Balllnger. Mr. and Irs. Lee Dell, Mrs. F. M. Crosby. Mrs. B. Scnerk, Mr. R jWelr, Mrs. Rose Wesch, Miss Doro ,thy Balllnger, A. O. Franks, Roy I Franks, Alois .Ohnesorrg, H. Wana maker, J. Morris and Walter War ner (Rosswood). Ar. and Mrs. G, H. Greenwood are' sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, FOR RENT A flat, Angus Apartment. Green 399. (185) FOR SALE PLAYER piano with rools for sale.. Good condition, $75. pnone ureen 246, (187) Jenner. Fifth Avenue West; afteilpoR SALE Large leather arm- whlch she goes to New Watriord chalr and new '9"x9 linoleum Nova Scotia, to fill an ppolntmerity SQuare. Apply' Annette's. (184 n elmltni nnt.lirft. !' m mm mmm. Jai i i . I Ul - J - CLEAN, well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (18C) FQR RENT OR LEASE I.O.D.E. Hall. Apply Secretary, Box 274. (184). WORK WANTED wnnif wanted Exnerlenced wo man wants work by hour sew-i (ntr or cleanine. Box 25 Dally News. (tf)' LOST 'LOST J Brown Suit .Coat. Finder tlease leave at Daily News. Re-1 -afd. . (184) FOUND FOUND Oark.-rlmrned glasses on Fourth Avenue East, near ur Johnsen's office. Owner may have same by calling at Dallj j News office and paying for this advertisement. tf. ""PERSONAL WE HAVfJ HELPED HUNDREDS TQ QBTAIN positions as setter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help i you. Write us for proof ant free information. M.C.C. SchooU Ltd., .Winnipeg Oldest; In C.nnnAn. tf. I The Letter Box SAFETV AT SCHOOL Editor, Dally News: May I, through the columns ,of our valued naner. address the mo- 'ittie chlWren In thjt elementary jrades who will ,be in attendance it the old high school building next year. Are the mothers satisfied that ihis wooden structure is adequately jroyided with safe .means of escape In the event of a fire? It would prove a quick and .easy prey to dames and small children are more excitable than older ones and there fore, harder to manage. Also, Is the building sufficiently 3uppo.rt.ed against the violent gales iomeiimes experienced in winter months? However unsightly and what-;ver the cost, we would be well idvlsed to make sure that our chll- iren will be safe. A MOTHER. Special Prizes At Flower Show Prizes for the annual flower show In addition to those already men tloned have been donated as fol lows: William Galr, first prize for jweet peas, $5.00. David Spencer Ltd., bulbs from all catalogue or seeds from spring catalogue to value of $5.00. Colonel J. W- Nlcholls, two prizes of $4.00 for large and small lawns. Arthur Bayne, $3.00 and $2.00 for rock garden displays. Vance's Home Arts, centrepiece mirror for best novelty not includ ed In prize list. Card of Thacks William Herman, Walter Herman, Mrs. J. North, Mrs. R. Kelday and Mrs. Riches wish to convey their sincere thanks for the sympathy and floral tributes-of their many;' friends and to the Canadian Legion and all those who so kindly assist ed and contributed cars In then recent bereavement. Announcements All advertisements in this , col-, amn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word: First annual Port Day Ball, Thursday, August 25. Moose Hall. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar 'November 17. The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St 193839 Radio Licences Due and Payable . GtvGAVIUNQ For Appointment Phone Red 787 or Black ,733. Phones 18 & 84 P.O. Box 575 Money-saving Values Every Day At MUSSALLEM'S s Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality The Best Service The Best Opposite Canadian Legion LAM KF.OlHTIlV ACT Re: Certificate of Title No 12144-1. to the Bat Half of the South West Quarter of Section Five (8). Township Three (3)". Range Five (8). Xt DVJ-trlct. In ithe Province of British Col umbia, said ito oonteln Eighty iu) acres, more or lees. WHEREAS proof of loan oi tn auuvs " n ; ; i cwtlfloate of Title WWI m uw jraui BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF, of John A. Halvaroctx ha been filed in' Newest Men's Necktie, Big profits. SX rasttsaies, repeat ousmess; wrue, tote or i first pubucatioa Necktie Novelties, Windsor, On- hwvof, i pvJi i"!,?'te ' M0, TUtlo to llu of aaW lost certificate un- tnrl- UBJ in the meantime valid objection be PRIVATE' HOME KINDEROAR-, teD e Und'.Restotty Omce. TENS PAY, We jstart you. -The JTince n,upit, o.V.thw 3rd. day of Canadian lndertarten Institute. A' d-jKsw ,Hau80N; Winnipeg. r tf j Deputy tufrtm of Title. Off To Kamloops; Honored By Church Presentation Made to Wilfrid Hicks At Social Evening Thursday NUht The official board of First Uni ted Church, with which he has" been actively identified, held a so ciai eyenlng Thursday In honor of Wilfrid Hicks who has been trans ferred from the local branch of W. Hi Malkln Co. Ltd to Kamloops where he will take over the duties of manager. On behalf of the board, the presentation was made by Rev. J. C. Jackson to Mr.. Hicks of a handsome fountain pen'jM'a token of appreciation and; eejern. Jergen Hotel Arrivals Royal Mr. and Mrs. R. Klnnle an.cV R. McLean, Vancouver. ; Central H. Leask and Harry Cete,.city. Prince Rupert . Towers and J. W. McEwen, Vancouver; B. Griffin, Arrandaie; WJ1-11am Dancey, Montreal. , An Invitation Is extended to any recognized organization, social club or service club to sponsor a candidate for Queen , of the Port Day celebration on August 25th. The elected Queen ("Miss Prince Rupert" for 1938) wins a round trip to Vancouver. See Art Nlckerson of Watts k Nlckersori for further Information. French Milled Bath Soap Assorted Odors : SPECIAL 3 CAKES FOR 23c Ormes ltd "JhA Pioneer Drtu&iats The tiM Store Humee: pi U ,Open Daily From t a.m. till ID p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till J .m, 7 .m. till 9 p.m. AUGUST FURNITURE SALE BED COMPLETE Including bea:.steaihc.i!pring and ?a:vVvUr;v!j'j-n VlTef only Pric'eT.. Phone 775 f 327 THIRD AVENUE MILK We Ilave Grade. "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due yancouyer', Monday a.m. If .Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further formation Regarding Res,e,ryaUons .and Ttcketa Tom A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 56S m 'l hi WW m mm 'it l-V I ri V'js